Tag: land assignments

Prayer For A Key For The Angel To Unlock The Spiritual Potential For Revival In Our Cities

Prayer For A Key For The Angel To Unlock The Spiritual Potential For Revival In Our Cities

By: Jeanette Strauss

Watch this video replay of Annamarie Strawhand with special guest, Jeanette Strauss, teaching on how to “Smash Idols and Take Back Your City and Family for God.” This is what the Holy Spirit recently revealed to Jeanette Strauss to do as the next step after a land assignment.

Follow up by praying the prayer below for your own family and city if you’ve already done a land assignment.

Learn how to do a land prayer assignment HERE.

Get your land, water, and gate kits HERE.


Note: If you want to go do a land, gate, or water assignment using Jeanette Strauss’ kits, she is going to add a key to the gate and land kits. There is already one in the water kit. The key is for the angel to go and unlock the spiritual potential for revival in our cities that’s been locked up, and then to go through and lock the doors that need to be locked, and lock out the enemy. 

After doing your land assignment while you’re still in the Court of Heaven before Father God, hold up the key as a prophetic act of faith and pray the following prayer. 

Pray Out Loud

  • “Father, we thank You that we can hold up a key, even the ancient key to the doors. Father, You say You have opened an effective door for us today, and, Lord, we give a key to the angelic keepers of the cities. They’re in charge of the cities, even the churches and the people. Father, we just ask them to take this key, and, Lord, You will decree to them to take the key and go unlock the spiritual potential in every life in our city for revival. Unlock every door that needs to be unlocked that’s been shut up by the enemy, by these foreign gods. Unlock what’s been locked that needs to be loosed. Father, then lock up what needs to be locked up in the cities and the lives of the people. Lock up the evil, and cast them out into outer darkness, Lord, the evil entities. Send them out. Lock them out of our cities. Father, we thank You for that, Lord, and I ask for divine revelation to come to each person about these keys – keys for their own lives, keys for the family’s lives, keys out of your word. Lord, we ask for more keys. Father, we ask You to do with these keys what needs to be done with them in our cities, regions, and territories to lock and to unlock, in Jesus’ name. Amen.”


Prophetic Word: 2020 Will Be Restored Back To President Trump

Prophetic Word: 2020 Will Be Restored Back To President Trump

Transcription of the word that the Holy Spirit gave to Annamarie Strawhand, which she delivered during her broadcast of Life in the Faith Lane on August 7, 2024.

Watch the video, and then read the transcript below.


ANNAMARIE: I want to give you this prophetic word again, uh, tell you to prepare, all right, as a prophetic voice for the nation, for the nations and the church, and I take this very seriously. I want to be responsible with it, and by the leading of the Holy Spirit.

And so, all right, so, um, I do have a prophetic word for you all that I want to speak right now, and it’s very, very encouraging, okay? I’ve had many prophetic words regarding President Donald J. Trump. I’ve had many prophetic words about President Donald J. Trump being an anoint, an anointed of God. He’s an anointed man of God. He is chosen for this time.

And, um, I’ve had many prophetic words about what’s coming in America and the continued brilliant plan of God rolling out, right? So the night of the 2020 election, I went to the Lord that night, and many of you saw that prophetic word that I had, okay? And I said to the Lord, “You told me President Trump would have two terms. What is going on?”

And He said to me, “Annamarie, watch My brilliant plan unfold,” and that He has given President Trump supernatural weapons in the spirit called a punkin chunkin, catapult to hit his enemies from afar. And He said, the Lord said to me, “Watch what I do.”

He said watch the number 11:11. Well, I thought it was a date, 11/11, but since then, the Lord has revealed to me 11:11 means wake up, pay attention, you’re about to see the glory of God.

So as this, as this brilliant plan has been unfolding, the Lord said to me, “Encourage the faith of the people to stay faithful, and watch My brilliant plan unfold because it’s time for them to awaken.” And I said, “Okay, Lord.” So I did my best to be faithful with that. I spoke that prophetic word to all of you. Some of you found me through that prophetic word. We’ve been watching God’s brilliant plan unfold all this time. There has been an 11:11, right, that’s what 11:11 means biblically. It means wake up, pay attention, you’re about to see the glory of God. 

