Tag: #oil

Prophetic Word: Open Heaven! Outpouring Coming!

Prophetic Word: Open Heaven! Outpouring Coming!

Transcription of the word that the Holy Spirit gave to Annamarie Strawhand, which she delivered during her broadcast of Life in the Faith Lane on September 20, 2024.

Watch the video, and then read the transcript below.


ANNAMARIE: Lord, I’m asking You for a word. I submit myself to You, Jesus. What is on Your heart, Lord? He’s showing me, um, I used to have this lamp, and it was an old oil lamp. It was my husband’s lamp, uh, and I, I just, I had it for awhile, and I think I sold it in a consignment store, but He’s showing me the lampshade I made for the lamp. And I, I, I had pressed these beautiful pansies, beautiful purple, yellow … because when my daughter had her room when she was a baby, her colors were purple and yellow. 

I pressed these purple and yellow pansies and made a beautiful lampshade. I took a clear, it was like, it was like a paper lampshade like the lampshade was like parchment paper, like kind of parchment, like wax parchment. And I took these pansies and pressed them, and then I put them on the lampshade, and I put like modge, you know that modge podge? Anybody who’s done like, you know, that type of thing, you know what I’m talking about, with, with crafts, you do the mod, modge podge?

He’s showing me that. What, why are You showing me that, Lord? Okay, so we know that Jesus was pressed. He was pressed in the Garden of Gethsemane, and He was pressed so hard that He actually sweated blood, and He took on, right, all the sins of the word. That’s when He said, “Father,” you know, “if You can take this cup from Me.” But then He, He accepted the cup, and He was pressed. He was pressed in the olive press, but it’s a different kind of pressing. This is flower pressing. 

You know, you press flower petals, flowers, and you press them in a book. A lot of people will press flowers as a remembrance. 

Lord, what are You saying about this? Like the oil lamp was turned into an electric lamp, and then I pressed flowers and put it on there. And then her, the room, her room decor changed so we got a lot of rid of that, we got rid of a lot of that stuff. 

But I do have one of Mike’s granny’s old oil lamps. We have it on the mantle of our fireplace. It’s still got oil in it. It’s still got oil in the lamp. It’s been in there a long time. 

“You must ask for fresh oil. No substitutions,” says the Lord. “I have been in the pressing,” says the Lord. He says, “Do not settle for imitation! Do not settle for quick fixes! Do not expect that I do not see you, and I will not bless you with the fresh oil.” 

The Lord is saying He was pressed for everyone. This pressing was for all of us. This anointing is for all of us, and people are looking for cheap, quick imitations. They’re trying to update what He says is His original. He says, “The anointing is the anointing. The anointing is the anointing. Ask for it fresh every day. The anointing is the anointing.” He says, “My people” are not going to him for fresh, asking for fresh every day. They’re not asking to be filled up every day. They’re going around with imitation light trying to dress it up. Ooh, oh, Lord. Oh, Lord.

Hear the word of the Lord! Hear the word of the Lord! Thank You, Jesus Christ. “YOU, stop trying to do quick fixes! YOU, stop trying to fix up everything, and just allow ME, the Lord, to pour into you fresh every day! I will sustain you,” says the Lord. “I was already crushed for you,” says the Lord. “Let the anointing pour, pour, pour, pour into you. Keep asking for fresh oil from My throne! It is there for the asking!”

He says He was already pressed for us. He was already did [sic] all the suffering for us. “I did the work,” says the Lord! “I did the work! You must receive of it from the original, no imitations!” He says, “My people, my people, they’re looking to other people to give them anointing.” He’s saying, “Why do they not ask Me? I’m drawing them to My light. I’m drawing them to My throne,” He’s saying. He’s saying He will use divine laborers to impart, but it will be when you least expect it. You must want it and desire it from Him first. 

Hear the word of the Lord! Ask Him for a fresh anointing every day. Ask Him to fill you up every day with His Holy Spirit, fresh. Know that He’s done all the pressing for you. He doesn’t want you walking around weak, weary, depleted. He doesn’t want you looking around for fake imitations and just quick plug-in things. He’s saying when You ask of Him first, He will give it to you, and He’s saying that the anointing will be on you and you can impart it on people when they least expect it, but it’s because you asked for it first. 

