Understand that there is no such thing as ghosts or “spirit guides.”These are demons that are known as “familiar spirits” and can take on the appearance of humans, “angels,” or animals in the spirit. They attach to homes, land, families, people, and even pets.
Also, true angels of the Lord are MALE looking — very large and powerful. If you see something in the spirit that you think could be a true angel of the Lord, they are male warriors or messengers. They come with authority and power and have a quick message, or they even come to smite down a demon around you with their bright flashing weapons.
In the spiritual, angels of the Lord have jobs or assignments to assist us to complete our purposes for God on the earth. There are ministering angels that come to pull the devices of the enemy off of you and pour healing upon you just like they did for Jesus in the Garden.
They serve us at the command of Father God. We can ask Father God for them — angels of protection or ministering angels. I have been to the Lord on this many times asking questions about His angels, and He always reminds me that there are no female angel names in His word.
Also, the angels that fell to the earth with Lucifer (1/3 of the angels) were all male as they bred with the women of the earth and created the demonic race that were wiped clean from the earth by God in Noah’s Flood. Those offspring of the fallen angels are now demonic spirits that roam the earth in the spirit realm. They can look like women or children or creatures.
Flowy angel paintings of pretty female angels are not an accurate depiction of the true angels of the Lord. These spirits must be tested if they appear to you. We should always test the spirits! They may pretend to be “gaurdians” or “imaginary friends.” They attach to you and want to control your life.
They may start out sweet, helpful, nice and pretty, but look out! I had a student once who had this “pretty lady angel” that was with her since she was a little girl, and when she got married, this “pretty lady angel” attacked her husband out of jealously. It threw things on him off of the walls, moved their bed, attacked with accidents, and even caused havoc in their marriage! That was an unclean, demonic familiar spirit! I showed her how to tell it to leave and it did!
Always test a spirit by saying to it: “Can you say or agree that Jesus Christ is God in the flesh, born of a virgin, walked the earth teaching the Kingdom of God, was crucified, shed His blood for the sins of the world, died, was buried in a tomb, and on the third day was risen from the dead by the power of the Holy Spirit of the living God — the Father of all creation — and that Jesus Christ is now seated at the right hand of Father God in all authority as King of kings, Lord of lords, Name above all names?” If the angel stays and agrees — says yes or nods his head — he is from God. If it dissapears or flees, it was not from God. This is a good thing to know by heart and its the basic Gospel of Jesus Christ. The demons cannot repeat the Gospel, they run from it.
I am talking about SPIRITUAL BEINGS here. Not “angels unawares” that are spoken of in the Book of Hebrews. The angels unawares are actually people you encounter in the natural that come to help, assist, or test your faith. They actually are a messenger from God that takes on full flesh and blood body form for an assignment. These flesh and blood angels unawares usually come and go quickly and they look and act like real people and can be man or woman.
I have had experiences both with large, mighty warrior angels of the Lord in the spirit and angels unawares that showed up at my door to talk to my husband and I. True angels of the Lord are always timely for the purposes of God in your life and are connected to your growth at that time for Christ.
Familar spirits are spiritual. They have been called ghosts, entities, or even spirit guides. This is all demonic. They come against your growth in Christ.
Familar spirits are controlling, not leading. They look to keep you controlled, stuck, and not moving forward. Many times, a familar spirit will keep you from praying and blocks the work of the Holy Spirit. It will try to control your relationships and even become posessive and jealous. They are hard to get rid of and think they “own” you.
Familiar spirits can attach to you through involvement in New Age practices and the occult — witchcraft. Many times, people will be deceived into thinking its angelic or from God. Understand that the Holy Spirit does want to communicate with you. HE MUST BE INVITED, AND ALL FAMILAR SPIRITS MUST BE RENOUNCED OUT OF YOUR LIFE!
The Holy Spirit will always communicate by giving signs to move forward. His first job is to lead you to repentance and prayer, and, of course, He always points to Jesus and the word for confirmation.
Does the Holy Spirit give signs? Yes, He does. Many times, I get so many signs from the Holy Spirit that I ask Him to slow down because I need to keep up! His job is to get you to fulfll your purpose for the Kingdom, and once you say “Yes” to that purpose, He goes to work and He works fast.
