Transcription of the word that the Holy Spirit gave to Annamarie Strawhand, which she delivered during her broadcast of Life in the Faith Lane on August 19, 2022.
Watch the video, and then read the transcript below.
ANNAMARIE: Hello, my friends. It’s your Faith and Victory Coach, Annamarie Strawhand, here, and I have, um, an interesting revelation for you, uh, and a interesting prophetic word, um, and I got to tell you, it kind of caught me off guard this morning.
But we just love our Father God because He is showing us things all the time to show us what He’s doing, what He’s doing with, um, our times and our seasons and what He’s doing, um, in the earth, in our nations
And so many of us have been, we’ve been praying. I mean, many of us, we’ve been praying. We’ve been doing intercession. We’ve been going and doing land assignments, and, uh, over the last three years, or even four years, uh, God has given me some, uh, interesting prophetic words that have been connected to a certain number, uh, 222.
Now, many of you are seeing the number 222, and you’re seeing the number 222 a lot of different places, and, um, I have found that interestingly enough, uh, the number 222 is connected to the shape of a hexagon.
Uh, and if you can see this behind me, now, these are just some tiles that I have on the wall, but they’re shaped like a hexagon. And, uh, I kept seeing 222, and I kept seeing hexagons everywhere. And if you notice, the inside of this hexagon, right, it looks like the Star of David. You see how that looks like the Star of David?
And, you know, we’ve gotten a lot of words about King David. We’ve got a lot of words about, uh, Isaiah 22:22 — The key to the government is on his shoulder. The key to the house of David is on his shoulder. Whatever doors he opens, man can shut. Whatever doors he shuts, no man can open.
And the number 222 is connected to a key, right? The key to a government. The key of, of authority. The key that’s on Jesus Christ’s shoulders. The key to the House of David, which is, is God’s government, connected to God’s government, connected to His authority, connected to the authority of Jesus Christ.
So when you’re seeing the number 222, uh, it is connected to a key. You’re being given a key, all right? And, uh, it is connected to Jesus Christ telling you that He’s closing the bad doors, that He’s opening up the new good doors, that you’re on the right track, and He’s going ahead of you. He, He’s giving you a key, and, you know, just keep going forward.
So every time I would see the number 222 I knew, okay, “This is confirmation. I’m on the right track. I’ve been given a key. Uh, this is a good thing.” Right? So I would either see the number 222 or I would see the shape of a hexagon. Right? That the hexagon is connected to the 222. What?
Have you ever seen those Allen wrenches, those little Allen wrenches, like sometimes they call them key wrenches? They’re shaped like a hexagon, and why were they called key wrenches? Because back in the day of Jesus’ day, you know, uh, I would say like first century, considered Jesus’ first century, uh, keys were shaped like that. They were shaped like hexagons. They would have like different, um, like different, uh, geometrical shapes. And, so that was also connected to a key.
And also, if, if you’re adding up, uh, you know, the, there’s a geometrical, uh, addition that you can add up that adds up to the 222, uh, with the hexagon. Okay? So it’s kind of interesting.
But, uh, the Lord just showed me, He just said 222 and the hexagons are connected together, and He, uh, when He shows those two together, right, with the, the, the Star of David, which is actually connected to the Key of David, which is the government of Jesus Christ, connected to the 222, connected to Isaiah 22:22, He’s just kind of converging everything, bringing everything into order.
And, so, uh, about the time that I got the number 222 was confirming me was back in February of, uh, 2021. And I got this word, uh, about Melania Trump and the hexagons that were on her dress. Uh, she had come off the plane, and after they left the White House and went back to Florida, and she had come off, off the plane, and she was wearing this dress with these big orange hexagons on them.
And I remember the Lord had told me that hexagons represent a key. A key represents the hexagons. So I knew that the Lord was giving a message through Melania Trump’s dress, and He was saying this is a key.
This is connected to a key and a doorway of this time, and, uh, it was connected to February 22 — 2/22 — and the Lord was saying that President Donald J. Trump and Melania Trump still have the keys. He’s, they still have the keys, the keys to the House of David, and that Jesus was opening up a new door, was the time of a new door opening. And He told me to look at the date of February 22, 2021.
