Tag: america prophecy



Transcription of the word that the Holy Spirit gave to Annamarie Strawhand, which she delivered during her broadcast of Life in the Faith Lane on December 11, 2020.

Watch the video, and then read the transcript below.


ANNAMARIE:  And so I want to tell you something interesting about Sight & Sound Theatres in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. So I’ve been wanting to go back, and I would try to get somebody to go back with me. You know, get a group of people together to go back up there because they’re, they’re doing Esther. But they were supposed to do Esther … Esther was supposed to open up way back in May, but they couldn’t open up the Esther play because of the, the, the shut down, the lock down and all this Covid stuff. So they had a week to do it. Hang on; this is gonna get really amazing. 

So it’s amazing that Esther is playing at Sight & Sound Theatre with all these Esther words going out right now about “an Esther will come.” Right? We know that the word of the Lord that came from Prophet Kim Clement that said during President Trump’s presidency, an Esther would come, an Esther would come. Right? And she would pour the oil on the nation. 

So Sight & Sound Theatres was gonna open back up to do a performance only for a handful of people. They had to be socially distanced, and they were gonna film this performance, and you could get on the livestream for like $15.00 or something. So I signed up for the livestream so I could watch it. And they just had a handful of people in the audience, and, um, there was just a few like honored guests that were invited to this opening of Esther.

So I happen to follow Ivanka Trump, President Trump’s daughter, on Twitter and Facebook. I follow her. So I knew that night that I was gonna watch the livestream of Esther and that it was the opening and only a few people were invited to this play. Okay, so it was gonna be like in September/October, I think it was. I can’t remember when it happened.

Guess who was in Lancaster, Pennsylvania that day of the opening of the play of Esther? Ivanka Trump. I’m sorry, the Lord … that is no coincidence to me. The Lord has told me many times that Ivanka tu, Trump is a type of Esther. She’s a type of Esther. And the Lord confirmed that to me. When I saw Ivanka Trump there in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, the, the play, Esther, that was opening that night, I said, “Esther has had her feet in Pennsylvania.” Hear me out. 

The play, Esther, was postponed but opened back up, and it was livestreamed all over the world for the first time from Sight & Sound Theatre. Everybody has said we’re in a Esther season of what? Divine reversal. What is Esther? Esther is literally the spirit of divine reversal. Okay? What happened with Esther? The enemy, Haman, who had built the gallows for God’s people. It ended up turning back around on Haman, and he was the one, the evil one, and, and, and who has been the worst state, one of, other than Georgia, what has been the worst state in this voter fraud? Pennsylvania. Esther is in Pennsylvania. The Esther mandate is in Pennsylvania—divine reversal. Pennsylvania shall have a divine reversal, reversal, and the spirit of Esther is in Pennsylvania. We shall see a divine reversal in Pennsylvania. What the enemy meant for evil in Pennsylvania shall be turned right back around on the enemy. 

I knew that I knew that I knew we were gonna see a divine reversal in Pennsylvania, that the Lord was aligning the, the whole Esther. I’m telling you, my friends, we are gonna see things, and we’re not gonna know what they mean, like why would Ivanka Trump happen to be in Lancaster, Pennsylvania on the opening of, of the Esther play with, uh, and you see how God pieces the puzzle together? And we were told the divine reversal; we’re in the Esther time, that Haman’s gonna hang on his own gallows. And now it’s happening right now, and a ruling is gonna go out from the Supreme Court in the land.

Who was the Supreme Court in the land at that time in Persia? The king. He was the judge. Right? And a divine reversal went from the decree that went from the king’s throne, and Haman ended up hanging on his own gallows and all of his sons. 

I’m telling you, my friends, we are getting so many prophetic confirmations in this time, and the Lord just reminded me of that. 

