Tag: protection

Enforcing Protection Over Your State

Enforcing Protection Over Your State

Note: Click HERE to watch this video teaching and corporate prayer as it was prayed over the state of Florida!!

We should never ever try to bind powers and principalities of the air because they have a legal right to operate in an area if there is unrepented sin. The demonic powers and principalities of the air get to operate over schools, regions, states, or a government because they are demonic kings that have demonic strongholds over those areas because of sin in the region. The more sin there is in the region, the more legal right they have to operate there.

If you just go in and start binding them, you will get major pushback and attacks because they actually have a legal right to operate there because the blood of Jesus Christ is not on the sin. They lose their legal rights when we go and stand in those regions, stand in those areas, repent, and get the blood of Jesus Christ into the land. They then lose their legal rights to operate there because we are boots on the ground for Jesus. He told us to go and occupy for Him, and He told us to take territory on the earth, to trample on serpents and scorpions. 

The more we go and repent on the land and the water, the more those demonic powers and principalities lose their legal rights and have to leave. The problem is they don’t leave without a fight. You can’t bind those principalities. Your job is to repent over the land, the water, and the gates and get the blood of Jesus Christ in there. Then we ask Father God to come in with His angel armies and take dominion of those gates, over those regions, to come and take dominion over those powers and principalities because there’s no legal right for them to remain anymore because the sin has been repented for. 

So remember to never ever try to come against powers or principalities or storms or hurricanes because there is spiritual warfare happening over those areas. Jesus took authority over the storms, but we can only take authority over places after we have made sure that we have repented. 

We do carry the authority of Jesus Christ, and we are seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. It’s His authority that does this. But remember when Daniel was in Babylon, and He was waiting a long time to get His prayer answered. Babylon was a very sinful place, so Daniel did an evening sacrifice and shed the blood of the lamb. 

That evening, Archangel Gabriel returned to him and told him that he would have been there sooner, but it took him 21 days to fight his way through because the demonic powers, principalities, and strongholds that were ruled by a demonic king, called the Prince of Persia, were so bad and so strong because of the sin in Babylon that he, Archangel Gabriel, a powerful angel who stands in the presence of God, had to call upon Archangel Michael to help him and fight him through. 

This is why you can’t do it! You’ll get your butt whooped if you try! It has to be the angels of the Lord that do this after we pray, after we repent, after we ask, in the name of Jesus Christ, for Father God to send his angel armies in to deal with it.

Even if man is doing things to the storms and hurricanes through weather manipulation to make them bigger, more violent, and more damaging, it’s still demonic! Those people are unrepentant of their sin and are being ruled by demonic powers – demons. So there are two things operating here – the spiritual factor and the man of sins factor. Both are rooted in demonic powers and principalities that are getting energized by the sin.

The more we repent, the more we take Communion, the more we pour the blood of Jesus on the ground, the more we ask Father God to send in His angel armies to deal with it, in the name of Jesus, you’re going to see a difference. 

So our job is to repent and get the blood of Jesus in those areas so they lose their legal right! Then we have to trust in God. We have to trust in His Word, and we have to keep proclaiming His Word. 

We’re taking dominion right now on earth through King Jesus and through doing these land assignments and the blood of Jesus. Once we do that, the enemy has lost its legal right to operate there because repentance and the blood of Jesus causes the curse to lose its cause and the demons and the people led by the demons to lose their legal right to operate there.

Scripture References

Psalm 37:9-11 (KJV)
“For evildoers shall be cut off: but those that wait upon the Lord, they shall inherit the earth. 10 For yet a little while, and the wicked shall not be: yea, thou shalt diligently consider his place, and it shall not be. 11 But the meek shall inherit the earth; and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace.”

Proverbs 26:2 (KJV)
“As the bird by wandering, as the swallow by flying, so the curse causeless shall not come.”

Jude 9 (NLT)
“But even Michael, one of the mightiest of the angels, did not dare accuse the devil of blasphemy, but simply said, “The Lord rebuke you!” (This took place when Michael was arguing with the devil about Moses’ body.)”

Note: Before praying the following prayer, be sure you have already been in the Courts of Heaven for your family and have already completed a land prayer assignment in your region that includes repentance and pouring the blood of Jesus (Communion) in the ground. 

You can get free training on my website on how to do this safely and without getting pushback and attacks from the enemy afterward. 

How To Appear In The Courts Of Heaven – Remove Generational Curses

Land Prayer Assignments Guide And Index

Pray Out Loud – Note: This prayer was originally prayed over Florida as Hurricane Milton was approaching. You can adapt it to your city/state/region for the circumstances and situations that you are seeing there.

