Tag: cell memory

Soul And Cell Healing

Soul And Cell Healing

The Lord has given me some deep revelation regarding healing and the soul-to-cell connection – how your bodily cells and your spiritual soul are directly connected in your healing. This revelation will help you as you pray for your own healing and in how to pray for the healing of others.

Watch the video teaching and read the helpful notes and outline of strategies for soul-to-cell healing that follow to learn more!



The Lord began speaking to me between September and November of 2023 about the sweet for the bitter.

In December of 2023, he gave me this beautiful song, “Sweet Jesus.” 

Sweet Jesus, sweet Jesus, You redeemed me. You redeemed me.

Like honey, like honey, I taste and see that the Lord is good. 

For the bitter, You gave me sweet. For the hunger, You fed my soul. 

For my thirst, You drew me close. Living waters, You revived me.

Sweet Jesus, sweet Jesus, You redeemed me. You redeemed me.

Like honey, like honey, taste and see that the Lord is good.

In January of 2024, God had me in a season of focusing on my health, and in mid-February, he had me update the Soul Cleansing Prayer to the Soul Cleansing and Healing Prayer and add the cellular part of releasing fear, strife, bitterness, and rejection, not just off your soul, but off your cells. 

At this point, I had not personally experienced the healing effects of releasing these things off of my cells/body yet, so I was just updating the prayer out of obedience to the Lord without having any prior experience in this area.

The Lord had me couple unforgiveness with bitterness to be “loosed off, detached, and released off my mind, heart, soul, spirit, physical body, and off my cell memory …” in this update.

I have done a lot of soul work to heal my soul and to forgive everyone who has hurt or wronged me over the past few years, and the Lord decided that I was in a season of going deeper because I had been praying for my healing, for deeper healing.

I didn’t realize that there was something so deep in me – a root of bitterness that was so deep in me that it was actually attached to my body and literally attached to my gut. 

I’ve dealt with gut issues for quite a while – food intolerances, food allergies, nausea, diarrhea, etc. It seemed that my gut issues also caused pain throughout my body. I would have abdominal pain that would radiate through my nerves, and I had sciatic pain and sometimes lower back pain. I didn’t know where it was coming from, the root of it. 

I was going to the Holy Spirit and asking Him to reveal what was going on, if those things were connected, and what I needed for my healing.

The other day, I had a chiropractic appointment, and I noticed that I was craving something sweet that morning, so Mike and I went to IHOP and I had pancakes for breakfast because I wanted the sweetness of the syrup. I didn’t realize at the time that it was a spiritual hunger I was having.

When I got to my chiropractic appointment, they put me on a different table than I’m normally on, and it was giving the chiropractor more leverage to work with me. As he was doing the usual adjustments, he said he felt something in the center of my back. He had me turn over, and he did a huge, different type of adjustment in the center of my back. I got a release that went through my body all the way through my entire center. It went into my gut and abdomen. It radiated up through my arms and down into my legs, and I felt it go up into my chest area too. I didn’t really understand what was happening at the time. 

When I got up off the table, I was okay. They had me go get on the waterbed-type massager, which is very relaxing and warm. All of a sudden, I had an overwhelming emotional response. I just wanted to cry and weep, and I knew something had been released off of me, that something emotionally had been lifted off of me.

I had Mike get me home, and all I wanted to do was lie down and rest. When the Holy Spirit says rest, then you need to rest. As I was lying there, I heard the Holy Spirit say, “finally,” like there was something deeply rooted in me that needed to come off my cells – something that was in my bones and in my cells that needed to be released.

You see, I had already done the verbal work – the commanding and taking authority over any bitterness and unforgiveness and repenting, but I did not know that this bitterness and unforgiveness was stored in the center of my body, deep in my cells – for years! It needed to be released. I had been praying it off. The Lord had me update the Soul Cleansing Prayer, and then He built me up to this moment of healing.

The Lord reminded me that Jesus would give people the movements to do when he healed them. He would instruct them to “stretch out your hand,” or “pick up your mat and walk,” things like that. He gave them actual movements to make. I discerned that when Jesus told them to stretch out something or pick up their mat and walk that there was a bitter root there and their cells had to be healed at the same time their soul was healed.

Now, I know for myself. This confirms in my spirit because it happened to me! And I asked the Lord why I was weeping and weeping so much. I just couldn’t stop weeping. I asked him on Friday morning if I should cancel the broadcast because I just felt like stuff was still coming off of me. I was still weepy and not exactly sure what was going on, and I felt like I needed to spend more time with the Lord. I realized I needed to continue to pray, to get scriptures about releasing bitterness and unforgiveness and continue to pray on that because something finally got to the root. 

The season that he had me in last fall talking about the sweet for the bitter was really about what was happening inside of me, not the things that were happening around me in my life. And I realized that I had a root of bitterness and unforgiveness inside of me that was very deep. 

God brought me through these three seasons with the word about the sweet for the bitter, worshiping with the Sweet Jesus song, and then updating the Soul Cleansing and Healing Prayer to get me ready, and when it was time, He made sure I was in the right place – at the chiropractor’s office – to help it get released off my body. 

You don’t have to go to the chiropractor to get the release. I believe that Jesus used the chiropractor, who is a Christian,  to just turn me a certain way to answer the prayer to release it off of my cells that had been bottled up in there. But it could happen for you as you are doing some kind of movement – bending or stretching – even as you do your chores, but it’s the praying and the asking for Jesus to release that root of bitterness and then the prayer that He had me write about commanding it off your cells as well as your soul that prepares the physical release.

I’m in awe of God right now, and now I understand why He had me write the prayer that way, to not just release the bitterness and the unforgiveness, but he had me put them together. At that time, I didn’t know why. I thought they were two separate things, but it’s because unforgiveness brings bitterness, and then bitterness grows a root in your body that attaches to your bones and cells.