Jesus only had three years to fulfill his ministry. Many times, because of our own disobedience, we are behind on God’s timing, so the Holy Spirit will flood you with signs and guidance to get you up to speed. The signs will confirm in the word of God and should always lead you to a closer relationship with Christ.
Confess this today: “I hear from God. I am led by His Holy Spirit. I know my Father’s voice, and the voice of a stranger I will not follow. I am guided by the Holy Spirit and God will guide me all the days of my life. He will guide me and give me the answers that I need.”
Can the Holy Spirit give you a flood of signs at once? YES!Pay attention and do not be afraid to ask Him for confirmation in the word.
First, repent for any occult activities you have done, repent for any sins, forgive anyone who hurt or offended you and forgive yourself, and ask Jesus to put His blood on the sins. Thank Father God for His grace, mercy and forgiveness. Then, you can do the prayer below.
Do the Suit Up Prayer, out loud, to put on the armor of God, take your seat of authority in Christ, and cover yourself, your home and your family in the blood of Jesus. Then, open the front door to your home or an outside window, and speak these words out loud in authority:
“Listen up! You vile, unclean spirit that has been tormenting and lying to me, your time here with me has ended! I come in the name and authority of Jesus Christ and I command you vile, unclean lying spirit to leave me and leave my home and family right now! Get out! I do not belong to you! I do not want you here anymore! I don’t want you! Do not talk to me or touch me or my family ever again! LEAVE NOW! Do not touch anything on your way out! Leave in Jesus’ name, and go to the uninhabited dry place and stay there until Jesus Christ comes and tells you where to go!!! Never ever come near me or my home or family again! I enforce the blood of Jesus against you! GET OUT In Jesus Name! Everything in my life must now bow to the Lordship of Jesus Christ in whom I serve! I renounce and bind every unclean evil spirit in my life and all remnant of any evil spirit in my life to get out forever in Jesus name! I wash myself and this place in the blood of Jesus leaving no remnant or trace of any unclean spirit. I invite the Holy Spirit to come now and fill me and this place. Holy Spirit, you are welcome here. I only listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit!! I love you Holy Spirit! Holy Spirit Come and fill every place that unclean spirit vacated. Holy Spirit, fill every space in this home and every place in me in Jesus’ name! Holy Spirit of the LIVING GOD you are my Best Friend! Father God You are my Abba Father and my Defender! Lord Jesus Christ, You are my Lord, King and Savior!
Father God, I come to you through the Blood of Your Son Jesus Christ and I ask that you would dispatch Arresting Angels to come NOW and arrest, double bind and shackle that unclean familiar spirit that I have just rebuked, bound and commanded to leave me and my family. I ask that Your arresting Angels take that unclean familiar spirit captive and drag it to the uninhabited dry place and cage it up there so it can never come near us or anyone else again! Thank you Father God I praise you and worship you Father for your protection and sending your Angels to assist me today, In Jesus Precious Name, AMEN
I DECLARE 2 Timothy 1:7 over my life:
“For God has not given me a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.
“I have a sound mind at all times because I have the mind of Christ! I love you, praise you, and thank you, Father because you haven’t given me a spirit of fear or negativity or confusion!
I rejoice because fear, negativity or confusion is never from You Lord. Because You have given me power over the devil and all his doings, I can boldly dismiss any thoughts or feelings of fear, negativity or confusion that come before me. Thank you, Father, that you’ve given me a sound mind and the power to face any situation and be victorious in it!”
“And when he brings out his own sheep, he goes before them; and the sheep follow him, for they know his voice. Yet they will by no means follow a stranger, but will flee from him, for they do not know the voice of strangers.”
– John 10:4–5
I have no greater joy than this, to hear of my children walking in the truth. 3 John 1:4
I walk in the truth and my children and children’s children walk in the truth.
I proclaim I have the mind of Christ.
My children and my children’s children have the mind of Christ.
I Confess this today: “I hear from God. I am led by His Holy Spirit. I know my Father’s voice, the voice of a stranger I will not follow. I am guided by the Holy Spirit and God will guide me all the days of my life. He will guide me and give me the answers that I need.”
Then, I would do my anointing prayers over the home and let the holy spirit show you any item or entertainment in the home that could be opening a door to the demonic. You can see the potential factors on my spiritual housecleaning list.