He’s saying, “The pouring has begun. Do you not see that my bowls in Heaven are about to tip and pour out? Ask for them to tip and pour out. More!” He’s bringing me into a vision. There’s an opening happening in the spirit realm. Whew. There’s an opening happening in the spirit realm, and there’s oil pouring out. It’ll be for everyone who asks for it. He says, “Be ready to receive.” Lord, what is this? 

I see these two like huge vessels, and they’re pouring out oil, but I also see angels all around this and they’re catching, they’ve got golden pitchers. And none of the oil is going to waste. Oh, my goodness. Wow! For the people that aren’t ready to receive the oil, the angels are catching it, catching it. Oh, my gosh, this is incredible. There is, there is an opening, an open heaven that’s coming over the earth. The bowls are pouring out of oil. Everybody who’s asked for it is receiving it, and those who aren’t ready, aren’t ready to receive, the angels of the Lord are going and trying to get it with their, their pitchers and, to be held for a certain time when that person is ready. 

Oh, my gosh, I’m like, I, I, I, I’m like this, this, this vision that I’m seeing, this is a huge opening over the earth, and these are huge gigantic bowls of oil pouring out of the spirit. And this is Jesus. This is Him doing it, and He says everyone who has asked for the anointing and has asked for the oil will receive of it. They’re ready to receive, but those who are not ready to receive, it will not go to waste. The angels are, are gathering it in, uh, pi, pitchers and waiting for the certain time that person is ready to receive it. None of it will go to waste. Oh, my goodness, this is incredible what I’m seeing. 

Even the earth itself has asked for it, cried out for it, and He’s saying the earth itself will be satisfied and will partake of it. The earth itself will be satisfied, and it will receive of the oil. 

Lord, what is this? He says the enemy wants you to just be satisfied with the things of man, but no, He’s saying there is an, a hunger and a longing that He’s placed upon the earth. And people are hungry, but they don’t know for what, and they’re hungry for the Holy Spirit. They’re hungry for the Holy Spirit. They’re hungry the, the oil, the real thing. No fake imitations. No quick fixes anymore.

[Gasp] Oh, my goodness! He’s saying they’ve tried to appease you with light shows, fake light shows. Um um. He’s talking about this false light, this, this fake light, this, these light shows. I don’t know if it’s in the Church or if it’s what’s going on in the world. He’s saying the oohs and the ahhs will not be for the fake light shows anymore. 

People will look up and they will see His glory, and they will call out to see His glory. People will see His light, His glory, and He will begin to pour that oil on them. He’ll have those angels standing by.ready and waiting to pour it out. And He’s saying those who go out and pour out into others even when they’re least expecting it and impart unto them like Peter did when Peter went to the Gate Beautiful. That man was asking for money, but instead, what did Peter give him? He gave him the anointing of the Holy Spirit – “such as I have, I give unto thee.” 

Are we all going to be doing this? There is an incredible opening that’s going to be happening in the spirit, and it’s coming, and it’s coming quickly. Now, I don’t call them portals because this isn’t a portal. You know, God is all about gates. This was just like a big opening over the earth, and what I saw were these bowls of oil pouring out, and the people that have been asking for it, the people that have been ready to receive, their hands are being held out, and it’s, it’s, it’s, it’s coming on them. And it’s filing it up because they’ve asked Him for it. They’ve asked Him for it, and He, He’s giving it to them. But those who are not ready, so that none of this oil gets wasted, the angels were all around, and they were gathering it into these pitchers, these big golden pitchers and holding onto them at, for that moment, for that certain person. 

What is this, Lord? Do we have to help these people ask for this, that it’s available to them right now in abundance? “Do you expect my angels to do all the work? You, My people, must go forward and share the light, and help those that do not see. I’ve given my people all authority to take the anointing that I’ve given them and to call upon My angels to release this everywhere they go even onto unsuspecting places and people. Do you not know that you are an extension of My kingdom?” Yes, Lord. [Inaudible]

We haven’t been doing our work. Forgive us, Lord. Forgive us. We’ve got to do our part. 