And I did, and, um, in the skies on that day in the constellations on that day, I mean, I don’t, I don’t look at, um, you know, my horoscope or anything like that. That is of the occult. I have nothing to do with that. But I look at astronomy is God’s astronomy. God says He made the stars. He, He lined everything up. It’s His Great Mazzaroth, uh, like it says in the Book of Job, and I know that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is actually playing out in the constellations, and a lot of people do study that.
Um, and I just started looking into it. Well, I noticed that coming up in that date on February 22 of 2021 of last year, that in the constellations we were coming into a, uh, a gateway in the stars, and the stars were going to be shaped like a hexagon. They were going to be shaped like a hexagon on that day, and, uh, it was actually known as a gateway and the, the moon and some of the planets actually, uh, were, were going through that constellation.
And I have to go back to the video, but I’ve got all this documented, and it was like going through a gate, and it was like, it said it was like going from dark to light. It was like going from a gateway from dark to light.
And what does Jesus do? Right? He brings us from dark to light. And, uh, I was like, “Wow, that’s going to happen on February 22 of 2021.” Well, I have all that information, and I’ll give you the link to the video so you can go back and listen to those words and listen to all my research and all of that.
What I’m hear to tell you about today is that this is all coming together again — the number 222, the hexagons, right, the key — and it’s all coming together again. And it’s kind of interesting because when I, on, on that date of February 22, 2021, last year when that dark-to-light gate was happening and God was giving me a key and saying, “You’re on the right track,” something very unusual happened to me. I had an opportunity to be in Kannapolis, North Carolina, on that day.
Now, I live in Virginia Beach, and, uh, I had done a lot of land assignments in Virginia, but I hadn’t had a chance to go back to North Carolina to pray, do a land assignment, take the state of North Carolina in the courts of Heaven, uh, do Communion on the land.
Well, I ended up having to go back there, uh, for a, uh, to and testify for a friend that I used to work with in NASCAR, uh, to testify in a court appearance. So I literally had to go and do an actual court appearance and, uh, then I actually had to do a court appearance for the state of North Carolina for the Lord. It’s kind of interesting, all that timing, but it was on the exact day of when that dark-to-light was happening and the hexagon and the 222 and everything. And, uh, I was like, “Okay, Lord, this is, this whole timing of this is very interesting.”
So when I got to my hotel — they had booked the room for me, the pe, my friends, the people that I was there with — they had booked my room in Kannapolis. When I got to the hotel, they said, “Oh, you know, your room is waiting for you and da da da da.” They went to hand me the key. Now, I did not book my room. These people, you know, they, they were, I used to work with them in NASCAR. They don’t even really know any of this stuff. I had to go back and testify about something year, that happened years, years before with a situation, and it had nothing to do with my ministry or anything right now. But it was an opportunity that God aligned for me to in Kannapolis, uh, North Carolina, on that day.
So I thought, “I’m, while I’m here, I’m going to do a land assignment,” so I brought in all my supplies with me, my Communion and everything like that. When I got to the hotel, they handed me the key to my room. It was 222. The key to my room was 222. I was like, “Okay,” and I know that was the Holy Spirit bringing confirmation.
Now, I’m going to screenshare this with you, and you’re, you guys are going to be like, “What,” as I give you this word, okay?
Now, today is August 19, 2022, and I’m talking to you about something that happened on February 22 in 2021. That there was a dark-to-light shift that happened. That Jesus opened a new door. There was a key. There was an actual doorway in the heavens that were happening, that were shaped like a hexagon where we were going dark to light. Um, Melania was wearing that on her dress. I mean, all these were connecting, and I thought, “What is going on?”
So I walked in that hotel, and they handed me the key to my room, which was 222. I knew. The Lord was saying, “You’re on the right path,” right? “I’m giving you a key. Something is being shown to you.” So I was getting confirmation. So that’s just the big thing with the 222.
Now, let me show you this picture, because I took a picture, and, I don’t know if y’all can see that. I just put this slide up here, okay? They gave me the key, the room key, number 222. There’s the picture of me with the room key number 222. And they also, in the lobby of the hotel there in Kannapolis, had this art piece on the wall, and it was all hexagons lined up. Okay? Hexagons, uh, mean life. They mean key. They’re the shape of a honeycomb; that is life. Our cell structures are, are made up in a honeycomb. You know, there’s a lot of things that connect with that.
