Tag: lonliness

Prayer Against Loneliness (Remove Curse Of Loneliness Off Family Line)

Prayer Against Loneliness (Remove Curse Of Loneliness Off Family Line)

The Lord has revealed that loneliness is a generational bloodline curse that has come from sin in past generations. There could be a cause to this from your ancestors on both a mother’s and father’s side — those in your bloodline that forced others into confinement unjustly.  In the blank space, you can add the person’s name. 

Speak Out Loud  

“Heavenly Father, Almighty God, in the name of Jesus Christ, I stand in the gap for _______ right now. I ask to come into Your Heavenly Courts. Please allow me to present this prayer before your courts, Father God. I repent as an ambassador of reconciliation for _______ and anywhere on their bloodline going all the way back to Adam and Eve. If there were jailers that threw Christians or any innocent person unjustly into jail or threw them into solitary confinement or that took Your people captive and caused them to be in solitude and caused them to be lonely and to feel forlorn, I repent for that.

“I repent for acts of captivity on _______’s family bloodline going all the way back to Adam and Eve. I repent for those on the _______ family bloodline that persecuted Christians. Father God, take the captivity captive in their bloodline. Release _______’s family bloodline out of this prison. Release them out of captivity so they are no longer in solitary confinement, and bind that demon that’s been operating. Take their captivity captive. They are not alone. King Jesus is with them! 

“Lord Jesus, I ask that You put Your blood on this sin of _______’s bloodline right now. Anybody who persecuted Christians, threw them in jail, threw them in solitary confinement, did injustice against people, or put them in solitary confinement, I repent for this right now.

“Father God, Your Joanna that You sent to Your Son Jesus Christ was a righteous woman. She fought for Jesus. She fought for John the Baptist. She did not agree with putting Christians in jail. She did not agree with Herod’s policies. She did not agree with Herod’s cruelty. She was on Your side, Father God. 

“_______ is not alone. You are with them, Jesus. You are with them, Father God, and any curses or demonic assignments that are coming against them causing them to feel lonely are broken off of them today by the power of the blood of Jesus Christ! Every demon or demonic assignment connected to this, a curse causeless cannot light and it cannot come against _______ anymore. 

“Your _______, Lord, they are here now. They are cleansed by the blood of Jesus! Their bloodline is cleansed by the blood of Jesus! Every demon or demonic assignment causing them to feel lonely — causing loneliness, causing them to feel forlorn and to feel like they are in solitary confinement — those demons are fired! They are canceled off of their assignment! 

“O Father, release _______ and their bloodline of all consequences of these sins, by the blood of Jesus. They have been released out of this prison! Their bloodline has been released out of this prison! Take their captivity captive, Lord. I ask for signs, wonders, miracles, and breakthroughs for _______ and their household and their family! No more loneliness! No more forlornness! No more solitude! The blood of Jesus Christ has spoken. AMEN, AND SO BE IT!”