We know that from the Bible, and where, when Jesus was going to raise Lazarus from the dead.They asked Him where He was going, right? Jesus was on His way to do something. John 11:11 – “And they said, ‘Lord, where are you going?’ He said, ‘I’m going to Lazarus. He is only sleeping, but I’m going to wake him up.’”

And when the Lord said that, everybody began to follow Jesus because they knew they were going to see a great miracle. They were literally going to see the dead awakened and brought back to life, come out of the tomb, right, come out of hibernation. And that’s what’s happening. 

Jesus said He was on His way. He’s here. He’s revealing this. He’s awakening the people. Make way for the King of Glory. Okay?

Eleven eleven also means Hebrews 11:11 – “By faith, Sarah realized and conceived Isaac because she considered him, who promised, faithful.” Okay. 

So this is the time of our awakening. This is our time of really believing God and realizing our faith. How did Sarah’s faith realize? Sarah’s faith realized in the waiting. She said, “Ah, wait a minute. I consider God faithful.” And as soon as she considered God good and faithful, she conceived the child, Isaac, in her womb. The impossible happened. 

So stand back, pay attention, you’re about to see the glory of God, and He’s bringing justice. He’s bringing justice. So that night when He told me those things, the night of the 2020 election and I asked Him what was going on, and He told me to continue to encourage the faith of the people, that He’s doing all this for our good, watch His brilliant plan unfold. We’ve been watching this happen, and, over the last four years, He’s been giving us encouraging words – all of the joy that’s coming, the glory that’s coming, the transference of wealth that’s coming, all the victories that are coming for us. Right? And we had to realize this by faith and believe God.

Well, the Lord gave me another prophetic word of what He’s doing. He said, watch, He will give President Donald J. Trump victories in the courts. He will give President Donald J. Trump justice and victory after victory after victory. And He said these words, He said that President Donald J. Trump, all will be restored to him and the people and even more, and the 2020 election will be restored to President Donald J. Trump and the people, and He said, and even more.

Hear the word of the Lord! The 2020 election, I’m talking 2020 election will be fully restored to President Donald J. Trump and the people and even more! That is the word of the Lord. And there will be victory after victory after victory ruling in the favor of President Donald J. Trump and ruling in the favor of the people. Did you hear what He said? Get excited. I am. Glory to God! Because God is a God of justice! 

And many of you remember three years ago right here on this broadcast, you all spent three hours with me in prayer. We went into the Court of Heaven before the throne of God, and, through the blood of Jesus, we repented for all the sins and the injustices of the United States Judicial System going all the way back to its birth. We asked Father God for grace, mercy, and forgiveness for this. We asked King Jesus to put His blood on it. We asked for Jesus’ blood to speak justice for President Donald J. Trump and for the people, for the land, and for this nation. We asked Father God to rule in our favor and the favor of the people and the favor of President Donald J. Trump by the blood of Jesus. 

And we asked Father God to give us justice and completely redeem and restore the United States Judicial System. And, if there’s anything evil operating in the United States Judicial System and any evil influences in the United States Judicial System going all the way up to the Supreme Court, all the way to the local courts, that through the Word of God, according to His word in Matthew Chapter three verse 10, that Father God would take His ax of judgment and chop out and root out and root up every unholy, ungodly influence in the United States Judicial System all the way up to the Supreme Court, all the way to the local courts and cast those influences into the fire and replace them with Holy Spirit-filled influences and bring the United States Judicial System into His divine order, into His perfect government. 

And I’ve been seeing the number 12:12 everywhere. You know what that means? That God is in control. He is overtaking the government. That’s the perfect government of God. Watch and see what He does. There will be justice. There will be evil laws overturned going back generations. There will be unholy, ungodly things exposed and revealed that have been happening in the courts. There will be justices that step down, and I’m talking all the way down to the local government. Yep. And there will be justice for President Donald J. Trump and the people because our United States Constitution is a holy document. It’s a covenant with God, and God does not forget His covenants, and God does not forget His covenants with our founding fathers. And it, the United States Constitution will stand, and it will speak on our behalf.

