Tag: holy spirit



The Holy Spirit began downloading a prophetic word to me on Sunday night, August 28, 2022. Below you can listen to the broadcast from August 31, 2022, where I delivered the word followed by a summarization and the notes that I took as He was giving it to me and I was processing it.

NOTE: Correction at the 48:50 mark, the scripture reference is not Psalm 54; it’s Isaiah 54. 


After being in prayer on Sunday Night, 8/28/22, I took a little break and was scrolling through YouTube. I saw President Trump’s son-in-law, Jared (Kushner) , who is married to his daughter, Ivanka (Trump), doing an interview. He was doing interviews on several news stations about his new book that he has out about his time in the White House. I decided to listen because the Lord told me to pray for all of President Trump’s family.

The Lord has shown me that Jared is an observer, nothing gets past him, and he’s brilliant. He’s shown me a lot of things that he actually did for President Trump, and the Lord told me that Jared is like President Trump’s secret weapon. He’s actually that brilliant.

I saw Jared doing these book tours, and when they would ask him a question, he was so matter-of-fact when he answered the question. The Lord told me to really listen to him and what he was saying. The Lord said to me, “This is a chess move.” I knew that President Trump is an expert at chess, and the Lord said three words to me: “TRUMP, CHESS, THE BISHOP.” It came like a download. 

This is the first time the Holy Spirit has given me a word where He’s actually said, “Look at this! This is a chess move, and it’s the bishop.” 

I’m not a chess expert, by far, but I know that one of the chess pieces, the bishop, is a very strategic piece. It can move diagonally. Understand the hierarchy in a kingdom, and that Father God has a kingdom, and President Trump is connected to King David. We know that because it’s in his lineage from Judah. 

When the Lord said to me, “Trump, chess, the bishop,” while I was looking at Jared, I thought, “What’s going on?” He said, “There’s two bishops with the king. There’s one for the queen and there’s one for the king.” The king has a bishop on his side of a chess board, and the queen has a bishop on her side of a chess board. He said to me, “Trump, chess, the bishop,” and then he showed me the two bishops. One of the bishops was Jared, who I was looking at. Jared is a bishop. On the other side of the other bishop was Barron Trump, President Trump’s son with our lovely First Lady, Melania Trump.

I said, “Lord, what are you saying here, that these two men are actually part of the strategy in the Trump family? That you, Lord, are playing this with Trump like a chess game, and Jared, being out in the media with his book, is actually a move of the bishop in a chess game?”

I wrote down what the Holy Spirit told me: “Trump, chess, the bishop.” Then he showed me the two bishops on either side of the king and the queen, and he showed me Jared.

I asked the Holy Spirit to lead me to more understanding. The Lord said to me, “Trump family, major chess moves are happening. The bishop is the piece that’s being played right now.” 


The Lord said to me, “Pay attention to Jared and his ‘book tour.’ Pay attention to his words and THE TIMING of this!!!”

Then He said, “Jared is like a prime minister to the king.” 

A king has a prime minister. He’s the one that is sent out to do a lot of the business for the king.


Then the Lord said, “Two bishops: Barron Trump and Jared.” They are both brilliant and they’re like master minds. He showed me that they were like bishops on a chess game that were on either side of the king and the queen. The Lord said, “Bishops move diagonally.” 

Bishops in chess are known by other names. They’re known as the runner and also the minister or the prime minister. 













I spoke to my team about this Sunday night. This word came to me Sunday evening at about 7 pm. Sunday was 8/28 – Romans 8:28 – God is doing all things for our good for those who love him. So there was a very strong biblical meaning to that night. I told my team that the Lord was speaking to me on this, but I don’t know much about chess, and I asked them to help me with the research.

David Piccirillo sent this to me:
The bishop (♗, ♝) is a piece in the game of chess. It moves and captures along diagonals without jumping over intervening pieces. Each player begins the game with two bishops. One starts between the king’s knight and the king, the other between the queen’s knight and the queen. The starting squares are c1 and f1 for White’s bishops, and c8 and f8 for Black’s bishops.

Jared was the one on the side of the king, and Barron was the one on the side of the queen.

David Piccirillo also found this biblical side note and sent it to me: First, a bishop or elder is a noble role. Second, it is a role that requires a high level of personal character and spiritual maturity. Third, the bishop must be able to effectively teach others the doctrines of God’s Word.

Biblically, we know that every King David must have a Nathan — a prophet of high spiritual maturity to keep them in check, in alignment with the Holy Spirit. He was there as King David’s confidant, helper to help him stay on track with what the Lord had called King David to do.

We know that President Trump is actually of the bloodline of King David as prophesied byKim Clement. We did our research after the Lord told us that President Trump was in the bloodline of Judah, and we found out that was true.

So are Jared and Barron advisors to the king and queen, President Trump and Melania?



I sought the Lord for more information and followed up on a link that David had given me that explained the meaning of the word “Bishop.”