But I thought, “Wait a minute, Lord. You’re giving me a room — 222. You miraculously made a way for me to show up on North Carolina and do a land assignment on the day that this dark to light is happening. A gateway in Heaven is happening. Um, you know, Melania had these on her, her dress. It means key. It’s connected to government — Isaiah 22:22. The inside of the Star of David is a hexagon, and then I have this art piece there that is all hexagons. And then I get in my room, number 222, and the design on the bedspread on the bed is a hexagon.” I’m like, “What is going on here, Lord?”
So that night, I do the land assignment for North Carolina. I was up all night. I was also in the fourth watch, between 3:00 am and 6:00 am. It was drizzling rain. It was very cold, but I brought the whole state of North Carolina in the courts of Heaven. I asked Father, uh, you know, to redeem the whole state of North Carolina, redeem its government — the blood of Jesus. I went, I went downstairs with my Communion and my anointing. I took video of it. It was starting to pour rain. I got the Communion in the soil in the land there in, in Kannapolis, North Carolina, over the whole state of North Carolina, the anointing. The Lord has me prophesy, uh, raising up, you know, evangelists and righteous leaders out of North Carolina. So it was a very, very, very powerful prayer time.
And it was in that evening of February 22, 2021, when this gateway was in the stars and, you know, uh, and like I said, I am not into astrology. I’m into God’s astronomy, and this was a scientific fact. And God says He’s the one who’s aligned the stars. He’s the one that moves the planets, right? And He has His Great Mazzaroth that tells the story of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
So I knew this was an Isaiah 22:22 moment, that the key to the House of David, the government is on Jesus Christ’s shoulders. Whatever doors He opens, no man can shut. Whatever doors He shuts, no man can open. And keys of Jesus’ day used to be shaped like a hexagon, and it was like a doorway, uh, in the heavens that was happening. They called it the time of going from dark to light. And I thought, “Wow, this is pretty amazing, and the timing of all of it.” Right?
And so, uh, I had asked the angels, uh, Father to send the angels of the Lord, uh, to come and, uh, take over all the gateways in North Carolina. Of course, I do that every time in every state that I pray over. And it was a very powerful land assignment. You know, and since then, we’ve seen, you know, we’ve seen God just moving in every, in every state.
Now, you see these hexagons. You see this picture. You see this here, right? I want to share this with you. Now, this morning, I’m getting ready and having my coffee, and I was praying this morning, and I was asking Father God about a prayer strategy this morning. And as I was asking Father God for a prayer strategy this morning, mind you, it’s August the 19, 2022, and it’s been well over a year since He has shown me the hexagons and the keys and all of that.
And so, this morning, I was praying, and I was asking the Lord for strategy, and I said, “Lord, you know, we’ve done the land assignments. We’ve done all this. Um, you know, what about our states? Where, what about the strongholds that are still in some of our cities? You know, we’re still seeing, you know, some of occult practices in cities. We’re still seeing, you know, a lot of these hidden things.” And I was asking the Lord about these hidden things coming to light. I was like, “Lord, what about these hidden things, these hidden evils?”
You know, we, we’ve been praying and, and, and interceding and doing all the prayers for the obvious things that we can see, but what about these hidden things? You know, we keep saying, “Lord, bring it to light. Bring it to light. Bring it to light.” You know? And we know that Jesus has the keys to bring all these things to light.
And, so as I was praying this, and I was asking the Lord for what the next battle strategy is and the next prayer strategy is and the next thing that we need to pray about, I go into my kitchen to get a cup of coffee. And as I was going, you know, to get my coffee, I, I usually put my coffee like on a paper towel when I’m, you know, when I’m stirring it up and everything, and we were out of paper towels. And so my husband, who I know has this huge stash of paper towels in his garage …
Michael Lee Strawhand, the paper towel stasher, hoarder person. I make fun of him, but he’s actually got a lot of wisdom because he stocks up on paper towels, and he stocks up on toilet paper. And, yes, he does give it to other people that need it.
