Tag: trump

Prophetic Word: NASCAR, Truex, And Trump – Get Ready For Big Blessings – Coming Fast

Prophetic Word: NASCAR, Truex, And Trump – Get Ready For Big Blessings – Coming Fast

This is the word I posted on May 21, 2018.


Annamarie Strawhand – Faith and Victory Coach – May 21, 2018
I have a prophetic word that I think everyone here will be blessed by, especially our patriotic prayer warriors who have been praying for the president, and justice and truth in America.

Today, President Trump welcomed NASCAR Racing Champion Martin Truex. This is something that I have a background in as I worked as a marketing professional in NASCAR for many years. I said, “Lord, You are giving us encouraging messages with winning racehorses (Justify). Please speak to me about what You are saying in NASCAR right now, a highly popular American sport too!” I knew there had to be a message here in all this!

So, this is what I am getting from the Holy Spirit today:
TRU: Martin Truex has the same start of his name “Tru” – “Trump,” “Truman,” “Truth.” This prefix of “Tru” in the name was also prophesied by John Kilpatrick. Watch this short video clip to hear it: “What Was, Is Again—Trump, Truman, Truth – Word delivered by John Kilpatrick on January 29, 2017

Earned His Way: From what I know about Martin Truex, he was always an underdog type driver. He comes from a blue collar family and not the latest type of silver-spoon drivers who bring cash to drive. He has earned his way with hard work. This speaks of the American dream coming alive again for hard working people — working their way up with grit and determination.

Man of the People: Truex came to popularity as being a man’s-man-type guy with a big heart who stood by his girlfriend when she was dealing with cancer, and then the two of them did everything they could to help children with cancer. This speaks of the men and women in America who have prospered that God can use for good. Iit’s all about the giving.

Humble Beginnings: He did not have big sponsors at first, but with his ability to win with a lower budget team, he became a fan favorite. The sponsors were attracted by the growing fan base and the cinderella-type story of the team. This shows the American marketplace is going to veer more to what the people want and getting behind the underdog. I see this already happening in many more venues across America. The hard working guy or girl with a big dream will be getting more and more financial support from benefactors in the coming years.

Truex’s team is not part of the NASCAR ‘elite’: NASCAR political insider deal – it is fashionable to be located in Charlotte, NC. This Truex team raced successfully out of Denver CO. Something unheard of in this industry. NASCAR has been advocating alot of political correctness lately in the organization that the fans do not like, and they were losing their fanbase. However, NASCAR publicly endorsed Trump and dropped all the PC after their top drivers voiced support. The NASCAR fanbase and demographic are mostly very conservative and patriotic Trump supporters. This shows me that the tables are turning back to grass roots America for the sport. Very good for our patriotism, which is going back to “grass roots.” Today sealed the deal back to Trump for 2020 support. This is a top sports corporation that is finally “getting it” — do what your fanbase wants. (Take notes, NFL)

Truex’s Car sponsor is “TRACKER”: Tracker Boats sponsor Truex and are known for tracking systems to catch big fish and go into all types of waters. I see this as a metaphor for the President’s “catching the big fish hiding in deep waters” right now. He has his trackers on it! I see this as a message for the President and what He is getting ready to do with the corrupt in Washington.

Race Car Number 78: This is the Hebrew year 5778. This brings me again to the TRU and the combination of the TRUTH name. That Truth is being revealed and brought to the front and truth will once again be championed in America, especially God’s Truth! Everything God is doing right now through America connects back to blessing Israel. We bless Israel — America will be Blessed!

Timing of the WhiteHouse Visit: Truex won the Championship last November; however, today he and his team were officially recognized at the Whitehouse by President Trump. The race car itself was right out front and Truex presented the President with a custom race helmet. In my spirit I heard, “It’s time to strap in and get ready. Is about to get exciting for America! The time is now, and the President is going to go for it with four barrels, and he has a winning crew in place!!”

I am not sure if the President timed this as a signal that he is about to drop the hammer full speed on something big against the corrupt and those who need to be prosecuted because of crimes against our American people. We think things have been going slow, but I feel Trump has been preparing for a strategic takedown. He even said in his speech, “Start Your Engines!” We need to strap in and hold on. I see something BIG happening thats been in the prep for a while, and this was a go go go — the green flag is flyin’!

I am so excited! This is a marker right here for us, and the TRUTH is going to come out so fast we will be blown away by it all!!  Also, the “trophy cup” was displayed and all I could think of was champagne/wine being poured out of it.  The Holy Spirit brought me to this scripture: Amos 9:13-15 “Yes indeed, it won’t be long now.”

God’s Decree: “Things are going to happen so fast your head will swim, one thing fast on the heels of the other. You won’t be able to keep up. Everything will be happening at once, and everywhere you look, blessings! Blessings like wine pouring off the mountains and hills.”

Whooo HOOOO!!!! Get ready America!!

Watch this short video clip:  NASCAR Champion Martin Truex Visits White House