DEFINITION OF BISHOP: https://www.etymonline.com/word/bishop
bishop (n.)
Old English bisceop “bishop, high priest (Jewish or pagan),” from Late Latin episcopus, from Greek episkopos “watcher, (spiritual) overseer,” a title for various government officials, later taken over in a Church sense, from epi- “over” (see epi-) + skopos “one that watches, one that looks after; a guardian, protector” (from PIE root *spek- “to observe”). Given a specific sense in the Church, but the word also was used in the New Testament as a descriptive title for elders, and continues as such in some non-hierarchical Christian sects.

Late Latin episcopus in Spanish became obispo, in Italian vescovo, in Welsh esgob. The Germanic forms include Old Saxon biscop, Old High German biscof. Further afield it became Lithuanian vyskupas, Albanian upeshk, Finnish piispa. A once-popular pun on it was bite-sheep (1550s, also in German, biss-schaf). The chess piece (formerly archer, before that alfin) was so called from 1560s.

So the chess piece was formerly known as archer or runner, and then became a bishop.

This goes deep! Archer — what is archer? They hit a target with a bow and arrow. They move diagonally. The Lord is telling us what is going on in this time. He’s saying that Jared is like a bishop that is being moved out diagonally. This book tour is a chess move. The bishop is known as an advisor, like a prime minister, and this was a strategic time of him releasing his book. This was done strategically. It’s part of God’s brilliant plan, and He’s saying this is something we really need to pay attention to.

Bishop is also connected to the word “espy,” like a spy that’s been sent out. In the Bible, we know that Moses sent out 12 spied ahead to observe the promised land, and Caleb and Joshua came back and gave the good news. 

They’re actually sent out as a runner ahead of time to look at the situation.

Then there’s the word “obispo.” (Late Latin episcopus in Spanish became obispo – means bishop)

God has shown me that California is very strategic to His plans, but there is a wicked stronghold on California. One of the first places that I was sent to go speak a prophetic word was California. He sent me to San Luis Obispo! Wow! Obispo means bishop! 

The Lord says He’s calling up HIS bishops — HIS leaders of spiritual maturity who He has mantled for this time. He’s saying that He’s sending out HIS bishops, HIS prime ministers, HIS archers, HIS arrows!

Remember the word He gave me about being an arrow or a pineapple? According to the word of God, He is polishing us up like a shiny arrow ready to send us out as a prophet, teacher, or evangelist. 

This isn’t just connected to the Trump family and who God has put beside President and Melania Trump. He’s doing this in the kingdom as well! 

People say they would love to have a mantle or a special anointing for something, but for God to give us these mantles and anointings, we must rise up to that level and begin to grow into that level.

But He’s given these mantles to Barron Trump, who is young, and to Jared, who is older than Barron, but even the brilliance of President Trump and Melania, so I’m thinking that God is growing the youth swiftly up into this role of spiritual maturity to prepare for what? Our coming King Jesus! 

God is literally raising up His bishops for this time — the ones who have set back and have been really quiet with the Lord and have grown in spiritual maturity with the Lord — and we’re being sent out. God is literally setting us a target and saying, “Go and do the assignment and come back.”

The bishop can move across that chess board diagonally and move right back to the king. He can go back and forth! This is happening in the spiritual real. This is the timing that we’re in. God has been growing us and growing us into His bishops. It’s not the church giving us that title, it’s God! We’ve had to grow into that with quiet time with the Lord and being an observer and being loyal to Him.

I said, “Lord, what are you doing here?” This is the timing in the spirit with God’s kingdom raising up His bishops. He’s using the young ones. He’s going to give this kind of spiritual maturity to our youth.

In chess, the bishop can actually be sent out to destroy all the pawns and all the main pieces of the enemy. The bishop is such a key player in the game of chess with its diagonal moves, that not only does it protect its own king and queen, it can go out and destroy the pawns of the opposing one. It can destroy the key players on the other side with its diagonal moves. It’s one of the key players that can put the opposing king or queen in checkmate.

The Lord said to me, “Remember when I sent you to California?” I said, “Yes, Obispo. Yes. That means bishop.” He said, “Yes, is there an evil queen that’s from California?” Oh my goodness — Nancy Pelosi! She’s in checkmate! President Trump has sent out his bishops, and she’s in checkmate. That’s what He showed me. She can’t get out of it. She can’t move to the right. She can’t move to the left. She’s in checkmate.

“I just read through the things that you wrote in the Ministry chat about Barron and Jared. Then I go into my prayer time with The Lord, and then first thing He gave me was this scripture. I can’t help but think He is referencing the Trumps. I felt led to show it to you.” [Jennifer]

Isaiah 49:22-23 NLT
22 “This is what the Sovereign LORD says: ‘See, I will give a signal to the godless nations. They will carry your little sons back to you in their arms; they will bring your daughters on their shoulders. (23) Kings and queens will serve you and care for all your needs. They will bow to the earth before you and lick the dust from your feet. Then you will know that I am the LORD. Those who trust in me will never be put to shame.’”



The evil king and the evil queen need to be destroyed, removed, why? For our children! This is literally what the Lord is saying, that they have to give back our children. This is the move — the chess move right now! They have to release our children back to us. They have to! They have no choice. This is the Lord doing this along with His brilliant plan through President Trump. This move has happened. It’s a strategic moment in time. 

Not only do the evil ones have to give us back our children, because they’re in checkmate — they can’t go to the left or the right, front or back — they have to release everything and they have to now serve us!