Through this experience, the Lord revealed to me that we have to partner the physical activity with the soul healing and cleansing prayers because this has to come off of your cells.

It has been scientifically proven that the cells of your body have a memory. “Physiological and psychological sciences assert that bitterness sickens the body and damages bones, weakens the immune system (which is connected to the gut) as do all negative emotions. Referring to Proverbs 14:30 – “A sound heart (or healed soul) is the life of the flesh but bitterness is the rottenness of the bones.”

So as I was forgiving, commanding, and praying the soul cleansing prayers, it was loosening up that root because there was cellular attachment still. When the time was right and I did a physical act or movement (the chiropractic adjustment), it was released off of me.

We are kings and priests through Christ Jesus (the Melchizedek priesthood), which means we  can speak over our bodies and command our own healing. Jesus used words to command a healing.

We are temples of the Holy Spirit. He resides in us, and He is constantly telling us what to do to keep our bodies healthy. Because we’re temples of the Holy Spirit, He’s going to keep working in us and keep giving us revelation to keep praying and doing the movements and the strategies towards our healing because He is bringing us into wholeness. He is bringing us into shalem. If our bodies are healed and whole, we can fulfill our purpose for the kingdom of God.

A bitter root can also come on you because someone else spoke bitter, hateful words over you and caused a wound in your soul and a wound of bitterness to come into your bones and into your cells, so you have to forgive that person for those words or things they did and release them and command any cellular memory from those words to be released off of you, in the name of Jesus Christ.

Scripture References

Proverbs 14:10
“Each heart knows its own bitterness, and no one else can share its joy.”

Note: The mind, heart, soul, and spirit are connected. It’s very difficult to truly be able to share joy if you have a root of bitterness in your heart. You can’t really experience or share joy if you have any root of bitterness, and this can go all the way back to when you were a little kid (or in your generational bloodline.)

Proverbs 14:13
“Even in laughter, the heart may ache and rejoicing may end in grief.”

Note: Even if you laugh and joke around, it’s just covering up the grief, unforgiveness, bitterness, and pain. You can tell jokes, watch funny movies, think positive thoughts, etc., but the bitter root must be dealt with at the soul-to-cell level for true healing.

Proverbs 14:30
“A heart at peace gives life to the body, but bitterness rots the bones.”

Note: The root of bitterness and unforgiveness soaks right down into your cellular level. Even if you say you’ve forgiven someone and you command the wound of your soul to be washed in the blood and healed and even ask for forgiveness of any bitterness and unforgiveness that you have, if you don’t get to the cellular part, there’s still a root there. So we have to do these prayers over and over again until we actually feel that physical release from physical activities like while stretching or doing some type of movement.

Meaning of Fourteen

The number fourteen means the generational promises and blessings of God. Understand that a bitter root can be passed down the family bloodline too, so it may not be because of your own personal experiences. You could have a bitter root that came from your parents or  grandparents, etc. This is a demonic plan of the devil to pass a bitter root from generation to generation with hateful, evil words and abuse, but you can root this bitter root out of yourself and your generational bloodline and release the generational blessings of God instead! 

Proverbs 16:24
“Kind words are like honey, sweet to the soul and healthy to the body.”

Note: Sixteen biblically means the reckless love of God – John 3:16, For God so loved the world that He sent His only son. 

Four Steps For Physical Or Emotional Healing

  1. Use the word – speak to your soul from the authority of Christ as a king and a priest commanding this bitterness and unforgiveness off of your soul. Use my Soul Cleansing and Healing Prayer to guide you in this. It’s also in my Vol 2 Prayer Book.
  2. Take a day to rest and converse with the Holy Spirit – ask Him who you need to forgive and what the root of bitterness is that’s in you.
  3. Physical action – do some stretching, twisting or simple calisthenics while commanding any bitter root – rejection, unforgiveness, etc – to be released off of your cells, in Jesus’ name. 
  4. Speak sweet words over yourself – this counteracts the hateful words that have been spoken, and now your cells, heart, soul, and spirit will be open to receive words of blessing. If your cells can receive the bitter, they can certainly receive the sweet!

Working With Children 

If you’re working with a child or young person who has been through a lot of abuse or bullying and has had a lot of hateful words spoken over them, pray the soul cleansing and healing prayer, lead them through forgiving the kids or people who bullied or abused them, and then have them do some physical activities like jumping jacks, stretches, etc and tell them to release it off of their tummy, their heart, and their bones, etc., and then decree sweet, blessed words over them. 

Sweet Words And Scriptures Of Comfort To Declare

I am loved by God.

I am blessed by God.

I command, by the authority of Jesus Christ, for my cells to receive the sweetness of God’s word.

I am not rejected. I am rescued.

I am adopted by Abba, Father. He sings over me.

The Lord loves me with an everlasting love.

I am fearfully and wonderfully made by God.

God has good plans for me.

God’s perfect love casts out all of my fear. I trust Him fully.

Nothing can separate me from God’s love.

God’s love surrounds me as a shield and keeps me safe.

Zechariah 3:17: “The Lord is in my midst, and He sings over me.”

Psalm 16:8-9: “I keep my eyes always on the Lord. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure.”

Psalm 27:1: “The Lord is my light and my salvation—whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life—of whom shall I be afraid?” 

Psalm 4:8: “In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, Lord, make me dwell in safety.” 

2 Timothy 4:18: The Lord will rescue me from every evil attack and save me for his heavenly kingdom.” 

Psalm 119:103: “How sweet are your words to my taste, [O Lord Jesus,] sweeter than honey to my mouth.”