Tag: trump

Prophetic Insight: Trump-Kennedy Tartans

Prophetic Insight: Trump-Kennedy Tartans

On April 6, 2023, the Holy Spirit began showing me something regarding Trump, Scotland, Plaid, Tartan, Tribes of Israel, and the Coat of Many Colors of Joseph.

I shared the notes I took down on my social media pages that evening and talked further about it on my Life in the Faith Lane broadcast on Monday, April 10, 2023.

Watch the video below and then see the notes that follow.



The Holy Spirit is showing me something regarding Trump, Scotland, Plaid, Tartan, Tribes of Israel, and the Coat of Many Colors of Joseph.

Tartan Day is a North American celebration of Scottish heritage on 6 April, the date on which the Declaration of Arbroath was signed in 1320. It originated in Canada in the mid-1980s. It spread to other communities of the Scottish diaspora in the 1990s. Wikipedia

Date: Thursday, April 6, 2023

Celebrations: Parades of pipe bands, Highland dancing, and other Scottish-themed events


Tartan Identifies the Clan or Tribe of Scotland – it is rooted to the banner colors over each tribe of Israel

An analysis of the meaning of the Hebrew term “cotonet pasim” and a comparison with garments of tartan-type design worn by Ancient Hebrews indicates that indeed the cloak of Joseph had a tartan design.

But what does it matter?

Why should we care?

What is the type of dress worn by Joseph supposed to tell us one way or other?

If we were to find tartan type designs in archaeological findings in China, Japan, Africa, would it make any difference?

In answer, we would reply, Probably Not!

[In fact, as we will see, tartan designs have been recovered by archaeological excavations in China but here too they may be attributed to an offshoot of the Celts that moved eastward.]

The Ten Tribes of Israel  who were exiled by the Assyrians and lost their identity became entities in Western Europe.

Part of the tribe of Joseph reached Scotland. Other Israelites reached Ireland and other portions of what in Modern Terms is considered ancient Celtic Civilization. The Tartan design became associated with Celtic bodies. From Ireland it passed to Scotland along with the Scots who gave Scotland its name. In Scotland it became a national symbol. Today in popular consciousness the design, especially as seen on the Kilt, it is considered particularly Scottish and the Scottish themselves so relate to it.

We know from other sources that many of the inhabitants of Scotland (and their offshoots in Ulster and North America etc) descend from Joseph especially Manasseh. There is therefore significance that the Scottish alone retain and maintain the same dress that distinguished Joseph from his brothers.

Genesis 37 (New King James Version)

37:3 Now Israel (Jacob) loved Joseph more than all his children, because he was the son of his old age. Also he made him a tunic of many colors.

37:4 But when his brothers saw that their father loved him more than all his brothers, they hated him and could not speak peaceably to him.

The tartan dress according to this may well have been the same dress that set Joseph apart from all the others. If this is so it has significance. It does not prove anything in itself but seen in the light of Brit-Am Teaching concerning the Scottish and their Israelite Origins it is well worth considering.

The implication is that the cloak of Joseph had a tartan design. This design was similar to that known from the region of  Ancient Canaan (Land of Israel) and may have been maintained by a portion of the Lost Ten Tribes (including the Tribes of Joseph) when they went into Exile. Some of these tribes reached the British Isles. In the past a tartan design was to be found amongst several of them. [Ancient tartan designs have also been reported from Scandinavia.] The Scottish received the design (together with the Scots) from Ireland. Only Scotland kept the design as part of its national self-recognition. From Scotland the design and the concept of a tartan distinctiveness has spread elsewhere and today is rather important in Canada and the USA. Since descendants of Joseph appear to be those who have persistently appreciated the design and elevated it to national levels then this could well reflect an instinctive subconscious identification with Joseph. Alternately the link between descendants of Joseph and the continued use of the tartan design may be attributed to Divine Providence. Either way it has an importance.  

Source: https://www.britam.org/tartan.html#Term 

Trump – Scotland – America




“Torah Shleymah” (Hebrew) by Menachem Mendel Kasher, Jerusalem, 5752.

on Genesis 37:3 (p. 1398 note 48) says:

# PASIM. Each and every PAS [i.e. stripe] was an entity on its own like [overlapping in a diamond-type pattern] the ears on a piece [Hebrew: “pisat” from PAS] of grain # Midrash HaChafets Manuscript.[48]

Note 48: # ..The Tunic was made of stripes with one stripe of one color and the next stripe of another like a Miletus garment which is made [plaided] of plaited stripes #

Explanation: A certain type of fine woolen cloth was named after Miletus [Milet in Hebrew]. Here it says that clothing from Miletus was woven in plaited plaids. It was folded in on itself and woven in diagonal lines.

An example of plaits is seen with girls with long hair who sometimes plait a kind of pony-tail with the plaits overlapping each other.

