Tag: Psalm 24

Biblical Teaching: Ascending To Higher Realms!

Biblical Teaching: Ascending To Higher Realms!

This is the transcription of a biblical teaching by Annamarie Strawhand on her LIVE broadcast of Life in the Faith Lane with special guest, Pastor Jeno Shaw, on July 15, 2024.

Watch the video below and read the transcript that follows.


Annamarie: Pastor Jeno, remember when we were in Washington, D.C., and we were praying, and we were up in the hotel room and I was sick that morning?

Pastor Jeno: Oh, yes. Yes.

Annamarie: The enemy was trying to take my voice. I, I woke up that morning – me and Pastor Jeno and Pastor Jeno’s wife, Karrie, and his daughter, Aria … I said, “Pastor Jeno, y’all need to come to my room right now.” I said, “Bring me some tea, something.” I said, “I cannot talk. The enemy is trying to take my voice.” And I was, I was there to bring a word …

Pastor Jeno: Yeah.

Annamarie: To Washington, D.C., and the enemy was … I couldn’t … I woke up, and I had no voice. And so they came up with the tea and put the tea, and Pastor Jeno says, “I’m laying hands on you right now.” And he laid hands, and I could feel the heat. Eh, I mean, my whole body started shaking, and I could feel the heat and my voice came back. 

And that day we went and we prophesied and we prayed, and the very next day my voice was almost fully back, and I spoke on Capitol Hill. And I got to speak the prophetic word there in Washington, D.C., of commanding the gates of righteousness (Psalm 24) to open up over our nation. 

And you know what Psalm 24 is all about? And Pastor Jeno, I want to encourage you. You have healing hands. You have the power of the Holy Spirit.

Pastor Jeno: Yeah.

Annamarie: When you laid hands on me that day to heal and command my voice to come back and I, I felt that healing power working through you, so keep working on that because I know the Lord is giving you that. He’s going to be giving that to all of us. We’re coming into that time. 

Pastor Jeno: Amen.

Annamarie: Let me tell you about Washington, D.C.; Pastor Jeno, remember?

Pastor Jeno: Well, I, I remember when we got there …

Annamarie: It was so supernatural.

Pastor Jeno: … before I forget. I remember when we got there, I took … It might sound weird, but I took it as, as, uh, a good sign. The demons started screaming. 

Annamarie: Ummmmmm!!!!

Pastor Jeno: I remember that, and I, I take that as a good sign.

Annamarie: As soon as we pulled into the parking garage, there was a demonic manifestation.

Pastor Jeno: Yeah, yeah, yeah, immediately.

Annamarie: And, yeah, we were, were staying in, um, Arlington, and we had gotten into the parking garage, and as soon as I hit that button for it to come in, this screeching, demonic … remember? 

Pastor Jeno: I remember. 

Annamarie: Ear piercing, demonic screeching …

Pastor Jeno: Yeah.

Annamarie: And what does that tell you, right, is we carry Christ Jesus. We’re carrying a prophetic word. We’re carrying the glory.

Pastor Jeno: Yes, yes! And I, I truly believe …

Annamarie: And the demons are screaming and running away. 

Pastor Jeno: Oh, yeah, yeah. And I truly be, I truly believe that you have an anointing; I have an anointing, but when we operate together, it’s more than double. 

Annamarie: Oh [gasp], when … 

Pastor Jeno: Yeah

Annamarie: When me and you and Karrie, and your daughter, Ariel …

Pastor Jeno: Oh, yeah!

Annamarie: Who’s anointed …

Pastor Jeno: It’s just powerful, yeah.

Annamarie: And so as soon as we got in that parking garage, I said, “We got to blow the shofar.” And I had my shofar, and we, and, I mean, I’m telling you, the rest of those demons scattered.

But let me tell you something, y’all. When, when, the word that the Lord gave me, uh, well, first he gave me, gave us the word, he gave us several words. You got to go back and watch that whole Washington, D.C. …

Pastor Jeno: Oh, wasn’t the hotel split in half?

Annamarie: The what?

Pastor Jeno: Wasn’t, it was, it was a weird hotel. Wasn’t it split in half like …

Annamarie: Yeah, the hotel was split in half. 

Pastor Jeno: Part of it, you couldn’t go to, so I don’t know … 

Annamarie: Yeah.

Pastor Jeno: if secret service were there or what.

Annamarie: The CIA was having a meeting in the …

Pastor Jeno: There it is!

Annamarie: … basement …

Pastor Jeno: There it is.

Annamarie: … of the hotel …

Pastor Jeno: Hmmm.

Annamarie: … when we got in there. 

Pastor Jeno: Yeah.

Annamarie: And God brought me and you all the way up to the top floor giving us authority over that. It was so prophetic. 

