Tag: #angelsandcamelscoming

Prophetic Word: Get Ready To Receive! The Angels and Camels Coming! Restitution – Restoration!!

Prophetic Word: Get Ready To Receive! The Angels and Camels Coming! Restitution – Restoration!!

Transcription of the word that the Holy Spirit gave to Annamarie Strawhand, which she delivered during her broadcast of Life in the Faith Lane on January 21, 2022.

Watch the video, and then read the transcript below.


ANNAMARIE: In the name of Jesus, every single thing that the enemy, that the devil stole from you and your family bloodline and your household going back generations—going all the way the way back to Adam and Eve—that Father will dispatch his angels for you and your household and your family bloodline right now, go into the enemy’s camp, plunder his camp, retrieve every single thing that has ever been stolen from you, ever, that’s ever been stolen from your ancestors, put it on the camels of the Lord and bring it to you right now in the name of Jesus.

I’m seeing a cactus, and this cactus has roses all over it. Cactus rose? Rose of cactus? Okay, Lord. All right, the Lord, the Lord is giving me a, a prophetic vision, very strong, very strong prophetic vision. Cactus rose. 

Is there somebody known as Cactus Rose or somebody here? Cactus rose, what is this, Lord? Cactus rose. Cactus rose. Cactus rose. He’s showing me a cactus, a cactus, cactus with roses all over it. 

He’s showing me that camel that someone gave me a long time ago that I named Rosie. I need to get her out of her box. You guys remember Rosie? Someone sent me a camel, and she was all dressed up in gold jewels, and she had a rose on top of her head. I’ll have to go get her. I’ve got her stored away. I’ve got to glue, her little box of gifts was coming unglued. I have to gl, glue her. 

Cactus rose. The camel named Rose. Is this a word? Is this a word? I keep seeing this cactus with roses all over it and that little, that camel, that stuffed camel with the gifts all over her, the jewels, and the rose on her head. 

He’s saying, “Adorn, adorn, adorn. I will adorn. Adorn. I will adorn thee. I will adorn thee. I will adorn thee. I will adorn thee. I will adorn thee with roses. I will adorn thee. I will adorn thee.” He’s showing me that scripture, I will adorn thee like a bride. I will adorn thee. He’s saying he will, he will adorn those with his love who even feel like they’re not deserving of his love. He’s saying, he’s saying you are, you are all, he did it for all. He did it for every single one of you, even those who are prickly, even those who are prickly, even those who are, feel like they’re not deserving of his love. He’s saying, “I did it for you too.” I, I, I’m, I’m, he’s pouring out his love. He’s adorning you. He’s saying many of you have felt like you’ve been in a desert for a long time. Many of you feel like you’re like a cactus. You know, you’re just, you’re just thirsting, and you feel so like you’ve just been baked in the hot sun, and you feel like you’ve been going through a desert. But he’s saying, “Do not fear. Help is on the way, and I’ve adorned you with my love. Help is on the way. Help is on the way. Help is on the way—his help.

It’s just starting to snow again. I don’t know if this is a word, I, I believe this is a word corporately right now that there are people that are, have been giving up hope. There are people that feel like abandoned, like God’s not going to do anything, like he’s not there, but he’s showing me a cactus in the desert adorned with roses and that camel, that beautiful little camel adorned with jewels and a rose on her head. And he’s saying, “Even in the desert time, I’ve adorned you. I’m there. I’m, I’m pouring it out to you. I’m providing for you. I’m blessing you. Do not fear; help is on the way.” 

He’s right, he’s right here. He’s, he’s right here. He’s bringing help. He’s bringing help to his people, and there’s going to be some that are feeling they’re in desperation right now, like they’ve been walking through the desert. [Sighing] But he’s saying don’t feel like that. He’s saying he’s looking at you. He sees you. He’s pouring the rivers of living water on you. He’s adorning you with gifts and roses, and help is on the way, like this dry season was just for a short time, but he sees us. He’s with us.

