Tag: revival

Prayer For A Key For The Angel To Unlock The Spiritual Potential For Revival In Our Cities

Prayer For A Key For The Angel To Unlock The Spiritual Potential For Revival In Our Cities

By: Jeanette Strauss

Watch this video replay of Annamarie Strawhand with special guest, Jeanette Strauss, teaching on how to “Smash Idols and Take Back Your City and Family for God.” This is what the Holy Spirit recently revealed to Jeanette Strauss to do as the next step after a land assignment.

Follow up by praying the prayer below for your own family and city if you’ve already done a land assignment.

Learn how to do a land prayer assignment HERE.

Get your land, water, and gate kits HERE.


Note: If you want to go do a land, gate, or water assignment using Jeanette Strauss’ kits, she is going to add a key to the gate and land kits. There is already one in the water kit. The key is for the angel to go and unlock the spiritual potential for revival in our cities that’s been locked up, and then to go through and lock the doors that need to be locked, and lock out the enemy. 

After doing your land assignment while you’re still in the Court of Heaven before Father God, hold up the key as a prophetic act of faith and pray the following prayer. 

Pray Out Loud

  • “Father, we thank You that we can hold up a key, even the ancient key to the doors. Father, You say You have opened an effective door for us today, and, Lord, we give a key to the angelic keepers of the cities. They’re in charge of the cities, even the churches and the people. Father, we just ask them to take this key, and, Lord, You will decree to them to take the key and go unlock the spiritual potential in every life in our city for revival. Unlock every door that needs to be unlocked that’s been shut up by the enemy, by these foreign gods. Unlock what’s been locked that needs to be loosed. Father, then lock up what needs to be locked up in the cities and the lives of the people. Lock up the evil, and cast them out into outer darkness, Lord, the evil entities. Send them out. Lock them out of our cities. Father, we thank You for that, Lord, and I ask for divine revelation to come to each person about these keys – keys for their own lives, keys for the family’s lives, keys out of your word. Lord, we ask for more keys. Father, we ask You to do with these keys what needs to be done with them in our cities, regions, and territories to lock and to unlock, in Jesus’ name. Amen.”


Prophetic Word For 2024 – Prophetic Number Jubilee YEAR! Open The Gates For The King of Glory – Revival!

Prophetic Word For 2024 – Prophetic Number Jubilee YEAR! Open The Gates For The King of Glory – Revival!

Biblical Number Prophetically Speaking “2024”

“20” 10+10 God bringing everything into His divine order and ALIGNMENT according to His COMMANDMENTS in double portion for the Earth is Birthing The Sons and Daughters of God.  Enemy is freaking out knows his time is short.  The gates of hell shall not prevail.  Christ is the Victory.  Great awakening, God is pouring out His Spirit on all flesh as He promised.

“24” 12+12 Perfect Government of God coming together as the One New Man Jew and Christian as One with King Jesus Christ at the Head. 12 Tribes of Israel Government coming together with the 12 Disciples of Christ Government.  There will be many many Jews receiving Jesus Christ Yeshuah as Messiah.

4 Hebrew meaning of Door or Gate. 12+12 Gates 12 Gates of Jerusalem and 12 Gates of Heaven “New Jerusalem”

PSALM 24 Raise up the Gates for the King Of Glory – Lord of Hosts.  Veils being removed, Heavenly Gates opening!



HEBREW YEAR IS CURRENTLY 5784 (2024) 4 Meaning “Door”

5784 (2023/2024) – The Year of the DOOR

The New Biblical Year 5784 (2023/24) began on “The Feast of Rosh Hashanah” (Trumpets) on the  evening of 15th -16th September, 2023. The Hebrew letter for the number 4, is ‘Dalet’. the letter “D” meaning “Door”.  This is the 80 Decade (5780-5789) with 5784. Since this “decade of 80’s” represents the  “PEY,” “MOUTH” declaring the Word of God is for this season of time.  This Hebrew Biblical Year 5784 is a VERY Prophetic Year!


We as believers carry the Kingdom and represent God’s government on the earth, preparing the way of the return of King Jesus, to take His rightful place at the Throne of David in Jerusalem.


– Annamarie Strawhand – Faith Lane Ministries

More Prophetic Revelation of The Year 2024 in my video:

Annamarie Strawhand Prophetic Word: 2024 Gates Of Revival Opening!

Prophetic Word for Canada – Revival Sweeping Across – Angels of the Lord Thundering!

Prophetic Word for Canada – Revival Sweeping Across – Angels of the Lord Thundering!

This is a transcription of an excerpt of the word that the Holy Spirit gave to Annamarie Strawhand, which she delivered during her broadcast of Life in the Faith Lane on September 11, 2023.

Watch the video, and then read the transcript below.


ANNAMARIE: [Beginning timestamp: 5:09] Did you see Canada? [Singing] O Canada. Come on! You see what’s going on in Canada?! Y’all see that? Oh, my gosh. 