Pastor Jeno: Um hmm.

Annamarie: He, he brought us to the top floor. We, we had all authority, and we were commanding, and in, over that place, and then we weren’t going to do a land assignment in Arlington, but that very morning, we got up when the Lord restored my voice and we did, and we commanded the glory train of God – we were right next to a railroad track – 

Pastor Jeno: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Annamarie: … to come driving into that place. But when we got the next day, uh, over the, um, the water …

Pastor Jeno: Yeah.

Annamarie: We prayed over the water, and, uh, the Lord had me command that the, that the head of the idols would come off. Right? He, he went to that scripture where the, the demonic god, Dagon, lot its head, lost its hand when the Ark of the Covenant came in with the blood of the Lamb, and that the demonic, uh, entities would lose their head, uh, it was, then when we got to the hill, at Capitol Hill, He gave me Psalm 24.

And you know what? I didn’t realize …

Jennifer, can you put, uh, the beginning of Psalm 24 up where it says …

Pastor Jeno: Look, Lady Tex is feeling it!

Annamarie: I need the beginning of Psalm 24 because I’ve got something supernatural to speak. I didn’t, I’m all about opening up the gates of righteousness, but the beginning of Psalm 24 is about us ascending to the supernatural government hill of the Lord. 

Okay, so every, so every land assignment that Pastor Jeno has gone to to pray over the land since Las Vegas, the Lord said to him, “Let the winds blow. Let the winds of change come.” Okay? All right. 

Every land assignment I’ve gone on, the Lord as said Psalm 24, command the gates of righteousness to open – “lift up your heads, O ye gates, and be ye lifted up ye everlasting doors, and the king of glory will come in.” All right?

Is there a whoosh when those gates open? Absolutely. But when you read the beginning of Psalm 24, it just hit me, it says …

Pastor Jeno: Yeah, it hits you that way. It hits me in a different way. You don’t know it, but me and my wife, when we would pray in tongues for hours, we have this CD, and there’s this prophetic singer that would sing, and she would sing Psalm 24, “The earth is the Lord’s.”

Annamarie: And the fullness thereof.

Pastor Jeno: It, it stuck in my head, and it’s there. It’s, it’s never going to leave. 

Annamarie: But the Lord gave me a new revelation on Psalm 24.

Pastor Jeno: Oh, great.

Annamarie: Now I know why He’s had me speaking it. Psalm 24:1-5 – this is 2024, right, 2024. “The earth is the Lord’s, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein. For He hath founded it upon the seas, and established it upon the floods.”

Get ready for floods of truth, floods of truth. Get ready.

“Who shall ascend to the hill of the Lord or who shall stand in His holy place? He that hath clean hands and a pure heart, who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully. He shall receive the blessing from the Lord and the righteousness of the God of his salvation.” 

All right, I’m going to read this again. “Who shall ascend to the hill of the Lord? Who shall stand in his holy place?”

We’re talking about, God is going to bring us up to higher levels of glory where these places, these realms are so holy, so pure, so supernatural, okay, where God – not just His righteousness and His government – but areas of prophetic, areas of healing. I’m telling you, the Lord is saying to us Psalm 24 is a governmental scripture.

Here me out here, y’all. We are in 2024, okay? Uh, the Lord told me to proclaim this scripture over every single land assignment, and He told me to proclaim it at Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. 

He said to me yesterday, “Annamarie, don’t you understand what the beginning of that scripture is?” I said, “What, Lord?” He said, “Who shall ascend to the hill of the Lord, and who shall stand to his holy place?” 

It is a governmental scripture. The hill of the Lord is the mountain of the Lord, the government of the Lord in the earth, meaning we are going to be raised up to levels who we will be doing things that are so holy, so supernatural, and it’s through us seeking righteousness. So the more we seek righteousness, the more we seek righteousness, the more we say, “Lord, create in us clean hands and a pure heart,” we’re going to levels of glory in the earth where we are going to be raised up, ascended up … I’m talking about spiritually where we’re going to be doing things in the spirit realm that Jesus said we would do.

This is where we are going to be ascending into the government of God in the earth and bringing it to the earth, but we must … 

Pastor Jeno: Annamarie.

Annamarie:  … seek His righteousness. 

Pastor Jeno: Annamarie.

Annamarie: It is an ascension first. 

Pastor Jeno: Do you realize what you’re doing right now?

Annamarie: I’m prophesying.

Pastor Jeno: Do you realize what you’re doing right now?

Annamarie: We’re ascending to the hill of the Lord.

Pastor Jeno: You’re cheer, you’re cheerleading. I, my, my spirit, and I know everyone’s spirit on this, uh, chat is on fire right now. 

