It is very important that you all understand that when you are seeing repeated numbers, this is from the HOLY SPIRIT. He is the one who guides and speaks in numbers and signs to you, personally, and for your personal walk in faith. When you see these numbers, make a note of the time and date and where and when it was shown to you. Then ask Holy Spirit to give you understanding and a strategy moving forward. The Holy Spirit is speaking to you, and He is lining you up with the word and will of God for the next steps in your life and purpose.

Jesus said He would ask the Father to send us a helper, and He (yes, the Holy Spirit is a person, and He is a he) is helping you in these ways—by showing you numbers, colors, signs, and confirmations in the word. Why? Because it is His job to insure that you fulfill all that you are called to do and that you complete your life’s purpose given to you by God and written for you in Heaven by Jesus Christ Himself—the author and finisher of your faith. (Watch my teaching:  Is it Ok to Ask The Holy Spirit For A Sign?)

Angels do not give us these signs. They are messengers who bring a message directly from the Father as they stand in the presence of the throne of God. Angels do not show you numbers. Their messages are only for major, timely assignments from God Himself that have to do with more corporate kingdom purposes for the greater good of the world and the nations. (Luke 1:19 I am Gabriel,” replied the angel.  I stand in the presence of God, and I have been sent to speak to you and to bring you this good news. (THIS WAS A MAJOR EVENT ANNOUNCING THE PLAN OF JOHN THE BAPTIST TO BE BORN OF ZECHARIAH AND ELIZABETH). However, the Bible does tell us that the angels can be sent to minister to us for our needs and be sent on assignments. We actually have authority to command them through our seat as a king and priest through Christ Jesus. See Hebrews 1:13-14. I have some deep teachings on the angelic and how to send them on assignments through your seat of authority in Christ in Chapter 12 of my book, Faith At Full Speed. Get my book here.

Angels of the Lord are fierce fighters—our protectors—and do assignments only at the authority of JESUS CHRIST through Him working in us. Angels do not “guide” your purpose and do not give you understanding of what your calling and purpose is. That is strictly the work of the Holy Spirit. HE IS your partner, guide, and communicator.

If you think you have an “angel guide” communicating with you, be very careful. This is a demonic familiar spirit. They are very possessive and hard to get rid of. They can begin to bring havoc into your life if you do not do what they want. If you think you may have unknowingly opened a door to a demonic familiar spirit, you can repent to God for opening that demonic door. Ask Jesus to cover it all with His blood, and then come out of agreement with anything having to do with that familiar spirit!  Then, in the name of Jesus, command that familiar spirit to leave right now! You renounce it, rebuke it, and command it in Jesus’ name to leave you immediately. You do not belong to them! Tell them you are done with them forever, and send them to the uninhabited dry place to stay until Jesus Christ comes and tells them where to go. Forbid it from ever coming near you or your family again! Then, ask the Holy Spirit to come and take over every area where that familiar spirit vacated.  (Learn here how to remove and close off any demonic doors.)

We do not command the Holy Spirit, nor do we have authority over Him. He is the PRESENCE OF THE LIVING GOD on the earth and within you—your partner. He works with YOU as a gift from God the Father as a part of Himself to be with you always. He begins by giving you subtle signs and nudges that He is there and wants to be your Helper. He usually starts these subtle signs with showing you repeated numbers. He will not force Himself on you. You must acknowledge, accept, and invite Him to be your complete partner. After that, You are never walking alone or in the dark. He has all the knowledge, short cuts, strategies, directions, answers, revelation, and wisdom you could ever need, and He wants to share it with you!

Jesus said He only did what the Father told Him to do. That was the Holy Spirit communicating to Him while on His earthly ministry. Jesus was specific with numbers in His life to confirm prophecy and to teach. Jesus Christ is the spirit of prophecy and the Word. For example, Jesus said we are to forgive others “seventy times seven” in response to Peter’s question, “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother when he sins against me? Up to seven times?” (Matthew 18:21-22).  The number 7 means God has completed a thing. Its God’s number of completion. In other words, when you forgive someone, completely forgive them as God does with you!