I make sure my home honors God in the natural and in the spiritual. – Annamarie Strawhand
The Bible is CLEAR about bringing and having items in your home that do not honor God. The Bible calls them “detestable” to God! I want to honor God in my home and life and I know you do too – this is a tactic of the enemy to use these items as a legal right to come against you and have entry in your home! We must remove the things that are giving the legal right to the demonic out of our homes. I have come to realize that the more I do spiritual house cleaning – the breakthroughs and blessings are immediately behind it and acceleration of blessing happens almost overnight!
Spiritual house cleaning is not a religious ritual – it’s making your home a place that honors God because you love Him and You want to obey His Word!
Neither shall you bring an abomination into your house, lest you be a cursed thing like it: but you shall utterly detest it, and you shall utterly abhor it; for it is a cursed thing.
Ye shall defile also the covering of thy graven images of silver, and the ornament of thy molten images of gold: thou shalt cast them away as a menstruous cloth; thou shalt say unto it, Get thee hence.
And they shall come thither, and they shall take away all the detestable things thereof and all the abominations thereof from thence.
Joshua 6:18
And you, in any wise keep yourselves from the accursed thing, lest you make yourselves accursed, when you take off the accursed thing, and make the camp of Israel a curse, and trouble it.
Get up and consecrate the people, saying, ‘Consecrate yourselves for tomorrow, for this is what the LORD, the God of Israel, says: Among you, O Israel, there are things devoted to destruction. You cannot stand against your enemies until you remove them.
These “detestable” items can cause demonic attachments that open doors to the kingdom of darkness in your home to curses, demons and familiar spirits (that people think are ghosts). This is not to be played with and must be taken very seriously. Allowing this evil to be in your home can come against your life, marriage, family, finances and health and more! Let’s identify and remove, trash, burn these things up asap!
Acts 19:19
“And a number of those who had practiced magic arts brought their books together and burned them in the sight of all. And they counted the value of them and found it came to fifty thousand pieces of silver.”
And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.
IMPORTANT NOTE BEFORE YOU BEGIN YOUR SPIRITUAL HOUSE CLEANING: When you pray the prayers out loud do them for yourself in a private place and then do your own items that belong personally to you BEFORE you work on the family members! Do this calmly! Then when it comes to your family, DO NOT just go in and start grabbing things away! I specifically tell you NOT to do this in my teaching if you read through it. You are to wait and pray and send the Holy Spirit to work on them for them to come to the conclusion to throw it away, this needs to be handled gently and calmly and they have to want to do it! This has to be done a step at a time and with patience and understanding. Your kids/husband/wife may not understand this and it will take time. You could cause more turmoil and discord in your home by just barging in and just taking their stuff, so you need to sit back, calm down and rely on the Holy Spirit to help you, have sit down talks and teachings with them, and lead and guide them gently so they can come to their own understanding. You can cover them in the Blood of Jesus, and cover their stuff in the Blood of Jesus and ask God to give them grace, mercy and protection as He works on them and brings them to understanding to remove these items too. This MUST be done in steps and with love and patience. – I say this from love and experience 🙂
You start your spiritual house cleaning with a commitment and partnership with the Holy Spirit.
Pray Out Loud: “Holy Spirit, thank you for being my life helper in everything. I want to make my life and home a place that honors God. I want Your Holy Spirit to flow powerfully and freely in my home and in my life and family! I partner with you now, the Holy Spirit to help me with my spiritual house cleaning in Jesus Name. Show me Holy Spirit the things and items that need to be removed that have ungodly soul ties. Reveal to me Holy Spirit any items that have demonic attachments or are cursed, reveal to me Holy Spirit if there is anything in my life and my home that is giving the kingdom of darkness a legal right to come against me, causing problems or coming against my blessings – thank you Holy Spirit. I also ask the Father to send His Angels of Protection, Heavenly Hosts and Breakthrough Angels to Assist in pulling down any demonic strongholds! Holy Spirit give me sharp discernment to carry this out with You boldly and decisively with no fear or hesitation in Jesus name! Let’s begin!”
