Tag: faithful ones

Prophetic Vision: Trump And The Faithful Ones Are Being Rewarded

Prophetic Vision: Trump And The Faithful Ones Are Being Rewarded

Transcription of the word that the Holy Spirit gave to Annamarie Strawhand, which she delivered during her broadcast of Life in the Faith Lane on December 19, 2020.

Watch the video, and then read the transcript below.


ANNAMARIE: The Lord is saying that the, He’s saying to me that the Father is well pleased. The Father is well pleased with His people who have rose up and prayed, who have interceded, who have done Communion, who have been boots on the ground in this time for America.

The Lord is saying to many of you, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” Yes, Lord. The Lord is saying that the Father is well pleased. He is well pleased in, in His servants who have been praying, who have been interceding, who have been prophesying, who have been speaking.

This is what He’s saying, “Crowns are being distributed onto those who have remained faithful and have prayed and have believed God.” 

I’m feeling the pleasure of the Father. I’m feeling the, the angels, the, they’re dancing. They’re rejoicing all around me. They’re [Inaudible]. The Lord is showing me the Father is, is so pleased at this time, and I see crowns being lowered down in the spirit. That those who have been intercessors, that are staying faithful, that are not bowing to the ways of man, He’s says, the Lord is saying, “I know it has been difficult.” He’s saying those of you who have gone about the Father’s business, like I have, even in the face of adversity, Heaven is rejoicing over all of you right now. And He’s saying expect the rewards for your faithfulness and your obedience.

I’m literally seeing crowns being lowered from, from the kingdom to those who have o, the overcomer’s crown. It’s being distributed right now. He’s saying it’s the o …. Oh, my gosh. All right. He’s, He is, the Lord is saying, the Lord Jesus, Yeshua, this is coming from His heart right now, through the power of the Holy Spirit, through the anointing of the Holy Spirit that is speaking through me right now, He is saying, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” You know who, you know who you are. Many of you have even said that you want to hear that, that you’re doing this at this time. You’re staying faithful. You’ve been interceding. You’ve been pressing in. You’ve been fasting. He is saying, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” 

Those who have been praying and fasting and interceding at this time and prophesying truth and not giving in to man even in great adversity, the, He’s saying the Father is well pleased, and He’s saying the overcomer’s crown is being distributed in the spirit right now to those.

Just reach up and receive it, in Jesus’ name. We thank You, Lord, for distributing the overcomer’s crown. We thank You that You are saying, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” We thank You that the Father is well pleased. We receive it in Jesus’ name. We receive those crowns into our spirit, and we thank You, Lord. 

And we ask for a greater portion of the overcomer anointing right now, Lord, so we can continue to pray and press in and glorify you and keep proclaiming victory and truth with absolutely no fear. 

I see a red carpet being rolled out. Oh, my goodness, I see the Lord walking up a red carpet with our President Donald J. Trump. He’s right beside him. He’s with him. I see the Lord Jesus walking up this red carpet with our president. He is right next to him walking up this red carpet, and I see the carpet being rolled out like a scroll. Carpet’s being rolled up, out like a scroll, and I see President Donald J. Trump walking up the carpet, and I see our Lord with him, walking up this red carpet with him right beside him. They’re walking up, and the Lord is so, He’s so happy. He’s honored. He’s, He’s, He, He, He, the Lord says, “I know I’m being honored.” 

And who are all these people behind President Trump that are coming? Now the Lord is walking forward with President Trump down this red carpet. He’s right beside him, and it looks like it’s being rolled out … 

I’m just seeing this very strong vision right now. Oh, my gosh. It’s all of us with our crowns on. There’s a crown on President Trump. There’s a crown on Jesus. There’s a crown on Jesus. There’s a crown on President Trump, and it’s all of us coming in behind him with our crowns on. The Lord is saying you’re all being honored at this time too for what you’ve done because our prayers have been so important. He’s saying you’re all being honored on this red carpet too right in behind the president – all of those who have stood for righteousness and have pressed in and prayed. Oh, my goodness. 

I see the Lord Jesus, President Trump; they’re both wearing crowns, and, and they just, they both look so happy. And they’re walking up this red carpet and behind, is all of us, all of us, and we’re all wearing our crowns of overcomers, and we’re all coming in behind this procession. And we’re being honored with him for standing strong and weathering this adversity and believing God and exalting the name of Jesus at this time.

Oh, my goodness, this goes on. These people, all of us, I see hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of people behind President Trump and the Lord going up this red carpet, and it’s hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of us. And I’m looking and I’m seeing it going way, way, way, way, way, way, way back. And I see the sparkling. It’s sparkling, like you can see the glittering and the glistening of those who have been given overcomer crowns at this time, hundreds of us. I’m trying to see, I’m trying to see as far back as I can see in this vision because the Lord is walking up this red carpet with, and now, oh, my goodness …

Okay, there’s a throne, and the Lord is going up and sitting on the throne, and President Trump is bowing before the Lord, and we’re all bowing behind President Trump and giving honor to Jesus. Oh, my goodness! The Lord is taking, He’s taking His seat at the throne. It’s the Lord Jesus Christ, and the, our, our president is bowing before Him, and we’re all behind President Trump and we’re bowing before Jesus together, all of us. 

