Tag: hearing god

Activation decree for spiritual hearing and sight from The Holy Spirit

Activation decree for spiritual hearing and sight from The Holy Spirit

Activation decree for spiritual hearing and sight from The Holy Spirit:

Holy Spirit, I decree that I pay attention to your voice in dreams and visions.

Holy Spirit, I decree my spiritual eyes are open, reveal signs to me.

Holy Spirit, When you show me these signs my spirit will respond immediately.

Holy Spirit, I decree that I stop and zero in on what you are showing me.

Holy Spirit, I decree I will write down what you show me and seek you for confirmation.

Holy Spirit, I decree that my spiritual ears are open to hear your voice.

Holy Spirit, I clearly hear you speaking and discern your leading in my life.

Holy Spirit, I am effectively led by your spirit and take the next steps you have revealed.

I decree bold obedience and clarity to Father God and His Holy Spirit!

Thank you Holy Spirit for speaking to me in the day and in the night.

Thank you Holy Spirit for prophetic visions, signs and dreams.

Holy Spirit, I receive your voice!

Holy Spirit, I discern your voice.

Holy Spirit, I honor your voice.

Holy Spirit, I obey your voice.

Holy Spirit, I love that you guide me and give me wisdom all the days of my life!

I Decree and Agree In Jesus name!


NOTE: Have you received the baptism of the Holy Spirit? Go here to our prayer to re-dedicate your life to Jesus Christ and invite the Holy Spirit to baptize you.



My friends, we are living in times that can be confusing, propaganda from the media is being thrown at us to play on our emotions. But this is when we go to God and become quiet to hear His voice. What is His truth in all this? Discernment is like gold in these days! I look to the prophet Jeremiah. He had sharp discernment, and asked God for more. God loved that Jeremiah came to Him for all understanding, He even said to Jeremiah, ask Me and I will show you the hidden secrets! Be like Jeremiah.

Pray: “Father God I come to you today because there are so many confusing things happening in the world but You know the truth and I want to know the truth too! I’m praying today for discernment the same discernment of your prophet Jeremiah. I’m seeking You God for the truth I want to know the truth see the truth walk in the truth understand the truth and speak the truth!! Father God, You told your prophet Jeremiah in your word according to Jeremiah 33:3 to call onto You Lord God and ask – and You would show him the hidden things the secret things the things he does not know. So today I come to you Father God in faith just like Jeremiah did, asking you to show me the hidden things the secret things the things I do not know! I’m asking you Father God show me the things that even the devil doesn’t want me to know! Show me the hidden secret things that are happening in the world. Show me the hidden and secret things that are happening in my life and in my children! Show me where the enemy is trying to sneak around in my life and in the world! I invite your Holy Spirit to come and partner with me and guide me in all truth! Father God in Jesus name give me revelation, give me wisdom, cover me in your glory God and your divine protection!! I want to see what You see! I am seeking your heart Father!! I want divine understanding! I am made in your image and I want to represent your Truth! Father God thank you for your truth! I’m going to keep asking I’m going to keep seeking you and I’m going keep knocking and I know all these doors will be opened for me because You promised me they would!! Thank you Father God that I can come to you today according to your word and ask for supernatural wisdom and knowledge – and I’m excited and in expectation and open to receive the truth!! I will not fear even if the truth is disturbing I know that you are with me I know man cannot harm me because You Almighty God have your hand upon me!! Father God take the scales off my eyes, lift the veils I ask you to do the same with my loved ones!! Your truth is precious to me Lord I treasure it! I will be a good steward of these secrets and revelations of truth that I will only use them for your Glory God!! I ask for all this today and receive it in Jesus Name Amen!!”