I think Ivanka Trump knows this. I think she knows she has the Esther anointing. She, she’s Christian, but she’s also Jewish. Her husband is Jewish. She, she’s like a Jewish princess. Who is a Jewish princess? Esther. I’m sorry, it’s just, it’s, it’s, uh, no, I’m not sorry. It’s just connected. It, it’s, it’s just God connecting the pieces, God connecting the dots. It’s just a sign of God saying, “My Esther anointing is on Pennsylvania, and I’m gonna do a divine reversal here.” Come on, God. I’m so excited.

You see, this is how the prophetic works. He, God is gonna give you little pieces, and you gotta, you gotta pay attention! You gotta say, “Okay, I saw this on this day. I’m writing it down. I saw this on this day. I’m writing it down. God told me this on this day. I’m writing it down.” This is why you gotta keep a journal. This is why you gotta write these things down, and then he’s gonna put the pieces of the puzzle together for you. And then there’ll be a whole, complete prophetic confirmation, and you’re gonna know that you know that you know that it’s God that’s doing this. Come on! 

So we, on this day, are in faithful expectation of divine reversal in Pennsylvania, in Georgia, come on, in Michigan. I’m even gonna say the state of Virginia, even California, every state where there has been voter fraud. I say today is the day of Esther, of divine reversal in favor of President Trump, in favor of the people of Almighty God! And Haman shall hang on his own gallows. Those who meant evil for President Trump, those who meant EVIL, those who meant EVIL for the people of America, those who meant EVIL against God’s people shall fall into their own trap, into their own pit. So be it, in Jesus’ name. This is the day of Esther! 

Come on, everybody, we’re going to be like Kim Clement. Let’s everybody say YES TO ESTHER! YES TO ESTHER! YES TO ESTHER! YES TO ESTHER! Come on, everybody! Just like prophet, the words of Prophet Kim Clement are coming back to me right now. Come on, let’s do it again! YES TO ESTHER! YES TO ESTHER! YES TO ESTHER! Come on, everybody! Let’s do it together! 

You know, I had a dream about Kim Clement right after he passed away. The Holy Spirit revealed a message to me from him. I was standing in George Washington’s house at Mount Vernon. I was in Mount Vernon in the dream. I was standing in Mount Vernon in the big, huge kitchen fireplace, those big, huge Colonial kitchen fireplaces with the big mantel. Okay? I was standing there, and Prophet Kim Clement, in full, he had full, like Revolutionary War outfit on. He had the hat. His hair was pulled back in a ponytail, you know, Revolutionary War style. He looked like Mel Gibson in, in the movie The Patriot. I mean, that’s what he looked like. He had on the coat, the knickers, everything, and he was kneeling at the fire. And he was, he was putting kindling wood in the fire, and he had like one of those bellows blowing air on the fire. And he was poking the fire, and he’s getting the fire going. I was standing there watching him, and he turned to me—this was Prophet Kim Clement in this dream—and he said, “Annamarie, keep the fires burning,” he said to me. I said, “Yes, I will.” And now I know what that dream means. 

What that means is the words that were spoken by that prophet, those are God’s words. They’re holy fire is what they are, and we, as the ecclesia, we have to keep that burning. We have to keep it ignited. We have to keep these words and keep, keep them out, out there. Keep them burning brightly and strongly. We are the fire of the Holy Spirit that is still burning within us. These are the words of the Holy Ghost that are spoke through a prophet, and we’ve gotta keep speaking them and keep them burning. Oh, I know. I get it. I get it. I understand now.  

The devil, he tried to take out Kim Clement, but Jesus says that his words will never perish. Jesus’ words will never perish. And that’s why we have to take the words of the prophet, Kim Clement, and Bob Jones for the billion soul harvest and the words of Prophet Kim Clement—yes to Esther—that Trump will have two terms. We gotta keep that fire burning. It’s the fire of the Holy Ghost that’s in those words. We can’t let the fire go out. 


