Tag: fountains

Prophetic Vision From Jesus About His Church

Prophetic Vision From Jesus About His Church

This is a transcription of an excerpt of the word that the Holy Spirit gave to Annamarie Strawhand following Communion during her broadcast of Life in the Faith Lane on, November 30, 2020.

Watch the video, and then read the transcript below.


ANNAMARIE: [Timestamp: 2:57] I’m hearing, “Sing, daughter of Zion, for your time has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you. O sing, O sing, O daughter of Zion. Arise, O daughter, for your time has come. O sing, daughter of Zion.”

He wants us raising our voices in celebration and in singing victorious songs. Again, He’s reaffirming that. “O sing…” What scripture is that? “O sing, daughter of Zion, for your time has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you. Rejoice, rejoice, Emmanuel, rejoice.”

Come, Holy Spirit, what do you want to say, Lord? Jesus. [Speaking in tongues]. I see a foundation being built, a foundation of a, of a building. I see the stones being laid and the concrete being poured – a foundation. 

Is there an old church hymn, an old church hymn about foundations? [Singing] The Church’s one foundation is Jesus Christ our Lord. 

He’s bringing to my mind an old church hymn. [Singing] The Church’s one foundation is Jesus Christ our Lord. The church …

What is the words to that old hymn? He’s saying, “My people must sing these scriptures like a song. They were meant to be a song.” He’s saying, “This is the sound that is being released.” That this, this is His foundation of the voices of the people raising up in victory and singing, raising up as one voice. 

[Singing] The Church, the Church’s one foundation is Jesus Christ our Lord. She is His one creation … 

Oh, my gosh, I, I sang that song in church years ago, but it’s reminding me of it right now. A foundation is, is built, it’s solid, and the Lord is gathering His, His ecclesia, and He’s saying, “Raise your voices. You are the voices. Arise, daughter of Zion, for your time has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you. Sing, sing, sing to the Lord! Sing a song of victory for it is your song and your words that is, is the foundation – the sound of the people.” 

The Lord is saying it gives Him great joy when He hears the sound of His people coming together as one, singing and worshiping Him together and dancing before the Lord. He said, “THAT is David’s tabernacle when you come before me and you sing and you worship and you dance before me.” 

This is being rebuilt. It’s being rebuilt on the sound of worship. It’s being rebuilt on the people’s voices coming together in unity and singing unto the Lord and singing a song of victory. 

Yes, Lord. This is this convergence of sound that He’s been showing us coming together. He’s saying, “Use your voice for victorious words. Do not despair, my children. Use your voice for victorious words for your time has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you. Do you not see it? Do you not perceive it? Do you not hear the sound of victory? Do you not see that the foundation has been laid, and I’m building my church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it. It’s my people!”

Oh, my goodness. Come on. [Speaking in tongues] He said, “They’ve tried to muzzle my people, silence my people, but, no, nothing will silence my ecclesia, my beauty.” The sound of His people worshiping, the sound of His people, the sound of victory is music to His ears. [Speaking in tongues]

He says, “I love the old hymns. I love the new hymns.” Anything that is a sound that goes up to Him, He loves it. It’s being built upon, like the, the sound is converging and it’s becoming like a … He’s showing me like a pillar of victory. It’s building. [Speaking in tongues]

There’s something in the Bible about pillars that are, we are like pillars. He’s showing me pillars. He’s showing me foundation, the foundations are going up for the building. The Lord is building His government in the earth, and it, it’s through us, His ecclesia, it, it’s converging. It’s come together and converging.

As the children, in my dream last night were coming to the water fountain to drink, and they were being carefully brought, the children were being carefully brought in to drink. Now He’s showing me a sheep fold, but the sheep are being brought into, into the city, into a great fountain of water that is within a city gate, and the sheep are coming in and they’re drinking of this fountain.

I’m not sure, but I think what He’s showing me is Christians, the Christians coming to Jerusalem, coming to Israel and partaking of the living waters that are in Israel and bringing the Jewish people with them and saying, “Come, come, we are all together. We are all one – Jew and Gentile. We are all of his sheep fold. We are of His flock. He’s prepared a fountain for us to come and drink.”

This is, this is all connected. “Do you not know My sheep hear my voice? Do you not know my sheep hear my voice? When I tell them to come drink, they will come – Jew and Gentile – but you must hear. You must listen.”

He’s gathering too. There’s a gathering happening. This is all connected. For when a gathering of sheep must come, there must be a sound that goes out to call the sheep, and it’s all one foundation. It’s all one. It, it’s not you’re over here. You’re over there. [Gasp!] Oh, my gosh! I see what He, I see this is. 

[Singing] The Church is one founda … He’s dealing with the denominations. He’s saying, “My Church is one. It’s not Catholic. It’s not this. It’s not that. It’s one.” God is dealing with the denominations, and Jesus is right now, and He’s bringing it together as one as He intended, intended! It’s one foundation, one building, one, one ecclesia, one. He’s dealing with all the denominations. He’s dealing with all this doctrine, and He’s saying, “Those who truly hear my voice that are hearing the call, hearing the sound of victory are coming out of their denominations and just coming to me as one.”