“My children must stop going to these light shows, and they must come where the true anointing is! They must be dazzled by My glory and My presence.” Yes, Jesus. “I am in the field,” says the Lord. “I see. I know. My people must be light everywhere they go, in their homes, in their cars, in their jobs. They have every right to release the anointing. Nobody even has to see them do it, but I see them do it, and I know. Watch what I do for those who are obedient to Me, and stop using light shows and, instead, be the light and let the oil flow through them. You must partner with Me and with My angels to do this. You have everything to do it,” says the Lord! “My shepherds, where are they pouring the oil on My sheep?! Why are they dazzling people with light shows, and, instead, they should be pouring out the oil upon the people at the altar, upon their heads.” Oh, my goodness. Yes, Lord. 

I know, Lord, we’ve been doing it all wrong, but You’re here to correct us. You’re here to perfect it. He’s showing me what’s going to happen is in these churches and in these gatherings – praise and worship and prayer and healing and baptisms. He’s saying, instead of light shows, what He wants is He wants the oil to pour on the people. He wants the shepherds taking the oil and pouring it in the name of Jesus, pouring it out. It’s like the people will come there, they won’t expect it. They won’t expect it, but all of a sudden, this hunger’s going to hit them, and it’s going to be like this spontaneous move of the Holy Ghost, and the oil will come out and they’ll be pouring oil on, on people’s, on people. And then the people will no longer be satisfied with, with the big light shows. Wow. Because the anointing is being released in the earth in big amounts, and the angels are waiting to pour it out. None of it will go to waste, and even any of it that drops to the earth, the earth is soaking it up because the earth has been wanting it and needing it. 

Okay, I’m coming into understanding why He showed me that lamp. Because that lamp was made for oil, and somebody tried to repurpose it and put it, made it into an electric lamp. That’s what it was not, it wasn’t what it was purposed for. He’s looking at us, and we’re not supposed to be going around trying to sell light shows, electricity, right? We’re supposed to shine His light through us. We’re supposed to hold the oil, be filled up with the oil, and pour it out to others.

You know, this month I notice that we’ve been in a, in a month of, of judgment and birthing, and I know judgment does begin in the Church. And, um, when He showed me that lamp that wasn’t meant for electricity, and it had the pressed flowers on it, that meant, that lamp was for oil, and someone had taken out the oil that it was meant for and put electricity in it. And I put those pressed flowers on to look at it, and Jesus is saying, “No, I already did the pressing.” And that lamp was made for oil. We’re made for oil. We’re meant to be filled up with oil. 

It’s just like this [holds up menorah]. This represents us, this menorah. It represents us being filled up with oil to give light. We cannot give light without the oil. This is the true, right, this represents Jesus Christ who, and, and the Holy Spirit. We must be filled up with oil to give true light, and we can’t be going to these electric light shows to try and get the anointing.

I’m not saying that the Holy Spirit hasn’t showed up at these places, but Jesus is saying things are about to shift, big time! Big time! We’re coming rapidly into a moment of time where Heaven is opening up over the earth and pouring out the Spirit of the living God, and it is actual oil that the earth is going to soak up because it’s been crying out for it. And those who have asked for it will receive of it, and those who are not ready, the angels are gathering it and waiting. And those of us who are filled up. We must go out and present it to people, even when they’re least expecting it. And that angel is waiting to pour it. We’ve got to do our part! 

Oh, my gosh, I am absolutely, I am just in awe of God right now. I don’t know, I just know this is happening soon, this great opening that’s going to happen over the earth, because these bowls are ready to pour out. The angels are all waiting around with their vessels. The earth, earth is waiting to, to, it’s asking for it, asking for it, asking for it. 

Just hold out your hands, my friends, right now. Dear Heavenly Father God, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, I ask for the anointing, the oil to completely fill me up to overflowing. That You would pour it out upon me and in me so much that I can go forward as light that is burning by the oil of the Holy Spirit like a menorah, the light in the temple. We are the temple now. Show us what direction we must go, who are to speak and even unsuspecting. Their oil is waiting for them. They may not know how to ask for it, and the angels that have the oil in reserve that have, has come into their pitchers, be assigned to us so that when we encounter those who we pray over and release the anointing on, even when they’re least expecting it, that angel is laying in wait waiting there to pour it to on them. And we show them how to hold out their hands to receive the anointing. 