The Midrashic source says that each plaited unit was of a different color.

This is in effect a garment woven in the pattern such as that of the Temple Service tunic:


i.e. in a diamond (tartan) -type pattern but in the case of the Coat of Joseph not only was the tunic woven in such a fashion but also the colors were variegated.

In the story of Tamar, daughter of David  (2-Samuel 13:18) we read:

#Now she had on a robe of many colors [“cotonet passim”], for the king’s virgin daughters wore such apparel. #

The “cotonet passim” given by Jacob to Joseph was also a mark of rank and status.

Daat Mikra: #It would appear that we would not be mistaken in suggesting that Jacob when he made this garment intended that there should be fulfilled in Joseph the prophecy he had just received that “kings shall come from your body”  (Genesis 35: 11)# (DM Genesis 37:4 n.14b).

Gersonides opined that Cotonet Pasim connoted royalty.

Nachmanides (1194-1270, Spain, Jerusalem in Israel)

Nachmanides (like Gersonides) mentions both the signification of royalty and the tartan-type [tashbets] design.

Nachmanides (Exodus 28:2): ## For these clothes are clothes of royalty and like unto them were worn by monarchs in the time of the Torah. And so we find concerning the Cotonet, “he made him a tunic of many colors” (Genesis 37:3), meaning embroidered in the form of lines [Pasim] this being a garment of [tartan-type] Squares [tashbets]##.





PROPHECY OVER THE JUDAH BLOODLINE: “The scepter shall not depart from Judah” (earthly kings – with the right to rule until the second coming of Christ)

Genesis 49:10-12 Amplified Bible (AMP)“The scepter [of royalty] shall not depart from Judah, Nor the ruler’s staff from between his feet, Until Shiloh [the Messiah, the Peaceful One] comes, And to Him shall be the obedience of the peoples.

PROPHECY OVER THE JOSEPH BLOODLINE: “Kings and Nations shall come from you/the crown on the head of him” (sons of Joseph – Ephraim and Manessah became a tribe that will be founders of nations and wear the crown of favor, blessing, fruitfulness and leadership – with the fatherly blessing from Jacob.  Ephraim is America / Manessah is England- Scotland – Ireland)

They shall be on the head of Joseph,
And on the crown of the head of him who was separate from his brothers. Genesis 48.


Genesis 37:3.

# Cotonot Pasim. This was a sign that Joseph would be the leader in the house and in the field

as it says,  AND I WILL CLOTHE HIM WITH THY ROBE [Hebrew “cotonetcha”] …


The “cotonet passim” was not just an attractive garment. It was also a mark of rank.

The tartan kilts and designs in Scotland were also used to denote rank.

The Many-colored coat of Joseph was a mark of rank, decorated with striped lines of different colors, arranged in squares and interlocking with each other. It may not have been exactly like the tattern patterns we are familiar with but neither would it have been much different and could well have given rise to them. It was also probably made of linen.  The first tartan cloaks that arrived in Scotland from Ireland were also made of linen.

Mary Anne Trump (née MacLeod; Scottish Gaelic: Màiri Anna Nic Leòid [ˈmaːɾʲɪ ˈan̪ˠa ɲiçkʲ ˈʎɔːtʲ]; May 10, 1912 – August 7, 2000) was a Scottish-American domestic worker. She was the wife of real-estate developer Fred Trump, and the mother of Donald Trump, the 45th president of the United States.

Born in the Outer Hebrides of Scotland, Mary Trump immigrated to the United States in 1930 and became a naturalized citizen in March 1942.[1] She raised five children with her husband and lived in the New York area.[2]

Born  Mary Anne MacLeod

May 10, 1912

Tong, Lewis, Scotland, United Kingdom

Died  August 7, 2000 (aged 88)

New Hyde Park, New York, U.S.

Burial place  Lutheran All Faiths Cemetery, New York City


British subject

United States (from 1942)

Occupation  Domestic worker

Spouse  Fred Trump

​(m. 1936; died 1999)​


MaryanneFred Jr.ElizabethDonaldRobert

The Royal Judah Bloodline for Donald J. Trump came through his Mother’s side — MacLeod

The Joseph Tribe of Israel Bloodline (Ephraim-Manessa) connected to the Fitzgerald bloodline of Scotland – Ireland (dark-haired Scots) John Fitzgerald Kennedy also came from the Mother’s side – Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy

Kennedy family matriarch

Born  Rose Elizabeth Fitzgerald

July 22, 1890

Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.

Died  January 22, 1995 (aged 104)

Hyannis Port, Massachusetts, U.S.

Buried  Holyhood Cemetery

Brookline, Massachusetts, U.S.

Spouse(s)  Joseph P. Kennedy Sr.