Evangelist Sean Feucht, who the Lord has called up for this time — he’s a David. He’s a psalmist. He sings unto the Lord. I mean, the Lion of Judah is with him. He even looks like a lion. He’s got those, that long curly mane. And he went into Canada this weekend, starting with, um, Ontario, and then he went to, uh, Calgary, and then he went to British Columbia. And the people of all ages, even little children on the shoulders of their parents, so hungry for Jesus. So hungry to worship God. Thousands! He had 55, I think it was like 5,500 people that were there last night in British Columbia running to the altar — signs, wonders, miracles! 

My friends, this is the Amos 9:11 promise of God that is happening right now, and you know there was a prophetic word — see these people that say they don’t believe in prophetic words, well, let me tell you something. They’re going to see it. They’re not going to, they, they, there won’t be able to deny it. You know there was the prophetic word that was given to George Washington and our founding fathers in 1776 from a Puritan reverend? It’s actually documented. I shared it on all my pages the other day.

And this word was to the founding fathers after, um, the Revolutionary War started and they, uh, declared our, our independence. There were, were several people that were loyalists to Britain or they felt concerned about, you know, a war or a revolutionary war. So, many of them fled to Canada. Many of them fled to Canada. Either they were, they were either loyalists to Britain, right, they were worried about change. They weren’t quite ready for change in America, and maybe they just didn’t want to be a, a part of a Revolutionary War, so many of them fled to Canada. 

And our founding fathers were concerned about that. They were like, “Well, maybe we should,” they thought they should annex Canada into the United States. And while they were contemplating that, they got a prophetic word from a reverend, because these were praying men, and the Spirit of the Lord God was with them.

You see, God has ordained the United States of America, and God has ordained Canada. Do I have any Canadians here today? I want you to be encouraged. I want you to be encouraged.

Well, this prophetic word that was given by a Puritan, uh, reverend to, uh, George Washington and the founding fathers and said, “The Lord says don’t worry about Canada. Let them go. Let them go to Canada.” That God had a plan for the United States and God had a plan for Canada, and this is what the Lord said through this reverend. “God will use Canada mightily, mightily, mightily in the end times.” 

And we’re in the end times, my friends. Not to scare you but to prepare you. It’s a good thing. We’re in the end times as we know it. We’re coming out of this like church, humanist-type age, secular-type age, and the churches, I mean the four walls of the church, the church as a building because Jesus loves His church. 

The church is an ecclesia. It’s a congregation. Jesus’ dream church in the Book of Revelation is the church of Philadelphia, the church of brotherly love where we all come together as brothers and sisters in Christ preparing the Bride of Christ, His beautiful church, for Him, not inside a building, right? Outdoors in tents, right, worshiping God in the presence of God everywhere, coming together as brothers and sisters in Christ, all the nations coming together as brothers and sisters in Christ. That’s Jesus’ dream church.

Well, it’s happening, and God is, God is going to use Canada mightily for that. God is going to use the United States and Canada in these days as we are coming into what? A Kingdom Age. A Kingdom Age. What is a Kingdom Age? Your kingdom come. Your will be done in the earth as it is in Heaven. Well, God promised that the kingdom of God will come to earth. Through who? Us! Those who are in Christ Jesus. We’re bringing the kingdom into the earth preparing the way of our King, and it’s beautiful, and it’s a great harvest, right, for those to come to Jesus. And it’s an expansion of the Church as Jesus wants it to be. And that word went for Canada all the way back in 1776, and look what’s happening in Canada! 

Now, I had a prophetic word for Canada, and it was one of those prophetic words that YouTube, uh, took down off my original YouTube channel, okay? And in that prophetic word, the Lord said to me, “Watch Canada.” He says, “Do you not hear the thundering hooves of my angels on horseback?” That’s what He said. He said, “You’ll begin to hear like a thundering that will come into Canada, and it’ll sweep across Canada.” Come on!

Oh, I don’t know if I still have that prophetic word somewhere on, on Facebook, but YouTube was so scared of the prophetic words. Those are the words of God, not my words. Those are the words of God. And anybody that took down those words, uhm, uhm, uhm. They have to answer to God, not me.

But that prophetic word for Canada, it was given to me in 2019, and I don’t know if many of you were back there listening back at that time, and it said, “Do you hear the sound of the hoofbeats of my angel armies on horseback? They will be thundering across Canada.” And He said, “Look at the Canadian flag, the red maple leaf. That is the covering of the blood of Jesus Christ across Canada.

So He was telling us this was coming back in 2019, and any time these moves of God have happened, they’ve happened, they’ve swept across Canada, right? The truckers that came, right, they came from all the way over in British Columbia all the way across — that thundering sound, right? So many people praying and worshiping with the trucker convoy, okay? That was the breaker that came. That was the breaker, the honkers, the honkers that came, okay? Who are the honkers? The honkers are the intercessors. They come forth first, right, the geese.  