We are coming into a season of great justice, a season of great restitution for each of us personally as Americans, um hm, and for those who have been fighting for us that are righteous, such as President Donald J. Trump and others. 

And let me tell you something, my friends. Do you think for one minute that God would spare President Donald J. Trump’s life and protect him from a bullet if he didn’t have great plans ahead? And that should put the fear of God in every single one of his enemies and the enemies of the people and the enemies of God. I’m telling you! 

And the fear of the Lord is going to come upon this nation like never before. Watch and see because the gavel has slammed down of Almighty God, and He has ruled and He has judged, and, through the blood of Jesus, there is mercy. And those people, those individuals that have done evil, they have a chance to repent just like the rest of us.

And we’ve asked Father God to send His Holy Spirit to bring them to repentance, but we’re in a season of judgment, and they better come to repentance quickly, quickly. And don’t worry about your loved ones. Don’t worry about your loved ones because the Bible says, “You and your household shall be saved.”

If you are in Christ Jesus, and you cover your loved ones in the blood of Jesus Christ every day even if they’re prodigal, even if they’re not fully awake to this, they’re being lifted up above the judgment with you. Moses [sic] and his whole household were lifted up above the judgment. Rahab and her, her household were lifted up above the judgment. Why? Because of the covenant, because of the covenant through the blood of Jesus. Right? Rahab put out the scarlet cord. That’s a representation of the blood of Jesus. Okay? Noah and his household were in the ark. Right? The ark of the covenant, the representation of the blood of Jesus. 

So continue, cover you and your loved ones in the blood of Jesus Christ. They’re going to get shaken awake by all of this. And pray the prayer for them to have the fear of the Lord.

And let me tell you something, my friends. This is going to be glorious. This is the most glorious of times. This is the most joyous of times. You may not understand how God is doing it, but He has His ways of doing it. This is His brilliant plan, and there’s going to be people that won’t understand, and we can’t be like, “I told you so.” We can’t be like that. We have to shine Jesus to them. The perfect government of God doesn’t just mean justice. It doesn’t just mean victory. It also means demonstrating the Gospel of Jesus Christ in love, grace, and mercy. And that’s what we’re meant to do, right, as the kingdom of God is coming to the earth. 

Now, I want to encourage each and every single one of you, as I’ve given you this word, to continue to pray. And I think it’s important that we still continue to do land assignments on our local courthouses. We’ve been doing them since we went into the Court of Heaven for the United States Judicial System. 

Now, you can check and see if your local courthouse has been done, has been repented for, the Communion, the blood of Jesus has been poured in the land and the anointing on the land with the Court of Heaven prayers that we have.

You can go to my site, Annamarie Strawhand dot com land assignment index. See on our big map, see if your courthouse has been done. Now, and we can continue to enforce the blood of Jesus Christ.

Now, I went to Washington, D.C., and did all of Washington, D.C. We did all of Capitol Hill. We did a land assignment there. You can watch the video, me and Pastor Jeno Shaw and his wonderful wife, Karrie, and his little daughter, 12-year-old daughter, Aria. Okay? And we prayed those same prayers, and we called for justice and righteousness. And I spoke Psalm 24 over Washington, D.C. We renamed Washington, D.C., Washington, District of Christ, and we proclaimed righteousness and justice. And the blood of Jesus Christ is speaking on Capitol Hill now in Washington, D.C. Right now.

So we enforce the blood of Jesus Christ over everything within the Washington, D.C., borders, everything in it, everything on it. Therefore, everything below the earth, everything on the earth, and everything above the earth in Washington, D.C., now known as Washington, District of Christ, must bow the knee to the lordship of Jesus Christ. 

