Tag: washington dc

Prophetic Word Over Washington DC – Annamarie Strawhand

Prophetic Word Over Washington DC – Annamarie Strawhand

Annamarie Strawhand speaks a prophetic word over Washington DC on May 24th, 2022

Transcription of the prophetic word that the Holy Spirit gave to Annamarie Strawhand to speak on location over Washington, D.C., on May 24, 2022.

Watch the video, and then read the transcript below.


ANNAMARIE: So I’m proclaiming right now over Washington, D.C., that the old Washington, D.C., is … I see the flags over there at half-mast, over there over the White House. The White House is over there, and all the office buildings and the White House is over there. And I see the flags at half-mast and I say that all the evil of Washington, D.C., is dead. It’s dead. It’s gone, washed away by the blood of Jesus Christ, and we say new beginnings for Washington, D.C., because the new name for Washington, D.C., is Washington, District of Christ, and we shall see all the new things of Christ Jesus, of Almighty God, and of His righteousness and His holy government come forth. 

This is the government of God, Almighty God, Your perfect government, Father God, be established now in this nation of America, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Yeshua HaMashiach.

And so with this victory trumpet, I proclaim right now, hear ye, hear ye, O the heavens and the earth, the earth is the Lord’s in the fullness thereof, right, Psalm 24, for He hath established it. Who shall ascend to the hill of the Lord? He that hath clean hands and a pure heart. Capitol Hill, the only ones that’ll as, ascend to this hill shall be those who have clean hands and a pure heart and those who have the righteousness of Almighty God and those who are here to bear good fruit — the fruit of the Holy Spirt. And anybody that is here that is not here to bear good fruit must be removed by the ax of God’s judgment, in the name of Jesus, and replaced with influences of righteousness. Who shall ascend to the hill of the Lord? This is now the hill of the Lord! This is now the hill of the Lord! Who shall ascend to the hill of the Lord? He that hath clean hand, hands and a pure heart. She that hath clean hands and a pure heart. Men and women of righteousness. 

So now we proclaim the gates of righteousness to open up over Washington, D.C., District of Christ, over this place, over this land, over this nation. Lift up your heads, O ye gates, and be ye lifted up ye everlasting doors, and the King of glory shall come in! Who is this King of glory? The Lord, the Lord strong and mighty. The Lord, the Lord God of Israel, God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob — Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord, the Lord strong and mighty. Lift up your heads, O ye gates, and be ye lifted up ye everlasting doors. Let the gates of righteousness open up and flood in Your people of righteousness, Your laws of righteousness, Almighty God. Let the King of glory come in, the Lord, the Lord strong and mighty, the Lord of hosts. Come in, King of glory. Come in, Lord of hosts. 

[Shofar blast]

Hallelujah! So be it. Thank you, God. Praise you, Father. Father God, you gave me a prophetic word over a year ago about this place, and You showed me a vision of the waters coming in and flooding this place. And the waters came and the geese were floating upon the waters. It’s a flood of your glory, God, and, Father, I ask You to do what You did before. Do it again, and take down these demonic idols. Take down these altars of Baal. Reduce them to stubble, Lord. You did it before; do it again. 

We were just reading 2 Chronicles Chapter 34, just in David’s tent. You had it turned to that chapter for me to read, Father God. It was for a reason, and You’re going to use this president, DONALD J. TRUMP, Your rightful president, Your David, son of David, to do it, and the law of the land will once be again Your law, God, Your holy law. 

Flood this place with your glory, God. Father, do it again, God. Let Your original intention for this land, for America, You founded America for Your plans and purposes, Father God. You founded America for the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. You’re rebuilding the tabernacle of David all over this land and all over the world. Let Your presence come and dwell with us. Your kingdom come now, God. Your will be done now, God, in the earth, in America, in us as it is in Heaven. So be it. Hallelujah. Glory to God.

Annamarie Strawhand




Transcription of the word that the Holy Spirit gave to Annamarie Strawhand, which she delivered during her broadcast of Life in the Faith Lane on August 6, 2021.

Watch the video, and then read the transcript below.



ANNAMARIE: Okay, so I have, uh, I have a word to share with all of you today that the Lord has given me, and it’s connected to, uh, the word that I had, um, let’s see, I don’t know what the date was, but God gave me a word, uh, several months ago to watch Washington, D.C., uh, watch the geese and watch the floodgates, watch the floodgates. Uh, that, uh, where the geese, uh, uh, in Washington right now are on dry land, um, you know, soon they will be, uh, floating on top of the water.