Do you know that in Scotland and Ireland in the early church of Jesus Christ, geese were a representation of the Holy Spirit? They said the Holy Spirit was like a wild goose. 

So the honkers had to come, right, the intercessors, the, the ones that are going to break through, the breaker. Those trucks and the truckers, that was the breaker. Those are the honkers. That was that thundering sound sweeping across Canada.

And then the next thing that happened was our intercessors in Canada went forth and did Communion in the land. They repented all across Canada — and I’m going to show you our updated map — and did land assignments all across Canada, repented for the sins of, of, of that land and the leaders all the way back to the birth of that land, and got the Communion of the land in the ground and redeemed the land by the Communion and anointed and dedicated it to God. And we’ve got, we’ve got Canadian dots on our map of those intercessors that we have sent forth to pray over the land in Canada.

Now, here come the eagles, come on, the prophets, the teachers, the evangelists. Sean Feucht went in there and swept across Canada. The Lion of Judah is with Sean Feucht, and these people came to worship in droves, dancing like David danced. And this is sweeping across too.

This coming weekend in Texas, come on, I mean, I feel the Holy Ghost so strong. There is an event that’s going to be happening with, uh, singer and another, another David, right? He is, uh, Joshua Aaron. He’s a psalmist, and he represents the one new man — the Jew and the Gentile coming together as one. This is another thing that’s coming, happening now, and he’s doing a great gathering in Texas. And he’s bringing people from Israel and from America to come together — Jew and Gentiles one, worshiping the one true God, the Lord God of Israel, God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and Yeshua HaMashiach — coming together as one in Texas. 

I know, I shared that link that, uh, Joshua Aaron …. It’s this coming weekend, and they’re going to be blowing the shofar, right, trumpeting in the new year with Rosh Hashanah. And this is the time where the Jew and the Gentile come together as one, one new man. This is another covenantal promise of God bringing in God’s perfect government, right — the 12 tribes of Israel government with the 12 disciples of Jesus Christ’s government coming together as one — Jew and Gentile — one bride for Jesus Christ our King. Isn’t this awesome?! 

And they’re going to be blowing their shofars [Blowing shofar] Hang on. [Blowing shofar] I mean, it’s going to be glorious.

Now, as Christians, we don’t replace the Jew, right? We come beside the Jew, and it’s just so glorious and wonderful. And so, get out of your stinking thinking. Get out of your gloom and doom. Get your eyes off what the devil is doing because it means nothing. God’s plans and purposes are coming forward. Revival is here. It’s sweeping across the nations. The tabernacle of David has been rebuilt. That means the rest of the promises are coming forth of abundance and prosperity and blessings, and it’s being accelerated. And the kingdom of God is coming to earth, and we are preparing the way of our bridegroom. And it is absolutely glorious, and the Jew and the Gentile coming together as one new man. It is happening as the Lord said it would! Come on, God. Oh, my goodness. I get so excited. I get so excited.

Now, my, my team is asking for the Joshua Aaron link. There it is. There it is. Okay. If you are in Texas, really, if you can get there, it’s Joshua Aaron Gather the Nations in Dallas, Texas. Uh, I love Joshua Aaron. He is the most anointed worship singer, and, uh, he teaches the same like I do that, uh, God is gathering His family back to Him. It’s a gathering of God bringing His family back to Him through Yeshua, Jesus, Messiah. And its Jew and Gentile coming together as one. And our, one of our main assignment now as Christians is to bring the Jew to Yeshua Messiah, Jesus. Okay, and, uh, I love how Joshua Aaron teaches that, and I am in total agreement with his teachings and he is just an amazing man of God. And so, I really encourage you … 

I think they’re going to livestream it. I will definitely be watching it, and, um, teach your children these things, and, you know, get little shofars for your children and teach them how to blow the shofar and how that God has a shofar. God has a trumpet, and it calls forth the angel armies of the Lord. And, you know, teach them these things, you know.

And, um, ever since I’ve had a shofar, every time I’ve ever had a child around me, they want to blow that shofar. And I never, ever, ever say no, never, because we must encourage the children. There is, there is no junior Holy Spirit. There’s only one Holy Spirit, and if that child desires to have a shofar, and if that child desires to blow the shofar, let them do it. Just like Communion, if that child desires to take Communion, don’t hold it back from them. [Inaudible] say, “Oh, you need to wait to be older.” No, no, no, let them do it. If they desire it, let them do it because it’s the little children in these days that will lead the adults. Watch and see. 

My friends, we are living in the most glorious of times, the most glorious of times! And so, on this day, 9/11, I say, “Devil, you can’t have that number. Uhm, uhm. I take it back for God.” It means Amos 9/11, and revival is here, and he can’t stop it, and it’s all for Jesus. Whoooo hoo hoo!