Wow. This is very encouraging because I know a lot of people are, are feeling like this right now. They feel depleted. They feel like that cactus in the desert. They feel like that, you know, I’m seeing like, you know, the, the guy in the desert, you know, with, he’s got no horse, and he’s like, [Sigh], you know, and he’s looking for a mara, whatever you call it. He’s looking for water, and he’s like … And Jesus is saying no. Do not feel that way. He’s with you. He’s, he’s, he’s pouring it out to you. He’s pouring out his love, his provision, his living water. He’s sending you these camels adorned with gifts and everything you need. He’s, he’s covering you with his rose blossoms.

This is what he’s saying to me, “Even the cactuses shall rejoice and worship me.” That’s what he just said. Even the cactuses in the desert shall rejoice and worship him. Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. This dry season is ending. This dry season is ending, and those who feel depleted in spirit, he’s saying do not feel depleted in spirit. He’s saying raise up your hands and receive his living waters. Raise up your hands and receive him to bloom. He’s pouring his roses on you, and the camels … 

And you know that camel … I know why he’s showing me that camel, Rosie. That camel was sent to me by a woman in Canada who went to a prophetic meeting. I think it was back in 2012. She had that camel from 2012, and she sent it to me. And she said, “Annamarie, I got this camel back in 2012,” from a, a proph, a meeting she went to, a prophetic meeting where they were prophesying, “Your camels are coming.” And that was one of the camels that she got, and she sent it to me and was imparting that onto me because I had started doing my camel day broadcasts. 

And this camel had, she had, she’s, I still got her. I got to get her out of the box, but she’s got all kinds of gold on her, roses. She’s so pretty. I named her Rosie, and I used her so much in the camel day that her little presents were opening up. But there’s something prophetic, in other words, the camels are here, and the Lord is pouring out to us.

I’m telling you, we’re going to see the love of the Father and the love of the Lord Jesus Christ poured out onto us in such a way like we’ve never seen before, and I believe it’s happening quickly. I believe it’s happening quickly. 

Oh, my goodness, I feel his heart. Wow. “Your Camels are Coming” prophecy has been since 2012. The outpouring, the blessing of the Lord, the, you know, all that has been coming since 2012. 

I’m telling you, I think the heavens are, I think the heavens are open right now. I think they’re opening up and about to pour out in such a way like we’ve never seen before, and the love of the Lord … There’s going to be a refreshing of the, of the Holy Spirit upon God’s people like we’ve never seen before—the heart of God, the glory, provision, and even restitution. The camels … because the Lord told me to pray. He said when you pray that your camels are coming, pray that the angels of the Lord are also gathering up everything that was stolen from you in the enemy’s camp and putting it on the camels and bringing it to you. 

I’m going to prophesy that right now, that, in the name of Jesus, every single thing that the enemy, that the devil stole from you and your family bloodline and your household going back generations, going all the way back to Adam and Eve, that Father will dispatch his angels for you and your household and your family bloodline right now, go into the enemy’s camp, plunder his camp, retrieve every single thing that has ever been stolen from you, ever, that’s ever been stolen from your ancestors, put it on the camels of the Lord and bring it to you right now, in the name of Jesus—complete restoration, complete restitution, oh [Sigh], in the name of Jesus. Receive it right now in the name of Jesus. Receive it. 

Oh, my goodness, this outpouring is going to be financial restitution, restitution of things that have been lost in your families and in your bloodline, prodigals coming home, time redeemed—lost time. Oh, my gosh. 

He’s saying, “Joshua tree. Joshua tree. Joshua tree. Joshua tree.” Joshua trees grow in the desert. I’ve seen them before. They’re a very unique tree. Joshua tree. Joshua tree. It grows with the cactuses. Joshua took the plunder! Of course. Joshua took the plunder for God’s people. 