The King of Glory is here. God’s perfect government is here. Gates of Righteousness have been opened. God is bringing His justice. Watch the Supreme Court and watch the other courts, for the blood of Jesus Christ is speaking on the United States Supreme Court, and God’s gavel, Almighty God’s gavel, Righteous Judge, Almighty God has slammed down. And He is judging, and He is ruling now in every situation in this nation.

We got a, a word on Monday about the angels of the Lord were boots on the ground, on the earth reporting back to God that everything is under control. I want you to be encouraged, my friends. We are coming into the most glorious of times, so stay in faith, continue to pray, continue to do the land assignments, continue to do the assignments on the United States, uh, courthouses. I’m talking about all the way to the local ones – county courthouses, city cour, courthouses, municipal courts, state courts of appeals, anywhere where there is a court. 

If you don’t know how to do a land assignment, you don’t know how to do a United States Judicial System assignment, you can just go on my site, Annamarie Strawhand dot come, watch the video, print out the prayer, get your Communion, get your anointing oil. I have it all ready for you – prayers, everything written out, and many of the courthouses have already been done. They’ve already been prayed over. 

You see, the blood of Jesus Christ speaks what? Justice! It speaks a greater word, a better word. It speaks justice. Hallelujah! And you come in the name of the Lord. You come as a representative of Him when you go and you pray, and it’s His authority through you that does this. 

And when you repent and you get the sins of that court and of that judicial, uh, whatever they’ve done since birth in that city, that state, that county, sins of the leaders, the sins of the people, the sins of the court, any ill-gotten gains, right, any, any, any wrong rulings, any corruption, repent for that. You ask for grace, mercy, and forgiveness from Father God through the blood of Jesus Christ. And because of the blood of Jesus, He rules in your favor when you bring that petition before Him. 

And then you ask for the blood of Jesus to sanctify it, redeem it, make it holy back to God and bring His dominion in there through the pouring of the Communion in the land. And then the anointing rededicates it to God, but it must be repented first. Okay? So I hope that you will do this. 

Now, David, I don’t know if you have, my team has the map of the, the US and all the land assignments that we’ve done already. Okay, so this is just the map of the Continental US of all of our completed land assignments, water assignments, and gate assignments that, um, I have I have done, my team has done, uh, our intercessors/boots-on-the-ground have done, many of you have done. Uh, we’re getting reports, um, from all over the world now, uh, in Canada, Norway, Australia. It’s been incredible.

You can go to my site at Annamarie Strawhand dot com and click on this, uh, expand this map and see where the land assignments have been done through the whole world. Uh, I need more schools done, more post offices, and more courthouses. The red are the land assignments. The blue are the water assignments, and the gold are the gate assignments.

What are the gates? Gates are airports, train stations, bus stations, uh, entrances to cities, okay? Um, gates can also be historical landmarks. Uh, I went to a, one of the first gates that I did, a historical landmark at the First Landing Cross here in Cape Henry, Virginia, okay, a major gateway to our nation. Uh, so I explain all that in my teaching on Annamarie Strawhand dot com site land assignment guide and index. You can learn how to do this, and it teaches you. I’ve got videos and everything. I need more boots on the ground praying, particularly at the courthouses. All right?

I had to be obedient and bring that word today. It’s very encouraging. It’s very exciting. Um, get ready for victory after victory. It’s going to be an amazing, beautiful thing, and it’s because God is ruling this on earth as it is in Heaven for President Trump and for us, and it’s just, and it’s ruling in our favor – complete and total restitution and even more, he said. So I’m very excited, and I want you all to stay in faith, okay? No matter what you see happening out here, right, with all the hubbub, don’t let it get you flustered – whoo – right? Keep your eyes on what God has already said, and I’m speaking this in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. And I made sure before I spoke this word that I got confirmation from the Lord, and He gave me double confirmation. So, wow, so it’s coming, and it’s coming swiftly, so be excited, okay? 

Now, I know you want to discuss the details of this – what does this mean, that, you know, the 2020 election will be restored to President Trump and to us; what does this all mean; what are the details? I’m still seeking the Lord, uh, ‘cause he said the, the 2020 election will be restored to President Trump and us, the people, and there will be restitution and even more. So I’m just going by what He said to me, what He spoke to me. I spoke it. I was obedient. You know, what the details are, just be in faith. We know that our Lord, our God does things greater than we ever expect or ask or think, okay? All right? 


