Prayer To Cut The Cords To Release The Giant Of Revival
On our March 14, 2025, live broadcast of Life in the Faith Lane, we had a special teaching and prayer with Author-Teacher-Intercessor Jeanette Strauss of Glorious Creations and Annamarie Strawhand.
Jeanette brought an incredible prophetic word and revelation on our next step to pray over our cities to release revival and wake up the sleepers! We joined together in a prophetic prayer over our cities and towns using bells, string and scissors.
Watch the replay below and join in with the prayer that is typed out below. If you have a bell, string, and scissors, have them ready. You will learn how to use these along with the prayer as a prophetic act of declaration and deliverance over your city. You can also join us in Communion, so have your communion supplies ready.
Pray Out Loud
Jeanette: [Timestamp: 2:37:09] Dear heavenly Father, we’re all coming into Your courtroom in Heaven today as a class action suit with one representing and many all in agreement. Father, we humbly repent before You for any sin we may have against You, any sin that we may have performed against You or Your Word in any way. Please open the record book in each one of our lives, and go back to the very beginnings – even our forefathers. If there’s been sin there committed against You in any way, we’re asking, Lord, for you to forgive this sin and to wash our bloodlines with the blood of Jesus – the precious blood that we just partook of. We’re asking You, Lord, to forgive sin and to move us from any judgment that the enemy could use against us in the Courts of Heaven into the throne of grace and mercy. Expunge our records, Lord, of sin. Give us a new start, and, Father, remove veils off the eyes or our understanding in grace and mercy, Father, that we’ll see truth that we haven’t seen before, and we’ll embrace Your truth and walk in Your truth, Lord Jesus.
And, Father, we come back into Your courtroom with a prophetic act that we believe that You’ve told us to do, and that is to release these angelic beings that are in charge of our different cities and our nations, like Gabriel and Michael, and the hosts – they all have their own names, which we don’t need to know all of those names, Lord – but they’re in charge of the churches too in Revelation. Lord, You don’t give the angels’ names, but you do give the name of the church in each city.
So we’re lifting up all the churches represented here today on this broadcast and the angelic host to each church because the church itself was blamed for what was going on in the city. It was held accountable. Father, we’re members of these churches and we want things set straight. So, Father, we repent on behalf of any sin being committed against You in any of the cities that we live in. We’re asking for forgiveness for these sins. We’re asking for the blood of Jesus to wash over it like Daniel did for his nation. We’re asking, Lord, that You will move on our cities. We want revival to come to our cities. Lord, we know that the sin has bound the angelic hosts, those giant men, renowned of old, Father, who work for You – the heavenly hosts who work for You.
Father, in faith, we come believing today that with the blood of Jesus and our repentance, we’re doing an act that shows that they’re being unbound. (Hold up your cord) Lord, this cord represents all those that are on this broadcast for their cities, their churches, their lives, their families, and their businesses. As we cut the cord, Lord, we’re cutting loose the cords that would bind the neck, the head, the hands, the wrists, the feet, and the ankles where that heavenly host has been delayed because of the sin like Michael was delayed to help Gabriel. We’re cutting them loose, Lord. We’re cutting them loose for revival to come in those places – in our cities, our families, etc.
Annamarie: I’m discerning in the spirit right now for youth revival and I’m declaring that the angel of the Lord that is over the youth revival for Jesus Christ be loosed right now and released from anything that is binding or delaying this angel of the Lord of youth revival, in Jesus’ name. I’m speaking youth revival across the world starting with our own children, even our adult children, and all the children, youth, all the young people of the word. This angel of the Lord that is over youth revival has been set free to do what he needs to do and to bring forth the will and the word of God for youth revival across the world, all the nations.
Jeanette: Releasing the music of the Word of God, the music, the frequencies, Lord. Release the frequencies of Heaven into the music industry, the movie industry. Change the frequencies that our children are listening to, to the frequencies of Heaven. We know that you can do that supernaturally, Lord.
Annmarie: Let these frequencies of Heaven resonate into our children, into their minds, bodies, souls, spirits, and into every cell of their bodies. Father God, Your Word says in Isaiah 49 that You will contend with those who contend with us, and You will save our children. Can the captives of the mighty be taken away? Yes, Father God, You do it! You say in Your Word that You will do this, and we’re asking You to do it right now, in the name of Jesus Christ.
Jeanette: Thank You, Lord, that angels hearken to the voice of Your Word and go forth to perform it. You say that, Lord, in Habakkuk 3, so we thank You for that, that the angels are hearkening to the Word of the Lord. Isaiah 49:24 and 25 that Annamarie just decreed, and You Yourself, You will contend with those who contend against us, and You’ll save our children, You say. Thank You, Jesus. We believe You for that. We believe You for youth revival. You do it, Lord. You can do it, and we support You.