So I said, “Honey, [Inaudible], can you go out in your garage and get me some paper towels?” And he only buys Bounty, okay. He only buys Bounty paper towels. He’ll, he only buys Charmin toilet paper, and he only buys Bou, Bounty paper towels.
So he comes in with the paper towels, okay? And he, he’s down in one room, and I’m up in the kitchen, so he, he’s got this roll of paper towels. You know, my, my husband, the big linebacker, 6’5,” 280, you know. He takes the roll of paper towels, and he throws them at me like a football, right?
And I’m, you know, I’m trying to get my coffee and everything. So I grabbed the paper towels and, you know, I, I caught, I caught it. I caught the paper towels, and he throws the paper towels at me like a football. I grabbed the whole roll of paper towels — Bounty towels. I sat them down, and I go to take the paper towels, the first paper towel off the roll. And as I’m going to take the first paper towel off the roll, it looks like this. [Shows paper towel with hexagon design.]
Now, can you see the design? Can y’all … look it, can y’all see the design on these Bounty towels? Hexagons. Hexagons. Can you see the design on these Bounty towels? Hexagons. What does it look exactly like? You see the design on that picture from February 22, 2021, where the Lord said we went from dark to light? It was a key. Is, it’s a gateway, 222 connected to it; that Jesus Christ is opening a new door and closing the evil doors. Hexagons are connected with keys. They’re connected with the Star of David. They also rec, re, uh, represent 222.
So I’m going, “Wait a minute. That design on these Bounty towels looks awful familiar.” And I go back and find this picture, and I look again. See all the hexagons? [Inaudible] See this picture? See that? See how it looks alike? And it hit me. I mean, it hit me. I was like, “Lord, another door is opened. You’ve opened another door, haven’t you? You’ve opened another door.” Right? Isaiah 22:22 – The key to the House of David is on His shoulders. Whatever doors He opens, no man can shut. Whatever doors He closes, no man can open.
It’s Jesus that opens these doors. He’s shutting the evil doors, and He’s opening the good, new doors, right? And the hexagons represent 222, which represents the key, represent the key to the House and government of David, right? That hexagon, that’s in the middle of the Star of David, and it’s all connected. David’s, King David’s shield looked like that — the shield of his, of his army. That’s why they did that, you see?
Now, listen, so, of course, I lifted this up to the Lord, and I had just been praying. I said, “Lord, I just, just prayed about strategy, the next strategy, and I was just praying to you about these, these hidden things, and you show me these hexagons again” And it brought me back to the 222 and North Carolina and the prayer assignment and all that stuff, and, so I went before the Lord, and I said, “Lord, what is our next battle strategy? You know, what is our next way to pray? What are you showing me with these paper towels?” He, He said to me, “What’s the name of these towels?” I said, “Bounty.” He goes, “What’s a bounty?” I go, “Well,” I go, “Lord, a bounty, like a bounty hunter? A bounty hunter?”
And I had dreamed, I had a dream last week about Dog the Bounty Hunter and Katie Souza because I love Katie Souza and I watch, uh, this new show that’s she’s got with Dog the Bounty Hunter. And Dog the Bounty Hunter, I don’t know if y’all remember, he used to have a reality show. Well, him and Katie Souta, Souza are friends through Dog the Bounty Hunters new wife, who was with Katie Souza’s ministry. And Dog the Bounty Hunter’s a born again believer, and he’s joined forces with Katie Souza. And he’s going on these criminal, hidden criminal bounty hunters, and what he’s doing is he goes and, and he’s getting the criminals, right? He’s going and finding them where they’re hiding. Right? He’s like the bounty hunter, and then he gets them and then he puts them with Katie and she prays for them and gets their soul healed so they don’t end up in jail anymore because she’s got a prison ministry.
So the two of them … Look at God, right? So the two of them are doing this show together now, you know, and I had a dream last week that in this dream I had started out in this big, fancy, huge like megachurch. I was in this big, huge, fancy megachurch, and the pastor in there was polishing and buffing the floor and polishing and buffing the floor. And it was all shiny, and he said, “Oh, if I polish the floor, everybody will come. If I polish the floor, everybody will come.” Well, nobody was coming, you know. It was just kind of cold in there, and I was like, “Oh,” you know, “I don’t feel any Holy Ghost in here,” right?
