Tag: Father

Biblical Teaching: Discerning The Voice of Father God, Jesus and The Holy Spirit

Biblical Teaching: Discerning The Voice of Father God, Jesus and The Holy Spirit

This is a transcription of a short biblical teaching by Annamarie Strawhand in answer to a viewer’s question on her live broadcast of Life In The Faith Lane on June, 26, 2024.

Watch the video and read the transcription that follows to learn how to discern the difference between the voices of Father God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.


Question: How do I know who’s talking to me – if it’s Father, Jesus, or Holy Spirit.

Annamarie: Well, everything mainly comes from the spirit of the living God – the Holy Spirit. Jesus is also the person of the Holy Spirit, so it’s connected as one, right – Father, Son, Holy Spirit. However, there has been certain differences when it comes directly from the heart of Father God. When it’s the audible voice of God, when it’s the spirit of God speaking through the Holy Spirit, and when it’s Jesus, I have had some audible differences in my spirit. 

Now, when it’s the Holy Spirit, it’s almost like a download in your spirit. It’s not like …  you’re, you’re hearing, but you’re hearing by your spirit, by your being. Okay? Holy Spirit also flashes pictures into you, into your spirit, okay? Holy Spirit is the revelator. It’s revealed in you. It’ll just like, like, like, come to you, right, and it’ll be like a download. 

The heart of the Father is where you literally feel it in your heart, and it just makes you want to cry. You feel the Father’s heart. When it’s the Father speaking to you, you, you discern it’s very fatherly. You feel the Father’s heart. You feel it actually in your heart. You’ll discern that father love. Okay? 

When it’s Jesus, He always says, “The Father.” He does. He speaks just like He does speak in the Gospels when it’s Him. You will know the rhythm … the more you read the Gospels of Jesus Christ, the more you will know the rhythm of Jesus’ voice and when He’s speaking to you. Jesus usually speaks to me when I’m taking Communion because I invite Him to the table, and I ask Him to speak. And when He speaks, He’ll say things like, “The Father, the Father.” And He calls you by name a lot. Jesus will call you by name. 

So Jesus calls you by name. He’ll say, “Tiffany,” and He’ll say, “Remember the Father.” He’ll, He’ll point things towards the Father, and He points you a lot to His Word and to His Gospel, and when it’s Jesus, you’ll really know it’s Him because it’ll be in the rhythm of His voice of the Gospels. 

The Father’s rhythm of the Father’s word is more in the rhythm of the Old Testament, the Father’s voice, especially in the Psalm. And the Holy Spirit, He talks to you like a friend would talk to you. He talks to you like a friend would talk to you. He drops things in your spirit. He drops pictures. He really is like, “Hey, I’m going to help you. I’m going to help you. I’m going to drop this in your spirit.” I’m like, “Hey.” He’s going to be like, “Hey, why’d you do this? Why’d you do this? Hey, do this. Hey, do this.” Right? It, it’ll be like these downloads, revelations. He’s like a friend. 

So Holy Spirit’s more like a friend dropping things in your spirit, right? Father is Father and His love and that poetry, right? And Jesus is more, “I’m speaking to you. I’m speaking to you the Word. I’m pointing to the Father.” Jesus … a lot of times Jesus asks questions. When I know it’s Jesus, He asks a question. You know it’s Jesus. 

So, for example, when I know it’s Jesus, He points to the Father; He asks questions, and He points to the Gospels a lot of times. He will also many, many times point to remembering certain things about Him, and He’ll point us to asking questions.

So, for example, I hear from the Holy Spirit all day long. It’s just kind of a revelation – things dropping in my spirit, this helpful friend showing me pictures, revealing things to me, right? And then I’m relaxed, and I go to bed, and I lay down, and if I ask a question … I remember doing this – Jesus loves to answer questions – and I said, “Lord, I just don’t know what to do with this horse, Pongo.” 

At the time, I was really frustrated about our horse, Pongo. And we had been going through a lot of trainers. And I said, “Lord, I just, I just don’t know what to do about this horse, Pongo. I know You gave him to us. I don’t know what to do about his trainers. I don’t know what to do about his training. I just don’t know what to do.”

And I heard Jesus, eh, and it was different because the way He said it to me, and it was right into my whole being, into my spirit, and He said, “Annamarie.” He called me by name. That’s why I know it’s Jesus. And He said, “Annamarie, ask Father what He wants to do with this little horse. Have you asked Father?” He said, “Father,” and I knew it was Jesus because He was saying Father. He was pointing to the Father. 

So it’s these heart changes, these … Father God will have a character of Father. King Jesus will have the character of teacher and pointing to the Father and calling you by name. Holy Spirit will have the character of helper, revelator, director. So knowing their character is knowing how they speak in the Word of God and their rhythm. Have I heard the audible voice of the Lord, of God Himself directing me like a father would direct me? I have. 

So I just taught on the Book of Hebrews Monday. You should go back and listen to it, about that fatherly correction that you will get, and that fatherly love and knowing the character of the Father and knowing the cha, character of King Jesus, the teacher, that points to the Father and calls you by name, and the character of the Holy Spirit as help, as helper, friend, director, revelator, downloader. Does that help you, darling?

And call them by name. Say, “Father, I’m asking You to show me a sign of Your heart, a sign of Your faithfulness.” Speak to them individually. Amen? Does that help you, darling?

And, you know, I did that day. I did what Jesus told me to do. I said, “Okay, Lord Jesus Christ, I’m going to do what you tell me. I’m going to go and ask the Father.” And so I said, “Father God, Jesus says I should ask You.” Just be as innocent, right? “What do you want to do with this little horse? Who do you have to train him?”

And you know what He said after I prayed that prayer? He sent me a dog walker. He sent me this woman who has a business walking dogs. It’s called Stable Hands Pet Services. And He sent … all of a sudden, her ad popped up in my email, and the Lord said … the Holy Spirit revealed, said, “That one.” 

So I reached out to her, and I went on her site, and immediately went on her site, and it says, “We are now working with horses again.” I was like, “What?” She comes out and she works with him, and she lunge lines him. She grooms him, and she even has another girl that’s on her staff, named Whisper, that works with her, and our horse, Pongo, is doing so good with these two ladies. 

I mean, he adores Whisper. I mean, Whisper comes to work with him, and he’s like, (soulful eyes) “Whisper’s here.” He gets all googly eyed over her. And she, eh, she’s like a horse whisperer. I mean, she’s a, uh, and she works for the dog walking company, but she happens to have a background in horses. I mean, only God could have brought that together. Only the Father would’ve known that because He is El Roi. He is the God who sees and sees it all, and Jesus wants us to go to the Father and ask these childlike questions, and He’s going to point to the Father. The Holy Spirit’s going to drop things [Sound effects] whoop, whoop, whoop, whoop, whoop. Reveal, reveal, reveal. He’s the revelator.