So if you want to go back and watch that word and listen to that word that the Lord gave me that day, um, it was from back in April. So it was back in April, 4/16/21; it was a very powerful word. He actually, it wasn’t just a, a word, it was a vision. He was actually showing me this in the spirit. 

And so, uh, last night, I had a dream, um, and I woke up from the dream, and the Lord said to me to reveal what He was showing me, uh, in the dream to all of you. And basically, what He was showing me was not just to watch for the flooding, uh, coming to Washington, D.C., but also to New York City, and He said particularly watch the Hudson River.

Now, um, I am not a doom and gloom prophet, and, uh, the Lord has spoke to me and shown these things to me before, but I’ve never, ever, ever felt a sense of fear, never felt a sense of fear. Uh, only I have, I have felt from the Lord that He is doing a time of cleansing, doing a time of cleansing, and, uh, you know, the Lord does, the Lord does not come to steal, kill, and destroy. It’s, it’s the enemy that comes to kill, steal, and destroy. But will He bring something, uh, to bring a cleansing? Uh, yes, He will.

Uh, we know that we have the covenant promise from God through Noah, at the sign of the rainbow, that God will never, uh, flood the whole earth again. Uh, but is He showing me places where there is going to bring, bring, bring some flooding, and it’s, it’s a cleansing. And what it is, is it’s connected to the scrubbing of the tunnels of the underground, things where underground evil has been happening.

So these three words are connected. Uh, He gave us a word back in, in March, uh, I think it was late March, early April. He said, um, “Watch my tunnel,” that, uh, you know, “I’m scrubbing the tunnels clean.” He’s scrubbing things clean. Uh, and that in that same timing when things are going to be washed and scrubbed and flooded clean, uh, He said, “Watch the, the evil, wicked ones will try to escape,” but He said, “Watch, even their own will pull them down.”

Two things that are, that are showing me not just Washington but also New York, uh, He showed me the Hudson River last night. He specifically said, Hudson. Uh, He said that, uh, there will be, uh, connected to the timing of wicked leaders being taken down and their own literally throwing them under the bus will be connected to that time when this cleansing and flooding, you know, is going to come.

Now, He showed me Washington a while ago, but He’s never showed me New, New York before, and the, uh, the other day, and we know that, uh, the resignation for, uh, Governor Cuomo of New York has been called by his own Democrats, by his own people. 

And because that flooding word and that washing and the scrubbing out of the tunnels was at the same time when it was connected to, you know, the wicked will try to escape and even their own will throw them down, you know, the Lord gave us that word months ago, but, you see, it, it can be months and weeks later when that word will come to pass.

So because those two are connected together and that happened with Cuomo the other day, which is a confirmation of the word of the Lord that was brought here by the Holy Spirit, okay, so you’ll have to go back and listen to my words. I have a whole playlist, uh, here on my YouTube channel of prophetic words of Annamarie Strawhand. Go back to the words from March and April because they’re connected to what’s happening right now.

Uh, and so we had confirmation — Governor Cuomo is being told to step down. His own people are throwing him under the bus, and the Lord said that would happen, and he’s just the first. There’s going to be many more. And the Lord said they’re going to try to escape, but their own will throw them down. And, uh, they’re going to try clever ways to escape, uh, that are going to look like, you know, oh, you know, they’re just going on vacation or whatever. No, they will not be able to escape justice. They will not be able to escape the Lord. They will not be able to escape justice. The Lord specifically said this, and let me, and it’s going to be their own, right? 

The enemy is going to, the enemy is going to turn against himself, right? The demons are going to turn against themselves. Right? The Lord said, “I’m going to send confusion in their camp, and they’re going to turn against each other.” And it’s going to be connected to when these, these floods are coming, so, because that word was all connected together. 

And He told me to watch the geese. Why watch the geese? Because He said the places where the geese were grazing on dry land, all of a sudden, you’re going to see those areas will be water, and the geese will be lifted up and floating. And that’s connected to us, the righteous ones, because geese used to represent the Holy Spirit back in the early Church. And, uh, that this cleansing is coming too, also because God wants to, uh, uh, things are going to be rewritten in truth. The geese also represent the quill of authority, the writers of authority.

So go back and listen to those words much deeper. So my word today is, it’s connected to those words that were given back in March and April and watch New York, Uh, particularly watch the Hudson River. Watch Washington, particularly the Potomac River. It’s connected floodgates opening, uh, and, um, I saw in this vision, I, I, I saw the Hudson, and I saw, uh, I saw, it was, uh, Donald Trump, Jr., Donald Trump, Jr., and he was saying, you know, “Let’s get to higher ground. Come on, get some supplies, and let’s get to higher ground.” 