​(m. 1914; died 1969)​


Joseph Jr.JohnRosemaryKathleenEunicePatriciaRobertJeanEdward

Parents  John Francis Fitzgerald

Mary Josephine Hannon

Rose Fitzgerald married JOSEPH Kennedy and had a son named Joseph

Mary MacLeod married Fred Trump and has a great-grandson named JOSEPH (via Ivanka)




Hebrew Calendar For Thursday, April 6th 2023  – 15 Nissan 5783

Passover – 1st Day (2nd Seder tonight)

Candle Lighting

Light Holiday Candles after nightfall ––:––

Torah Reading

Pesach Day 1: Exodus 12:21-51

Pesach Day 1: Numbers 28:16-25

Pesach Day 1: Joshua 3:5-7; Joshua 5:2 – 6:1; Joshua 6:27

Jewish History

“Covenant Between the Parts” (1743 BCE)
On the 15th of Nissan of the year 2018 from creation (1743 BCE) G-d forged a special covenant with Abraham in which the destiny of the Jewish people was foretold: the Holy Land was bequeathed to them as their eternal heritage, but first they would have to experience galut–exile and persecution. “And He said to Abram: ‘Know surely that your descendants shall be strangers in a land that is not theirs, and they will be enslaved to them, and they will afflict them four hundred years… and afterward they shall come out with great wealth.’ And when the sun went down and it was dark, behold, a smoking furnace and a burning torch which passed between those pieces… On that day G-d made a covenant with Abram, saying: ‘To your seed I have given these land, from the river of Egypt to the great river, the River Euphrates'” (Genesis 15:13-18).

The Covenant Between the Parts

Great Wealth


Abraham Battles Four Kings (1738 BCE?)
When Lot was taken captive by the four kings who conquered the “five cities of the plain” (Sodom, Gomorra, Admah, Zevoim and Zoar), Abraham, aided only by a small band of loyal servants, went to battle to rescue his nephew; “the night divided for them, for him and his servants, and they defeated them, pursuing them to Hovah, which is to the left of Damascus… And he recovered all the property; also his kinsman, Lot, and his property were recovered, and also the women and the people” (Genesis 14:15-16).

Link: Abraham’s battle

Angels Visit Abraham (1714 BCE)
On the 3rd day following his circumcision at age 99 (see “Today in Jewish History” for Nissan 13) three angels visited Abraham: Rephael healed him, and Michael informed Abraham and Sarah that, in exactly one year, a son will be born to them. (The third angel, Gabriel, proceeded to Sodom to destroy the wicked city).

More on Angels

Isaac Born (1713 BCE)
“G-d remembered Sarah as He had said; and G-d did to Sarah as He had spoken. And Sarah conceived, and bore Abraham a son in his old age, at the set time of which G-d had spoken to him… Abraham was a hundred years old, when his son Isaac was born to him. And Sarah declared: ‘G-d has made laughter for me, so that all that hear will laugh (‘yitzchak’) with me'” (Genesis 21:1-6).

The Resemblance

Learning to Laugh

Jacob Wrestles with Angel (1556 BCE)
“And Jacob was left alone, and a man wrestled with him until the break of dawn. When he saw that he could not prevail against him, he touched the socket of his hip, and the socket of Jacob’s hip became dislocated as he wrestled with him. And he (the angel) said, ‘Let me go, for dawn is breaking,’ but he (Jacob) said, ‘I will not let you go unless you have blessed me.’ So he said to him, ‘What is your name?’ and he said, ‘Jacob.’ And he said, ‘Your name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel; for you have contended with G-d and with men, and have prevailed'” (Genesis 32:25-29). It was the eve of Nissan 15.

The next morning, Jacob confronted Esau in the flesh. Esau, who had come with a band of armed men with the intention to kill his brother, “ran to meet him, and embraced him, and fell on his neck, and kissed him; and they wept.” Esau invited Jacob to join him in his mountain kingdom of Se’ir, but Jacob replied, “Please, let my lord go on ahead before his servant; and I will lead on slowly, according to the pace of the cattle that goes before me and the children, until I come to my lord to Se’ir” — a promise yet to be fulfilled (ibid., 33:4-14).

Wrestling with Angels

Facing Reality

Why Does Esau Hate Jacob?

Moses at Burning Bush (1314 BCE)
On the 15th of Nissan of the year 2447 from creation (1314 BCE) — exactly one year before the Exodus — Moses was shepherding the flocks of his father-in-law, Jethro, at the foot of Mount Sinai, when G-d appeared to him in a “thornbush that burned with fire, but was not consumed” and instructed him to return to Egypt, come before Pharaoh, and demand in the name of G-d: “Let My people go, so that they may serve Me.” For seven days and seven nights Moses argued with G-d, pleading that he is the wrong person for the job, before accepting the mission to redeem the people of Israel and bring them to Sinai.

