Annamarie’s Current and Former Mentoring Students:
“My journey to get to know God a lot deeper started in January 2023 when I started the New Testament swith Matthew chapter 1. I went all the way through to chapter 18 of Matthew but stopped in about March. From March 2023, I started listening to Annamarie’s Monday, Wednesday, and Friday broadcasts on YouTube. They were very inspiring, and God was doing something in me while I was listening to those broadcasts. I had never heard of Annamarie Strawhand but I liked what I was hearing.
I also liked that Annamarie used to Work with NASCAR because my son and I are big NASCAR fans. I did not really understand about going into the Courts of Heaven or doing land assignments in my area, but I was interested to say the least. In June 2023, Annamarie was opening up her mentoring classes so I immediately filled out the application. I was happy to hear that I was one of the first ones accepted into the program in early July 2023.
I got into the mentoring program by myself because my wife Kathie was not on board with me yet about it. The month of July 2023 I believe was the beginning of some awesome changes that happened in my life. On one broadcast, I believe a Wednesday in July 1, told Annamarie that I keep seeing different numbers and she interpreted that was for me needing to forgive my wife’s sister because of an inheritance that my wife and I did not receive. I am amazed at the words of knowledge and prophecy that we have received through Annamarie. I bought two Prayer books that the ministry has volume one and the fasting book. also bought the book Faith at full speed because I wanted to read Annamarie’s experiences with NASCAR. I explained to my wife Kathie that I was in this mentoring program and I have an AB meaning accountability buddy my first accountability buddy was Bernice from Texas. We spoke on an almost daily basis and encourage one another as accountability buddies. We prayed for my wife to want to be a part of this mentoring program. In September or October 2023 my wife Kathie came on board and is now a part of the mentoring program. There’s been so many awesome things that have happened for my wife, Kathie and me and our children since we have been in this mentoring program. GOD even told me through this ministry that (we will have) a business for greeting cards and Christian shirts, and coffee mugs with my favorite sayings on them. We now have this business! Both my wife, Kathie and I have been Christians for at least 40 years. We have learned more about our authority in about God in the past year and a half compared to the 40 years prior. We also now know how to pray with Authority and expect answers from God. Thank you, Coach Annamarie, for teaching us and trusting us to be intercessors for this ministry in Orange County of California. I am Phil Zoerlein and I approve this message!” – Phil Zoerlein, Orange, California

“Coaching with Annamarie turned my life around. She taught me how to THINK BIG! A few short months after training in her program I have been very successful gaining sponsorship partners and building my dream of owning my own race team. Thank You Annamarie! I am now able to continue my dream and passion of owning and driving Sprint Cars professionally. I use the tools I learned from Annamarie’s coaching now in my life everyday!” – Joshua Shipley, Owner/Driver of Joshua Shipley Racing – Youngtown, AZ

“Annamarie’s personalized coaching strategies are working extremely well for me. My confidence is through the roof because of the support and guidance in her program. I have been able to apply these new learned skills into my music coaching business as well as my race team. I am so grateful to have her to help me with every step of my career, team and business!” – Anji Thornton, Anji Thornton 51 Racing and Anji Thornton Music Coach – Las Cruces, New Mexico

“I would just like to take this time to thank my coach Annamarie Strawhand. Thank you for leading on the path to success in the auto racing industry. Your teachings on leadership and self-accountability will forever be with me as I approach new situations both on and off the track. But most of all I would like to say on behalf of my family and myself thank you for taking a chance on me! From the very beginning you saw something in me that no one else including myself could see, and I will make it my duty to make sure I not only keep my dream alive but all you taught me as well! I wish you the best success in your new ventures in ministry mentoring and I will be a weekly subscriber as usual. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH!!!” – Walter Thomas III, NASCAR Driver – Indianapolis, IN