Thank you, Holy Spirit. Your holy fire is still burning, Lord. These words are burning, but we’ve just ignited them even higher. A major holy fire is burning right now in your Spirit over this nation. We say yes to Esther. Today is the day of Esther in the United States of America. We say divine reversal in the favor of President Donald J. Trump and in the favor of your people. O God, you love America, and we are obediently keeping the words of your prophet, Kim Clement, WHICH ARE  YOUR WORDS, GOD, on fire. 

We shall see a great and mighty miracle. Even today, we are in expectation of it, God. America belongs to you, God. And so your words have gone forth, Father God, over this nation and over this president, Donald J. Trump, and they shall not return void. They shall prosper for what they are sent, in Jesus’ name. And we shall have justice even today against our adversary, in Jesus’ name.  

You see how the word of the la, Lord was brought here by one person who came here to be obedient to ask for prayer? And the Holy Spirit saw that as an opening to start speaking about Sight & Sound Theatres. See, we are the body of Christ. We work together in the prophetic. The Holy Spirit is, um, like igniting his fire all on each of us. You see how the Holy Spirit brought this word forth? Isn’t it beautiful? This is our God. This is our God. 

I want to thank you all for being faithful and coming on this broadcast today and getting in the chat and typing your prayer that the Holy Spirit could move here, and the fire of the Holy Ghost could move here and this word could come forth. And in all of your obedience in coming here today so this word of the Lord could go forth, I pray a great blessing of the Lord upon you and your household. That all of your prayers are answered today because of your obedience just by being here, and that the favor of the Lord surrounds you as a shield and the glory of God is your covering, and great and mighty miracles upon you and your household and your loved one, loved ones—prodigals coming home, treasures from afar coming into your doorstep, health, wealth, prosperity, breakthrough for you and your families. Today is the day of great and mighty miracles, in Jesus’ name. Hallelujah! 

Honey, guess what? Today is the day of great and mighty miracles. Are you ready? He is. Even Mike’s ready. Wow! My friends, that was amazing. 

Prophetic Revelation: : Full Metal Jacket / Joshua and the Battle of AI / The Good Guys!

Prophetic Revelation: : Full Metal Jacket / Joshua and the Battle of AI / The Good Guys!

MORE PROPHETIC REVELATION “GOD’S BRILLIANT PLAN” FOR AMERICA/TRUMP VICTORY 12/4/2020 – Words from the Holy Spirit for RIGHT NOW: “Full Metal Jacket” “Joshua and the Battle of AI” “The Good Guys!”


TRANSCRIPT FROM DEC 4th 2020 PROPHETIC WORD – Spoken BY Annamarie Strawhand on 12/4/2020

Powerful Words from the Holy Spirit to expect in America: “Full Metal Jacket – Full Military Assault” “Joshua and the Battle of AI” Watch for the “Good Guys”   