But he wasn’t saying it in a panicky way. He wasn’t saying it like a fear way. He was like, “Hey, you know, uh, get some, get some supplies, and let’s just get to higher ground.” And he was in New York, and I was in a upper room with him. I was in a upper room with him, and I was hearing train whistles, which was interesting, train whistles, um, and, uh, uh, the Hudson kept being, uh, mentioned, and, uh, so, you know, these, these are connecting the dots.

Uh, I believe that the reason the Lord showed me Donald Trump, Jr., is because this is, this is also connected to God’s brilliant plan with what, uh, President Trump is doing. I believe signals and messages are coming to us, the people, through, uh, social media posts through President Trump, social media posts through Donald Trump, Jr., and social media posts through the Trump Properties. Okay? And, um, so we need to watch those, and we need to say, “Lord, what are You saying through Donald Trump, Jr.? What are you saying through President Trump? Lord, what are you saying through, uh, the posts of Trump Properties?” 

And it was interesting because the other day, there was a post from the Trump, uh, International Hotel in Washington, D.C., showing the whole length of Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C. You could see the Capitol way, way down, um, and you could see the tower, with the clock tower. The Lord told me to watch the, the clocks, uh, on the Trump Properties because this is all connected to His timing of returning President Trump.

And, um, what I saw was a picture of a very stormy sky over Washington, D.C. Uh, is this flooding connected to a storm? Possibly. Possibly. I, I believe that, uh, the Lord is showing Donald Trump what He’s doing and also connected to what the military is doing now that is in partnership with President Donald Trump, um, because these tunnels where they have done these evil things to children are getting scrubbed clean and washed out with, by water. It’ll be by water. 

This is so upsetting, but we know that the military has been going in and getting these children out for quite some time. People ask me, “Where are all the children?” Well, the, the military is caring for them. The military is caring for them, so, um, you know, all this has to be hidden right now. We just know what the Holy Spirit has shown us, and we just have to trust the Lord. We got to just continue to pray and, uh, just know that it’s, it’s not, the Lord does not give us a spirit of fear but of peace, right, of power, love, and sound mind. That we have to do all things in love. We have to do all things in faith. We have to have wisdom. 

And so we’re looking possibly at New York for what the Lord is showing me, uh, Washington, D.C., looking at the Hudson River and the Potomac River specifically. And the Lord showed me, um, that there is a floodgate in the Potomac River that is, uh, operated and guarded by the United States military, and it’s called Pumpkin Center. 

And I remember when the Lord gave me that word right after the election, and He gave me the word “pumpkin,” and there was, there was, uh, uh, a weapon that the Lord had given President Donald J. Trump, uh, and it, it, what He was showing me basically was, was a catapult, and like, uh, He called it pumpkin chunkin’ and He said that, you know, President Trump can, can do these from a distance. You know, he’s, like he’s giving these orders and these things are going to be like done from a distance, you know, and when he gives these orders that, you know, it will be done. 

And, um, it was interesting because the Lord gave me that word “pumpkin” again, and He showed me that these floodgates that are controlled by the United States military, uh, called, in Pumpkin Center on the Potomac, when they were, when they are opened it causes the flooding to go all into Washington, D.C., because Washington, D.C., was actually once a swamp, actually was a swamp. If you look at very old pictures from the 1800s, uh, and the early 1900s, uh, when they were building the Lincoln Memorial, uh, it was all swamp land. It was all water, uh, that was drained and rerouted, and so, uh, and that’s where I saw the geese. The geese were on the National Mall. They were grazing on the National Mall, and the Lord said, “Watch,” you know, “where the geese are grazing, there will be water.” 

And so, I’m telling you right now, I’m not telling you this to scare you. I’m telling you this to prepare you. I am not a gloom and doom prophet. I am just telling what, you what the Lord has showed me, uh, and, uh, you know, I have to, I have to reveal what He tells me to reveal. 

And so we are to still pray. We are to still suit up and, and keep our armor of God on. We are still to cover our homes and our loved ones in the blood of Jesus Christ, and, uh, you know, do not fear. It’s God cleaning up this mess. Okay? Exactly what we’ve been praying for. 