The HOLY SPIRIT IS THE ONMI-PRESENCE OF GOD COMMUNICATING AND GUIDING YOUR DAILY LIFE.  If you have not invited the Holy Spirit to come and be your partner, you can ask Him to come where you can hear Him more clearly. You can do so here with my prayer. The two most important things the Holy Spirit points you to is: 1.) The word of God and 2.) A deeper relationship with Jesus Christ.

The Holy Spirit is always speaking and leading, and He loves to use repeated numbers to communicate with you. He also uses colors to speak. If you are seeing repeated colors or a certain color in dreams, go to the BIBLICAL meaning of these colors with WORSHIP FLAGS. Those who make the worship flags have deeply studied these color meanings in the Bible.  Here is a biblical colors resource:

The numbers and colors that you see should always lead you to produce GOOD FRUIT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, CONFIRM WITH THE WORD OF GOD, AND BRING A NEXT STEP OR UNDERSTANDING OF YOUR NEXT STEPS FOR YOUR PURPOSE OR YOUR ANSWERED PRAYER—STRATEGY FOR YOUR LIFE. This should always draw you into a closer relationship with your Father God and our Lord Jesus Christ and a deeper partnership with the Holy Spirit, never ever fear or confusion!  Fear is not of God, and the enemy is the author of confusion. The numbers you are being shown from the Holy Spirit should work to bring more clarity and faith in your life!

Now, let’s get focused on the numbers …

Here are my biblical teachings on some common numbers: 

111 –  Multiplication of your blessing, a seed you have sown is coming to harvest. (Deut 1:11) Another meaning to seeing 111 is God is waiting on HIS WORD to come out of YOUR MOUTH so it can be activated, accelerated, and multiplied. This is a multiplication blessing also of 111. God watches over His word to perform it.  You speak it boldly by faith He accelerates and multiplies it! We know that 11 and 11:11 mean WAKE UP, you are about to see the Glory of God! Speak by faith what you want to see activated, accelerated, and multiplied!  Jeremiah 1:11-12 “The word of the Lord came to me, saying, ‘Jeremiah, what do you see?’ And I said, ‘I see the branch of an almond tree.’ 12 Then the Lord said to me, ‘You have seen well, for I am [actively] watching over My word to fulfill it.’” NOTE: In Jeremiah 1:11, the almond tree was known as the “awake tree” because it was the first tree to bud in the new year (late January). It was the symbol of watchfulness in Israel.

222 – Key to a strategy or special divine assignment – Jesus Himself is giving you the Key to do it. (Isaiah 22:22) See my teaching video, “Abraham’s Key – Divine Key From God – 222” to learn more.

333 – Call upon God to show you the hidden things. Apocalypse (ἀποκάλυψις, apokálypsis) is a Greek word meaning “revelation —an unveiling.” An apocalypse is a disclosure or revelation of great knowledge. Scripture reference: Jeremiah 33:3 “Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.” See my Prayer of Discernment to call upon God to show you the hidden things.

 444 – There is an open door for you – the timing of going through a new door. 4 means ‘door’ in Hebrew. 444 is also the musical chord or frequency that King David played on his harp;  444 — door to heavenly frequencies and healing. 

555 – The Grace of God is upon you to do something big or even more grace for your current situation: Learn more on my 555 teaching video.

666 – The number of “man” or “the flesh” usually a warning to take a look at yourself if you are relying more on man’s ways than God’s ways.

777 – God has completed something major in your life.

888 – New beginnings and Jesus Christ.

999 – Judgement of sin – repent. Prepare to birth a new thing in your life.

10:10 – God’s commandments, and He is bringing everything into alignment according to His word and His will for your life.