Annamarie: And every single son or daughter that has been bound by the enemy to keep them from fulfilling their divine purpose for You, Father God, that has been keeping them from fulfilling their divine purpose for You, Lord Jesus Christ, that those sons and daughters be unbound right now. And the angels of the Lord that are assigned to each child be unbound now, in the name of Jesus, to assist that child and to assist our children and our children’s children to fulfill their calling for the kingdom of Almighty God. We believe by faith that it is being done right now. As I’m even looking at my own daughter right now, call out your children’s names too. Say, “Right now, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I loose and release all tethers, ties, ropes, chains, or anything that has held my (son/daughter) bound from fulfilling (his/her) purpose for the kingdom of Almighty God, and I loose and release the angels of the Lord that have been assigned to my (son/daughter), _______, to assist (her/him).
Jeanette: We release angels that speak life to those that at this stage who are thinking of taking their lives. These young people, it’s never been so bad. They’re just so discouraged and decide this. Lord, loose Your angels of life and light to go on assignments to each of those people, each of those children and even adults who are on the verge of that, and stop them. They have a destiny to fulfill, Lord. We are embracing what you’re doing in their life to bring them life. Father, speak to them in dreams and visions. Save them, Lord. Don’t let them do things that they’re planning on doing that would stop their destinies.
Annamarie: I hear those tethers snapping. When you were the first one to cut with your scissors, Jeanette, I could hear the scissors in the spirit, the divine scissors cutting.
Jeanette: Thank You, Lord.
Annamarie: And, Father God, You have a mighty swift and terrible sword. We believe by faith right now, Father God, that You have come with Your mighty swift and terrible sword and are cutting off all these tethers, ropes, and chains right now off of Your angels that have been held down. You are doing it right now. We believe it by faith, that these angels of revival, these angels over the cities, these angels over the states, the angels over the nations, and the angels over youth revival have been set free and released to fulfill their assignments for You, Father God, fulfilling Your perfect will in the earth. And we are so excited to see Your glory, God.
Jeanette: Thank You. We are, Lord; we are. We’re witnesses to what You’re doing, Father. Wow, thank You, Lord.
Annamarie: I’m getting a word of knowledge too that unholy, ungodly covenants, Freemasonry and other things are part of what has caused the tethers. I’m hearing the words tethers and fetters, tethers and fetters, tethers and fetters.
Jeanette: I think in their ceremony, they bind their feet, don’t they? They bind their legs.
Annamarie: They do. Yes, they do.
Jeanette: Ooh, so everybody that’s got Freemasonry, right, in their root structure, their generational bloodline that have Freemasons, Shriners, Eastern Star, any of those secret organizations that appear to be good, but they’re bad, Lord, we cut them off. They may have been struggling with this. (Take scissors and cut cord.) No more fetters or tethers to do with that because we’ve done the repentance, and we’ve asked forgiveness.
Annamarie: No more fetters or tethers of Freemasonry. No more fetters or tethers of Freemasonry.
Jeanette: Freemasonry, and we include those. Set them free.
Annamarie: Set them free, Lord. He’s saying, “Any false imprisonment and false hangings for the KKK and other false accusations in your city. He’s reminding me in my city of Virginia there was a false accusation of a man, and he was, the man was hung, but he was falsely accused. And, Father, let every false accusation, every false imprisonment, every false hanging, let those fetters, tethers, chains, shackles, and ropes be cut now, in the name of Jesus. Father God, Your Word says whatever is loosed on earth shall be loosed in Heaven, and whatever is bound on earth shall be bound in Heaven. Everyone here and Jeanette and I are standing on that word right now. We believe by faith this is being done.
Father, we ask You to take those ropes, chains, tethers, and fetters and bind the demons and the demonic and those unclean spirits that have been operating in these areas, that they are the ones that are now bound. This is the time of Purim. Haman shall hang on his own gallows, divine reversal, and we are asking for divine reversal right now for those who have been set free that are servants of the Lord, from the angels to people, as we have been set free and our fetters and tethers and chains and shackles have been released, and the angel of the Lord has been released. Father, we ask You to take those tethers and fetters and chains and shackles and ropes, and bind those evil spirits and those unclean spirits and their demonic assignments, Father God. We ask this in Jesus’ name. We’re asking for divine reversal today. Thank You, Jesus.
I’m seeing an image in the spirit of “shaking it loose.” Shake off those tethers. Shake off those fetters. Shake off those chains. I see these angels of the Lord that have just been freshly released, and they’re, they’re like a, they’re shaking. They’re shaking off. They’re shaking.
Jeanette: Thank You, Lord. [2:56:43 Ending Timestamp]