Annamarie’s Prophetic Words Index

Land Prayer Assignments Guide & Index

Us Judicial System Prayer Assignment – Repentance In The Courts Of Heaven

Prophetic Word: The Land Will Vomit Out The Wicked!

Prophetic Word: The Land Will Vomit Out The Wicked!

Transcription of the word that the Holy Spirit gave to Annamarie Strawhand, which she delivered during her broadcast of Life in the Faith Lane on February 16, 2024.

Watch the video, and then read the transcript below.


ANNAMARIE: Thank You, Jesus. And I’m going to ask the Lord what is on His heart today. Lord Jesus Christ, what is on Your heart? What do You want to speak? What do You want to reveal, Lord Jesus Christ?

Even while I was taking Communion, I kept seeing this eye of a lion, this eye of a lion, like a keen eye. And I’m, I’m thinking of that scripture. It keeps bubbling up in my spirit while I was taking Communion. Lord, what are You speaking here? I know the scripture, The eyes of the Lord look to and fro looking for those who will agree with Me. And we say, “Here I am, Lord, send me.” We know the seven eyes of the Lord are on the rock looking throughout all the earth [Inaudible].

I keep seeing this keen eye. It’s almost like the eye of a lion, and I know His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me. The God who sees me. The God who sees me. Lord, what are You speaking here? He’s saying El Roi, I, El Roi, El Roi, El Roi, the God who sees. He sees you. He sees you. He’s saying, “I see you,” says the Lord. “I see you. Do not fear. I see you. My eye is upon you.”

Is there somebody here that’s been praying, “God, do You see me? Do You see me, God? Do You see me?” You are precious in His sight. This eye, I mean, this eye is so keen. It’s like this keen eye. It’s like the eye of a lion, and it’s just, it’s, it’s like lasering in, like looking, and it’s the eye of the Lord, and He’s saying, “I see. I see what’s happening. I see You.” Yes, Lord.

Lord, why are You showing me this eye? Why are You showing me? Jesus Christ. “The enemy thinks he can run and hide, but I, the Lord see all. I, the Lord, see what the wicked are doing! They cannot hide from My sight.” Hmm “Understand,” says the Lord, “I see all. I see what they’re doing in Ukraine. I see what they’re doing around the world. Nothing, nothing, nothing escapes My vision! The wicked cannot hide no matter how deep in the ground they try to go. Do they not know I know everything that is done in the darkness, and it will be brought to light — all of their sins exposed for all to see. HA, they think they can get people to feel sorry for them, have sympathy on them. If they turn from their wicked ways and fall to their knees and repent, I will have mercy, but they must repent right now. Those who have done wickedness, their sins are exposed to me, and I will expose them for the whole world to see. Turn now and repent, and the Lord, I, the Lord will have mercy upon you. The more you lie, the more you run, the more you hide, the time is running short for the wicked. Turn and repent! The evil deeds that you’ve done in the dark are coming to light.”

He’s saying, “You can put on your pink bows; put on your pink outfits, but that will not cover your sins. You can try to dress your sins up in a pretty little package, but no, they will be exposed for all to see. Humble yourselves under the mighty hand of the sovereign Lord. Repent and I will have grace and mercy upon them,” says the Lord.

He’s saying He’s tearing back the paper. He says they’ve tried to put their sins into a pretty package and wrap it up in a little bow, but no, He’s going to pull back the paper. He’s saying His people will not be fooled by those pretty packages anymore. They’re going to see through it. Thank You, Jesus. He’s saying people don’t want to look. They  don’t want to look at the things that He died for. They want to try to gloss over it and wrap their sin up in a pretty package, in a pretty bow. He’s saying, no more. Those packages are getting ripped open for all to see. All their ugliness will be on display. They have a chance to tell the truth and repent, and God will extend grace and mercy to them. He’s saying their fine clothing, their pretty packages, it’s all going to be ripped wide open. It’s all going to be exposed. He’s saying prepare the people because there’s going to be major ugliness that’s going to come forward. Some may not even be able to stomach it, but it’s necessary. He’s been waiting for a certain time.