What did President Trump say? “I’m giving the country back to you — the people!” We’re all kings and queens right along with Trump with this. Why? Because Jesus Christ is of the bloodline of Judah, as well, with the right to rule, and those of us who are in Christ Jesus, we all have the right to rule.

In this vision about the bishops and as I was asking the Lord about their meaning and what He was showing me, the Lord also said that the rooks were also happening too. He said that the rook has already been moved. He said to me, “Mar-A-Lago, the castle.” I said, “What?!” 

So all these things that Trump is doing, he already knows about them. They’re pieces in a chess game. They’re happening in a strategic moment. How did he know when the FBI was going to raid his house? The Lord! This is God’s brilliant plan. It’s all divinely ordained. Plus the good generals that God put around him, and Trump wrote The Art of the Deal, so he knew that there was going to be a moment in time to force the hand, force a move of the FBI. Trump moved his rook, which is one of the most powerful pieces in a chess game. It has the most movements it can make. It can knock out a lot. 

So I said, “What happened in Mar-A-Lago was a chess move and that was Trump’s rook because it’s connected to the castle? What happened in Mar-A-Lago is going to turn right back around on the enemy and take down their rooks, take down their castle?” I’m like, “Oh, my gosh!” What happened in Mar-A-Lago was a strategic chess move. It’s Trump’s rook, his castle, and it’s going to take down a lot of evil players.” I think it’s going to take down the whole FBI.

The bishops, Jared being moved out right now, I think that’s connected to the takedown of the media and the evil queen and bringing back our children. Maybe Jared is the one that’s going to be part of this media takedown. He’s the bishop that’s being sent out for the media takedown, and Barron is the one that’s with the children. He’s masterminding the saving of the children. We know his mother, that’s her heart. 


As I was studying this, there was this last piece that was shown to me. The Lord said to me that these chess pieces used to be made of precious stones. He asked, “Where do I have precious stones?” I said, “Well, you have the 12 precious stones in the priestly breastplate of your Aaronic priests, and each one of the stones represented a tribe.” I thought there must be chess pieces made of rubies, others? So I waited. 

You have to wait until the Lord brings the full word. As I was waiting for the rest of the piece, what he was showing me the bishops were made of and what a lot of these chess pieces are made of, somebody posted in my Telegram group and said, “Annamarie, look, I was over by Lake Michigan, and I picked up pieces of agate rock.” 

Agate — A G A T E. I thought, agate, and I remembered, agate, agate. This is how the Holy Spirit works. This is why you can’t just rush out and deliver a word, you have to wait on the Holy Spirit because He’s got more to complete the word. 

I said, “Agate, agate, where do I know agate from?” And I thought, “You were just talking to me about precious stones, Lord. You were just talking to me about priestly breastplate. You were just talking to me about God’s perfect government — 12 tribes of Israel and the 12 disciples of Jesus Christ coming together — that Trump is the one bringing it all together. This is a major move of his bishops right now. What’s going on?” And the Lord said to me, “Agate. Look and see what agate, what tribe represents the agate and what agate represents the tribe.” So I went on my research and looked at the priestly breastplate. 

God does everything with meaning. Everything has meaning. A prophetic word should always confirm in the Word. He was showing me these chess pieces carved out of precious stones, and I didn’t know which stone it was, it was ancient. The chess game goes back centuries, and they would carve them out of precious stones and marble. The Lord was showing me that it was a jewel or precious stone that was in the priestly breastplate. There are 12 of them, so I didn’t know which one it was. That morning, someone mentioned agate. They were around Lake Michigan and had picked up agate. Then I remembered Psalm 54 [CORRECTION: I MISSPOKE. THE SCRIPTURE IS ACTUALLY ISAIAH 54.] And in the next post, when she was talking about agate, she said, “Remember Annamarie, Psalm 54 [CORRECTION: ISAIAH 54], God talks about the windows of agate.

Isaiah 54:12 KJV
“And I will make thy windows of agates, and thy gates of carbuncles, and all thy borders of pleasant stones.”

I just had a word about President Trump that he’s a Psalm 54 [CORRECTION: ISAIAH 54] president! He’s restoring the fortunes of Zion. I thought, “Agate, what tribe represents agate in the priestly breastplate?” I looked it up, and the second row of the priestly breastplate, the agate stone represents the Tribe of Dan. When it’s polished up, it’s beautiful.

The Lord said to me, “Agate — a gate.” We were just talking about gates being opened in the heavens. A new gate was opened — agate, a gate. I looked it up and it said, “Stone of the priestly breastplate, agate, a gate. Isaiah 54. Windows, windows are open. A gate is open. Agate represents the Tribe of Dan, which represents judges, which represents Sampson. Sampson was a judge of the tribe of Dan. He was also a Nazerite. 

Remember when I told you it was like Sampson underground in the underground tunnels? I had that vision, Full Metal Jacket, way back two years ago. I said that it was bloody, like hand-to-hand combat. The Lord gave me that vision for just a split second because it was so bloody and so horrible and hideous, but our military was down there in those tunnels doing hand-to-hand combat saving the children. I asked the Lord what it was, and He said it was like His Sampson with the jawbone of an ass literally fighting off the evil people to save the children.