oh my goodness

the lord is showing me

the lord is showing me that there’s

going to be such truths coming out

across this nation

and people are going to be awakened and

they’re going to be

they’re going to be mourning and crying

that they’re going to be saying

why didn’t i know

why did i see it i’m hearing it in the

spirit right now

i’m hearing it in the spirit right now

this this

when these people that have been a

deception for so long

are awakened by these truths that are

coming forth

in the coming days they’re going to be



and saying why didn’t i do sooner why

did i know

they’re going to be so upset they’re

going to be asking and crying out to


to redeem what they’ve lost in that time


of of their spiritual blindness

i mean i i hear people in

droves i’m hearing this in the spirit

right now

come on holy spirit

people weeping and lamenting

that they didn’t wake up sooner

something is happening in the military

right now

i’m hearing the words full


i’m hearing the words full metal jacket

i don’t know what that means in the

military if anybody’s been in the


you guys can type now you can get back

in the chat

what what does that mean full metal

jacket i know there was a movie

i hear i mean i’m hearing

right now major


like full metal jacket that’s what he’s

saying to me

i don’t know what that means has anybody

been in the military that knows what

that means

something is happening in the military

right now something

like a full on


like armed like armed up and ready to go

like something is armed up and ready to


ready to be deployed in an instant

this is on the good guys side this is on

the good guys side

this is on the good good guys

i’m hearing that’s the it’s the good

guys it’s okay it’s the good guys

it’s the good guys

something there’s a major deployment


military and it’s the good guys

i’m hearing this full something full

i he just showed he just heard these

words full metal jacket full

something full something is happening

the good guys

we’re not seeing but it’s it’s happening

but we will see

and these are these like

every everybody’s gonna see something

there’s gonna be some things that

everybody’s gonna see and those who have

been spiritually asleep

are gonna be be shook awake by and

they’re gonna be lamenting and they’re

going to say

what did i do sooner why did i know what

i’m hearing

i’m hearing that

dr robin d middle stat

says full metal jacket is your clip is

filled with bullets automatic gun fire

rapid fire

all weapons deploy that’s what i’m

hearing that’s what i’m hearing

that’s what i’m hearing all weapons

deployed oh my gosh

this is this is in the natural and in

the spiritual

this is a all-out all weapons deployed

in the natural and the spiritual and the

lord is saying it’s the good guys

oh my gosh

all weapons deployed all weapons


i just want to encourage everyone just

to stay suited up every day

i’m not saying this out of fear or

worry but i i feel like

us as the army of god on earth

you know that we need to make sure we

have on our armor of god every day

that you know we’re suited up we’re in

our seat of authority so if you don’t

know how to suit up every day and

get into your seat of authority and um

in christ

and i’ll get your family covered in the

blood and get your family suited up

because if you have children or a


or whatever or wife that doesn’t know

how to put out there on their armor of

god or they don’t know how to put on the

armor of god

but you want to make sure you know they

have it on

go to my website annemariestrawhand.com

go to suit up and you can

you put on your armor of god and then

you can suit them up in the spirit

okay so like when i suit up and i say i

put on my helmet of salvation

i have on the the the mind of christ i

command every thought in my mind

to come under the obedience of christ so

i do that for my daughter for the day

and i say i put the helmet of salvation

on my daughter landry my daughter landry

has the mind of christ i command every

thought in her mind to come under the

obedience of jesus christ

i put all the pieces of armor on her

i put i i i put them on my family


it might take a few more minutes of your

time in the morning

to do this

but i think we should do it

i think we should do it

i had

a a bolt of electricity like a lightning


that went through me

just a minute ago and a flash of blue

light which i know that’s the power of

god the holy spirit

and then the lightning bolt coming forth

and i knew when he said that

full metal jacket full full out military


that it’s been deployed like it’s

happening like right now

i believe it’s it’s happening in both in

the natural the spirit like

god’s army is fighting right with

the american military

and that we as the army of god

need to just stay suited up keep on our

armor of god

stay in our seat of authority keep

praising god

keep praising keep praising keep

praising him keep speaking victory

victory victory victory because all wiki

was telling us

praise and victory praise and victory

praise and victory now today he’s

telling us

full out

like military is

the good guys it’s like nothing’s being

held back

full out military angels of the lord

full-out military and i mean it was like