This is our, our job right now as intercessors. Help us, Holy Spirit. Help us, Lord Jesus Christ to do this with Your will and your word, in Jesus Christ’s name. And let those, let everyone, put a desire in their heart, that they are no longer satisfied living the way they’re living. They’re no longer satisfied with complacency. They’re no longer satisfied with dry religion and just light rock shows, you know, rock and roll shows. It ju, they’re no longer satisfied with that. They want the real thing. They want the real anointing. They want the real thing. 

And now these churches and these worship places and these places even where they’re worshiping with music, the highlight will be the anointing poured out on actual, actually poured out on people at the altar, actual oil poured on them. We’re going to see it happening. Your angels are already there waiting to capture this oil and pour it out, but we must do our part.

And I’m going to take this as a prophetic act of faith, in Jesus’ name. Let us receive of the oil. It’s pouring out. It’s pouring out. It’s pouring out. Pouring out. Receive of the oil. It’s pouring out on the earth. It’s pouring out on us. We receive of the oil, Lord. We receive of it. Show us, Lord. Light our lamps. Fill us up with so much oil we can hardly contain it. We flow it out to others. We pour it out to others. Everywhere we go, we’re oiled up and ready. Help us to be good shepherds pouring the oil on the sheep. You’ve already been pressed for it, Lord. You’ve already done all the work. It’s pouring out. Now what we’ve got to do, we’ve got to go and be your distributors in faith, and not through rock shows and light shows and gimmicks. No, through faith, through honest prayer, through divine encounters – just people we are encountering on the street – through small groups, group meetings, outside, in the city, in the, in the field, in the country, everywhere! Let it flow. 

He’s been waiting for this time, my friends. He’s been waiting for a while. And our prayers going up to Heaven is accelerating this, and we’re coming quickly into this moment. We’re coming quickly into this acceleration, this, this hom, moment, moment where the heavens are opening up and the anointing pouring out, and the angels of the Lord capturing it for those who aren’t ready to receive it, but we’re going to receive of it and in great amounts. 

Keep asking for more every day, and then go out and just, as you encounter people, just release it to people because this is what we’re born to do. This is what we’ve been built to do. We weren’t built just to plug in, right, and for just quick, uh, electric fixes, right? We were meant to be filled up all the time, every day with oil, with the anointing! 

And there is a frequency to this. There is a sound. The anointing brings what? Harmony. Psalm 133 “Behold how good and how pleasing brothers and sisters who dwell together in unity,” in harmony. That’s a frequency, a sound. There’s a sound that’s coming with this, and, uh, it’s, it,, and this is what Jesus says in this word. This is what the Bible says. It’s like the anointing that flows down the beard of Aaron like dew from the Mountain of Hermon. So the frequency, the sound, the healing is directly connected to the oil in the light.

OH, MY GOODNESS! My dream. My dream. My dream with President Trump, the Proverbs 31:10-31 dream when the flood came in and started cleaning everything. And, um, we were, we, we drove in that Carerra, that little red car. The Carerra means you finished your course. You know, America finished her, her time of tribulation, right? We, we’ve finished it, and then that little tide coming in cleansing everything. And then me and President Trump, we went into Paula Deen’s house, and it was on the shore, and, and, uh, all of the Trump women were in there. And they said, “Annamarie, get the flowers,” and the flowers were baby’s breath, that the babies will have breath again. And then, uh, they were putting out a spread of food, all the comfort foods, all the comfort foods, a spread of food, and, and, uh, President Trump said, uh, there, there will be joy again, there will be rejoicing, gathering around the tables, and, and, uh, the babies will have breath. And then, uh, Paula Deen and, and all of them wanted nothing to do with, with contracts, with, with agencies or commercial anything. It was all coming back to the home. 

And then after we ate our meal, and, uh, we were sitting in the living room, and I was in this dream, and I, I said, “Oh, I need to plug in. I need to plug in. I need to plug in.” I wanted to plug in my phone, remember? I needed to plug in my phone, and President Trump said, “You will never have to plug in again. It’ll just be there.” 