And when He showed me Don, Donald Trump, Ju, Jr., saying, “Hey, let’s,” you know, “let’s go up to the upper room.” That could have a double meaning, right? You know, go to a higher place. Uh, what is Trump known for? High places, skyscrapers. Uh, but it wasn’t Donald Trump, Sr. It was Donald Trump, Jr., and he was very relaxed, uh, you know, he had some food and snacks, and he was like, “Hey, let’s go hang out up here.” You know. “Don’t worry. Don’t worry about anything.” Uh, you know, and then Hudson, Hudson River, uh, and then again, I heard that train whistle coming. And I know what that means. That means the Great Awakening — the Glory Train. 

So when I hear the train, when I see train, uh, when I hear that train whistle, it say, it, it tells me that that’s the Glory Train of the Lord. The Great Awakening is coming. It cannot be stopped. Uh, it, it, it’s, uh, it’s here.

And, so, uh, now, I’ve told my husband, you know, and I said, “Look, you know, it’s probably wise, uh, I’m not a gloom and doom prophet, I’m not, you know, it’s probably wise for everybody to just have extra water, extra snacks, you know, a generator, unperishable foods, uh, you know, things like that if, if you’re in these areas.”

I, um, my husband and I, we live in a hurricane area here in Virginia Beach, so we’re always prepared just out of wisdom, out of wisdom, you know. Uh, you know, in case we would have electricity for out a week, we’ve got a generator. Uh, I always have, you know, extra candles, extra batteries, you know, unperishable foods, things like that. 

So, um, I’m not telling you this to freak you out or worry you or upset you or be like, “Ahhh,” or cause panic. No, no, no, not at all. I’m just saying everybody should do this out of wisdom, just out of wisdom, you know?

Is this part of a military plan? I believe, yes, part of it is, and I, with, with President Donald J. Trump, but I also believe it is also with God. I mean, and, I believe that the Lord has, has shown this, uh, and prophets have been speaking into President Trump about this.

And, uh, so, you know, I’m releasing this word to you in obedience, and so I’m not trying to repeat myself or, you know, cause any fear, whatever, but the Lord has been piecing this together for us since the beginning of the year, mainly in the Spring, “Watch the Geese in Washington, D.C., they’re grazing on dry land right now on the National Mall, but where you see them grazing now, soon you will see them swimming on the water.” You know, and that the floodgates are going to be open, and then He gave me confirmation with the military having control of the Potomac and the floodgates of the Potomac, named Pumpkin, connected to that original word that was given to me after the election that that is connected to the authority that President Trump has with, to launch something, um, and, you know, it’s just way, there’s no, I mean, it’s all way too coincidental the way this is all happening with these prophetic confirmations. You know, there, the word, there’s no coincidences with God, and I will tell you this, there is no word for coincidence in the Hebrew language. It’s just all God. 

And so, as I release this word to you today, it is not with fear. It’s not with foreboding. It is be prepared, pray, use wisdom, and know that God is bringing forth what He said He’s going to do. And, uh, stay in faith, and just know that this thing with Cuomo is just the first one. That, uh, they’re, that the enemy is going to be, they’re going to be throwing each other under the bus. They’re going to be pulling each other down. That’s what the Lord said, and it’s connected with the scrubbing of the tunnels, the cleansing, the waters coming, uh, and the, you know, the finishing up of, of this mission, uh, and, uh, particularly, God is highlighting New York City and Washington, connected to the Hudson River and the Potomac River. 

And so, uh, if you have loved ones in those cities, just pray that the Holy Spirit, send the Holy Spirit to them (Prayer To Send The Holy Spirit To Help With Loved Ones), that the Holy Spirit will give them wisdom at this time, and, um, that, uh, we’re re, that the Holy Spirit will reveal, will reveal to them what He’s revealed to you. Okay?

And it really is a time of cleansing and God bringing a cleansing and restoring this nation, and His hand of grace is really upon us. It really, really is. So rejoice in the Lord. Rejoice in the Lord, and just be, be as wise as serpents and as innocent as doves, and just, just know that God, God is doing all things for our good, all things, all things for our good for those who love Him. Okay? All right?

All right, so that is the word. I’ve released it. We need to go into our prayer time, uh, I’m going to have my scribe, Goose, transcribe this, uh, for you the best she can. We, we, we definitely have a lot going on with this, uh, prayer for the schools. This is a very, very important word from the Lord, um, for this time, and just know, you know, justice is here. God is bringing a cleansing, President Trump and the military, and, um, also His supernatural cleansing. 

And the Glory Train is coming. That whistle was blowing in the spirit. And it was interesting because I saw in my dream, I was up in this upper room with Donald Trump, Jr. He was talking about the Hudson River, and, and we were in, what I would say was New York City, and, uh, he had snacks and supplies, and he was in, we, a good mood, and there wasn’t any fear whatsoever. 