a bolt of lightning and hit me and then

i was like whoa

like serious business

he kept saying uh the only thing is like

full metal jacket but then

i was wondering what that meant because

i don’t know military terms

wow i’m telling you guys

that that electricity that went through

me when he said that to me

i sleep it it was like

oh my gosh

i’m sorry i’m not sorry i’m not sorry

i just i feel so excited like

the good guys are here

listen i think this is just like

joshua at a.i where we just stand

we we’re fully suited up in our armor

we’ve got our spear on our shoulder

and full military assault

happening on the earth and in the

heavens happening right now

this is this is what i’m seeing in the

spirit like

like the battle of a.i where it’s like

the joshuas

that are us you know we we’re

standing strong on that hill for the

lord and we’re

fully armored up and you know we’ve got

that spear on our shoulder

and the the armies of of god

are in destroying the enemy working hand

in hand

with the the the armies of the united


and there’s an element of surprise


the battle of a.i there was a

distraction that was happening in the

battle of

oh my gosh oh my

oh my gosh

in the battle of ai in the book of


there was a distraction

that that god told joshua

to create a distraction

over on one side of a.i while

joshua’s army went in from the side

and took him by surprise

and wiped him out

this has to do with artificial

intelligence this has to do with


this has to do this is why god said to

me he said to me yesterday the holy

spirit said to me yesterday

he said i’m taking down fake news

so he said this is what he said he said

i’m crying

i’m blowing it down he said

i’ll blow it down

he said that to me yesterday or

it was like yesterday wednesday i can’t

remember what dad posted it

and then what i saw was

this camera like fake

news camera and the wind came and

knocked it down to the ground and this

huge wave

came over

i was like what is that lord

he said i’m taking down the fake news

i’m blowing it down and my wave of glory

is gonna wash

and clean all this out and he’s he’s

taken over the airwaves he’s taking over

media he’s taking it over

this is connected to joshua’s battle of


which was right after jericho oh my

we’re seeing come on holy spirit

come on lord we’re seeing the battles of

joshua played out

right now

god is using the same divine brilliant

planned battle tax

tactics that he used with joshua

and i i believe this is why they keep

saying this will be biblical

all of the you know like um sydney

um the the the

attorney right sydney

um linwood all those all those attorneys


they’re deep believers in jesus christ


and they keep saying this is gonna be

biblical this will be biblical this

would be

i oh my this is oh my gosh i feel the

holy spirit

my dog please i wish my dog would stop

barking he barks at the horse

i go up there and when i get excited he

starts barking so i’m sorry about that

are y’all here are y’all still with me

here those of you who are still with me

okay i’m getting full metal jacket full

on assault

taking them by surprise a distraction


created battle of a.i joshua

we have to stay armored up with our our

spear on our shoulder

i apologize for the dog barking but i’m

in my home

you know soon i will have my studio done

keep praying that my studio gets gets

done my new studio

junior come here buddy

come here buddy


it’s just like you’re sitting in my

house here with me

if y’all came to visit me you’d be

hanging out with me here and you’d be

hearing my dog junior bark at the horses


um i did have a studio here in my spare

bedroom but the lord told me to get the

bedroom ready for guests

he told me to expect guests and so i got

the bedroom back ready for guests and

the lord promised me the finances to

build my studio in the garage so

i’m working on that right now in the

meantime it’s just me here

i’m in my bedroom or my kitchen or

whatever talking to y’all

but the lord is revealing us to us right


something really huge

this if we go back to joshua let’s let’s

pull up

let’s pull y’all still with me here

i want to pull up joshua battle of ai


this is a huge clue the lord is giving

us right now

joshua battle of a.i

and i believe i i believe very strongly

my spirit

the battle of a.i represents

artificial intelligence you know the


the digital stuff you know google all

that stuff you know all this

twitter everything you know that’s

digital warfare okay because

we know that um

that’s a big enemy of the people we we

know that that’s a big

enemy of the people and the lord has

shown me a couple times

that the battle of a.i prophetically is

connected to us in this time

against you know the the artificial

intelligence right

so um i think that

you know as we look at the people that

are involved right now that

that you know the brilliant plan of god

you know we were told the brilliant plan

of god is going forth

we know that the brilliant the brilliant

battle plans

of god were given to joshua um

we know that uh there are military type

brilliant military type people and

military type lawyers all around

president trump

um and


we you know we’ve been kind of seeing