Is this coinciding with a move of God opening up an open Heaven over the earth? We’re coming to a moment in time, my friends. God is opening up the heavens over the earth, and a great anointing is pouring out over the earth, and there is going to be a sound and a frequency that’s coming with it. And it’ll be for healing, for unity, and it’ll also be for us where we won’t have to plug into things, and we’ll just have it. It’ll just be frequency, and it’ll be a sound of harmony and unity. And the earth itself will receive of it. It’s happening. This is going to happen, and it’s going to happen soon. This is why we’re going to be able to do the billion soul harvest because communication will be like instantaneous. It’ll be through frequency, and, and there won’t, we won’t have electricity. It’ll be, it’ll be like, uh, I want a, uh, uh, a frequency power. We won’t have to plug in anymore, and the anointing of the Holy Spirit will be upon us so powerfully, and we’ll be flowing it out, and the angels will be working side-by-side with us. 

This is why the enemy is so scared. He knows it’s coming. He’s going to lose all the power over the air waves. He’s losing, he’s going to lose it all. 

He gave me a scripture last night. He gave me a scripture last night. 

Thank, thank you for all of you who stayed for this word. Wow! 

Here’s the scripture: Psalm 133: 1-3 “Behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity. It’s like the precious ointment upon the head that ran down upon the beard, even Aaron’s beard, that went down to the skirts of his garments and the dew of Hermon. That the dew that descended upon the mountains of Zion; there the Lord commanded the blessing even life for evermore.”

This is happening. It’s coming. I, I’m thinking it’s coming like very soon, very soon! You know, I kept getting a word from the Lord that, that the 2024 election is going to be suspended, suspended. I keep, the Lord keeps showing me that over and over and over again that there will not be a 2024 election. It’s going to be suspended and there’s going to be some kind of like an event. Uh, uh, this is God! This is God! 

Something incredible is happening, my friends, in the spirit, and it’s all connected, all connected. And this is about the sons and the daughters of God being birthed in the earth – Psalm 133, Romans Chapter 8. It’s all coming together. 

And last night, the Lord gave me this scripture last night, and this is what He gave me. And He gave me it to me like at two o’clock in the morning. I could not sleep. I could not sleep, and now I know why. Because this word, this word was coming. This word was coming, and when I take Communion, you know, when we take Communion, we invite King Jesus presence. This word was, was, was working in me last night. 

Okay, here’s the word He gave me. Ephesians 3:8-10. Three is Father, Son, Holy Spirit. Eight is Jesus Christ and new beginnings, and God, 10, is God bringing everything into His di, diving order. 

Ephesians 3:8-10. This is the word He gave me last night like at, very late at night last night. I couldn’t sleep. I mean, there was something bubbling in my spirit. Now I see what it is. Ephesians 3:8-10 says, “And so, here I am” – this is Paul speaking – “preaching and writing about things that are way over my head. The inexhaustible, inexhaustible riches and generosity of Christ. My task is to bring it out in the open and make plain what God, who created all in this first place, in the first place has been doing in secret and behind the scenes all along. You followers of Jesus Christ, like yourselves, gathered in churches. This extraordinary plan of God …”

What has He been telling us from the very, very beginning?! Watch My brilliant plan unfold. The night of the 2020 election, He said, “Watch My brilliant plan unfold.” And great exposure is going to be happen, happening. Everything that’s been hidden will be revealed, and even secrets in the hidden mysteries of God are being revealed at this time. 

And this is what Paul says. It’s so over his head, it’s so incredibly overwhelming what God is doing behind the scenes that he is, he is trying as his task to bring it out in the open to make it plain and understandable, but it’s way over his head. He, he, he can’t even fathom it or comprehend it.

“What God who created all in this, all this in the first place.” So God created this earth and everything in it for a reason in the first place, and He’s been doing things in secret and behind the scenes all along, and it’s going to literally amaze you. That He is, he is about to reveal everything He’s been doing behind the scenes, everything He’s been doing in secret, and all of His mysteries. And He’s going to reveal it through followers of Jesus, like yourself, gathered in churches. This extraordinary plan of God is becoming known and talked about even among the angels.

Oh, my gosh, that vision I just had! The angels of the Lord are up there talking with each other, waiting for us to do what we need to do. They’re holding these pitchers of oil, waiting. They’re, the angels of the Lord are talking about, to each other what we’re doing, and Paul was trying to wrap his head around it. Paul was trying to wrap his head around the secrets and the mysteries of God that were going to be revealed to everybody, and all the world, even the angels, are talking about what …

We’re in Ephesians 3:8-10 moment. I’m telling you, we are. The heavens are opening up. Heaven is coming to earth, the sons and daughters of God being birthed in the earth. It says “through the followers of Jesus, these mysteries of God will be revealed. Through the followers of Jesus, these mysteries of God will be revealed about what God is doing behind the scenes and in secret.” 