The Lord is saying, “Casting crowns. Casting crowns. Casting crowns. Casting crowns. Casting crowns.” And the crown that, those crowns that have just been given to us, we’re taking them off our heads, and we’re putting them before the Lord and thanking Him and worshiping Him.

Thank You, Jesus. You made this all possible. The Lord is saying, “I’m so pleased. The Father is so pleased. I’m so pleased in my servants for this time.” He’s thanking us. 

I see the American flags even behind the Lord’s throne. I see it. And all of a sudden, I see the … wow, I’m seeing the American flag and the flags of all the nations lined up. The Lord is on His throne. President Trump is bowing before the Lord. We’re all bowing before the Lord. We placed our crowns before Him, the crowns that He just gave us, and all of the flags of all the nations are all around Jesus behind Him. 

Yes, Lord, You are the King of all nations, and we are Your servants, Lord. And we are glad that the Father is pleased with us. This is all because of You, Jesus, because where the spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom and liberty, and we gladly cast our crowns before You, Lord. 

Lord Jesus, is there more that we must do? We are ready to serve. We are ready to do whatever it s in this new age that has come, Lord. We honor You. We worship You, and we thank You, Lord. You are Lord and King of all the nations, O Jesus. 

I see herald, heralders, heralders. They’re coming up beside the throne of the Lord. We’re all still bowing down before Him. We cast our crowns. I’m seeing these herald, heralders come. They’re going to speak something. [Singing] Hark the herald angels sing. Glory to the newborn king. Peace on earth and mercy mild …

Something new is being birthed in the earth. It’s like, but it’s, He said, these are going to, these are being, these are positioned … Okay, all of what’s going to be, there, there’s new decrees that are going to come forth from Heaven that have been waiting for this time, that these decrees are going to be released, that these heralding angels are positioned beside the Lord on the throne, and these are for a, a time that we had to be a part of praying in. That President Trump was an integral part of this time. We were all praying. Now the overcoming has happened, and now these heralders are ready to release … assignments? I’m hearing decrees that have to go out into the earth. They’ve been waiting for this specific time, but, but they’re not ready to be decreed yet. They’re, these heralders are being positioned. 

That the, these cannot be spoken in the earth yet. They’re, they’re awaiting an appointed time, but, but these heralders are positioned. 

He’s saying, “My people just need to continue to have faith.” That everything is for an appointed time, and these things are, are being positioned right now in the spirit realm, but the Father is well pleased. And the overcoming, overcomer crowns are being distributed, and the Lord has His seat of authority over America, and He is, He is enthroned over America. And President Trump and all of us, we are bowing down to the Lord. And there are, there are decrees or heralders that are ready to go out. They’re being positioned from the kingdom that are, are ready to release things into the earth, but it’s for an appointed time. 

But He’s saying, “My people just need to continue to have faith and continue to speak victory. The red carpet is His blood, and we got to stand strong on the blood of Jesus. He knows that we’ve been pouring the Communion in the land. He knows that we’ve been doing it.

Uh, I, I can literally feel on my body the pleasure of the Father, the pleasure of the Lord for the intercessors and those who have prayed, those who have taken Communion, and those who have stayed faithful at this time, those who have stood on the Word of God, who have stood up for righteousness, who have stood up for our president. That this overcomer’s crown has been bestowed, and we all come and bow be, before King Jesus, and, and, and, and even, we’re behind President Trump and he’s also bowing to the Lord. And then these heralders, it’s like they have something in their hands that’s getting ready to be spoken and released, but not right this moment. 

He’s saying, “My people may become frustrated awaiting for these things to be proclaimed.” He said, “But they’re strategic for this appointed time.” He’s saying trust, have faith, keep being an overcomer. He wanted to do this to encourage everyone today that the Father is well pleased. He is well pleased. He’s saying well done good and faithful servant, that we have done well. Because what happens in America is going to be like a ripple effect for all the nations. And we got to keep having faith as overcomers, and that all of these things that are about to be released from Heaven are being positioned, that there’s all these things that are being positioned right now and not to get frustrated, just to have faith, and know that this is all happening in the spirit realm right now.

He’s saying to me some things are not going to make sense, but keep proclaiming victory and keep proclaiming overcomer scriptures, overcomer scriptures. He’s saying, “Nothing is impossible with God. I’m an overcomer through Christ Jesus.” He’s saying focus on the overcomer’s scriptures.

[Sigh] Wow! And, and, what I, what I kept hearing … Thank You, Lord. What I kept hearing was, “This is the Father’s business.” Like this is, this is, this is being run like a business, This is being run like a business. Like this is, this is all strategic. This is the Father’s business. This is all strategic, like this is why He chose a businessman at this time. Oh, my goodness. Wow. 