Pray out LOUD: “Father, it is written that we have dominion in all the earth and right NOW I plead the Blood of Jesus over this home (address)_____________ and I evict every wicked, unclean, defiled, LYING word that has been released into the atmosphere of this home and property and I loose it and kick it out right NOW in Jesus’ Mighty Name!
***WE NEED TO DO THIS EVERYWHERE WE GO IN OUR HOUSE – EACH ROOM) AND AROUND YOUR PROPERTY FOR THOSE WORDS ARE STILL THERE (if you have an old house the words are there from previous owners – hell has one language and that is profanity)
“Father, I bind Your love, peace, joy, happiness, and Your TRUTH to the atmosphere of THIS HOUSE AND PROPERTY (address) ____________ in Jesus’ Mighty Name!”
You can also anoint your home with oil over all the doors and windows, and say: “I dedicate and consecrate this home to you Father God, bless this home and sanctify this home by the blood of Jesus Christ and the anointing of your Holy Spirit. I invite you Holy Spirit into this home, come fill every room and stay forever, You are welcome here Holy Spirit! In Jesus name, Amen” (make sure you have prayed over the oil and dedicated it to God in Jesus name – decree over the oil that anything it touches will release the power of the Holy Spirit and anything anointed by this oil will be sanctified and set apart for the plans and purposes of Almighty God in Jesus name!)
Do you think you may have ‘ghosts’ or demonic spirits in your house?
LET’S BE CLEAR: There is no such thing as ghosts only demonic entities that take on the appearance of humans. This is a familiar spirit. They get attached to families and are hard to get rid of. They also can jump into pets. You need to SUIT UP, anoint your home, then dedicate every room and every person and pet in your Home to God and invite the Holy Spirit to come and fill your home. Then take your seat of authority in Christ and say out loud: “YOU VILE FAMILIAR SPIRIT, YOU OF THE KINGDOM OF DARKNESS, LISTEN TO ME! YOU ARE NOT WELCOME HERE! THIS IS NOT YOUR FAMILY! THIS IS NOT YOUR HOUSE! IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST I TAKE AUTHORITY OVER YOU AND COMMAND YOU TO LEAVE THIS HOUSE NOW AND GO TO THE UNINHABITED DRY PLACE AND STAY THERE! GET OUT AND NEVER COME BACK IN JESUS NAME – I NOW ASK THE HOLY SPIRIT TO COME AND FILL EVERY PLACE THAT EVIL SPIRIT VACATED AND STAND HOLD THERE, I CLOSE ANY AND ALL DOORS TO THE KINGDOM OF DARKNESS AND SEAL IT WITH THE BLOOD OF JESUS!!
Now let’s close those doors to anything ungodly, unholy or demonic forever!
SOUL TIE ITEMS: A soul tie happens when you have had a sexual or very close relationship with someone other than your spouse. It stays on you until you break it off and remove any gifts, clothing, jewelry or letters, pictures, keepsakes etc . It can affect your current marriage negatively if you never removed your old soul ties to past relationships. You are showing the enemy you are still in covenant with that other person. You should ONLY be in covenant with God through Jesus Christ and your own spouse.
Soul ties can also come from close friendships that did not end well, and also you can be stuck in a ‘blood covenant’ with someone if you did a ‘blood sisters’ as a kid. Like you pricked your thumb and pressed your blood with another person as a gimmick. Not good, God looks at that as a covenant, and so does the enemy. You can break that off with a simple prayer. Also you can ask Jesus to apply His blood over anything that is out there that you gave to the other person and break the soul tie off that.
Soul Tie Covenants can also be connected to people you were employed by and any kind of agreement you signed to do that job or project – break off all agreements and your signature off that document (such as a non-compete) erased with the Blood of Jesus in heaven and on earth. This could be holding back financial and other blessings toward your purpose.
Ungodly Soul ties and items from any sinful relationships can also open door to the kingdom of darkness in your home and marriage – remove, trash, burn them asap.
NOTE: Spiritual housecleaning includes removing toxic relationships and also friendships that cause you to sin or those who try to drag you down or pull you backwards in your faith walk. Do not throw your pearls to the swine anymore. It’s time to walk away. I have done this with many relationships. I even wrote them goodbye letters. Some I had to block on social media. That was my old life and I will not allow anyone to try to pull me back or discourage me or mock my faith. I forgive them, bless them and block them.