Moses at the Burning Bush

I Am

The Exodus (1313 BCE)
At the stroke of midnight of Nissan 15 of the year 2448 from creation (1313 BCE), 210 years after Jacob settled in Egypt and 430 years after the “Covenant Between the Parts,” G-d visited the last of the ten plagues on the Egyptians, killing all their firstborn. Earlier that evening, the Children of Israel conducted the first “seder” of history, eating the roasted meat of the Passover offering with matzot and bitter herbs, and sprinkling the blood of the sacrifice on their doorposts as a sign that G-d will “pass over” their homes when inflicting the plague upon the Egyptians. Pharaoh’s resistance to free them was broken, and he virtually chased his former slaves out of the land. Several million souls–600,000 adult males, plus the woman and children, and a large “mixed multitude” of non-Hebrews who joined them — left Egypt on that day, and began the 50-day trek to Sinai and their birth as G-d’s chosen people.

Links: 19 Flavors of Freedom; Exploring Passover

Queen Vashti Executed (366 BCE)
On the seventh day of his royal feast (see Jewish history for 9 Nissan), King Achashverosh demanded that the Queen Vashti appear unclothed to display her beauty before all the attending guests. When Vashti refused this obscene request, the king had her executed.

Her ignominious death on Shabbat was divine retribution for her penchant to force Jewish girls to work on Shabbat, and paved the way for Esther to become queen and save the Jewish nation from Haman’s plot.

The Death Verdict

Mordechai and Esther

Daniel in Lions’ Den (372 BCE)
Daniel was cast into a den of hungry lions by Darius I of Persia for violating a royal edict that no man may pray to any god save the king for 30 days. Miraculously, the lions did not touch him, and he emerged from the den unscathed (Daniel 6:5-29).

Links: Monotheism in Rostov; more on Mesirat Nefesh (self sacrifice)

Source: https://www.chabad.org/calendar/view/day.asp?tdate=4/06/2023 

Prayer In The Courts of Heaven For President Trump

Prayer In The Courts of Heaven For President Trump

Transcription of the prayer in the Courts of Heaven for President Trump that Annamarie Strawhand led during her broadcast of Life in the Faith Lane on April 3, 2023.

Watch the video, and then read the transcript and join in and touch and agree with the prayer below.


ANNAMARIE: I’m suited up. I’ve got on my whole armor of God. I have on my helmet of salvation. I have the mind of Christ. I have on my breastplate of righteousness. My heart is guarded. My soul is guarded. My spirit is guarded. The Lord God Himself is my rear guard, and the Lord God Himself goes before me. I have on my belt of truth. I am girded in the truth of God and His word. I have my sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, and I hold it up and I ask the Holy Spirit to give me remembrance of the word of God and utterance. I have my shield of faith, and I quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. No weapon formed against me shall prosper. Every tongue that rises against me, I condemn. No one can curse whom the Lord has blessed, and the Lord has blessed me and my household. This ministry, my household, we bless Israel and pray for the peace of Jerusalem; therefore, we are blessed.

Come on. This is the way you do it. I have on my shoes of the gospel of peace. I will not lose my peace today, and I will go forward boldly and speak the truth as an ambassador of righteousness for the kingdom of God. And I have the protection of Almighty God, and I take my place at the right hand of the Father. Heavenly Father, Father God, I thank you for Your gracious word according to Ephesians Chapter Two. I do now take my seat of authority in Christ Jesus at Your right hand, Father God, where I rule and I reign as a king and a priest in Christ Jesus, through Christ Jesus. I put everything of the kingdom of darkness under my feet because it’s Je, under Jesus Christ’s feet. And I’m a king and a priest of the priestly, kingly order of Melchizadek. Come on! 

And I enforce the blood of Jesus Christ over myself, over my household, over my ministry, over my family, over my land, over America, over President Donald J. Trump, over all of you, over all of your households, over all your families, over this broadcast, over every word that has been spoken here. Let the blood of Jesus Christ speak over it, in Jesus’ name!

Suit up! Take your seat of authority! You know what scares the devil? When we figure this out and we use our authority and we enforce it. 

All right. We’re suited up and ready to go, friends. It is 11:45, and we are going to pray for President Donald J. Trump. Are we ready? All right. Okay, my friends, I just ask you to join me in agreement if you fee led to, okay?

Heavenly Father, Father God, Almighty God, O Righteous Judge, we come before you, Father God, and we ask for the assistance of the Holy Spirit, Your angels on assignment, and for King Jesus to be our advocate. We ask you, Father God, that You would open up your holy courts of Heaven for us today. We would like to come before you, Father God, in Your holy courts in the name of Your son, Jesus Christ. Because of Jesus Christ, He has made it available for us to come before You this way, Father God, in Your holy courts. Thank You, Jesus, for this. Father God, Almighty God, O Righteous Judge, we come before You today, before Your holy courts on behalf of President Donald J. Trump and on behalf othe brilliant plan that You are doing through President Donald J. Trump, and, Father, as we come before you, Almighty God, O Righteous Judge, we ask that President Donald J. Trump’s cloud of witnesses would be present in this courtroom witnessing to this time in the court for me and all of our intercessors that are here today, Lord. 