Sampson was considered a judge, and what did he eventually do? He brought it all down! In one fell swoop, he brought it all down! He waited until they were all in one spot, the Philistines, and used the last push of strength that he had to push those pillars apart and then it all came crashing down on the evil ones. 

We know that the tunnels are being blown up. What’s going on at the Capitol Building? I don’t know. But the Lord said to me, “Watch, it’s a time of judging. It’s a time of judegment. The Tribe of Dan, the agate. It’s connected to Isaiah 54, who is President Trump.” Judgement, He’s bringing judement. On who? The wicked. The bishops have been sent out. The evil queen is in checkmate. She can’t go right or left. Who did He show me it was? Nance Pelosi. Her bishops aren’t going to help her right now. It’s about the children. They have to give all the children, everything having to do with the children back to us, and then they have to literally kiss our feet. And we rule and we reign with King Jesus and with President Trump. We all have the right to rule, and we’re going to see the coming down of several of the evil ones at the same time.

We are living in incredible times. We just have to continue to have faith in God’s brilliant plan and what He’s doing through President Trump. Do not curse Jared! Bless him. Pray for him. Pray for him and his children. He has come beside President Trump in this as a loyal confidant, a bishop, along with his own son, Barron. God is using them as strategic people in this whole thing. This whole entire family, the Trump family, we have to continue to keep them all in prayer, and praise God that His brilliant plan is happening.

I cancel and dismantle any curses or negative words that are coming against President Trump or anyone in his family, particularly Jared and Barron, and I place them in the blood of Jesus Christ right now and ask Father to give them a fresh anointing to do what they’ve been called to do for this time because the wicked queen is in checkmate. It’s done!

These strategic pieces have gone out. This is a chess game, and this is how this brilliant plan is moving. The good king and the good queen and their chess pieces are all intact! 

Keep praying and keep believing God as His brilliant plan unfolds. The Lord told us to listen to what Jared is saying in his interviews, that there are clues and revelation there.

God is saying, “Romans 8:28, I am doing all things for your good, and this is a strategic chess game. And I’ve raised up my bishops for this time.” Glory to God! Hallelujah! I’m excited and encouraged.


My producer, David Piccirillo, edited out this video clip from the full broadcast and posted it the next morning, September 1, 2022. Shortly afterward, my scribe, Goose, sent me a screenshot that she’d taken from her computer announcing that it was American Chess Day!! I had NO IDEA!!

Then, on September 2, 2022, I found out that Bentley’s son, Mr. Bishop, won Grand Champion Stallion at the Great New York State Fair, and his daughter, Cha Cha, won Grand Champion Mare. Her name in Hebrew means to seek refuge, to put trust in (God), confide or hope in (God). THOSE WHO FOLLOW OUR PROPHETIC WORDS WILL KNOW EXACTLY WHAT THIS MEANS!


There are NO COINCIDENCES with God!!!



Transcription of two excerpts of the word that the Holy Spirit gave to Annamarie Strawhand, which she delivered during her broadcast of Life in the Faith Lane on August 3, 2022.



ANNAMARIE: [Timestamp 9:44 – ] I have a word this morning, very powerful word for a specific person, and this person is Garth Brooks. Garth Brooks, the Lord sees you. He’s looking at you, and the Holy Spirit says He’s in hot pursuit of you! Garth Brooks, you were called up for ministry, and you know it. You know it, and you’ve been running away from it for years, for years, and the Lord says, “No more.” 

There’s a woman that’s been praying for you, Garth Brooks, a woman who loves you very, very much, and the Lord has been hearing her prayers, and it’s time for you to do a 360. You’ve been going down the wrong road, and you’ve been going down the wrong path. And the Holy Ghost is in hot pursuit of you, but you have free will, Garth Brooks. You have a chance to turn around. The Lord is calling you, and you know it, and He’s saying, “Stop running.” Stop running away. You’ve been called up for ministry. Jesus sees you. He loves you. You’ve even called out to God yourself, and you said, “Father, all I ever really wanted was peace and love. All I ever wanted was peace and love.” 

But you got caught up with the wrong people, and they fooled you. And part of you is angry that you got fooled, Garth Brooks, but no more. But you don’t know how to get out of this situation, but the Lord says, “My Holy Spirit is with you, and I’m calling my people up to pray for you and intercede for you to join this woman who’s been praying for you, who’s been contending for your soul.” And the Lord says you can have a Saul-to-Paul moment here, Garth. He says you’ve been ge, even getting in your car and driving and crying out to God and not knowing what direction to go, and He’s saying He’s got you. He’s got you, that your music, your voice, the fame that He’s given you is to be used for the Lord Jesus Christ. And you might say, “I don’t know how to do that. I don’t know how to get out, but God says He’s got you. He’s got you in His hand because He sees your true heart, that all you ever really wanted was peace and love, but you got caught up with the wrong people who lied to you. And you’re actually angry because they lied to you, but God says, “I will never lie to you, Garth.” 

