Tag: authority of the believer

Prayer For Family – How To Pray Protection Over Your Spouse And Children

Prayer For Family – How To Pray Protection Over Your Spouse And Children

After hearing me pray over my husband, Mike, and my daughter, on many occasions on my LIVE broadcasts, many of you have asked for a copy of the prayer to use for your own families.

First, suit yourself and your family up with my Suit Up Prayer. Then pray this prayer and declaration over them as they go out the door for the day to run errands or to go to work or school.

Identify who you’re praying for — your spouse and/or child(ren) — and insert their name(s) in the blanks provided.

Pray out Loud:

“HEAVENLY FATHER GOD, IN JESUS NAME AND AUTHORITY I place my (spouse, son, daughter), _______’s, mind, body, soul, spirit, and heart in the blood of Jesus Christ today. I place everywhere _______ puts his/her feet in the blood of Jesus Christ today. I place _______’s car OR VEHICLE THEY ARE RIDING IN in the blood of Jesus Christ today — bumper to bumper, door to door, from the top of the roof to the bottom of the tires, inside and outside, all in the blood of Jesus Christ. I place everywhere _______ drives his/her car OR VEHICLE THEY ARE RIDING IN in the blood of Jesus Christ. I ask you, Father, to send your angels to surround _______ and to encamp around him/her and keep him/her in all of his/her ways, in Jesus’ name. I say that signs, wonders, miracles, blessings, and favor are _______’s today. I get good reports from _________ today in Jesus’ name. Thank you, Father God! AMEN”

More prayers for family and children here on our Prayer Strategy Index Page.

What Is The Kingdom Age?

What Is The Kingdom Age?

Thank you for being here. I believe we have entered the KINGDOM AGE. This is the time when Heaven is coming to earth and the kingdom and the gospel of Jesus Christ will be advanced like never before. The enemy knows this and is trying to stop or hinder it, but he loses; God wins. Be excited, and ask God how He wants to use you in this glorious time for His Kingdom.

What is the Kingdom Age? If Jesus showed us the kingdom while He was on earth, and Jesus said, “The kingdom of God is already within you,” then the kingdom on earth is when believers truly COME INTO THE UNDERSTANDING of how to operate with kingdom AUTHORITY and power like Jesus did! It is when we all truly begin to walk in the works of Jesus Christ — signs, wonders, and miracles! 

Powerless Religion trains people how to DEFEND the gospel. The kingdom of God teaches believers how to DEMONSTRATE the gospel.

The religious spirit always comes against the kingdom. Jesus rebuked the Pharisees and said, “Do you not see the kingdom of God is right in front of you?” He was speaking of Himself. Then He told His disciples that the kingdom was within them and they would do greater works than He.


We will see healings, the dead raised, food multiplied, and deliverances as normal occurrences. It’s already happening. You see, we are a Melchizedek priesthood. We are both kings and priests. WE ARE THE KINGDOM on earth as it is in Heaven! Jesus is our high priest waiting for us to wake up and do the works He did in the earth.


Focus: Activating the Kingdom of God on earth through awakening identity to the sons and daughters of God and the land. Developing houses of worship, ranches, farms (Hubs) to shift darkness into light throughout strategic cities: America, Europe, Israel, and the nations. 

Read: Are You A Pineapple or an Arrow For The Lord?

Psalm 27:4 – “One thing have I desired of the Lord, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to enquire in his house.”

Matthew 4:16 – “The people who sat in darkness have seen a great light, And upon those who sat in the region and shadow of death Light has dawned.” 

Isaiah 60:1 – “ARISE AND SHINE …!” 

– Love, Coach Annamarie

Wielding The Scepter Of Righteousness

Wielding The Scepter Of Righteousness

Taking Your Daily Seat of Authority and Wielding The Scepter Of Righteousness

scep·ter /ˈseptər/ or sceptre noun 1. an ornamented staff carried by rulers on ceremonial occasions as a symbol of sovereignty.

Colossians 2:15 He disarmed the rulers and authorities and put them to open shame, by triumphing over them in Him.

Believers in Christ it is time to start truly using our authority that Jesus died and rose to give to us:  Each day as you take your seat of authority in Christ Jesus (see my daily #suitup prayer) Go a step further and take the Scepter of Righteousness of KING JESUS in your hand in the spirit and use it! Hold it up each day and beat down the scepter of wickedness! Do this over your city and region in the spirit.  It is those who are in Christ Jesus who have dominion over the land!

Now, Sit in a Chair, turn to your left and Say out loud: “Father God, I accept Thy gracious word. I believe that Thou hast thus wrought for me according to Ephesians Chapter 2.  In humble faith, I do now take my seat of authority in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus at Thy right hand. Where I now rule and reign in Christ Jesus, King of Kings and through Christ Jesus of the Priestly Kingly Order of Melchizedek, over all the land, the waters and the mountains and over every area of influence in the earth in Jesus name! I put the kingdom of darkness under my feet! I walk in the righteousness of Jesus Christ and I now take the Scepter of Righteousness in my hand. It is written in Psalm 125:3 that The scepter of wickedness will not remain over the land allotted to the righteous.  I declare this land of _________________ has been allotted to the righteous.  Therefore the scepter of wickedness can no longer remain here over ______________.   I hold up the scepter of righteousness by the authority of Jesus Christ and I beat down the scepter of wickedness and smash it to pieces!  I scrape the pieces into the fire of Almighty God to be burned to ashes!  It is written that the scepter of wickedness cannot remain so it shall be!!  In the name of Jesus Christ I decree and declare this land of _____________is the land allotted to the righteous and the scepter of righteous rules and reigns over __________forever!  I decree the scepter of wickedness is now destroyed and can never come near _______ again in Jesus name!!  By the Authority of Jesus Christ in whom I am seated I take dominion over _____________ and in the name of Jesus Christ and claim it for ALMIGHTY GOD!  I call forth the Angel Armies of Almighty God to come and blow the victory trumpets of the Lord over this land!  Let the plans and purposes of Almighty God and the Lord Jesus Christ come forth upon this land right now and prosper in Jesus name!  Let the righteous people of this land now receive their rightful inheritance from the Lord!! Hallelujah!!”   – Written By Annamarie Strawhand,  www.annamariestrawhand.com


Read this Devotional by Derek Prince:

Two Kingdoms in Contrast

Psalm 125:3

The scepter of wickedness will not remain over the land allotted to the righteous. NIV, NASB

Did you realize that wickedness wields a scepter? Yes, it’s true; there is authority in the kingdom of Satan. The Scripture tells us in Colossians 1:12–13 that we have been delivered from the authority of the dominion of darkness and translated into the kingdom of the Son of God’s love. There are the two kingdoms set in stark contrast. The kingdom of the authority of darkness and the kingdom of the Son of God’s love, which is a kingdom of light and of love. Each kingdom has authority, but the authority of the kingdom of God is superior to all other authority in the universe. God’s kingdom, the Scripture says, ruleth over all, it is established forever, it is unshakable.

And when we are part of God’s kingdom, then God permits us, on His behalf, to wield the scepter of righteousness, the scepter which has upon it the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. And as we wield that scepter, we beat back and cast down the scepter of wickedness, breaking down the scepter of wickedness, destroying the dominion of Satan. We move back into the area which God has allotted to us.

So there is a promise for God’s people to regain their inheritance in Christ. “The scepter of wickedness shall not remain over the land allotted to the righteous.” For you and me, there is a land allotted to us through our righteousness in Christ. We need to take that scepter boldly and beat down the scepter of wickedness and enter into our allotted inheritance.