This is the anointing that’s pouring out right now, and the angels of the Lord are even excited and talking about it. Get ready; it’s going to get more supernatural. We’re here. We’re here. Ephesians 3:10 – the brilliant plan of God is happening and is being revealed to those who are awake and led by the Holy Spirit. Ask for more oil. You’re going to get more revelation. It is going to get even more supernatural. All is being revealed. 

We’re about to have a supernatural event, and it’s going to be from God. And it’s, and it, and the enemy is, is, is screaming and scattering and freaking. I told you, demons always manifest right before they’re about to be cast out. You just be prepared and keep asking God for more oil, fresh oil every single day. Okay? Every day, do that. Do not, um, get weary in this because there’s going to be something major happening that’s coming. I just saw it in the spirit, and when I saw those angels flying around trying to gather what oil that, to save for who isn’t ready yet, my friends, how faithful and beautiful is our God? He’s giving us so many chances to help our loved ones awake.

You know, I, I, I, I, I walk, I walk by people even when they don’t see me, and I say, “Receive the power of the Holy Ghost!” I mean, I do it all the time. I do. I sit in the car, people are walking by me in the parking lot of the store or something if Mike went in there to get something, like Home Depot, and I say that man, like the UPS guy just dropped something off at my front door, “UPS man, be baptized in the power of the Holy Ghost! Receive the anointing of the Holy Ghost, UPS guy!” 

We got to do that. We got to go around doing it to everybody! Even if they don’t hear us, it’s happening in the spirit. Whew! Wooooo hooo hoooo!! You are the light of the world, a lampstand, like a city on a hill that cannot be hidden, filled with oil, burning light for Jesus. I’m so excited. I’m so excited. Oh, my goodness. Don’t worry about your loved ones. God’s doing this. Keep praying. I mean, even if you’ve got to stand outside their room, even if they’re not we, ready to receive, say, “Be baptized in the Holy Ghost!” Speak their name out in the spirit. Come on. Right? Keep doing it because the angels are going to be waiting for their oil to pour, and we’ve got to keep speaking it and commanding it to people we encounter, “Receive of the Holy  Spirit!”

This is so awesome! Are y’all excited? That vision was incredible. Uh, I, I, I’m just like, I wanted to start crying when I saw the angels going and gathering up the oil for those who weren’t ready. It won’t go to waste. How good is our God?! 

Father, thank You. We praise You. We worship You today. We thank You forever. You are so good. We ask Your Holy Spirit to go and accelerate right now for our loved ones, to give them a hunger to ask for You, Jesus, to ask for the Holy Spirit, a hunger that can only be satisfied by Jesus. And You will satisfy that hunger in them, Jesus, quickly, and You will dispatch Your angels to pour out that oil of the Holy Spirit on them, and You will pour out Your Spirit on them, Lord. Quickly, You will do it quickly, Lord, in Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Wow, my friends. He is so faithful. I love you all so much. Thank you for staying with me, uh, for that word. Thank you. Thank you so much. Thank You, Father. I’m just overwhelmed. I’m just overwhelmed at His faithfulness. And even if our loved ones aren’t ready, their oil will not be wasted. The angels are going to save it for them. It’s so beautiful. It’s so beautiful, and we’ve just got to keep praying.

I believe this big event that’s going to happen, this, this, this change, this opening of the heaven, to come and start to begin to pour out in the earth, I believe it’s going to shake those many more awake that haven’t been, and they can get their oil right then. I’m praying, oh, in the name of Jesus. My goodness. My friends, I love you all so much. Be blessed in the Lord. Just know He’s so good, and He’s doing all things for our good. He’s doing all things for the good of our loved ones. And really, when we say the enemy’s time is short, it just got real short. Ask for that oil every day. I love you all so much. God bless you. All of Heaven is cheering you on. I’m cheering you on, and all of Heaven is cheering us on. Pour it out, Lord. Pour it out!