JEWELRY, FURNITURE, VALUABLE ITEMS: If the soul tie item is an expensive item, The word of God says to actually burn these items even if they are of value, however we do have the powerful Blood of Jesus. You can repent for keeping them all this time, cut and sever all soul ties to that person with the sword of the spirit of God , lift the items up to God give them to God, consecrate them to God and plead the blood of Jesus over your sin and the item, ask the Lord to cleanse it and sanctify it with His blood, and remove all curses and demonic assignments off them in Jesus name. if you have anointing oil you can also anoint them and bless them for the next person who will buy it. Take the money you make and make an offering of the first part of it to the Lord as gratitude for His forgiveness grace and mercy. God did tell Joshua to give HIM the silver and gold plunder from the FIRST victory at Jericho. But God did not want the Idols – He told them to heap them up and burn them!! I would only sell items that don’t have any occult symbols on them! Trash or burn anything with the occult and repent repent repent!
IDOLS OR DEMONIC DECOR: If the item is an idol or has a demonic/occult design do not sell these! Burn them or smash and trash them! Repent for having them and break their demonic power off your home and life with the Blood of Jesus. See the list below for these type objects.
HIDDEN DEMONIC ATTACHMENTS: Furniture that had idol worship on it, items used in violent or criminal acts, mirrors used in witchcraft or curses spoken over it, jewelry used in robbery, family jewelry with bloodline curses, SOUVENIRS from foreign lands where witch doctors and voodoo is still practiced. (These souvenirs may look harmless, but these witch doctors put curses on them and un-knowingly tourists buy them and bring a curse into their home!) Also check stuff bought at antique or consignment stores/yard sales – you must ask the Holy Spirit to reveal if there are curses attached, hold it up to God and ask for revelation and confirmation. I used to love to shop at yard sales, thrift shops and consignment stores, BUT now that I know what I know – I try to never buy anything from those places anymore, especially furniture or jewelry! Years ago I had a consignment shop I used to go to all the time. I loved the shabby chic look in my home design so I wanted to create a sink for my bathroom made out of an antique dresser. I found the one I wanted and waited for weeks for it to go on sale. I went back there one day with a wonderful Christian girl who used to work for me, I bought it and she helped me load it in my van and bring it home. I did not know the dresser was cursed. I put it in my bathroom ready to convert it to a vanity sink. Immediately I had a huge ugly fallout with this wonderful girl who worked for me. It was terrible. We had never had a problem before – she was so sweet and I had loved her and her work. She left in tears. Then all kinds of strife began in my home with my family. My cats were even creeped out by it and would hiss when they walked by the dresser sometimes. This went on for years and something kept happening to where financially we could not finish the bathroom. I then moved the dresser to my teen daughter’s room – she needed the drawer space. Almost immediately I saw a change in her, she started getting rid of her cute clothes and started wanting to buy dark type clothes with skulls and stuff like that on them and filling those drawers up with that stuff in that dresser! One day I was reading Jeanette Strauss’ book – Redeem Your Home. She talked about demonic attachments on furniture. I heard the Holy Spirit tell me to go look at that dresser and stare at it. So I did – my spiritual eyes were opened! I saw that there had been Idol worship on top of that dresser before I got it! I was shocked! It all made sense! I went to my daughters room and I calmly told her I would be buying her new furniture. I did not tell her why, I made a fun shopping trip with her and we got all (brand new) stuff for her room, Then removed the cursed one out, did the prayers of repentance!! We saw a change and shift for the better almost immediately when it was gone. I reached out to that Christian girl who used to work with me and we reconciled in forgiveness. Thank you Holy Spirit!
OTHER PEOPLE’S STUFF THAT LIVE WITH YOU: If the cursed or demonic item belongs to another person (such as your child or spouse), ask the Lord for grace and mercy for them and you, cover your home and everything in it in the Blood of Jesus and ask the Holy Spirit to go and convict that person to remove the items. Your children if small will be better about the stuff being removed – having a gentle talk with them, teens and other adults can be difficult, so you need my Holy Spirit prayer (see below.)
