Tag: prayer strategy

Prayer For Strength And Stamina

Prayer For Strength And Stamina

If you are in need of strength and stamina, hold out your hands and receive from the Lord as you pray this prayer.

Pray Out Loud

  • “Heavenly Father, Almighty God, Great I Am, I come to You boldly, straight to Your holy throne with my request. I ask, in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, for strength and stamina in my mind, body, soul, heart, and spirit. I invite Your Holy Spirit to come upon me and pour a fresh anointing upon me, and I receive, by faith, this fresh anointing. 

  • “For it is written in Your Word the anointing breaks the yoke, and I believe, by faith right now, that I have received a fresh anointing of the Holy Spirit upon my mind, my body, my soul, my heart, and my spirit. I feel the anointing pouring down me, upon my head, down my brow, down my cheeks, and onto my shoulders, and now the anointing breaks every yoke of bondage, overwhelm, heaviness, false responsibility, fear, weariness, sadness, and lies. Every yoke that is not of God has been broken off me now! (Shake it off!) 

  • “I feel the anointing refreshing me, and I receive the yoke of Jesus Christ. (Breathe) His yoke is easy and light and joyful. I have great strength and stamina in Christ Jesus. I am not alone. Jesus is yoked to me, and I am yoked to Him, and I can do all things through Christ and with Christ who strengthens me. Thank You, Jesus. Thank You, Father God. Thank You, Holy Spirit. 

  • “Father God, I have one more request. I ask, in Jesus Christ’s name, for angels of the Most High God to minister to me and strengthen me just like they did for Jesus Christ in the garden. I believe, by faith, they are here. I receive the ministering angels of the Lord. I am strengthened in soul and spirit. I prosper in health and in strength because my soul prospers. 

  • “I declare Isaiah 40 over my life. I will walk and not grow weary. I stay in faith and see all the good things you have for me ahead, Almighty God, and I will continue to ask, seek, and knock, in faith, and know my God is with me, helping me and raising me up to soar as on wings of an eagle. 

  • “Father God, You go ahead of me. You are beside me. You are my rear guard. You clear the path ahead of me. You make my crooked places straight. You accelerate me. I am not alone, and I am not doing this on my own strength but on Yours. I am refreshed. I am redeemed. I am restored. I go forward, and I shall see all that I am doing by faith to completion, easily and abundantly and gloriously. 

  • “I thank You, Father God, for Your faithfulness, Your anointing, and Your Son, Jesus Christ. I feel new. I feel strengthened. I feel refreshed. I feel lighter. I feel stronger, and I’m going forward powerfully, all for the kingdom and the glory of God. Amen and amen! Hallelujah! Woo hoooo!!”
Prayer To Repent For Illegal Warfare

Prayer To Repent For Illegal Warfare

By: Jeanette Strauss

If you’ve ever prayed illegal prayers, done illegal warfare over your home, land, schools, government, etc., it opens you up to backlash from the enemy. It’s very important to pray this prayer of repentance and follow our training on how to do land assignments safely, according to God’s Word, so you won’t get any backlash when you go out and do land assignments.

Pray Out Loud

  • “Dear Heavenly Father, I come before You into the Court of Heaven today, Lord. I thank You, that I can stand here in the blood of Jesus Christ because I have repented and asked forgiveness for any sin in my life, and You’ve cleansed me. But, Lord, this other issue has arisen, and I want to bring it before the Court. I want to repent and ask for forgiveness, Lord, if I’ve prayed unlawful prayers. You say in Revelation that lawlessness will increase. Lord, I don’t want to be part of that lawlessness, so, Father, if I’ve prayed or led people or taught people in unlawful prayers, illegal unlawful ways to pray, Lord, then I repent and ask for forgiveness for that. I ask that You wash that from my record. I ask, Lord, that if it’s caused anybody harm that I may have taught over the years or anyone may have picked it up from me, the way I prayed that was incorrect, Father, I pray that You cleanse them too. 

  • “I stand in the gap for any of those who might have picked up from the way I prayed over the years before I knew the truth, Lord, that they may have been attacked, and I repent and ask for forgiveness for that, even on their behalf. I ask You to wash them with the blood of Jesus, bring them into grace and mercy, and cleanse them and set them free from any of those demonic attacks that come from attacking the demonic as a human and attacking the spiritual. 

  • “Father, I ask You to give them the revelation of the right way to pray, and, Lord, those in churches who believe they’re praying correctly by coming against principalities and powers, You say in Your Word in Jude, when the person comes against Leviathan, “Remember the fight, and don’t ever do it again. You cannot do that.” Even Michael when he was contending over the body of Moses didn’t dare bring a railing accusation against the enemy. 

  • “So, Lord, the enemy has a position. We respect that position, Father, but we know how to deal with that position, and it’s through Your Word and through our prayers of repentance and asking forgiveness. So forgive us and move us from any judgments that could be hanging on from those old days and those old ways and move us into grace and mercy. Remove veils off the eyes of our understanding and continue, Lord, to show us the way to victory, in Jesus’ name. Amen.”
Prayer For Loved Ones To Trade Deception For The Fear And Awe Of The Lord

Prayer For Loved Ones To Trade Deception For The Fear And Awe Of The Lord

We can go before God and ask for a trade because Jesus did the trade on the cross. When I had a loved one in deception, I asked the Lord what I could trade for the deception. The Lord didn’t say to trade it for truth. He said to trade it for the fear of the Lord. I was surprised when He said that to me.

Those who are believing deception are believing the words of the enemy. When you ask for the deception to be traded for the fear of the Lord, what is that? The awe of God, which completely destroys the lies of the enemy, the lies of the world, and even the deception they’ve built up in their own mind because when the fear of the Lord comes upon somebody, it brings them to their knees in repentance immediately. All of a sudden they realize all that’s wrong, all that was a lie because the fear of the Lord comes on them, the awe of God, the mighty power of God, the reality!

Pray Out Loud

  • “Heavenly Father, Father God, on behalf of any of my loved ones who are in deception – the deception of the world and the deception of the lies of the devil – or even if they are an elitist who think they know more than You, God, or are filled with pride thinking that they know more than everybody, including God, I come before You, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, partaking of the trade that was made on the Cross of Jesus Christ, and I trade pride, deception, and fear of man for the fear of the Lord to come upon them right now.

  • “I ask now that the fear of the Lord will come upon them suddenly! That all deception will be immediately removed, pride immediately smote down, and the fear of the Lord will come upon them, the awe of Almighty God and His mighty power and His glory, and they will fall to their knees in repentance, a free gift for all of us. The eyes of their hearts will be enlightened, and the scales will be removed from their eyes because the trade of the Cross of Jesus Christ has been made for them immediately, in Jesus Christ’s name. Thank You, Father God!”