So I walked outside and outside was a big, huge picnic area, and there was like a bunch of bikers over there and tents, and I saw Dog the Bounty Hunter and Katie Souza in my dream. So I walked over there, and, uh, they’re taking up an offering. And I’m like, “Oh, you know, I’ll put something in the offering,” you know? And I put it in the offering, and, I mean, they were preaching and they were praying over everybody, and it was just like, it was on fire for Jesus, you know, bikers, people rough around the edges, and they were praying. And Katie’s like, you know, she’s speaking over people just releasing the fire of the Holy Ghost, and, you know, Dog.
And so, and this is a dream, and they’re, and it, and it was muddy. It was like muddy and a little, you know, a little sloppy, but it wasn’t all neat and polished, right? So Dog takes the offering, and he goes, “Okay, uh, I got enough to go out and get the next bounty. I’ll be back,” you know, and I was like, “Okay, whooo.” We all cheered.
So that was my dream last week with Dog the Bounty Hunter and Katie Souza, and then this key again with the hexagon, and I thought, “Bounty. Bounty paper towel. This is a key — 222. We’re going through a new door, new gate. Jesus has opened it up. Bounty. Bounty hunters.”
And I knew. I said, “Lord, you’re answering my prayer from this morning. I asked you what was next. What about these hidden things? How are we going to pray?” And the Lord said He has bounty hunter angels. That’s what He said to me. He said, “I’m releasing My bounty hunter angels.” And He said the bounty hunter angels are the ones that are going to go out and get these fugitives of His justice. Come on, God.
The bounty hunter angels of the Lord, you see, on earth as it is in Heaven. God has His army, and He also has His bounty hunter angels, and that’s what He said to me. He says, “I am releasing My bounty hunter angels.” This is what the Holy Spirit said to me. And He said this is how we must pray that the Lord releases His bounty hunter angels, and we are praying for His bounty hunter angels.
We ask for more of them, Lord. Lord, that you would release Your bounty hunter angels right now into every hidden place and chase down every fugitive of God’s justice. They cannot hide. They cannot run. They can’t go to their islands. They can’t go to their underground bunkers. No. No. This is what the Holy Spirit is saying. He’s saying, “Pray. Pray. Pray.” Pray now that He will release even more of His bounty hunter angels. You see, on earth as it, as it is in Heaven. We have to pray. We have to, we have to press in.
We have to ask as intercessors, “Lord, release more of Your bounty hunter angels to be released into the earth to go and hunt down and arrest and bind and shackle every fugitive of Your justice, God, every evil, unholy, ungodly person that is trying to hide from your evil, that is trying to hide from Your judgment, that’s trying to hide from justice, that’s trying to run away from You, God. That Your bounty hunter angels will hunt them down and find them. Release hundreds and thousands of Your bounty hunter angels in the earth, Lord, and even the evil spirits that are trying to hide from the wrath of God, that God’s bounty hunter angels will find these evil, unclean spirits, these evil, unclean familiar spirits, these wicked spirits that are trying to hide. And any individuals that are trying to hide from God, that are trying to hide from justice, that are trying to hide from our good law enforcement and these child traffickers and all these, these ones that are fugitives from God’s justice, that are fugitive, fugitives from real justice, that these, these outlaws of, of, of, um, you know, evil, these evil outlaws, the ones that are running from God, the ones that are, that the bounty hunters of the Lord, the bounty hunter angels of the Lord will go now on a search mission and go and find them. Go into every nook and cranny, every cave, every underground bunker, every tunnel, every island, anywhere, where, anywhere where they try to hide. That these angels, these bounter hunty, bounty hunter angels will go and seek them out, find them, expose them, and bring them to justice, bring them to legal justice in the earth and legal justice with the Lord God Almighty, and even these evil spirits.”
I said, “Lord,” I said, “You want us to pray that more of these bounty hunter angels are released in the earth?” And He said, “Yes.” So that’s how we’re going to pray, and I just spoke that right now in the name of Jesus. You see, Jesus can open up these doors in Heaven and say, “They’re released right now.”