these hints

and so if if we’re seeing right now that

the lord is saying that a huge military


is going forth against

the enemy against the enemy of the

people of america

and it’s this is this is bigger than

just the voter fraud i mean this is

this is like this could be the big boom

that god was talking about and when he


he just said full metal jacket like full


no holds barred you know just go

with it you know locked and loaded

then he’s showing us joshua

battle of a.i there was a diversion that

was caused

you know confusion and that came in from

behind and got him

the good guys you know

um okay

so let’s let’s look up joshua

battle of a.i and and um

joshua chapter eight eight is the number

of jesus christ

eight is the number of new beginnings we

know the name

joshua is also yeshua which

means he saves which is also connected

to jesus name

and then the lord said to joshua do not

be afraid do not be discouraged

take the whole army with you and go up

an attack a.i

for i have delivered into your hands the

king of ai

and his people his city and his land

you shall do to a.i and its king as you

did to

jericho and its king except

that you may carry off their plunder

and lie stock for yourselves

set an ambush behind

the city this is the transference of


from the wicked to the righteous that’s

the word

that came from kim clement what he said

kim clements said

that god was going to use bill gates

the prophet kim clement prophesied that

god was going to use bill gates

to open up a gate for the church that’s

finances that’s finances for the church

and bill gates is with his whole ai

artificial intelligence

so he hey bill gates gets taken down

all the artificial intelligence gets

taken down all the money that was being

used for evil with that stuff

is going to be transferred to the good


that’s our plunder and it’s going to be

used for the ecclesia of jesus christ

and this is an ambush covert operation

so joshua the whole army moved out to

attack a.i

he chose 30 000 of his best fighting men

and sent them out at night with these


listen carefully you are set to ambush

behind the city

don’t go very far from it all of you to

be on the alert

i and all those with me will advance on

the city

and when the men come out against us as

they did before we will flee from them

you see how trump is trying to make it

look like

like a.g barr and some of them aren’t

really doing anything

why are they trying to make it look like


because they’re getting them up there

they’re getting them from behind

oh my god come on

this is awesome

they’ll pursue us until we have lured

them away from the city

for they will say they are running away

from us as they did before

so when we flee from them

you are to so that so that joshua says

so when we flee from them you are to

rise up

from ambush and take the city

come on the lord your god

will give it into your hand

and when you have taken the city set it

on fire

to what the lord has commanded to it

see to it you have my orders

and joshua sent them up and they went to

the place of ambush and lay in wait

between bethel and ai

to the west of ai but joshua spent that

night with the people

joshua was a man of the people he was a


of the people

and beth l you know what beth l means

right it means house of bread

house of bread right that’s like the


wow early the next morning

joshua mustered his army and he and the

leaders of israel

marched before them to ai the entire

force that was with him marched up and

approached the city and arrived in front

of it

they set up camp north of a.i with a

valley between them in the city

joshua had taken about five thousand men

and sent them an

ambush between bethel and ai to the west

of the city

so the soldiers took up their positions

with the main camp to the north of the


and the ambush to the west of it that

night joshua went into the valley

silicon valley sorry

i just popped it through my head when

the king of ai

saw this he and all the men of the city

hurried out early in the morning to meet

israel in the battle at a certain place

overlooking arab

but he did not know

that an ambush had been set against him

behind the city

joshua and all of israel let themselves

be driven back before them and they fled

toward the wilderness

and all the men of a.i were called to

pursue them

and they pursued joshua and were lured

away from the city

not a man remade in a.i or bethel

who did not go after israel and they

left the city open

and went in pursuit of israel

so this is this is this voting

these these these leaders that are


got lured into a trap

they got lured into a trap and they


they think a.g bar is not gonna do

nothing about it


the airbush is set

and the lord said to joshua hold out


a.i the javelin that is in your hand

for into your hand i will deliver the


you see these are the promises that that

like god is making president trump

so joshua held out toward the city the

job when that was in his hand

and as soon as he did this the men in

the ambush rose quickly from their

position and rushed forward

they entered the city and captured it

quickly and set it on fire so it’s sort

of like president trump

is just standing strong and

saying pointing right