KID SAFETY FROM DEMONS: The ‘virtual games’ are a demonic portal for kids and your house. Like anime’ and anything where they set up an online house or hotel. You can repent for allowing them to play it and commanding any familiar spirits or demons to leave! First cut them off your kids with your sword of the spirit, bind them and command them to leave now, ask your Angelic Hosts of Heaven or Almighty God that are assigned to you to arrest and chain up these demons and familiar spirits and take them to the dry place! Cleanse and seal your kids and your house and computers in the Blood of Jesus and close up any place they came in with the fire of the holy spirit and forbid them from ever returning in Jesus name (make sure no games or stuff from them are around or left) I am asking the Holy Spirit to reveal and remove w angelic help.) The deal with video games and virtual reality is if they “become” a character so that’s what God was showing me. This is a quenching of their identity in Christ. Make sure you invite the Holy Spirit to come and take over that place forever!
VIOLENT OR DEMONIC VIDEO GAMES PLAYED BY TEENS OR SPOUSE: Plead the blood of Jesus over them and the game. Send the Holy Spirit to hover over them and begin a work in them to guide him to the truth. Ask the Father for grace and mercy over you and your loved one and home and angelic protection while the Holy Spirit does a work in them to see the truth.
I want to be clear. If you live in a house with other people, you cannot remove their ungodly or cursed things from the house unless they agree to it and you cannot “push” or “convince” them. They must be led by the Holy Spirit. You remove your own things what you have control over in your home. Even with your kids, this is a process and you need to send the Holy Spirit ahead of you to work on opening their eyes first. They can witness you doing it with your own stuff and get them thinking – you can say, “I am getting rid of this stuff because I really love Jesus and I don’t want anything that would not honor Him around me, and in my space. I also don’t want anything in my space that has anything evil attached to it because that could be holding back my blessing!” (then when your blessings and breakthroughs come you make a big deal of it right in front of everyone “Praise God! My blessing is here – I knew if I got rid of that stuff miracles would come!” (get what I am saying here? ) they need to WITNESS to the glory of God operating in what you are doing – it makes them think and you can keep sending the Holy Spirit to work on them.
(Mom Tip) When they are not around, you can pray over and anoint the kids computer where they play the games – phones, internet modem etc – See the end of this teaching on how to anoint the objects and your home.
How to send the Holy Spirit to a loved one – Pray: “Holy Spirit, my helper in all things, I send you to my loved one __________ to do a work in them. Hover over them and do creative miracles in them. I ask you Holy Spirit to reveal to them the activities, things and items in their lives that do not honor God. Convict them in their hearts to remove forever these unholy and ungodly activities and items out of their lives and reveal the love, grace and mercy of Father God – fill those places where those items and activities were with your Holy Spirit. I place the Blood of Jesus on every portal, gate or door where those demonic assignments were operating around my loved one and close those demonic portals, gates and doors forever and seal it with the Blood of Jesus! Holy Spirit, I ask you Now to Point ___________ to Jesus Christ to desire Him and to lead a life that reveals life, light and truth in Christ Jesus. I declare Jeremiah 24:7 over my loved one _______ that God is giving them a heart to know Him right now! I am in faithful expectation to see your miracle working power Holy Spirit in my loved one. Help me to work with You Holy Spirit to be an example to them, give me the words to speak to them that will stir their hearts to love all things that magnify our Father God, In Jesus mighty name, Amen.”