And I remember looking out the window in that upper room, and I could hear that train whistle in the spirit. I could hear that train whistle in the spirit, and I could hear the train coming, and I know it’s the Glory Train of the Lord — the Great Awakening — because that’s what He’s called it to me many, many times. 

And, um, as the Glory Train was coming, I could, there was a patch of woods in this dream that I could see through. There was like an opening in the woods, and, as I looked through, okay, um, this train was coming across this train trestle. It was like a train, a metal train trestle, and as the train, I could hear the train coming, the whistle blowing, the whistle blowing, and as it came across the train trestle, that train trestle was shaking and knocking and shaking and knocking, and as that train was so powerful, and it was coming across that train trestle, it sounded like a, uh, a supernatural clanging, like metal against metal, like, like you would take a crowbar and just hit the side of that metal train trestle bridge. It was so loud! And it was just reverberating in the spirit. It was like, “The train’s coming! Wake up! Wake up!”

And it’s not just you could hear the train, but you could feel the train, and as it came acron, across that train trestle, it was just banging and knocking and shaking, metal against metal,and I was like, “Wow, that’s loud!” I could, I could hear it so loud, and then I’m thinking, “I ho, I hope everybody can hear this! I hope everybody can hear this!” And so because the train was so close and the noise was so close, and we were seeing it from an ele, from an elevated place, I knew. I knew that’s exactly what was happening in the spirit, and that all this was coming together. It’s converging right now. Uh, watch New York. Watch, uh, Washington. The cleansing is happening, uh, and the judgment of the wicked.

And I will tell you this, you’re going to see these wicked ones getting thrown under the bus. It’s going to be like boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. They’re going to be tak, they’re going to be throwing each other under the bus. I mean, Cuomo’s just the first. 

And we just thank you, Lord God, for hearing our prayers for this nation of America. We thank You, Lord God, for hearing our prayers for Your Church, for Your people, for our children. We thank You, God, for hearing our prayers for, for this land because You love America. And thank You, God, for sending President Trump and our brave military, Lord, our righteous leaders, Lord, for Your kingdom and for Your glory. We trust You, God. We praise You. We will be wise in this time. We will not be fearful, but we will be wise. We will have wisdom and faith. Your will be done, Lord God. Your kingdom come in America as it is in Heaven, in this earth as it is in Heaven. Let Your Glory Train come. We hear it coming. We receive it, in Jesus’ name. Whoo hooooo!

I tell you what. My whole body is just vibrating right now when I talk about what I saw and felt in the spirit with that train. And the metal against metal, it’s, it was like a, it really was; it was like a crowbar, uh, the hitting the side of that train trestle, just like BAM, BAM, BAM, and I’m like, “This, this is going to be a big wake up. This is going to be a big wake up.”

So as we go into our prayer today, um, I want y’all to remember something, okay? Stay off the frequency of the demonic and get on God’s frequency. Stop talking about his jab. Stop talking about the fearful things, right, because the enemy wants to keep the fear swirling.  He wants to keep the fear swirling, and that’s why I got kind of tough with you guys the other day when we were doing our Q&A on Wednesday with all these questions about the jab, all these fearful questions about the jab. 

Listen, I want you to stay in faith. The Lord is, he, he’s taking care of things, hearing our prayer, okay? And just know the, He’s taking down the, the evil. He is. All right? But we got to keep standing strong in the Lord. Ke, keep speaking up for righteousness, okay? Keep speaking up for our constitutional rights, okay, and stay calm. Stay suited up in your armor of God. Stay in your authority and know your victory is in Christ in all things because you are covered in the blood of Jesus Christ, redeemed out of the hand of the devil, and set apart for the plans and purposes of God ALL for the glory of God, and nothing by, nothing by any means shall harm you. So stay on God’s frequency, the faith frequency, and know the Glory Train is coming. Do you hear it? Do you hear the whistle? Do you hear the clanging and the banging? Come on. Do you hear it? I do. Open up to, open up your spiritual eyes and ears. Glory to God. 

Okay, so I obediently released that word, um, and listen, no fear. There’s no fear in us, only faith and wisdom. Okay.

Below are the links to the two prophetic words mentioned in this broadcast that are connected to this one:

Prophetic Revelation: 4-16-21 Washington Dc – Geese – Floodgates – History Rewritten!

Supernatural Catapult and Punkin Chunkin Against The Enemy – Trump and Steve Bannon