Father God, we thank You for this encouragement. We thank You for this word of encouragement. I thank You for this beautiful vision that You have just given us through Your Holy Spirit. Thank You, Lord Jesus, for coming to our table and speaking to us, giving us this encouragement today. We needed it. We needed this encouragement. Lord, we’re, some of us are getting weary, but we’re, we’re, we’re pushing through. We’re per, we’re persevering through, and we thank You for this encouragement today, Lord. We thank You for this vision that You’ve given us to encourage us today. 

We will, Lord, we will stand in righteousness. We will keep persevering. We will keep proclaiming the overcomers’ scriptures. We will not weary [sic]. We thank You for the precious gift of the red carpet and the crowns today. We thank You for what You’re doing with our President Donald J. Trump, and You are on the throne Jesus. You are our King of Glory, and we bow down before You, and we cast our crowns before You. We are so excited for what You’re going to do in the earth. Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Thank You letting us know, Jesus, that the Father is pleased with us. We needed that encouragement today from the Father. 

So we will continue on. We will continue persevering on, and we will encourage others, Lord. And we thank You for this today, and we praise You. You are the giver of good gifts, Father. Lord Jesus, we celebrate Your conception during this time of the lights. 

I saw the sparkly lights. We all looked like sparkly lights glistening down this red carpet. That was us, these sparkly lights. Just that’s how He sees us. That’s how He sees us. We sparkle to Him. We shine to Him. We’re going to keep on shining, Lord. Holy Spirit, help us. Strengthen us. Send more angels, Lord, to assist us in these assignments, Lord, what You’ve called us to do, and we will continue on faithfully. We are in complete and total trust in You, God, and we won’t get impatient. We know that there’s a timing in everything and there’s a strategy in everything, and we know that you’ve already got it positioned and ready for a specific time. We call forth Your plans and purposes right now, Father God, in the earth, in America, in our President Donald J. Trump, and in us, the people of God, the ecclesia, in Jesus’ mighty name. We thank You, Lord. Amen. 

When I saw all of us coming in behind the president on that red carpet, I was moved in the spirit so strongly because it reminds me of when President Trump always says, “I’m here for the forgotten ones. I’m here for the ones, the forgotten ones.” 

And sometimes we do feel forgotten. We feel like here we are. We’re trying to do the right thing. We’re trying to live by the word of God. We’re trying to raise our kids in honor and righteousness and in faith. We just want to worship God in our churches and in our homes. We just want to do the right thing. We just want to live in, in a, a, America that our founding fathers established. We want to live in this righteousness. We want to live good, holy, and full lives, and it just, it seems like for the longest time we have been forgotten, and we’ve been tread upon. 

But the Lord is saying today that He hasn’t forgotten us, that He sees us. We’re shiny and sparkly to Him, and He’s honoring us on the red carpet with our president. He sees all that we’ve done in this time, and it’s pleasing Him. And we’re all being rewarded for it. So stay encouraged, my friends, and know that the Word of God is true, and He does say, “Well done, good and faithful servant,” and we do get the crown of righteousness. And we’ve already been, we’re already receiving it in the spirit. Why? Because it’s on earth as it is in Heaven. 

Heaven is coming to earth. God’s, God’s dream is happening as Heaven and earth are one, and we got to keep praying that prayer, “On earth as it is i Heaven. Kingdom come, Lord, kingdom come.” And this is the Father’s business. This is the kingdom, and we all work for the kingdom, and Jesus is our leader. He is our leader, and then He’s appointed Trump, and then we’re all with that. You see how He showed us that today? 

Wow, my whole body is just like …. 

So it’s 2:12. We’ve been on the air over two hours. This has been incredible. I pray that this encouraged you today, my friends. Go forward in righteousness and know you have the glory covering of God, and the Father is very pleased with your faith. And keep pressing in with faith. Keep proclaiming victory. Keep shining your light for Jesus. Keep praying for our President Donald J. Trump because he is bowing before the Lord Jesus Christ. 

And I got to tell you, uh, so beautiful, so beautiful to see that in my spirit and be able to share it with all of you. And the Lord never disappoints. When we invite it, when we invite Jesus to our table and have Communion with Him, He comes and talks to us. At first, I didn’t think He was going to say anything, and then my angels started going [Sound effects]. I was like, “Okay, okay.” And they started getting excited. You see, this is the kingdom. This is the spirit. Ask for more of this because I want you all to walk in this glory because the Lord says in these days He will pour out His Spirit on all flesh. Not just me, but all of you. He wants to show you these things for His glory. 

The kingdom of God is within us, right? The Holy Spirit dwells within us. I’m so overcome with the Holy Spirit right now. He loves to have, He loves to have Communion with us, and He knows He can come here and, and encourage us, and that’s Jesus. He’s our encourager. He was always encouraging His disciples, and He’s, He’s still encouraging us in His word, and He’s still speaking through the power of the Holy Spirit, through His prophets to encourage us to stand strong for the kingdom and the glory. To have faith. And what did Jesus keep saying to His disciples? Have faith in God, for with God, nothing is impossible. He was always telling them that, and He’s telling us again today.