Horror, murder and crime movies/dvd’s
Vampire movies/vampire romance novels
Harry Potter Books/dvd’s (or anything with sorcery or magic)
Yoga Books/ dvd’s (yoga is based on occult worship)
Wooden Carved items with tribal faces or animal spirit gods (souvenirs from vacations)
Mexican sun god decor, Mayan or Aztec
Anything New Age or Occult /Witchcraft (crystals, books, decor or clothing with symbols upside down star, hindu elephants or, ying/yang symbol etc)
Occult/decor, buddha’s etc incense holders that burned incense to false gods
Statues and pictures of catholic saints, rosary or prayer beads, candles to saints
Demonic video games – Dungeons and Dragons etc
Demonic music/CD’s/records (rock bands such as black sabbath, AC/DC etc)
Personal items from a former owner of the house (possible curse or negative attachment) such as finding old whiskey bottles (alcoholism) etc
Good luck charms, rabbits feet, clovers, horseshoe on the wall for luck, anything you wear/display for luck – repent and throw away
Soul tie items from former lovers or former close relationships, jewelry, rings, gifts, love letters, emails, texts (remove/delete)
Furniture that may have had idol worship on it or was in a house before you that was cursed (ask the Holy Spirit to reveal)
Guns or knives/weapons that may have been used in a murder or blood sacrifice (ask the Holy Spirit to reveal)
Death related decor/items – skulls etc
Masonic (freemasons) cult items (this will have to go through the courts of heaven if you were a freemason or had someone in your bloodline that was a mason) See my “breaking unholy covenants prayer”
Water witching rods, energy related pendulums, ouji boards, mood rings, magic 8 balls that are used to answer questions (witchcraft, magic or sorcery)
Collections/decor that include occult characters or symbols, fairies, dragons, smurfs, goblins, elves, mermaids, witches, monsters, vampires, peace signs (upside down cross) etc
Angel decor items that are female (no angel in the bible is female they are all masculine names)
DELETE Old social media posts, files on computers, apps on phones that are sexual, profanity, ungodly, dark, new age, magical or occult. Remove any subscriptions to pages or channels that are new age or occult – “energy healing, chakras, law of attraction, hypnosis, past lives, reincarnation, psychics, angel numerology, etc”
Remove anything related to Halloween
Remove Starbucks Coffee and anything to do with it (demonic water spirit – mermaid goddess symbol – very evil)
Remove any Farmer’s Almanacs that you may have as they contain astrology and horoscopes, which are demonic, and cause people to rely on those things instead of God’s Word and the direction of the Holy Spirit.
1.) Repentance – Pray out loud: “Father God, I come before you now to repent for my sin of allowing this cursed and detestable thing _________ to be in my home and in my life. I am sorry Father for sinning against You and Your word. I want to honor You Father God with everything in my life. I am asking You Father for forgiveness, grace and mercy. I am grateful for the finished work on the Cross of Your Son Jesus Christ and His shed blood that redeems me and is my only defense and covering for my sins. Lord Jesus, please cover my sins with Your Blood, wash them clean off of me and off my soul. Thank You Jesus for Your Blood. Father, according to Your word in Hebrews 8:12 that You willforgivemyiniquitiesandwill remembermy sinsnomore. And you will do this for Your sake Father God. I ask that my sins that I have repented of here today is remembered no more, and wiped from the record books of Heaven by the Blood of Jesus. Thank You Father for Your Grace, Mercy and Forgiveness. In Jesus Name, Amen”
2.) Remove and Renounce – Pray Out Loud: “Father God, In the name of Jesus I am removing this sinful, cursed and detestable thing _____________ from my home and life forever. I renounce, nullify and cancel any words, agreements, money transactions and soul ties connected with it. I place this ____________ in the Blood of Jesus! Lord Jesus release the power of Your Blood! Your Blood Lord destroys all darkness! I cleanse myself, and every person, place or thing that touched this ___________ with Your Blood Jesus! The enemy is helpless against your blood Lord and must leave. I now take my sword of the Spirit that You have given me according to Your Word in Ephesians 6:17 and I cut and sever all soul ties, curses, witchcraft, demons and demonic assignments attached to this ____________________OFF of me, my family, my home and my life right now in the Name of Jesus (make a cutting motion in the spirit with your sword). I Now command all UNGODLY soul ties, curses, witchcraft, demons, familiar spirits and demonic assignments to leave my house and family NOW in Jesus name! I take my authority in Jesus Christ, in Whom I am seated, and I renounce anything from the kingdom of darkness that has been operating in my home, I nullify all demonic assignments and break all your power, bind you and command ALL these things from the kingdom of darkness to leave now, GET OUT and go to the uninhabited dry place in the Name and Authority of Jesus Christ and by the power of His Blood!! I thank my LORD Jesus Christ, the ONLY Lord I serve and I ask you Lord JESUS to send Your Heavenly Hosts and Warrior Angels to arrest, shackle and chain up these demons, their assignments and their curses, pull down all demonic strongholds and platforms and release the fire of God against them! I close the door forever to all ungodly soul ties, curses, witchcraft, demons and demonic assignments and seal this door in the Blood of Jesus Christ. Father, raise up a hedge of your Holy Fire of protection around me and my home. Let your Holy Ghost Fire come now into my home and around my family to burn up any remnant of the kingdom of darkness in the spirit realm. Holy Spirit fill every empty place these soul ties, curses, witchcraft, demons and demonic assignments vacated and stand hold there in Jesus name! THE ONLY SPIRIT IN MY HOME IS THE HOLY SPIRIT FROM THIS DAY FORWARD IN JESUS MIGHTY NAME!”