He’s showing me those, you know how like those actors’ masks when you go into a theater or play, and it’s like two little masks, and one looks happy and one looks sad? He’s showing me that. [Gasp] Oh, my goodness! The masks are being ripped off. The masks are going to be ripped off. The masks are going … This is about to be revealed. The actors’ masks are going to be ripped off, and the evil’s going to be exposed and all of its ugliness. Some may not be able to stomach it, stomach it, but this is the timing that we’re coming in.

He said they can go deep in the ground to try and hide, but they, they can’t outrun God. He’s saying the earth themself, itself will vomit them out! What?! If these evil wicked ones try to go into their bunkers and go … the earth itself, the earth itself will vomit it out. The earth will no longer receive this wickedness. It’ll vomit out this evil. 

Lord, is that what’s happening with the mud slides? Is that like a, a vomiting that’s happening? We know, Lord, when we pour the Communion in the ground, You tell us to do that and repent, that the earth vomits out these demons, and they’re, they’re being, Your angel armies are removing them. If we do Communion, Lord, will it vomit out these evil ones out of their bunkers, out of their hiding holes? 

He’s showing me, “Yes.” Wow. Whew! Oh, my gosh! Whoa, whooooaaaa! Oh, gosh!! Thank You, Jesus. Oh, my gosh! He’s showing me a very powerful revelation that when we pour the Communion in the ground, it’s not just vomiting out the demons, but even where these demonic people are hiding in their bunkers and they’re all, we know these tunnels are everywhere. The earth themself, the earth itself will open up these bunkers and these hiding places. God will bring a shaking and open it up! He was showing me, was showing me like those ant, you know those ant hills that go way up under the ground, those little ant tunnels? He’s saying a shaking will come and open it up and bring it up to the surface. 

Oh, my gosh! Whoa! Whoa! Thank You, Jesus. Oh, my goodness. That was intense. That was intense. We’ve got to keep doing Communion. We’ve got to keep doing Communion in the ground. We’ve got to keep repenting and keep putting the Communion in the ground because, not only is it vomiting out the spiritual demons that are in the ground, but the, the ground will not hold what is evil underneath. Their bunkers, their caves, all that stuff, the earth itself will shake and vomit them out. He’s saying they’ll be like ants coming out trying to carry like something, like, a, and they’re going to come out, and they won’t have anywhere to hide. 

I mean, a jolt from the Holy Spirit came on me so strong when He showed me the pouring of the Communion on the ground and what happens.

Lord, You want us to keep going. You want us to keep doing this. Yes, Lord, we will. We will. We will do it, Lord. We will be obedient. We will keep doing it, Lord. We will keep doing it. We will not be afraid. We will keep doing it. 

This is a time of judgment, my friends. We’re right in the middle of it. We’re right in the middle of it. Mmmmm. He’s saying like His servant, Benjamin Netanyahu, is exposing the tunnels of Hama, He said that’s just the beginning. Get ready. And it’s not just terrorist tunnels. It’s going to be where they’ve been trafficking children. It’s going to be, they’re going to start, they’re going to open up and be revealed, and the, the last of what the tunnels are left, and it’s going to be vomited out. They’re going to be vomited out of there. He said they’ll be like a little ant trying to carry one thing, like trying to salvage one thing. They will have nothing. They’ll be completely humiliated and humbled. And they have a chance to fall on their knees and repent, and if they don’t …

My friends, we’re coming into a time right now of great and glorious wonderful things of the kingdom of God coming to earth, but there’s a judgment and a cleansing that’s happening in this process for all this to happen. You understand? And i know you want your loved ones to awake, but that was a very intense moment that just happened. It’s, I felt that electricity, that power, and sometimes it’s really hard to even stand it when it goes through you. 