11:11 – Awakening – wake up, pay attention, you are about to see the Glory of God in your life. Read more on 11:11

12:12 – God’s perfect Government; one new man – Jew and Gentile coming together. The 12 Tribes of Israel converging with Jesus 12 Apostolic Government coming together as one. This is for the nations and for the people of God. If you see it, it means it’s time for you to start studying more on Yeshua Jesus as Messiah and the Hebrew roots of our Faith.  Here is my word on the 12:12. 


911: The Holy Spirit reminded me about the Angelic that is all around us and was showing me 911 repeatedly and First Responder Vehicles.  Psalm 91:11 “For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.” Many times the Holy Spirit has revealed to me when you see first responder vehicles that is directly representing the presence of the Angels of the Lord in the area. I realized that when we declare God’s word out loud, the Angels of the Lord, harken (come close and are ready to assist) to the word of the Lord. I believe this is confirmation that we should speak Psalm 91 throughout the day, and know by faith the Angels have been dispatched and activated all around you, their protection is so detailed that they even keep you from stubbing your toe! Psalm 91:12 “They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone.” I have been declaring Psalm 91 fully over myself and my family every day and I encourage you too as well. Seeing 911 repeatedly could be the Holy Spirit prompting you to do this. Also another meaning to seeing 9:11 repeatedly is the fulfillment of God’s promise for revival and restoration from Amos 9:11  “In that day will I raise up the tabernacle of David that is fallen, and close up the breaches thereof; and I will raise up his ruins, and I will build it as in the days of old.”  The tabernacle of David was a tent where David went to worship and sing to God in the Presence of God.   You may be called to be a part of revival, setting up tents and even to evangelize those to Christ.  This is connected to God’s promises of restoration, restitution and His Kingdom being established on earth as it is in Heaven.

311 – many scriptures that are 3:11 that are fitting for us today, and also may be personally for you right now!

When a number has an 11 after it biblically and prophetically meaning “to add to, multiply or bear witness”.  Such as the number “3” is the completeness of God The Father, Son and Holy Spirit. When adding on the number “11”  meaning, bear witness to this word, to this moment. 11 can also mean multiplication of what you have in hand or wake up and pay attention, witness this right now!

Ruth 3:11 And now, my daughter, don’t be afraid. I will do for you all you ask. All the people of my town know that you are a woman of noble character.

Ecclesiastes 3:11 He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.

Luke 3:11 John answered, “Anyone who has two shirts should share with the one who has none, and anyone who has food should do the same.”

John 3:11 Truly, truly, I say to you, we speak of what we know, and bear witness to what we have seen, but you do not receive our testimony.

Galatians 3:11 Now it is evident that no one is justified before God by the law, for “The righteous shall live by faith.”

Revelation 3:11 I am coming soon. Hold fast what you have, so that no one may seize your crown.


Biblical and Prophetic Meanings: Numbers 711, 717, 818, 919 – Asking, Overcoming, Receiving! Read more here.

Note: For double digit, non-matching numbers being shown to you, such as 81, 52, 63, etc., these almost always point to chapters in Psalms or Isaiah since these books go up the highest in chapters. However, use discernment and ask the Holy Spirit to point you to the correct book in the Bible. You may not get confirmation from Psalms or Isaiah for answer to your current situation. I keep seeking that number in the word until I get a confirmation in my spirit. Confirmation should feel like a leaping in the very core of your being. You just know that you know!  It’s a wow moment that always connects to your current situation or one you have been praying for.

Numbers going up in order such as 123, 1234, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666, 777, 888, 999, 1010 – this means the Holy Spirit is working with you to bring things in your life into order and alignment with the will of God for you and your purpose. Ask Him to keep giving you confirmation when you take a step to see the next number in succession to confirm you are on the right path!

