Biblical and Prophetic Meaning: Numbers 711, 717, 818, 919 – Asking, Overcoming, Receiving!
Following is a question from a viewer about the meaning of a biblical/prophetic sign on one of our Wednesday Q&A Live broadcasts:
Question: The Holy Spirit keeps showing me the numbers 711, 717, 818, and 919 every day. What does this mean?
Watch the short video below and read the biblical interpretation that follows to have a better understanding of what these numbers mean if you are seeing them as well.
Biblical/Prophetic Interpretation:
711: Any time you’re seeing 711, it means Matthew 7:11 – ask for what you want. You are in a window of opportunity right now from the Lord with Him showing you the number 711, meaning ask for it. You have not because you ask not. Go to the scriptures – Matthew 7:11. “Ask, and it shall be given unto you. Seek, and you shall find. Knock, and the door will be open to you.” Everyone who asks receives, so I want you to go boldly to the throne of grace. You’re being told how to pray right now from the Holy Spirit – to ask for what you want. Can we ask for what we want? Well, that’s what the Bible says.
717: Seven means God has completed something in your life, and 17 means victory of the overcomer. So when you’re seeing 7-17 together, it means God is pleased with you and what you have completed in Him and He has completed in You. He has completely and totally completed something very, very powerful in you, and you have had the victory. It’s the number of fulfillment. Seven is God’s number of completion, that He has fulfilled something in you, and He’s pleased about it. He looks at you, and He says, “It is good.” Then 17 means victory of the overcomer, that you had victory because you overcame in Christ.
818: This number means the power to get wealth. Money! Deuteronomy 8:18. Eight is the number of Jesus Christ and new beginnings, and 18 is life and life abundant. So it’s a time of new beginnings. It’s a time of abundant wealth, health, and prosperity. Deuteronomy 8:18 – “For I, the Lord, have given you the power to get wealth.”
So He’s telling you how to pray right now. He’s saying to ask for what you want in 711. Don’t be shy, and believe it is yours. Seven 17 – God is looking at you and He’s pleased. He’s finished something wonderful in you, and you’ve overcome. You’ve had the victory of the overcomer through Christ Jesus. Now He’s showing you that He’s given you the power to get wealth – a business idea, a product, write a book – and it will prosper. It’s a new beginning for you.
919: This is the fun one – whooo hoooo! Nine means two things. Nine means judgment and birthing. It means that the old stuff in your life that’s no longer serving you or God is being judged and removed, and you are birthing something new – a ministry, a business, building for the Lord. The 19 means exploits of faith. There are 19 heroes of the faith in the book of Hebrews – Abraham, Sarah …. So the old stuff is getting judged and removed, stuff that has nothing to do with the new thing that is being birthed in your life, and don’t try to go back after it. Let it go! It’s a time of birthing. If you are past childbearing years, it means you’re going to be birthing businesses, ministry. And the 19 is representation of exploits of faith – heroes of the faith – meaning you’re getting cheered on from Heaven! Your faith is strong. Go for it. That is an awesome sequence of numbers. The Holy Spirit is telling you exactly how to pray right now. He is giving you step by step by step what He’s doing in your life.
Scripture References
Matthew 7:11
“ If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?”
Deuteronomy 8:18
“But thou shalt remember the Lord thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day.”