Any item connected with witchcraft or the occult should be trashed or burned. If the item is something you can sell or give away, you can ask God to sanctify it, plead the blood over it and and bless it for the next person. You must do prayer 1 and 2 before you can do the Sanctification and Anointing of the item.
Sanctification and Anointing of an Item – Pray Out Loud: “Father God, I lift up this item ___________ and I offer it up to You Almighty God, Creator of The Universe in Whom all things were made! I surrender this item to You Father and into Your Kingdom. I consecrate and dedicate this item ________ to you Father and ask You to Bless it and Sanctify it. I plead the Blood of Jesus over this item ___________. Lord Jesus release the power of your Blood and destroy all darkness on this item, wash it clean. Restore it Lord to You. I take my anointing oil that I have also dedicated to you Lord, I anoint this item __________ with the oil of the Holy Spirit and the Blood of Jesus Christ. I bless this item _________ in the Name of Jesus. I decree that this item is now blessed of God ________ will now to be used for the plans and purposes of Almighty God and for Your Glory Father God. Let the next person who has this item be blessed and highly favored Father and let this item now carry your anointing of your Holy Spirit in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen”
(Each individual in your family should pray this out loud.)
“Father God, I come before you to confirm by faith that I stand on and agree with YOUR word now fully according to Galatians 2:20, That I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me. Therefore, Father God, my testimony is this: Through the blood of Jesus Christ, I am redeemed out of the hand of the devil, Spirit, soul and body, I belong to Jesus Christ, Sanctified and set apart to You Father God by the blood of Jesus. Thank You Jesus, that Your blood speaks for me before our Father God night and day on the mercy seat! Thank You Father for Grace and Mercy! Father God I come before you and I renounce, rebuke, revoke and cancel all unholy covenants I have ever made in my life, and the lives of my ancestors going all the way back to Adam and Eve in Jesus Name! I repent, Father God for these unholy covenants in my life and my ancestors lives and I ask for Your Grace, Mercy and Forgiveness! Lord Jesus wash away my sins with your blood and wash my ancestral bloodline clean with your precious blood Lord Jesus! I decree today the only Covenant I am in from this day forward is one HOLY Covenant with Almighty God through the Blood Of Jesus Christ! I also decree this over my bloodline in Jesus name! Father God I ask that all records of unholy covenants be wiped off my record books and the record books of my ancestors in the Courts of Heaven by the Blood of Jesus and remembered no more for Your Sake! In Jesus Name! I ask that the NEW HOLY COVENANT that I have with You Father God through Jesus Christ is written and decreed in my record books in Heaven, and this record of repentance is made available for all my future court appearances in Your Holy Courts Father God from this day forward in Jesus name, AMEN!”
Time for you to get FREE of all unholy entanglements that would try to hold back your divine destiny! It’s time for great blessings and breakthroughs to come forth in your life, family, household, finances, ministry and business! Whooo hooooo!!!
Sound The Shofar (play recording on loop in home) The sound of the Shofar is the Trumpeting Voice of God and demons hate it – it’s God’s frequency and sends the demonic realm into confusion. When sounding the Shofar decree: “Sound the Shofar, Yahweh is fighting for us! Lord, scatter my enemies and drive them out just like you did for Gideon in Jesus name! I decree the battle is the Lord’s and the King of Glory, Lord of Hosts is Here! Jesus Christ is VICTOR! Every knee must BOW to the Lordship of Jesus Christ! I decree that the frequency of the VOICE of ALMIGHTY GOD is the only Frequency allowed in this house in Jesus name!”
Dedicate, Bless and Anoint your home, yourself/children/animals and possessions with oil: You can use olive oil or anointing oil from the biblical recipe given By God. The important thing is that the oil has been prayed over and dedicated to God.