And so if we just ask if King Jesus, Lord Jesus that You take Your key, Your key to government that’s on Your shoulder, that You’re showing us a key right now, that You would open up a, the, the doors of Heaven right now and release Your bounty hunter angels to go forth right now in the earth and go into every hidden, dark, and secret place where any of these evil people are hiding that they cannot hide, that Your angels will go bind, shackle them, and arrest them, and bring them to justice, in the name of Jesus.
And any evil spirits that are operating, that are running away from God, they cannot run. They cannot hide anymore, that the bounty hunt, hunter angels will go and, on a search mission and get them, bind them, shackle them, and cage them up forever, in Jesus’ name!
And I ask you to all come into agreement with this prayer today, you see, because the word of God is the will of God. And we take the word of God and we pray on it, you see? And when the Lord is showing us things like 222 that means key and the, the confirmation of the hexagons, and I knew because the Lord will show you these things when it’s time to pray certain prayers. And when this was connected to the Bounty paper towels, I said, “Lord, bounty, bounty hunters.” And I’d just had that dream about Dog the Bounty Hunter, and this is what’s happening.
And I’m telling you right now, I know because the Lord has showed me the US Marshalls, and they’re, they’re taking down these child traffickers, and they can try to hide. So the Lord said to me, He says, “Annamarie,” He said, “What do you have in your hand now?” Right? “You have the Bounty towels. You have the, you have the Bounty towels. Bounty hunter angels are being released, and you, you prayed that prayer.” And I said, “Yes, Lord.” I said, “That was the next strategy, and I’m going to get everybody to do this and everybody to pray.” And He said, “Good.”
And this is what He said to me. He said, “Do you remember when President Donald J. Trump was in Puerto Rico right after the hurricane?” And I said, “Yes.” He said, “Do you remember when he was throwing paper towels and everybody was mocking him when he was throwing paper towels?” I said, “Yes.” He goes, “Didn’t Mike,” the Lord, the Holy Spirit says to me, “Did you see how Mike threw that paper towel, roll of Bounty towels to you this morning?” I said, “Yeah, and I caught it.” He said, That’s right.” He said, “President Trump knows that they’re hiding places is on these islands. President Trump knows that the evil people’s hiding places are on these islands like Puerto Rico and all these places. He knows.
And He said to me, He said pray for President Trump. Pray for the bounty hunters that He’s put with President Trump. Pray for the US Marshalls, and pray for the international extradition of these evil people because they’re going to try to go their islands. They’re going to try to go to their tunnels. They’re going to try to go to all these places, but, no, they will be caught. They will be caught because the bounty hunter angels of the Lord have been dispatched along with the true, good bounty hunters connected to the US Marshalls that will be able to go and go to these secret places, these tunnels, these islands, these bunkers, and get these evil people. They, they will try to run, but they cannot hide, and the angels of the Lord are with them. And the Lord Jesus has all authority over this. He is the captain of the Lord’s army. He is the captain of the host, and the key to the government is on His shoulders, and He has opened up these doors.
And this hexagon is connected to King David, which is connected to President Donald J. Trump, who is in the lineage of King David, you see. And we have prayed, and we have prayed, and we have prayed. And then when I see these confirmations of like the hexagon and, you know, the key and Melania Trump wearing the hexagons and, you know, doorways and keys and connected to scripture and connecting all these pieces together and asking Father what is the next way to pray, and He brings me back to this. And I’m like, “Wow, God! Wow!”
So, my friends, we’ve got to keep our eyes open for the signs that the Lord is speaking to us, and we’ve got to know how it connects with scripture, and we’ve got to know that President Trump and Melania Trump are putting out these signals. And we’ve got to understand that God is giving us signs in the, in, in the sun, the moon, and the stars. He said He put up the sun, the moon, and the stars, and the planets to give us signs of the times and what He’s doing in the times.
And on February 22, right, 2021, that’s when that star formation that was shep, shaped like a hexagon and the, the, the moon was passing through, all those planets were passing through there. It was considered a doorway and God is speaking through that, and it happened on 2/22. Right? And not only that, it was connected to the hexagon, the key, and that’s what keys were shaped like in Jesus’ day. And it’s also, as we know, the center of the shield of the Key of David, of the Shield of David, of the Star of David. And God speaks in what? The stars. He is, they all belong to Him, you see?