Almighty God, O Righteous Judge, King Jesus, we ask for Your blood to speak on the Mercy Seat for President Donald J. Trump today and every day. We ask You, Father God, Almighty God, O Righteous Judge that Your scribe angels will be scribing this today and that the books will be open for the United States of America — America — and for President Donald J. Trump and for Your brilliant plan in this court. 

And as we come before You, O Righteous Judge, on behalf of President Donald J. Trump and behalf of Your plans and purposes through President Donald J. Trump, we stand in the gap for him as ambassadors of reconciliation, and right now we repent for our own sins. We come before You, O Lord, O God, and we repent for our own sins, and we repent for the sins of this nation, and we ask for grace, mercy, and forgiveness. We ask for the blood of Jesus Christ to cleanse our personal sin, cleanse the sins of our ancestors going all the way back to Adam and Eve, and cleanse the sins of this nation since its birth. 

We pray for the state of New York and New York City and Manhatten and the courts of Manhatten and the courts of New York City. We repent for the sins of the state of New York since its birth, New York City since its birth. We repent for those sins. We repent for the courts, the judicial system of New York City since it’s birth. And all of those leaders that have sinned against you, Father God, in New York City, we repent for their sins today, Father God. And we ask You to bring into remembrance today, Father God, O Righteous Judge, the repentance that we came before you two years ago repenting for the judicial system of this nation, that that repentance will be brought into consideration today as we come before You, Almighty God, O Righteous Judge, because the blood of Jesus Christ is already speaking for the United States Judicial System. Thank You, God.

So, Father, we ask to be released of any consequences of our sins, our personal sins. We ask to be released of the consequences of the sins of our ancestors as we come before You today. We ask to be released of the consequences of the sins of the state of New York and New York City and the judicial system. And as we ask for grace, mercy, and forgiveness, we ask for King Jesus to put His blood on that sin and all of these situations will be moved from the courtroom of judgment to the throne of grace and mercy and the books of Heaven will be reconciled by the blood of Jesus. And these sins cannot be used against us in this court today or against President Trump. Thank You, Father. Thank You, King Jesus. Thank You, Holy Spirit.

And as we come before You, Father God, as ambassadors of reconciliation. We come on behalf of President Donald J. Trump and the plans and purposes that You have for him in this situation going on in New York City that’s coming against him, Father God. 

And, Father, the accuser has been coming against President Donald J. Trump, so we stand in the gap for him today as ambassadors of reconciliation and repenting for his sins on his behalf. And we ask for grace, mercy, and forgiveness upon the sins of President Donald J. Trump and upon his family bloodline. We come before You, Father God, and ask for grace, mercy, and forgiveness for President Trump’s family bloodline going all the way back to Adam and Eve. 

And, Father, You showed us that President Donald J. Trump’s family bloodline is of Judah, and we ask You, Father, that You would fulfill Your promises to the tribe of Judah through Jacob and Your promises to King David. That You are a man of Your covenant, Father God, and You are a man of Your word and You would fulfill these promises to Your servant and Your anointed one, President Donald J. Trump and his family and his household and his children and his children’s children and his presidency, O Lord, O God.

And, Father, in the name of Jesus, we ask You to remember Your covenant today, and we ask that King Jesus’ blood would speak on the ark of the covenant, the mercy seat in the Courts of Heaven right now for President Donald J. Trump. Father, we repent for any sins connected to President Donald J. Trump and the state of New York and New York City and Manhatten and that, King Jesus, You would cover all that with the, Your blood.

And, Father, we ask that You would move President Donald J. Trump, his household, his presidency, his family bloodline, his children, his wife, and his children’s children from the courtroom of judgment to the throneroom of grace and mercy, and that the blood of Jesus Christ would speak for President Donald J.Trump in the Courts of Heaven and speak a better word for him, and the books for President Donald J. Trump would be reconciled in the Courts of Heaven by the blood of Jesus. 

Father, we ask that Your Holy Spirit would give President Donald J. Trump a visitation and bring him to repentance, a free gift, if he hasn’t already repented. Today we ask for the blood of Jesus Christ to speak for President Donald J. Trump in the Courts of Heaven, and we ask that the blood of Jesus Christ, as it’s speaking in the Courts of Heaven for President Donald J. Trump and for this nation of America and for the United States Judicial System, that the blood of Jesus Christ will speak on earth as it is in Heaven. 