Annamarie: Come on!

Pastor Jeno: You’re cheerleading, and … 

Annamarie: Come on! 

Pastor Jeno: Yes, yes. Hallelujah!

Annamarie: When I prophesied that with the shofar that day …

Pastor Jeno: Yes. 

Annamarie: … I felt the power of the Holy Ghost, and He was saying, “Open the gates of righteousness.” He has, He’s said that to me so many times. You know why? Psalm 24 is a governmental verse for the kingdom of Almighty God. 

Pastor Jeno: Come on.

Annamarie: We have got to seek His righteousness. The more we seek His righteousness, the higher up He elevates us. I’m talking about in the earth, and, and, you know, , we are, we are transcending in the spirit realm to higher places to do the works of Jesus Christ. 

Is it connected to time travel? Is it connecting to transcending time? Is it connecting to seeing things in the spirit of the future? Is it connected …. Absolutely! All the gifts that Jesus Christ have [sic], we will have. How do we get them? Seeking His righteousness. 

Pastor Jeno: Yes, and I’m, I’m going to add to that, and I’m going to release this gold nugget right now.  

Annamarie: Coming up to the higher place …

Pastor Jeno: And that is, that is this …

Annamarie: Spiritually! Come on.

Pastor Jeno: The word of God, the word of God, okay? The word of God, it transcends natural laws.

Annamarie: That’s right. 

Pastor Jeno: It transcends natural laws. 

Annamarie: Hallelujah.

Pastor Jeno: Okay, we’ve been talking about the supernatural, what Jesus have [sic] done. We’re going to do that and even more. Hallelujah. Remember that.

Annamarie: Yes, and how do we get righteousness? We get righteousness through the word of God. 

Pastor Jeno: Amen.

Annamarie: We get righteousness through His word. Do we all want to operate in these gifts of the Spirit and come up to the higher place, right, in, spiritually? “Who shall ascend to the hill of the Lord? Who shall stand in His holy place.” I’m talking about in the earth, bringing the kingdom of God to the earth in us and through us. We’ve got to seek His righteousness. How do we seek His righteousness? Through His word. Right? 

The, the Bible says we go from glory to glory to glory, and the breaker. He’s breaking us through, King Jesus. It’s, it’s, it’s a government that is coming to earth through us, the saints, but it’s us seeking this righteousness. I’m telling you, my friends, we are going to be standing on the hill of the Lord, and I’m talking about spiritually.

Pastor Jeno: Annamarie …

Annamarie: The mountain of transfiguration …

Pastor Jeno: I don’t know if you realize it …

Annamarie: … type, type things.

Pastor Jeno: You still got it. You still got it, that cheerleader in you. You still got it. 

Annamarie: Whoooooo, let’s go, people!

Pastor Jeno: Look, if I had wings, I would fly right now. I would just fly right now. That’s, my spirit is just, is, yeah, my goodness. Come on. 

Annamarie: But when He gave me that word about Psalm 24, and now I realize why He’s had me speak it so many times. He wants the desire in His people to seek this righteousness because He wants to raise us up higher, to a higher level in the spirit, and I’m talking about, I’m not talking about, uh, you know, where you’re going to be, you know, leaving your body and all that stuff. I’m talking physical boots-on-the ground on the earth walking in signs, wonders, miracles, five-fold ministries. I mean, doing the works of Jesus Christ.

Pastor Jeno: Now there …

Annamarie: Will, will He actually pick up your body and move it? Yeah.

Pastor Jeno: Now, there is a, uh, prerequisite. Just so you guys know, there is a prerequisite, and in verse six it just says, “This is the generation of those who diligently seek Him … 

Annamarie: Amen.

Pastor Jeno: … and require Him as their greatest need.” 

Annamarie: Yes.

Pastor Jeno: Their greatest need.

Annamarie: So we’ve got to constantly seek the Lord.

Pastor Jeno: Yes, yeah.

Annamarie: And, and, and we’ve got to hunger for Him. 

Pastor Jeno: Yes, that’s it.

Annamarie: And this is being established. This is being established. We really have got to meditate on Psalm 24, my friends.

Pastor Jeno: There you go. There you go.

Annamarie: Speak it out. Uh, I blow my shofar when I speak that verse. Now I know why He had me, so even going all the way back to my first land assignment, Pastor Jeno …

Pastor Jeno: Um hmm.

Annamarie: When I was, when I was, um, on July 9, July 9, 2016, the Lord sent me up to Jamestown and Yorktown, and He spoke to me audibly. I remember telling my husband, “Honey, don’t think I’m crazy, but God is talking to me.” And then, you know Big Mike, my husband, Big Mike, right? 

Pastor Jeno: Yeah!