Now do the 360, Garth. Turn around from the direction you’ve been going. He’s giving you a moment in time, Garth Brooks, to turn around and come back to Him, and He’s calling up all His intercessors to pray for you and to join this woman … I don’t know who this woman is, but I saw her in the spirit praying for you, contending for your soul, contending for your destiny, that you are, Garth Brooks, you are a preacher of the Word of God. You were actually born to do this. You might say, “Oh, I think I’m a storyteller.” Well, Jesus wrote the best story, and you’re going to tell His. 

So I’m going to ask everyone here today to pray for you, Garth, and we’re also going to pray for your wife, Trisha Yearwood, because the Lord wants to use her too. The two of you are going to be used for the plans and purposes of God all for the glory of God, and it’s time for you to have that moment, that that Saul-to-Paul conversion to do a complete 360. And the Lord said, “I’m ripping off the veils off you, Garth, and you shall have eyes of understanding. You’re starting to see everything around you was a lie. Your eyes have been opened. The scales have been ripped off, and the veils have been lifted and you’re starting to see. And the Lord says, “You’re seeing the truth.” It’s time to step into your destiny, Garth Brooks, as a minister of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, and your wife will come beside you – Trisha Yearwood.

And the Lord is speaking to Trisha Yearwood too, and He’s saying, “Trisha, that song that I gave you, “She’s in Love With a Boy. She’s going to marry him some day.” He says that’s a song about Him, Jesus. He says, “Trisha, you are a bride of Christ, and you know it, and you understand it, but you’ve been torn with this fame and this Hollywood stuff, and so has your husband, Garth.” But the Lord is saying He’s giving you both an opportunity to use your platform for Jesus. 

Stop running away, Garth. The Lord is calling you, and He says He’s in hot pursuit of you, and it’s time for you to do a complete 360 back to Him. And your wife, Trisha Yearwood, is also ready. And it’s time for you the, you, the both of you to use your platform for Jesus, and the Lord says, “I have you. I will protect you. Come out of those evil covenants right now.” He’s raised you up as a preacher, as a pastor, as a minister, and you’re going to tell His story.

I believe there is already a song that the Lord has given you, but you’ve been afraid to release it. And we BREAK OFF, BREAK OFF, BREAK OFF every spirit of political correctness off of you and Trisha Yearwood. And, Father, we ask You to send Your heavenly hosts and Your warrior angels right now to Garth Brooks and Trisha Yearwood, and take them off the demonic frequency, pull them out, Father God, out of anything of the demonic that’s been hel, holding them bound. 

Father, I ask You to take Your mighty swift and terrible sword, right now, on behalf of Garth Brooks and on behalf of his wife, Trisha Yearwood, and CUT OFF, CUT OFF AND SMITE DOWN any plot, plan, or attack of the demonic, or anything that’s held them bound, in Jesus’ name. And, Holy Spirit, hot pursuit, the fire of the Holy Ghost come upon Garth Brooks and Trisha Yearwood like they’ve never experienced before, all for the glory of God. And, Father God, that You give them an out today. You give them an out. You give them an out. You give them a way out. Jesus, Lord Jesus, I ask You according to Your Word … [Sigh] come on. 

I ask you according to You Word in Isaiah 22:22, that the key is on Your shoulders, Jesus, that You, Lord Jesus, with Your key to the house of David, You close and lock and shut and seal every door that is not of you in Garth Brooks and Trisha Yearwood’s life, and You open the new doors for them – new doors of ministry, new doors of Holy Ghost fire, new doors of telling Jesus’ story – and nothing can shut those doors. And, Garth Brooks and Trisha Yearwood, hold hands and walk through that door together because the Lord is with you, and He’s called up His intercessors to pray for you, and there’s been a woman set aside by God who has been praying for you into the night.

I don’t know if it’s your wife. It, it’s a woman that’s close to you that has been praying and contending for you FOR YEARS! And the Lord is saying, “It’s time, Garth.”

So, Father, we ask You for supernatural encounters for Garth Brooks, Saul-to-Paul encounters. You showed me that You’re ripping the veils off of him and dropping the scales radically. Father, Your Word says when Saul was converted the scales dropped off him suddenly! Suddenly! Suddenly! Suddenly! Suddenly! We say suddenly right now for Garth Brooks. Saul-to-Paul, Saul-to-Paul, Saul-to-Paul for Garth Brooks right now, in the name of Jesus.

And I speak to every vile, unclean familiar spirit that has attached itself to Garth Brooks, “You be loosed off him now, in the mighty name and the authority of Jesus Christ! He does not belong to you. He belongs to Jesus. By the authority of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, in whom I am seated, I command you, you vile, unclean familiar spirit that has attached itself to Garth Brooks, leave Garth now. Get out. Go now! Do not touch him ever again. He does not belong to you. You will not mess with his mind. He has the mind of Christ, in Jesus mighty name!”

And I ask You, Holy Spirit, to go to Garth Brooks right now. You said You’re in hot pursuit of him, Lord. Holy Spirit, I ask You to go and release Your holy fire on him and burn off all the chaff, burn off all the chaff. Burn up any snakes that are around him, in Jesus’ name! I ask You, Holy Spirit, to give him an encounter with Jesus Christ that is so powerful that that will be his testimony, and he will talk about it and even make a song about it.

I’m seeing Garth Brooks is going to be making a remake of a song. [Singing] Lord, help me, Jesus. Lord, help me, Jesus. 