Therefore, as the blood of Jesus Christ is speaking on the mercy seat on behalf of President Donald J. Trump in the Courts of Heaven, let it speak in the Court of America. Let is speak in the Court of New York City. Let a ruling of not guilty because of the blood of Jesus, be ruled in the Courts of Heaven for President Donald J. Trump, and let it also be ruled in the earthly court because Your word is Your will, O God, and by the blood of Jesus, President Trump has been found INNOCENT of all charges in the Courts of Heaven and in the earth. And in Jesus’ name, we ask that this is carried out by the authority of Jesus Christ, by the anointing of the Holy Spirit, and by the angels that You have on assignment on behalf of President Donald J. Trump in the earth, Father God, O Righteous Judge. 

And You would send Your heavenly hosts and Your warrior angels and Your, yes, Your hornet angels ahead of President Trump just like You did Joshua, Father God, and give him victory after victory after victory. And let America cross her Jordan, and we receive our promised land and we can bring forth the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ like never before. It will be all for Your glory, God, and all for the glory of Your Son, Jesus Christ. 

Father God, O Righteous Judge, Almighty God, we thank You for Your forgiveness, grace, and mercy for this nation, for President Donald J. Trump, and for us today. That You have heard our petition, and You have honored it because of the blood of Jesus. We believe that by faith. And we will see President Donald J. Trump completely exonerated on every charge. He is deemed innocent because the blood of Jesus is speaking for him right now in the Courts of Heaven, so it shall speak for President Donald J. Trump in the Courts of the earth.

Father, I thank You for this opportunity for all of us to come before You in the Courts of Heaven today. And, Father, I ask that You release President Donald J. Trump of all consequences of any sins, of any curse, and of any accusation. That, Father God, right now, that You would strip the accuser of everything he’s been accusing President Donald J. Trump of. Strip the accuser and silence him, Father God, in the name of Jesus and by the power of the blood of Jesus. Let it be enforced today in the earth as it is in Heaven. 

We thank You, King Jesus, for Your precious blood. We thank You, Father God, for opening up the Courts of Heaven today for President Donald J. Trump and remembering our repentance over this land, over this nation on behalf or our president, Your president, Father God, that You have deemed here in the earth for Your plans and purposes. Your David, Your covenant promises of King David, of Judah, of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, Father God, shall be fulfilled ushering in the return of Your Son, Our Lord and King, King Jesus, into Jerusalem. 

Father, I ask You to take into consideration today that President Donald J. Trump has blessed Your Israel, has blessed Your darling, Jerusalem, and therefore, You will fulfill Your promise to him, Father God, that he shall be blessed and Your hand shall be upon him. And Father God, that You will fulfill Your word that if anyone comes against Your anointed that You will deal with them. 

You say, “Touch not My anointed,” O Father God. I come before You and remind You of Your word, Father. You have said that President Donald J. Trump is Your anointed, Your David. You have spoke that through this prophet and other prophets, Father God, before, uh, before me. And I ask You, Father God, that You will fulfill Your word and anybody that comes against President Donald J. Trump, Your anointed, that You would deal with them, Father.  And You silence the voice of the accuser against him by the blood of Jesus. Let the blood of Jesus Christ speak a greater word on behalf of President Donald J. Trump, and Father, let everyone see Your glory, God. Let everyone, let Your glory be revealed in this entire situation. It is Your brilliant plan, God, that You are doing through Your servants, Father God, all for Your kingdon and Your glory, Father.

We are in expectation, Father God, of Your glory, and Father, by the authority of Jesus Christ and by the anointing of the Holy Spirit and by the angels on assignment, let this be carried out to fulfillment swiftly in this season of Passover. That all these curses and accusations and death and destruction pass over President Donald J. Trump, pass over Your people — those who are in Christ Jesus and those who are in the covenant of Abraham. We are all grafted in, Father, through Christ Jesus. That You remember Your covenant to us today, Your blood covenant, Father God, Almighty God, Righteous Judge. 

Father, I thank You for giving us strategy to pray. That we come before Your courts today, and You opened up Your courts for us, and we thank You for that, and we praise You for that. And Father, we ask today the same request that Jesus said He could have exact, exactly the same time 2000 years ago. That  You woud send 12 legions of angels on behalf of President Donald J. Trump to fight for him and pull down and thwart and smite down every plot, plan, or attack of the demonic that would try to come against President Donald J. Trump. That You would take President Donald J. Trump and everything he’s doing for this nation off the frequency of the demonic. That You would take us, our families, our households, this land of America off the frequency of the demonic and let Your sound of the victory trumpets and the lion of Judah roar over President Donald J. Trump. Roar over New York City. Roar over this nation.

