Tag: double portion blessings

Prophetic Word: HARRIS is Teetering Over! Double Portion Blessings and REST for US Military Coming!

Prophetic Word: HARRIS is Teetering Over! Double Portion Blessings and REST for US Military Coming!

Transcription of the word that the Holy Spirit gave to Annamarie Strawhand, which she delivered during her broadcast of Life in the Faith Lane on August 18, 2021.

Watch the video, and then read the transcript below.


ANNAMARIE: Mike and I, we went to McDonald’s, got something to eat, and we parked at the Virginia Beach Courthouse parking lot to eat our McDonald’s. And that is where God sent me to pray, and I said, “Lord, give me confirmation today that my prayers have been answered here, uh, at the, the, the, that ….” 

Because, you know, we all, all of us came together and prayed over the courthouses in this nation. We did a group prayer. We went and did Communion, you know; we prayed over the courthouses. And so I went and did the same thing at my courthouse, and, you know, did Communion and also the post office there and everything. And I’ve been waiting for the Lord to give me a sign at my courthouse at the city of Virginia Beach that our prayers have been answered. So I kept asking the Lord to give me a sign, give me a sign, give me a sign. 

So, listen to this. So we go, I had to run into the grocery store right by the courthouses. It’s actually called Courthouse Commons. I had to go, I was going to make tacos for dinner last night because Landry’s boyfriend was coming over, and I had to go get some more hamburger, so, um, and also some ice cream. So we pulled into the parking lot. Mike drops me off at the “Harris Teeter.” 

Okay, listen to this. So I go in, it’s, we, we have a grocery store down here called the Harris Teeter. I go into the Harris Teeter. I get what I need. I go and I get into line, and when I get into line, I see this young man, this tall, handsome young man, and he’s got this button on, and it says “Ike.” It says his name is Ike. And he’s waiting on a man that’s in the Navy, because we have a lot of Navy guys and gals here in Virginia Beach, right? We’ve got Oceana Naval Base here. We’ve got a lot of Navy guys. 

So here I am in “Harris Teeter.” I’m in the store picking up what I need. I get in line. It, it’s the, the, um, the line that they’re in, they’re in, uh, cash register number 7, right? Seven is God has completed a thing. I see this young man that works at Harris Teeter. His name is Ike. He’s, he’s, he’s waiting on a guy, uh, that’s in the military, and it looks like he’s about to have a picnic. He’s got all these type picnic foods there like he’s about to rest and relax and, you know, spend time with his family, you know, and I’m thinking, “Oh,” I was going to say something to him like, “Oh, are you about to have a picnic and a cookout with your family?”

And so, you know, I do my, do my checkout and everything, and the Lord says to me, He gives me a word right there in the grocery store. He says, “Ike is Eisenhower.” (The ship Eisenhower, right?) 

We have a huge ship called the Eisenhower. It’s, it’s known, uh, as one of our most powerful ships in America, the Eisenhower, the USS Eisenhower. And on July 19, the, it’s, it’s, it’s a, uh, uh, aircraft carrier, and it’s famous for carrying the hornet jets. Remember the Lord told us to pray for the hornets to drive out the enemy? 

So this is so encouraging. So the USS Eisenhower … Ike, the guy with the button with Ike, right, Ike, uh President Eisenhower, General Eisenhower was known as Ike. There was a, a big ship named after him. I think President Trump was on the Eisenhower, but anyway, the Lord says to me, He says that the Eisenhower as returned to port, that the hornets have finished their commission. I’m telling you, I, I, I, I have so many words for y’all, but the Lord said this to me in the grocery store yesterday. It, He just talks to me. He said, “The Eisenhower has returned to port. The hornets have fulfilled their mission,” because remember we asked the hornets to go out and drive the enemies out of the land? 

So this is what the Lord says to me. “The Eisenhower has returned to port. The hornets have fulfilled their mission. The military men are going to have their rest and picnic with their families.”

I mean, I was just so blessed by that word, and so, as I walked out, and I went to go in my truck, Mike was waiting for me. He was parked right next to a great big crew cab, a Ford crew cab dually that was blue. Blue is the revelation of the Holy Spirit. On the side of that crew cab dually was a logo that had the om, the Alpha and the Omega sign, you know, Alpha and Omega, the Alpha and Omega. And it said Alpha and Omega Farm, and the Lord spoke to me and said, “The Alpha and the Omega, I am the end and the beginning. The Alpha and the Omega is here. The blood of Jesus Christ has spoken.” 

So all the prayers that we have been doing, the Lord gave me confirmation yesterday right there in the Harris Teeter parking lot that our ships are returning to home. Our ships are coming home. Our ships are returning to port.  

And I said, “Harris Teeter. What does Harris Teeter have to do with this?” And He says, “Harris will be teetering.” Teeter! Harris will be teetering. Harris will be teetering. Who’s that? Kamala Harris. She’s going to start teetering. She won’t be able to stand anymore. She’s going to teeter over. She’s going to teeter over.

Isn’t that beautiful? So that is another word that the Lord gave me while I was standing in the grocery store yesterday, that our ships are returning to port, and our, our, our, our soldiers shall come into a time of rest, picnicking with their families, and that, um, the Eisenhower, right, “I like Ike,” the Eisenhower, what is the most famous jet that’s been on the Eisenhower? The Hornet. 

We asked the Lord to send out His hornets to drive out the enemy, and the Lord was telling me mission accomplished, mission completed. And guess what? I found out the Eisenhower returned to port right here in Norfolk, and it had been out to sea, uh, for a record time, a record time, back to back to back to back, um, missions. Those poor sailors had not been home in so long, and it returned to port on July 19, and they’re home having rest, picnicking with their families. And Harris is going to be teetering, and the Lord said, “The hornets have completed their mission.” And they’re, the hornets are in this land completing their mission in America. We asked the Lord to send out His fiercest angels, his hor, hornets, and Harris is going to be teetering. She won’t be able to stand.

And what’s really cute is that when I went out back in the truck and I saw that, that crew cab dually, and is said the Alpha and Omega, the Alpha and Omega Farm, and it was a dually, I knew that was double portion, that, uh, our, our military that have suffered and sacrificed for so long are going to get double for their trouble, double portion blessings. So if you have a loved one that’s been in the military in this nation, uh, do not despair, okay, just know that God is going to give you double for your trouble, double portion, right? It was a crew cab dually that had Alpha and Omega, that Jesus sees you. He sees your families, you will, you are going to have rest, uh, and you’re going to be picnicking with your families. He’s bringing all of His soldiers home, bringing us home, and, and just know that, that the hornets are here, here in this nation and mission is completed, and, and Harris is teetering. I’m telling you.

And when He told me that yesterday right there when I was in the grocery store, I was like, “Wow Lord!” I mean, He, this is why I say I have so many words for you all, that, because He’s talking to me, it’s coming at su, these words are coming at such an accelerated rate. So that’s the second word I have for y’all today.