  • “Father God, be reminded of all of the prayer that we’ve done in the state of _______. Be reminded of all the repentance that we’ve done in the soil in the state of _______. Be reminded, Father God, that the blood of Jesus Christ is speaking in the soil in _______, and we enforce the blood of Jesus Christ everywhere it’s been poured, everywhere there’s been repentance. 

  • “We’re asking the blood of Jesus to speak a better word over the state of _______. The blood of Jesus has all dominion now, and the sins have been forgiven and covered in the blood of Jesus Christ. Therefore, Father God, these powers and principalities over _______, everywhere we’ve repented, everywhere the blood of Jesus Christ has been poured, have lost their legal right to operate. There is no cause for a curse. They have no choice; they have to leave. 

  • “Father God, in the name of Jesus Christ, it is written in Your Word that if two or more agree touching a thing, it will be done for them, and, if we ask for anything in Jesus Christ’s name, it will be done for us. 

  • “So, Father, we’re asking You for more angel armies over _______. We’re asking You to bring in Archangel Michael over the state of  _______ to enforce the blood of Jesus Christ over the state of _______, to enforce the dominion over the state of _______, to enforce the dominion over every spiritual gate and every physical gate, to enforce the dominion of the Lord Jesus Christ over all these gates, in Jesus Christ’s name. We ask for the angel armies to come, even with Archangel Michael, and smite down, arrest, bind, shackle, and remove every remaining demonic power and principality that has been operating under the earth, on the earth, and above the earth in the state of _______. We come together in faith, by the authority of Jesus Christ, by the anointing of the Holy Spirit, and by the power of the blood of Jesus Christ that is speaking in the state of _______ asking for You to protect your people; protect Your children, Father God.

  • “We ask You to render judgment against the wicked, according to Your Word, that you will root out the wicked with Your ax of judgment and save our children. Father God, Your Word says that You will contend with those who contend with us, and You will save our children. We ask that You would do that in the state of _______ and all 50 states and beyond. We trust You, Father God. We trust that You have control of this _______, and that You have removed any demonic control and any control of man over this _______ because You ride on every storm, Father God. The lightning is in Your hands, and You always hit Your mark, Almighty God. 

  • “We believe by faith right now that Your angel armies and even Archangel Michael are on the scene right now in the state of _______ rooting out anything that is demonic that is still operating, for it no longer has a legal right to be there because of the blood of Jesus. Thank You, Father God!

  • “Father God, You’ve shown me that You’re going to deal with _______. I don’t know how You’re going to deal with _______. I just know You’re going to deal with it, and even those who have been doing evil at _______ and around it will fall to their knees in repentance, a free gift for all of us, and turn to Jesus Christ.

  • “Father God, You said You would contend with those who contend with us, and You’re saving our children. How You do that, we do not understand, but we believe that You are fighting for us, Father God, that You are coming with Your mighty swift and terrible sword, and we will see Your glory. 

  • “And anyone who has loved ones in _______ today, we place them in the blood of Jesus. Put a hedge of protection around them, Father God, and if they need to get out of _______, send Your Holy Spirit to warn them and send helpers and angels unawares to warn them to get out. 

  • “We thank You, Father, that even if they don’t get out, that peoples’ loved ones here will be protected and that You will surround them with Your angel armies and protect them and that not one hair on their head will be harmed. 

  • “Thank You, Father God, that You bring justice and judgment, but You also bring new beginnings and new birth in Christ Jesus through Christ Jesus. Thank You for hearing our prayers. Thank You for saving our children. Thank You, Father God, for showing us how to go and pray over the land, and thank You, Father God, for sending Your angel armies to remove all these demons and all these demonic strongholds because there is no cause for a curse. It is written, “A curse causeless does not alight!” Therefore, there is no legal right for these demons and these demonic principalities or these demonic strongholds to operate in _______ ever again because of the blood of Jesus Christ that is speaking. Only blessing can come. Only the glory of God can come, and we say, ‘Let prophets, teachers, evangelists, and revival rise up in _______ like we’ve never seen before, all for the glory of God, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.’

  • “Thank You, Almighty God! We worship You. Father God, You are a mighty God. You are the Almighty God. Blessed are You, O Lord God, King of the Universe, our protector, our deliverer. You, O God, are taking control of _______ and protecting Your people, and Your Word says, in Psalm 37, it is the wicked that’ll just disappear from the face of the earth, and the righteous inherit the earth. How you do that, Father God, we do not know, but we just trust You, and we know Your hand is upon us, protecting us and our children and our households and family members. We trust You, God. We praise You, God, and we believe in the power of the blood of Jesus. Hallelujah!”