O Father God, remember Your covenant with us through the Mayflower Compact, through the founding fathers of this nation, through our Constitution, through our Bill of Rights, and through Your holy word, Father God. Almighty God, remember Your  covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and Judah and King David and Solomon. Remember Your covenant through Your son, King Jesus, that there’s no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. And President Trump is a believer in Christ Jesus; therefore, he has no condemnation, Father.

Father, we believe that this is the greatest of times. We are excited to do what You’ve called us to do in these times. That You will have a divine reversal just as the days of Esther. That Haman shall hang on his own gallows. That You are parting the Red Sea and the Jordan for Your people and delivering us out of evil and out of Egypt. And we go forth in victory because we believe you, God, and we believe Your promises, and that King Jesus, You are with us all the way. We believe this by faith today. We are in expectation of Your glory, God. We praise You and we thank You for the precious blood of Jesus that makes this all possible. We are in expectation of signs, wonders, miracles, and good reports for President Donald J. Trump and for this nation and for Your kingdom and for Your glory, God, in Jesus’ name! Woo hoo hoo!

Let’s just give God praise. Father, we thank You. We praise You. We glorify Your holy name. We exalt You. You have all the power, God. You have all the glory, God. We believe in the power of the blood of Jesus that is manifesting in the earth as it is in Heaven. 

And let us pray, “Our Father who art in Heaven. Holy is Thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in the earth, under the earth, on the earth, and above the earth, in President Donald J. Trump, in New York City, in America, and in every nation as it is in Heaven. In our lives, in our households, in our children’s and our children’s children as it is in Heaven. And forgive us our sins and our iniquities and our trespasses as we forgive those who have trespassed against us, and, yes, we forgive our enemies right now. We hold no bitterness, Father God. We forgive them right now, and we release them back to You, God, and we pray for their salvation to the Lord Jesus Christ. 

“We pray for the wicked to turn from their wicked ways and fall to their knees in repentance, a free gift from You, God. And forgive us our debts as we forgive those who are in debt against us, and lead us not to temptation and lead us not to trial, but deliver us and President Trump and this nation and our households and our families and our children and every nation, O Lord our God, and our land, Father God. Deliver us from all evil for Thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory all Yours, Almighty God, forever and ever and ever and ever, in Jesus’, Yeshua HaMashiach’s glorious name, we pray. Amen and amen. So be it.” Hallelujah. Hallelujah.

Prepare for the glory of God! Woo hoo hoo! And it’s 12:10 on my clock. Twelve is the number of the perfect government of God. Ten is God is bringing everything into His divine order. Hallelujah! Whew! Give God a praise! Thank Him and praise Him and worship Him right now, and I’m going to blow the shofar, the victory trumpet of the Lord.

If you have a shofar, you have a shofar recording, get it really loud and play it into the atmosphere. And so, Father God, we blow the victory trumpet of the Lord, Almighty God. We, by faith, know the victory is won. It is done through Christ Jesus, in Christ Jesus for President Donald J. Trump and this nation. The blood of Jesus Christ has spoken. Let the victory trumpets of the Lord sound over him and over all of America, in Jesus’ name. [Blowing 3 blasts on the shofar]

Hallelujah! Three is also a complete number of God — Father, Son, Holy Spirit. It is done. Thank You, Lord. We believe by faith that the victory trumpets of the Lord are sounding over President Donald J. Trump. The Lord is going before him. The Lord has sent His hornets, his hornet angels ahead of President Trump to drive the enemy out of the land ahead of him just like the Lord did with Joshua — victory after victory after victory.

You know, you can go into the Courts of Heaven just like this, just like we did for President Trump. Any legal issue in the earth can be dealt with in the Courts of Heaven, and the blood of Jesus Christ speaks, and when the blood of Jesus Christ speaks after you repent, it’s done. Whatever is ruled in the heavens is ruled in the earth. And God, Father God prays along with our prayers, you know, so as we were coming into the Courts of Heaven and bringing our petitions before O Righteous Judge, Almighty God, and King Jesus, being our intercessor, and King Jesus’ blood speaking for us, and the Holy Spirit assisting us and helping us and the angels scribing all this and President Trump’s cloud of witnesses asking them to be there, you know, we had a full court appearance in the Courts of Heaven. 

And once we repent, once we stand in the gap for President Trump and for this nation, um, once the blood of Jesus Christ speaks, that’s it. The blood of Jesus Christ has all authority on earth and in Heaven. Hallelujah. 

Prophetic Insight: President Trump’s Quantum Leap Plan – It’s Brilliant! Holy Spirit Revelation For Investing!

Prophetic Insight: President Trump’s Quantum Leap Plan – It’s Brilliant! Holy Spirit Revelation For Investing!

Sunday night, March 5, 2023, the Lord began giving me some prophetic insight as to what is coming and what President Trump has been talking about in recent speeches about the future of America. 