We’re here. We’re here. Oh, my goodness, even those who have felt like cactuses, and, you know, those who have been completely de, depleted and felt like they were going to, about to give up on God will be fully restored, and they’ll be raising up their hands to God and giving him praise when they see what God does. I’m telling you, this is, I’m, this is, all of this is all coming and coming very swiftly, and not just to America. I believe this is going to be across the nations. Thank you, Holy Spirit.

He’s saying pray this way. He’s saying pray. Saying pray for complete restoration, restitution, redeeming of the time that was lost and for, you know, you, for you and your household and your family and your bloodline. He said go boldly to him and ask for it. Ask for his angels to be dispatched to go and get that, and plunder the enemy’s camp. He’s saying angels are what, are ready to be dispatched to go and get it. He’s saying, “Ask for it. Ask for it. Ask for it. Ask and you shall receive. Seek and you shall find. Knock, and the door shall be opened for you. Ask boldly.” He said don’t be afraid to ask for the lost time to be redeemed. Like if, if you, if you had illness, you know, if the enemy brought illness, um, and, and you weren’t able to take vacations and do things for your family, things like that, he’s saying even that, ask for that to be restored to you. Yes, Lord. He’s saying nothing’s too big or nothing’s too small to ask. The Lord is saying him and the Father are so excited to be able to do this. They’ve been waiting for this moment to pour out. Wow. Wow. 

It’s been prophesied for a long time. He’s showing me it’s been prophesied for a long time, but we’re coming into that time where it’s going to manifest in the earth—the blessings, the outpouring of the Lord, the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, the outpouring of the gifts of God, the camels of the Lord coming and bringing restoration, restitution, the gifts of the Lord. The timing is now.

Thank you for that little, that little camel, Rosie. I’m going to have to get her out. She’s a, I got to, I got to go, I was going to fix her all up and, uh, I have a shelf that has to go up behind here and put, put her up here, you know.  Because if I, if I handle her a lot, her little presents, but now her, now I know why because he’s showing me that her presents, the camel is here. Her presents are about to open up and it’s about to be poured out on us. And even those who have felt totally depleted, about to give up, you know, it’s going to, all that blessing’s going to pour on them, and they’re, they’re going to immediately have the strength to raise up and praise God. 

The outpouring of this glory upon God’s people, it’s going to be, it, it’s going to be amazing. And I can feel the excitement of the angels, Father, and Son for this time, and this is going to go forth. And I believe why all this is happening, like, why now? Why not in 2012? I don’t think we were ready. I think if we had gotten it back then, it would have been squandered, and there would have been too much corruption still, but now the timing is right and people are understanding God’s plans and purposes and what he wants them to do with these blessings for the kingdom. And so many people have been called up to build or to do something for the kingdom and they’ve been, they’ve been praying for these finances and so now’s the time. I’m understanding why now didn’t it happen back then and why now. 

My friends, we are, I’m just in awe of God right now and what he just showed me, and I am just so grateful. And I receive all these blessings of God upon me and my household, and I ask you to receive all these blessings of God upon you and your household. And show God what you want to do with it for him and for his glory. And do you want to go to Israel and go to the places where Jesus walked? Do you want to start a mission? Do you want to start a business that glorifies God? Do you want to like, you know the home churches we had here today and youth ministries and revival tents and [Sigh] … 

Oh, my goodness, this is wonderful. I feel the pleasure of the Lord on this so strong. And, you know, I almost wore my other scarf today, and I saw this in the closet. I’m like, “I need to wear my, my roses today for Jesus.” You’re so wonderful, Lord. 

That was incredibly powerful. So beautiful. Thank you, God. Thank you. Thank you, Father, for never forsaking us and never leaving us. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you for hearing our prayers. We receive you, Jesus. We receive you, Father God. We receive this beautiful gift that you want to do. We receive it, Lord. Thank you, God. And we will be obedient with it. Holy Spirit, help us. We receive it. We receive it, Father.