Biblical Number Meanings References:

Now other good BIBLICAL teachers of this that I personally recommend are Pastor Troy Brewer with “Numbers That Preach” and . You can also use Hebrew based alpha numeric meanings as well as the Strong’s Concordance of the Hebrew meanings of the numbers if four in a row. THE HEBREW LANGUAGE IS ALPHA NUMERIC AND NUMBERS MEAN WORDS. It is God’s language, and this is how He speaks to us. Yes, ancient Aramaic Hebrew is the language God wrote with HIS OWN FINGER on stone on the 1o commandments. I encourage you to study the Hebrew alphabet and numerical meanings. An excellent teacher of this is Rabbi Jason Sobel.

Bibilcal Numbers Resource Referring Scripture:

Is Gematria okay? I get many questions on this. Gematria is an ancient Hebrew practice of adding up numbers and letters to get insight on what God is doing with a situation. I was very concerned about Gematria, so I stayed away from it and waited for the Holy Spirit to give me understanding if it was okay. God showed me clearly that He speaks through numbers, that He is intentional and He is mathematical. In my faith growth journey, I did open up to studying more on Gematria and asked the Holy Spirit to confirm.

One time, the Holy Spirit did use Gematria with me to confirm something with adding up numbers.  This was about four or five years ago. He spoke to me a specific five-digit number. I was lying in bed one night after a day with my hubby that was not exactly harmonious for us. I was seeking the Holy Spirit for comfort, and  I heard in my spirit “90643.” I heard it three times. I immediately wrote it down and asked the Holy Spirit to reveal to me what that meant. I searched out zip codes and all kinds of things and nothing made sense to my situation. I kept this in my notes and told the Holy Spirit I trusted Him to confirm when the time was right.

Over a year later, I was praying for confirmation on my ministry assignment from the Lord, and if my Husband and I were ever going to work together in the ministry. Things did not seem like my husband was going to come on board with me, but I had been praying for a sign of God’s faithfulness and confirmation that God was working on him, as I was feeling discouraged. I had been sending the Holy Spirit as my helper to work on Mike and to bring us together in the ministry for the Lord. My husband, Mike, and I have the same birthday, March 22nd. We were married on April 22nd. It’s very obvious that our number is 22. At that time, I was NOT seeing the number 22 for any confirmation at all. I was then led to a teaching on Gematria by Pastor Troy Brewer  (over a year after getting this 90643 number from the Holy Spirit). I felt a prompting in my spirit to use Gematria and add up the numbers: 9+0+6+4+3=22. I was floored! It added up to 22! This was the sweetest confirmation from the Holy Spirit, and I knew He was with me and Mike and all would come to pass that I was praying for!

Just one time in five years has the Holy Spirit led me to Gematria. He does NOT use it for everything. The Holy Spirit speaks in many ways, not just through numbers. He can speak through another person and animals and nature. (NOT “spirit animals!” Stay away from that; it is not of God!) For animals and nature, look how God created it and it’s behavior. There is a message in each creature and why God created it. Is the plant or animal in the Bible? For instance, butterflies and dragonflies represent transformation. Roses represent Jesus—the Rose of Sharon. Eagles represent vision and rising up and soaring in power and strength, etc. Holy Spirit has spoken to me through cars, trucks, and types of vehicles that He has pointed out to me on a given day. For example, first responder vehicles, police cars, and fire engines represent the angelic of the Lord in the area.

Be warned that you cannot put God in a BOX and go hyper-focused on one thing! There are people out there who use Gematria for everything and have very seriously been led astray and led others astray in the process! UNDERSTAND God can speak through anything He has created and anything in your path each day! It is us who must be praying for discernment to have our eyes and ears and spirit tuned into HIS VOICE and what HE wants you to see and pay attention to! Remember to write it down and thank the Holy Spirit for bringing it to your attention.

I want to warn you, do not look up the meanings of “angel numbers.” That is NOT of God. It is New Age occult and demonic.  PLEASE STAY BIBLICAL OR YOU COULD GO DOWN A VERY WRONG PATH IN YOUR LIFE.  God’s word never lies and will keep you on track!



#biblenumbers  #propheticnumbers #1111 #333 #222 #444 #555 #777 #888 

Much Love,

Coach Annamarie

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