I started discussing it with my team in our ministry team chat, and as we talked and researched, the Lord began showing us more. He even showed how it confirmed a previous prophetic word he had given me in January of 2022 about President Trump and Roger Penske!

I spoke about this on my Life in the Faith Lane broadcast on Monday, March 6, 2023. Watch this amazing episode, and then see the notes from our research and the previous prophetic word with a short transcription of an excerpt below. 


Research: Links To The Articles and Videos Mentioned In The Above Broadcast

President Donald Trump at Boeing South Carolina

Agenda47: A New Quantum Leap to Revolutionize the American Standard of Living 

Video: Take a look at the future with these advanced vehicles! 

Stratasys Push 3D Manufacturing of Composite Materials – Israeli Electronic News  

SSYS Stock Price – Stratasys Ltd Stock Quote (U.S.: Nasdaq) – MarketWatch

Prophetic Word: Trump’s Pen And Moses’ Staff  – January 26, 2022

Transcription of an excerpt of the word that the Holy Spirit gave to Annamarie Strawhand, which she delivered during her broadcast of Life in the Faith Lane on January 26, 2022.

Watch the video, and then read the transcript below: [Timestamps: Beginning – 8:38]


ANNAMARIE: The Holy Spirit is saying that the pen is the key. LOOK TO THE PEN of President Donald J. Trump! His signature shall speak. Documents in which he has signed shall speak in such a way nothing will be able to come against it. 

You know, President Trump gave Roger Penske, and I know Roger Penske because Roger Penske owns several racing teams, and he’s a good man. He’s a, he’s a good man. He’s a, he’s, he’s a good and righteous man, and he’s a good man to work for. And I know a lot of people that work for Roger Penske with his NASCAR teams and his INDYCAR teams, and, uh, he is a very brilliant businessman, very brilliant businessman. And, um, they won the Indy 500. They won the Daytona 500. That, he’s a man that understands victory, and, um, President Trump gave Roger Penske the Medal of, uh, Medal of Honor, Medal, Medal of Freedom in the Oval Office of the White House. 

And when he did that, the Lord gave me a word about that, that the pen is the key. The pen is the key, and the double gates of righteousness were opening. Um, and, you know, then he gave me the number of the 22 22. So go back to that word with Penske and the 22 22. And the Holy Spirit just spoke to me right now and gave me more revelation on that.

The pen is the key—Trump’s signature on something. Watch. All right, the Holy Spirit’s coming on me strong. Oh, my gosh. Whoa! Okay, you just never know when he’s going to come and say something like this. Hang on. Okay, so the Lord is speaking. [Sigh] Thank you, Lord. The Holy Spirit is saying that the pen is the key. 

“Look to the pen of President Donald J. Trump. His signature shall speak! Documents in which he has signed shall speak in such a way nothing will be able to come against it. Do you not see I was speaking with ‘pen is the key.’ The pen of your president, my president,” says the Spirit of God, “Donald J. Trump, the one who I, I have appointed. for it is my hand,” the Spirit of the Lord is saying, “that has signed these documents that are keys to restoring this nation and bringing complete and total restitution! Look to the signatures of President Donald J. Trump. His pen was a key I put in his hand.”

Lord, are these executive orders? [5:00] These are more than executive orders. These are, these are things that, that President Trump signed that are in effect and are operating right now. Some of them we don’t even know about. And the Lord was speaking, and President Trump was showing us something when he gave Roger Penske the Medal of … Is it Freedom? The pen is a key to freedom. The pen is a key to freedom. Pen is a key to freedom. Penske. Penske. The pen is a key to freedom. The pen is a key to freedom. The signature of our president, Donald J. Trump, released a key to our freedom—released us from bondage—that is going to speak, and he was showing us a sign.

Now, I’m not saying Roger Penske wasn’t in … deserving of the Medal of Freedom, but it was, something was being shown to us at that moment. Maybe we can go back and see if there was any executive orders that President Trump signed around the time that he gave Roger Penske that medal. There’s a key there. The anointing is very strong on this, very, very strong. 

We’re going to have, just have to look for prophetic confirmations on this. I’m going to have my team look, look it up. There’s something that President Trump signed around that time where he gave that medal to Roger Penske because the Lord is saying President Trump’s pen—his signature—is a key, was a key to our freedom. Something that he signed, maybe publicly or not so publicly, is still activated. It’s still being established, and it was a key. The pen is a key, and God gave President Trump all authority, and he’s not allowing, the Lord himself is not allowing anything to come against what President Trump has signed because his hand, the Lord’s hand was working through …

He’s showing me Moses holding up the staff and parting the Red Sea, and then he’s showing me President Trump holding up his pen. Oh, my goodness, he’s saying, like he gave Moses that authority in that staff, he gave President Trump that authority in his pen. [8:38]