Tag: free waffles



Thursday morning, October 3, 2024, the morning of Rosh Hashanah, my husband, Mike, and I were out running errands and stopped in to have breakfast at the Waffle House. The waitress came up to my table holding a waffle and said, “I have a free waffle here. Would you like it?”  

I was immediately reminded of the prophetic word the Holy Spirit had given me about having the sweet for the bitter and seeing JFK Jr. eating waffles in a dream, and I knew this was a confirmation! Thank You, Father God!!

On my broadcast on Monday, December 6, 2021, I gave a prophetic teaching about having the sweet for the bitter in America and in our lives because we’ve been going through such tough times. This teaching was based on Luke 24 about the road to Amaeus and how Jesus walked in His glorified body and ate of a honeycomb – ate of the sweet – to show us that the sweet is coming, and I gave a prophetic teaching with my dessert fork. The Holy Spirit had said it was time to get out the dessert fork and to tell everyone that the sweet was coming and for everyone to be in expectation of the sweet. 

The next night I had a prophetic dream about the sweet coming – the sweet coming to America.  In the dream, I was at the fruit stand here on my road, and I noticed lots of honey on the shelves and some pineapples and fresh cream in the refrigerator. As I was getting ready to purchase those things, I turned and saw a little table like you would see in a little cafe or ice cream shop.

John Kennedy Jr. was sitting at the table eating waffles, and he told me to get some of the honey and pour it on his waffles. I remember he held up his waffles, and then he told me to pour the honey on his waffles, and he said he had his dessert fork. He was waiting for the sweet.

Because I had just given the word on Monday about hanging onto your dessert fork, I knew that this dream was for all of us, including those who have worked so hard behind the scenes and have sacrificed so much for the good of the people to bring the sweet back to this nation, like President Trump and JFK Jr. and their families, to confirm and remind us that the sweet is coming, and it’s all for the plans and purposes of God.

A few months later, on February 9, 2022, I had another word from the Lord about the waffles. The Lord said to me, “Annamarie, did you not notice the shape of the waffles? They are a grid.” I’m like, “Oh, my gosh, yes, Lord, waffles are shaped like a grid.” And he said to me — this is the word of the Lord — he said, “There’s a new energy coming, a new sound. The lights go out and come back on. The power grid.” He said, “Look at the dream that you had about the waffles. It’s a grid.” He said, “I am pouring the sweetness, the honey, on your power grid.” I was like, “Whoa! Okay.” Then he said, “Watch! This new sound, this new energy is a healing frequency.” He said, “I’m shutting down the demonic frequencies,” and, instead, his frequency is coming forth — a new sound. A divine sound. A sound of Heaven. A sound of the Lord. A healing sound. 

Then on June 12, 2023, I gave the prophetic confirmation that the Lord had shown me when President Trump went to the Waffle House on the Saturday before and said, “Waffles for everyone!” When the Lord had given me the prophetic word about the energy, he said, “Free energy, it’s free for everyone in America.” 

So this was such a beautiful confirmation that he gave directly to me by giving me a FREE waffle at the Waffle House!

Click the links below to watch the videos of the words that the Lord has given me about waffles and “the sweet for the bitter” coming to us. Be encouraged today, my friends. This is happening now!


Prophetic Dream: Expectation of the Sweet! JFK Jr and The Dessert is Coming!

 Prophetic Word: Power Grid! New Dc Fence! New Energy! New Sound! Healing Coming!

Prophetic Confirmation: Trump – Free Waffles – Free Energy