Annamarie: I’m like, I go, we go into the church of Jamestown, right? I don’t know why the Lord said just take a little staycation, just go up to Jamestown. We did …

Pastor Jeno: This sounds like the intro to a movie.

Annamarie: I wasn’t thinking anything. Yeah, July 9, it’s so hot, okay?

Pastor Jeno: Yeah.

Annamarie: And we walk in this little church, old church in Jamestown. I walk in the doors, and the Spirit of the God, of God comes upon me … 

Pastor Jeno: Come on.

Annamarie: … and starts, He’s, I hear the voice of the Lord audibly, and He says, “Annamarie, go up to the altar and kneel down. I have an assignment for you.”

Pastor Jeno: Amen.

Annamarie: And I look at Mike, there’s, there’s tourists all in there [Inaudible]. I go …

Pastor Jeno: I just love that. 

Annamarie: Yeah.

Pastor Jeno: “Honey, don’t, don’t think I’m crazy.” I love that!

Annamarie: I know! Mike remembers that. 

Pastor Jeno: Yeah.

Annamarie: I said, um, “Honey,” I go, “God is talking to me, and I don’t think I’m crazy,” I said, “but I got to go up there.” Because we were going to turn around and walk out of the church [Sound effects] and walk out.

Pastor Jeno: Yeah.

Annamarie: And Mike was ready to go, and I’m like, “Hold on,” I go, “God’s talking to me. Don’t think I’m crazy. I got to go up here.”

Pastor Jeno: Yeah.

Annamarie: And he was like, “Whaaaaaa?” Now he, now he knows God talks to me all the time, right?

Pastor Jeno: Yeah.

Annamarie: But before, he was like, you know? And so I went up to that altar, and I remember these beautiful tapestries with the Ten Commandments on both sides. This very old church in Jamestown, the first Jamestown settlement, and I knelt down at the altar, and I said, “Lord, I don’t know what this assignment is, but I say yes.” And He said, “You say yes?” 

Pastor Jeno: Wow.

Annamarie: And I said, “Yes, I’m saying yes.” 

Pastor Jeno: Wow.

Annamarie: And it, I, I walked out of that church. The power of the Holy Ghost was on me so strong.

Pastor Jeno: And you’ve never been the same. 

Annamarie: And I had lost all the charge on my phone because I had been taking a bunch of videos.

Pastor Jeno: Wow.

Annamarie: I walked down the hill from that, this is on July 9, 2016. I will never forget it.

Pastor Jeno: Wow.

Annamarie: I walked down the hill. We were going to go back into the air conditioned museum, and there was this old, giant chimney, antique chimney, brick chimney there. Looks like it had been the ruins of something, okay, but it was, this chimney was still standing. And it’s starting to drizzle rain about five o’clock in the afternoon, and there’s all these tourists in a big circle looking up at this chimney, the very, very top. And it starts to drizzle, and the Lord says to me, “Look up.” And I stop and I look up. There is an American Bald Eagle’s nest at the top of this chimney with a mother eagle with two baby birds, and she’s spreading out her wings over these two babies. And I’m trying to get my phone to take a picture. No charge on the phone. 

Pastor Jeno: Oh!

Annamarie: And I, I hear the Lord say to me, “Annamarie, this assignment is about America. Now, just do what I tell you to do.” And when I got home … Oh, then I went into the gift shop, and He told me to buy this. [Holds item up] And, uh, this is a sentry, a pressed glass sentry, and the Lord started teaching me about the sentry angels, and, um, He said He is raising up, right, His, His, His guards, His intercessors and to ask for the sentry angels. 

As soon as I got home … President Trump  was running for president, and the Lord gave me my very first land assignment at, uh, the First Landing Cross at Cape Henry, Virginia, here in Virginia Beach, Virginia. And do you know what the first scripture was that He told me to do? 

Pastor Jeno: What?

Annmarie: Psalm 24.

Pastor Jeno: Amen.

Annamarie: Immediately.

Pastor Jeno: And when I was …

Annamarie: And that’s the main gateway to our nation. And then He took the land assignments, He’s got y’all, through this ministry, you started doing them. Then you went and did, I did the one on the East Coast Cross. You went …

Pastor Jeno: Yeah.

Annamarie: …  and did the one on the West Coast Cross at San Diego.

Pastor Jeno: Yeah.

Annamarie: And then all of y’all now doing this everywhere. The sons and daughters of God have awakened. 

Scripture Reference

Psalm 24 (KJV)
“The earth is the Lord’s, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein. 2 For he hath founded it upon the seas, and established it upon the floods. 3 Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord? or who shall stand in his holy place? 4 He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully. 5 He shall receive the blessing from the Lord, and righteousness from the God of his salvation.”