O Holy Spirit, You are in hot pursuit of him. Overtake him, Holy Spirit. Overtake him, Holy Spirit! Overtake him, Holy Spirit!

God loves you, Garth. He sees you. You are His. Do not worry about these Hollywood contracts and all those. The Lord says He’s severing them off of you. He’s setting you free. He’s got you, and He’s going to use you in such a mighty way, and He’s going to use you for the men, bringing many of the men back to Jesus. And He’s going to use your wife, Trisha, for the women, bringing them back to Jesus. And Garth Brooks and Trisha Yearwood will be a Proverbs 31 couple for the Lord in the home with the home fires burning. 

And I believe Garth is going to lead many other, uh, country music singers and other artists, country music artists out. Once he gets out, which is happening right now. The Lord is severing, uh, all of these, uh, things that have held him bound, that Garth is being loosed off of these unholy, ungodly covenants, that Garth Brooks is being loosed off of all these unholy, ungodly contracts, and that the Holy Spirit is with him and he is, Garth Brooks is going to lead many others out. [Timestamp: 22:39]


[Timestamp 2:17:48] I see them all on the stage together at the Ryman Theater singing glorious songs unto You, God, worshiping You. King Jesus, we invite You right now to come and step into this moment of time in Nashville, Tennessee, and with Your musicians and Your music artists and be made manifest, Lord, in Nashville, all for the kingdom and glory of God!! And the only gnashing that will happen in Nashville is the gnashing of teeth of the evil ones that are being driven out. 

But Your songs shall arise, O Lord, O God, like a sweet fragrance unto Your nostrils from Nashville, Tennessee, the sound of harmony.

GUY PENROD, you are being called to sing your songs of worship in Nashville, Tennessee.

Oh, He’s showing me these artists that He’s called up for this time, and now it’s time for them to call the other artists in. The Lord is saying that it’s His music studios that shall thrive and prosper with His Holy Spirit on it, that every evil influence in the music industry is being removed and cast out. 

WYNONNA JUDD, you are a Deborah. He’s calling you back to lead. 

Ricky Scaggs — Ricky Scaggs, Wynonna Judd, Guy Penrod, He’s calling you all back to lead this movement.

Ricky Scaggs is a Gideon. Ricky Scaggs is a Gideon. He’s showing me when Ricky Scaggs brought those hundreds of people into Nashville to be Gideons to light their lamps and blow their shofars. That was years ago! The Lord’s saying, “Keep doing it. Don’t stop! Keep doing it!”

Ricky Scaggs’ children have been called up for this — his children. Ricky Scaggs’ children have been anointed for this — his children. 

Wynonna Judd, your daughter is prodigal, but she’s been called up as a baptizer. He hears you crying out in the night for your child, Wynonna. He’s saying your name, Wynonna, has meaning. You are like a woman at the well, he says. He’s calling you and your husband up, Wynonna, to lead for Jesus in Nashville. He’s saying your daughter, Wynonna, is called up as a baptizer and to pray as such.

I prophesy right now that Wynonna Judd’s daughter, who is prodigal, is coming back to God and coming back home. She’s a baptizer, in the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost. Thank You, Father. 

Oh, my goodness, He’s showing me Ricky Scaggs and Wynonna Judd coming together with their children, and Ricky Scaggs’ children have been anointed for this time. And Wynonna Judd’s daughter, even though she’s prodigal, she’s coming back, and she’s going to come back as a baptizer. And I’m going to prophesy this, and we all, we’ve got to pray. Thank You, Jesus. 

Nashville, the Lord is looking at you. These words that came those years … and even what Ricky Scaggs did all those years ago is coming to fruition of harvest. The sound that went up into the atmosphere of the shofars, he’s saying keep doing it. 

There’s a cloud of witnesses up there with Johnny Cash, Wynonna Judd ([sic] – meant Naomi Judd), June Carter Cash. [Gasp] The dream that I had with June Carter. She was all in pink, and she had a pink rose in her hair. I didn’t know what it meant. She says, “Annamarie, they’re listening to the wrong people. They’re listening to the wrong people.” She was grieved.

I had a dream with June Carter Cash just a few days ago, a few days ago. I didn’t know what it meant. She was in a pink dress, and she had a rose in her hair, and she was speaking to me. And she said, “Annamarie, look at them over there. They’re listening to the wrong people. They’re listening to the wrong people.” She said, “I was just trying to bring joy,” she said. “I was just trying to bring happiness. I was just trying to bring joy.” And she says, “Look, they’re all listening to the wrong people.” And she was grieved. She was grieved in her spirit.

She’s in the cloud of witnesses too. Is there a song by June Carter Cash that has something with a rose in it? He’s showing, she’s showing me her harp. She’s showing me her harp. The rose, she says the rose is Jesus. She said, “Don’t …” [Sigh] In that dream, I’m looking … 

The Holy Spirit is showing me, she [Inaudible] It’s, it’s the Holy Spirit that’s speaking. Its not all these people that died that are speaking to me. I don’t, I don’t like say people that died speak to me. It’s the Holy Spirit. He just shows me these people so that He can give me revelation. This is all Jesus. This is all the Holy Spirit. 