It’s not about denominations. Jesus is dealing with those right now. He’s bringing us together as one in the spirit, one flock coming together, and this is a time where we have to listen. We have to hear, and we have to pray that the ears of those who cannot hear, that their spiritual ears will open and they will hear the sound of victory, and they will drop the religious doctrine. They will drop it, and they will just be hungry and thirsty for Jesus, for Him. This is this tabernacle of David, the city of David coming, coming together as one for those who just want to adore Him and worship Him and be a part of this victory.

Sing, daughter of Zion, for your time has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you, His beautiful ecclesia. It’s the Church as one. Jesus doesn’t have many brides. He has one bride – His Church, His ecclesia – and He’s bringing us all together as one, and He’s singing to us. He’s wooing to us. He’s calling us, and we have to hear, and we’ve got to sing that song of victory back to Him and understand the foundation has been laid. 

And He’s bringing us to the fountains. He’s bringing us to come drink. He’s dealing with the denominations right now. This was not what it was meant to be. It was not meant to be all these different denominations. No, it was meant to just be one – followers of Jesus, Yeshua.

Thank You, Lord. We’re singing, Lord. We’re singing. We’re listening and we’re singing. Thank You, Jesus. We are so excited for these times. What do you want us to do, Lord? We will do whatever you ask us to do in these times. How can we be of help? How can we help with the sheep? He just said, “Be the living water.” He’s saying, “Don’t complicate it. It’s easy. I told you what to do.” He said, “Just let me pour into you and through you. Be the water fountain everywhere you go. Just let it flow. Let it flow through you everywhere you go.”

It’s like what He told the woman at the well. All we have to do is tell the people everywhere we go. “Tell them I love them. I love them. Tell them I want to sing to them. Tell them I want to give them something to drink that will be quenching their thirst forever. Just go and tell the people. Be that river for me. Be that water fountain. That’s all I need you to do. Start doing that, and then we will build on that. Be willing to be a source for Him, a resource. He’s the source. We, we’re the resource. And He will give you the place to flow the living waters. 

It’s like this foundation of this building, and there’s like the walls around it, and then in the middle of it there’s like a beautiful bubbling fountain right in the middle. It’s like, it almost look [sic] like this building is laying down like a person, the way it’s shaped, and then this, out of the center of it is this bubbling water and the fountain is coming … wow! Thank You, Lord. 

Oh, give us more, Lord. We are so excited, Jesus. We love You. Mmm. Taste and see that the Lord is good. Wow. He loves to come and talk to us after Communion. He does. We love you, Lord. Wow. All right, now I have to look up that old hymn.

[Singing] The Church’s one foundation … 

I don’t know all the words, but He just kept saying that. My friends, take every single little piece of this. It’s a clue. It’s a nugget of what Jesus is doing right now. 

Lyrics: The Church’s One Foundation

1 The church’s one foundation

is Jesus Christ, her Lord;

she is His new creation,

by water and the word.

From heav’n He came and sought her

to be His holy bride;

with His own blood He bought her,

and for her life He died.


2 Elect from every nation,

yet one o’er all the earth,

her charter of salvation:

one Lord, one faith, one birth.

One holy name she blesses,

partakes one holy food,

and to one hope she presses,

with every grace endued.


3 Though with a scornful wonder,

men see her sore oppressed,

by schisms rent asunder,

by heresies distressed,

yet saints their watch are keeping,

their cry goes up, “How long?”

and soon the night of weeping

shall be the morn of song!


4 The church shall never perish!

Her dear Lord to defend,

to guide, sustain, and cherish,

is with her to the end;

though there be those that hate her,

and false sons in her pale,

against the foe or traitor

she ever shall prevail.


5 ‘Mid toil and tribulation,

and tumult of her war,

she waits the consummation

of peace forevermore;

till with the vision glorious

her longing eyes are blest,

and the great church victorious

shall be the church at rest.


6 Yet she on earth hath union

with God the Three in One,

and mystic sweet communion

with those whose rest is won;

O happy ones and holy!

Lord give us grace that we,

like them, the meek and lowly,

on high may dwell with Thee.

Source: Psalms and Hymns to the Living God #385

Author: S. J. Stone

Stone, Samuel John, a clergyman of the Church of England, the son of Rev. William Stone, was born at Whitmore, Staffordshire, April 25, 1839. He was educated at Pembroke College, Oxford, where he was graduated B.A. in 1862. Later he took orders and served various Churches. He succeeded his father at St. Paul’s, Haggerstown, in 1874. He was the author of many original hymns and translations, which were collected and published in 1886. His hymns are hopeful in spirit and skillfully constructed. He published several poetic volumes. He died November 19, 1900 –Hymn Writers of the Church, 1915 (Charles Nutter).