And so God is really speaking at this time. Is He speaking through our dreams? Is He speaking through numbers? Yes, He is. He’s telling us exactly what He’s doing, and He confirmed with this, with the hexagon, and, um, He’s just bringing it all together. And He’s saying His bounty hunger angels are being released. That’s how we need to pray. That’s what we need to ask for because the word of God says that everything that is hidden shall come to light. Every lie shall be revealed, right? Everything that’s hidden shall come abroad is what the King James Version says. And everything that’s hidden shall come to light.
And so who goes out and gets these fugitives when they’re hiding underground and hiding on their islands and hiding — bounty hunters, right? And they get extradited, I was just praying for that this morning and He told me this. And so, you see, this evil that we’ve been praying for God to destroy and take down, there’s a lot of obvious things that we’re praying, right? Well, there’s a lot of hidden things that we don’t know how to pray, and we, the, the Bible says to keep asking, keep seeking, keep knocking, right — on earth as it is in Heaven. And God will send His angel armies to fight this and, and fight beside our good guys. He will send His angel armies to fight beside our good guys, and there is, I learned this morning that there is actually bounty hunter angels, search and destroy angels that will go out and, and route out these, these evil people and bring them out of hiding and, uh, arrest them and work side-by-side with the good guys. And it all confirms with some of the things that President Trump showed us, Melania Trump showed us because they’re on the good side, right? Us intercessors, we’ve got to continue to pray. We, right, the Bible says keep asking, keep seeking, keep knocking and all these things will be added unto you — how to pray, strategies how to pray, revelation, understanding, you see? And we’ve got to keep seeking, uh, God for these things.
And so I was so excited to give you this word today, and, um, I recorded it special for you because I want you all to pray this, and I believe when Dog the Bounty Hunter connected with Katie Souza a few months ago, I believe that was a sign in the earth that the angel bounty hunters of the Lord have been released in the earth because we’ll see signs in the earth manifesting of what God is doing in Heaven and, um, we’ve really got to go deeper with our prayers. We’ve got to really seek God deeper. We’ve got to understand that we can ask for these angel armies to assist.
Jesus Christ said that, uh, even, even when He was being arrested, He said if He wanted to He could ask the Father for, uh, legions of angels to come and fight for Him. And Jesus said we can do the same things as Him and even greater things than Him. So we can ask the Father for these angels too, you see? And armies have different rankings. They div, have different areas of law enforcement. They have special forces, and when the Lord said He had bounty hunter angels like Delta Force, like going in and, you know, uh, seeking out these fugitives, I was like, “Wow, of course, You have that, God. If we have it on the earth, you already have it in Heaven. And He brought it all together with the 222, the hexagons, and the Bounty towels, and confirmed my dream from last week with Dog the Bounty Hunter and, uh, connecting with the ministries of Katie Souza.
And, my friends, listen, we are living in amazing, glorious times, and He is confirming all these prophetic words that He’s given to me over the last three years starting with the hexagons and Melania’s dress and the 222 and the confirming in my hotel room that day on, on February 22, ah ha, when I went to pray in North Carolina and with the hexagons and the 222 and Isaiah 22:22. And that’s a doorway that was opening up in the heavens going from dark to light, and God said He would bring these signs. And then the, the center of, uh, the, the, um, Key of David, oops, hang on, the center of the Key of David is a hexagon. And that’s what David, King David’s shield was shaped like, and it’s the center of the Star of David and all comes back to the promises of God.
You know, God is fulfilling His promises to King David. He’s fulfilling His promises to Israel, and He’s fulfilling His promises to us through Jesus Christ, and, uh, we are all coming in together with God’s government, uh, through Christ Jesus and even the Jew and the gentile coming together as one. And we are in this beautiful timing of God’s, uh, God bringing us all together, uh, with King Jesus, you know, the Jews coming to Yeshua Messiah, Jesus as their king; us with Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior and King, and Jesus Christ coming to rule, uh, on the earth, and He’s preparing the way and, but we’ve got to pray. Our job is to pray. Our job is to partner with the Holy Spirit. Our job is to partner with Heaven. Our job is to use our authority in Jesus Christ. Our job is to take the word of God and, and speak it and proclaim it. Our job is to pay our, our, our job is to pay attention to the signs that the Lord is giving us, and, you know, write these things down.