There is such a thing, biblically, as the cloud of witnesses — people who served the Lord Jesus Christ on earth. They get into the cloud of witnesses after they die. What are they witnessing to? They’re witnessing to the prayers of our Lord Jesus Christ who is the rose — the Rose of Sharon. It’s Jesus. The Carter family, Johnny Cash, they all sang for Jesus. What He’s showing me with these people is that they’re in the cloud of witnesses, and the Lord, it’s the Holy Spirit that’s giving me this message. In this dream, He, He’s tell, it’s the Holy Spirit that’s telling me, and the Lord Jesus Christ will allow people that are in your clouds, cloud of witnesses to show you things because what are they doing? The cloud of witnesses, according to Hebrew Chapter 12, they’re cheering for us. They’re praying for us. What are they doing? They’re praying in agreement with Jesus because Jesus is the only intercessor with us and Father God. 

Jesus is the only one between us and Father God, but the cloud of witnesses, what do they do? They come into agreement with the prayers of Jesus Christ. They witness to Jesus in the Courts of Heaven. It’s Jesus that’s praying. It’s Jesus that is our intercessor and our only intercessor with the Father, but there’s a cloud of witnesses — those faithful ones who have gone before us — that are witnessing to what? To Jesus’ prayers! And if I see them in a dream, it’s the Holy Spirit saying something to us. It’s not that person that passed that’s saying. It’s the Holy Spirit revealing to me what’s going on in the cloud of witnesses in Heaven through the, only by the authority and permission of Jesus Christ. That’s it. We don’t try to talk to people who’ve passed. We don’t try to talk to the dead. We don’t try to do that. We, no. 

But if you do see somebody who passes in a dream and you’re getting a message, it’s because the Holy Spirit is allowing you, by the authority of Jesus Christ only, to be revealed of what’s going on.

Now, I saw in a dream the other night, I saw June Carter Cash. She was wearing a rose in her hair. She was wearing a bright pink dress. I know that pink, uh, biblically, represents the joy of the Lord. We’re sup, through our music, we’re supposed to be bringing the joy of the Lord. Worship brings joy. She had a rose in her hair like the Rose of Sharon — Jesus. We have to wear Jesus. We have to wear, these mu, musicians must wear Jesus.

The Lord is giving us a message by showing us these people. This is all about Jesus. It’s all about Him. If I did get the Nashville word three years ago, we’ve got to remember it all began way back with Ricky Skaggs and his obedience in faith. This goes way back. 

You see, our prayers and our acts of faith, accumulate in Heaven. It says in the Book of Revelation that the bowls of our prayers accumulate before God like oil and incense, and when the bowls fill up, the angels tip them and pour them out into the earth. 

You guys have been sharing pictures with me on my Telegram. I had to finally tell you to stop sharing pictures because there were so many of them. Many of you have been sharing pictures with me of angels that you’re seeing in the sky, and they look like they’re holding bowls. Some of them look like they’re holding trumpets. Some of them look like they’re holding bowls. And I, I said, this must be the time of the tipping of the bowls. 

You see, many of us have been praying for Nashville. Many of us have been praying for the music industry. Many of us have been praying for these, uh, music artists. The bowls are tipping out. They’re pouring out. 

He’s showing me going all the way back to Ricky Skaggs. That was in 2008? When Ricky Skaggs brought all the Gideons together, and they all lit their lamps and blew their trumpets at once in Nashville, Tennessee to release a heavenly sound into the … You see, all these prayers? I got a word about Nashville three years ago and said pray for Nashville. Then the angel of timing came last year and said this is a sound of harmony, harmony being released with a harmonica. Then the, June Carter in my dream the other night. 

It was just, it was, it was a very quick moment. She was wearing all bright pink. She had a rose in her hair, and she was grieved. She was so upset, and she was like, “Annamarie, look! Look at them over there. They’re listening to the wrong people. They’re listening to the wrong people.” She was grieved in her spirit.

And I, I know when that happens, when I see a person like that in a dream, someone that’s in the cloud of witnesses, that’s witnessing to Jesus Christ, and it’s only that, by the authority of Jesus Christ that you would see that person because all of Heaven is cheering us on, right? Hebrews Chapter 12. They’re witnessing to the prayers of Jesus Christ, and because we’re called to pray for the nation, what does that mean? Jesus is saying, “This is what I’m praying for right now. This is what I’m praying for right now.” This is what the crowd of witnesses is witnessing to. This is on Jesus’ heart right now. This is what He’s praying for with the Father. 

These prayers have all accumulated. The bowls are about to tip. Now, we’ve got to pray and get those bowls to tip all the way and pour out on Nashville. This is what I believe is happening. This is why I had these prophetic dreams. This is why I had that word for Garth Brooks and Trisha Yearwood this morning. This is why, uh, June Carter Cash showed up in my dream the other night, and I had no idea what she meant. Now I know. It’s all coming together.