This is, it’s happening, and God is doing this, and you’re going to start seeing reports and exposure even more. We still have to pray for them that they turn from their wicked ways and repent. But this is, this, this is a showdown happening.

Father God, we thank You. We thank You for Your Holy Spirit. We thank You, King Jesus. We thank You for this word. We thank You for revealing what’s on Your heart that nothing, nothing, nothing can be hidden from You, Father God. Nothing can be hidden from You. We pray for those who are operating in wickedness, Father God, that, that Your Holy Spirit will visit them. King Jesus will visit them. They will fall to their knees in repentance and repent and turn from their wicked ways and tell the truth. Thank You, Father, that You are, You are just and fair, and You are bringing justice, and You are saving Your children, and You are saving Your people. You’re saving, You’re saving us, Father. We may not understand how You’re doing it, but we trust You, Father God, and we are ready to do whatever You ask us to do. We are here, Father God. 

We must continue to pray and do Communion on the land as the land is vomiting out this evil and getting cleansed and prepare, prepared for the great harvest of souls for Jesus Christ. We will do whatever You ask us to do. We will continue to pray over the land. We will continue to do Communion. We want to do what our calling is for this time, for this season. We praise You, Father. Help us. Holy Spirit, help us; bring us into obedience. Help our families come together so we can all work together for the gospel as strong families for Your kingdom. Give us health and the finances we need to do this, Father God, all for Your kingdom and glory. We want to serve you with all of our being, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. 

Whoa! That’s all I could say, that was, that jolt went through me. This is going to be the power of God coming across the earth, and it’s going to cause the earth to vomit, but we got to stand on solid ground and continue to pray and continue to give Communion, continue to cleanse the earth with the Communion. God is the judge of these things, and He’s bringing justice, but that doesn’t mean we don’t still pray. He doesn’t want anybody to perish, but He’s dealing with it. He sees it. 

The eye that I saw in the spirit was this, this keen eye like it’s, like a, like lion or like a, I mean, it was, all I could explain it was like a keen eye. And He’s giving us revelation and also how to pray, so be encouraged by this word.

And why is God doing this now? Because the earth has to be cleansed to prepare for this great harvest of souls that’s coming for Jesus Christ, and the wicked are getting removed. It’s getting cleansed. The earth is birthing the sons and daughters of God, us, to what? Do the works of the Lord. To prepare for the return of King Jesus. When a bride readies for her husband, everything’s got to be clean, ready, spick and span, spotless, right? This is the timing we’re in, my friends. 

Say, “Lord, here I am. Send me. What do you want me to do? I will do it.” And you and your household will be saved. We’re lifted up above the judgment. It’s, we’re, we’re living in incredible times, my friends, incredible, incredible. 

Oh, I felt that jolt go on my head. It went right through my body. Don’t underestimate the power of the living God. I’m telling you, don’t underestimate it. I just thank you all for being here today. I love you all so much. It’s been an amazing week, and it’s going to get even better and greater. We’re going to see more and more of God’s glory operating in the earth. 

Keep taking Communion, my friends. This is the most powerful thing you can do. He meets you at the table. You want to hear His voice. Invite Him to the table. He will meet you there. He will talk to you. He’s so faithful. He will give you revelation and understanding when you invite Him to your table and sup with Him. He actually yearns to be at your table. He yearns to talk to you just as much as you’re yearning to talk to Him. Invite Him. Keep taking Communion. Invite Him to the table. Go and pray over the land, and invite Him to be with You. He wants to partner with you in all this. He works with us and through us — King Jesus, Holy Spirit. It’s all pleasing to the Father when we do these things. We are the kingdom of God in the earth. Be bold and courageous, my friends. The Lord God is with us everywhere we go, and we have victory.

[Singing] Christ is the victory. Christ is the victory. O, glorious victory is Jesus Christ our Lord.

Be healed. Be whole. Be shalem. Be shalom, so you can do what the Lord has called you to do, all for His kingdom and glory. Hallelujah! And all of Heaven is cheering us on! Woo hooo!