And I just thank the Lord that He’s, He’s given me, um, this, this, uh, revelation and all these different revelations because we know how to pray. This is what I, I love about it as an intercessor because we know how to pray. This is why I write my dreams down. This is why I write down, uh, every sign that God gives me, and I, right, it’s the glory of kings to search out a matter, and I do my research. And does it confirm in the word? Yes.
And how do we pray right now? How do we pray right now? We pray for Father to continue to release His bounty hunter angels to bring all the darkness to light and anything that is hidden to light and then any evil, anybody that’s trying to escape justice, uh, anybo, or in God’s justice, anybody that’s running from God, anybody that’s, uh, you know, evil, that’s hiding, uh, and even the evil spirits that are trying to, uh, escape this. No. Why? Because we keep praying, and we keep pressing in, and we keep seeking. We keep asking. We keep knocking, and all these things will be added unto us, and revelation of the Holy Spirit and King Jesus, that the key is on His shoulders, and He has opened up a new door, and the 222 is key, and the hexagon is key.
And we must pray and ask the Lord for more of these bounty hunter angels to come right now in the earth. More, Lord, thousands of legions of bounty hunter angels to be released from Your holy throne, Father God, and dispatched in the name of Jesus to the earth to route out any evil person, any evil entity that is trying to escape Your hand of justice, Father, and that these evil people that are trying to escape the, the justice of the Lord and, come on, and even the evil entities, evil individuals, they’ll be found. They will be caught. They will be bound, shackled, and arrestice, arrested and justice will be served.
Do we pray for their souls? Yes, we do. We continue to pray for them to turn and confess their sins because repentance is a free gift from God, and they will turn back to God. Even when they’re arrested, they will turn back to God and repent and get, and, at least, their souls shall be saved, and in God’s great mercy, He will receive them because of Jesus.
All they had to do, even if they’re a fugitive from justi, justice, even if they’ve done something very evil and they’re caught and brought to justice, that they will come to repentance and turn back to God and cry out to Jesus, and they can be redeemed. It might not mean that they will escape justice here in the earth, right, but at least they will escape hell by crying out to Jesus in repentance.
So we just thank You, Father, today. We thank You for this word. We thank You for bringing us all together with the hexagons, the key, the 222, and confirming all of this that Jesus has opened up a new door with this key, and this is connected to Your bounty hunger angels being released in the earth, and that is how we are to pray right now. And everything in the darkness will come to light and everything evil, uh, that is hidden still shall be exposed and every evil entity, every evil person that is in hiding shall be, uh, routed out. That Your bounty hunter angels are on the job right now along with our good law enforcement and our good military because You said, Lord, that the, Your, Your angels are working side-by-side with our good law enforcement, our good military. Even if they try to escape to, to a, uh, uh, different nation or a different land or a different island, there, there’s no hiding because Your angels are on the job, Your bounty hunter angels, and they cannot outrun them. They cannot hide from You, God. And we just thank You, Father, for this word, and we place our families in the blood of Jesus. We place this word in the blood of Jesus, and we just thank You for giving us revelation as intercessors how to pray, and we thank You, Father, for Your faithfulness and Your goodness because You are a God of justice. Amen and hallelujah.
So, again, look at this picture again. There’s the hexagons and the 222 and then this morning as I was praying, um, wow, God, the Bounty towels with the hexagons and that design.
And, you know, if you look at the walls, if you look at the walls of my office, I mean, this is what it looks like. It’s pretty amazing. Um, I don’t know if I can turn the camera real quick for y’all. I’ll try. Let’s see here. See if I can turn this camera and you can see this design on my walls. Can you see it? Look at that. Look, look at God. See it? [Inaudible] in here.
My friend, only God could have brought this all together and confirmed it, and, uh, blow the sound of the victory trumpet. Yahweh has fought for us. And He has the keys, He holds all the keys, and Jesus holds all the keys. It’s victory time, my friends, and no one can hide. No one can hide from God. No one can hide from God’s bounty hunter angels either because He sent them. Thank You, Father. [Shofar blast] Victory! Hallelujah!