But you see it started with the faithful prayers of Ricky Skaggs. You see, the more we pray, the more we worship, the more we blow our shofars, the more we do Communion in the land, the, you see, it all accumulates before God, before His throne, the angels … Our prayers are like incense. Our worship is like oil. Right. I, i, i, we keep asking the Holy Spirit to come. It starts to fill up these bowls in Heaven. Fill them up, right. Ricky Skaggs, all the way back in 2008 with the Gideons. You see, it’s all accumulating before God, and we must be very close because I had that dream with the intensity of June Carter Cash and the rose in her hair.

We know that they believed in Jesus Christ, that they’re in Heaven, but the Lord will only let you see them if there is a purpose in the earth that we must pray, and the Lord wants us to pray for Nashville and any of these country music artists that are listening to the wrong people. [Timestamp 2:32:40]

Room By Room Prayer For House Dedication And Anointing

Room By Room Prayer For House Dedication And Anointing


See my teaching, “How To Pray Over And Apply Anointing Oil,” to learn how to anoint your home as you pray the prayer below. https://annamariestrawhand.com/how-to-pray-over-and-apply-anointing-oil/ 

Watch The Video and Get The Prayers Below: 

Get your prayed over anointing oil ready.  Anoint over the tops and sills and sides of every door and window inside your home. (even doors to rooms) This oil should be set aside for prayer only and dedicated to God.  You can use plain olive oil, or any olive oil based Holy oil (I have suggestions here and how to pray over the oil first.)  I also recommend the special “Redeem Your Home Oil” from Jeanette Strauss at www.gloriouscreations.net 



Pray This Out Loud In Every Room Of Your Home:

Father, because of the blood of Jesus and His FINISHED work on the cross, the devil has been defeated. I take ahold of this right now as my restraining order against all evil. According to Ephesians 2, I am seated next to You, Father, in Christ. I thank You, Father God, for my new authority in Christ given to me. Because of this authority, I now rule and reign in Christ Jesus and put everything of the kingdom of darkness under my feet because it is all under the feet of King Jesus. Therefore, I enforce the blood of Jesus and the finished work of the cross over and in every room of my home. I invite you, King Jesus, to be Lord over every room and every space in this home. I declare, through the blood of Jesus, that my home has now been redeemed out of the hand of the devil and back in the hand of Almighty God! Now, each room is set aside for the plans and purposes of God. I consecrate and dedicate this home and everything in it to You, Almighty God!  King Jesus I invite You to stay with us here in our home! Let the blessings and protection of the Kingdom of God come forth into every room of my home, in Jesus’ name!

According to Psalm 91:1, I declare that this _______ (room), Father God, has been transformed in the spirit into Your secret place and that it abides now under Your shadow. I repent for and renounce every sin that was ever committed in this _______ (room) of my house, including but not limited to all sins listed in I Corinthians 6:9-10 — indulgence of sexual sins, idolatry, adultery, prostitution, homosexuality, theft, greed, drunkenness, abuse of any kind, and cheating or extortion of any kind. 

Go To The Center Of Your Home And Pray This Out Loud Over Your Entire Home

I place this home and all of its residents in the mighty blood of Jesus. In the name of Jesus Christ, I take authority over every evil spirit, evil influence, discord, and even hidden evil things that have inhabited this home or affected it in any way and command them all to leave this house now and go to the uninhabited dry place and stay there! Get out and never come back, in Jesus’ name! I now ask the Holy Spirit to come and fill every place those evil spirits and influences vacated and stand hold there. I close any and all doors to the kingdom of darkness and seal them with the blood of Jesus!!

I place everything below this house, in this house, and above this house in the blood of Jesus! Lord Jesus, release the power of your blood! Your blood, Jesus, destroys all curses and demonic assignments right now, in Jesus’ name! I proclaim this house — every room, every item, every space, every molecule of air — everything in this house is now cleansed and sanctified by the blood of Jesus!

Father God, in the name of Jesus Christ, I ask for You to post Your sentry angels to all of the gateway areas of my home — natural, spiritual, and digital — to keep watch and guard around the clock and protect these gates from all evil! I ask for the sentry angels of Almighty God to stop and destroy any evil or demonic assignments that would attempt to go in or out through any and all gateways of my home with their supernatural fiery swords and shields from this day forward, in Jesus’ name! 

Holy Spirit, I ask You now to come in and breathe Your fresh breath of life into every room in my home and the surrounding property at _______ (address). Fill every space with Your love, joy, happiness, peace, and truth, in Jesus’ name. Thank You, Holy Spirit, that my home and property is now filled with Your holy presence from this day forward! Amen.

Finishing Up

After you pray over and anoint every room of your home (I do all the doorways and windows), stand in the middle of your home and play the recording of the shofar loud in your home. This is the sound of the trumpet in Zion to take out any spiritual enemies and call forth the hosts of Heaven to fight for you, according to Nehemiah 4:20. Here is a recording I that I use: 12min Of Non-Stop Shofar on YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EjU7XW5zpRc (see my teaching on how to bring Godly frequencies into your home and chase out the evil here).

Then, decree the Aaronic Blessing, found in Numbers 6:22-27, or play the recording in Hebrew in your home. I do this weekly. Here is a recording in both Hebrew and English: Rabbi K.A. Schneider – “The Aaronic Blessing” on YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yd1UFDisL48 

Finally, declare out loud: As for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord God of Israel, God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, Father of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, of Nazareth!