and saying go

the medevac i looked back and saw the

smoke of the city rising up in the sky

but they had no chance to escape in any


i’m sorry i’m visualizing this with

these bad guys now okay

the israelites who had been fleeing

toward the wilderness

and turned back against their pursuers

like a.g bar aj bar is gonna be like

what oh yeah nothing then all of a


i’m turning around back on you

it’s gonna be so good

and it says so they turned around

attacked the men of ai those in the

ambush also came out of the city against


so that they that were caught in the

middle with israelites on both sides

israel cut them down leaving them


survivors nor fugitives

but they took the king of a.i alive and

brought him to

joshua when israel had finished killing

the men of

ai in the fields and in the wilderness

where they had chased them

and when every one of them had been put

to the sword see

they’re flushing them out you see all


all these evil things all these evil

people all these evil situations

you see what’s happening it’s being

flushed out it’s being flushed out

that’s okay i see what i see this is

this is this is a this is a biblical

brilliant battle plan this is god

when uh when every one of them put to

the sword the the israelites

returned to ai and killed those who were

in it twelve thousand men and women fell

that day all the people of a.i

so for joshua did not draw back the hand

that held out his javelin until all

until he had destroyed all who lived in


see this is trump he’s gonna make sure


this is a thorough cleaning this is a

thorough cleaning of

all the evil stuff i’m telling you

and i’m talking about i’m talking about

you know their evil computer programs

all that stuff that they’ve been doing

you know it’s gonna be

taken out

and even any evil influence that the

fake news has just come yeah

but israel did not carry out for

themselves the livestock

and plunder of the city as the lord has

had instructed joshua

but israel did carry off for themselves

i’m sorry but israel

did carry off for themselves the

livestock and the plunder of this city

as the lord instructed joshua

that’s all the assets and the money

that’s been used

for child trafficking and all this evil

stuff is going to

come out of the hands of the evil ones


into the hands of the righteous

so joshua burned aida ai and made it a


heap of runes a

desolate place to this day he impaled

the body of the king of a.i

on a pole and left it there until


at sunset joshua ordered them to take

the body from the pole

and throw it down at the entrance of the

city gate

they raised a large pile of rocks over

it that remains to

this day

so that tells me that they’re gonna make

a show

out of the main leader of this whole


and he he that main leader is gonna get

justice will be served

wow you know the good guys keep telling


it’s going to be biblical it’s going to

be biblical sydney powell

she keeps telling us it’s going to be


right um lynn wood the attorney

that was in georgia yesterday he was

talking about

jericho he keeps saying it’s going to be

biblical these are strong believers in

jesus christ we know that sydney powell

uh she she has some kind of a license

to do uh military tribunal

uh prosecutions which treason she can

prosecute treason

this is major guys this is a major

revelation major revelation

um you know and even

with the good generals you know general


general flynn you know i mean he’s he’s

a type of of joshua for sure right there


um president trump

i think like you know president trump is

like a moses in a lot of ways to me

you know god has called him a moses and

then you know we have general flynn

who’s right there

beside president trump and he’s he’s a

mighty man of god

you know and i these these military

this military

full metal jacket full on

that we’re being that’s being revealed

to us

right now

like i said like the lord said to me

last week all you see that’s happening

like you know the battle’s already been

won it’s one and done all this is being

done right now as a diversion

and an exposure to wake up the people

but it’s also

he’s showing me it’s being used as a


because the military is coming in from


you never know what the lord is going to

bring forth here in this broadcast

especially after communion because we

invite him here

we invite him to the table and

he wanted to tell us that


i know about you but i am really excited

i love the book of joshua it’s like one

of my favorite books in the bible

and i

probably studied it over and over and

over again

you know i even did a bible study about

it and

my favorite thing about the book of

joshua is

was always god’s brilliant battle plans

that he gave joshua

and i was always like god i want these

kind of strategies i want the kind of

strategies you gave joshua i want these

brilliant battle plans so i can give

them to my my peeps you know and

and you know

i just see how all the pieces are coming

are you guys seeing

how all these pieces are coming together

and these nuggets these nuggets that god

has been giving us the last couple of




Prophetic Revelation: Jairus’ Daughter – Our Victory For the Awakening Church

Prophetic Revelation: Jairus’ Daughter – Our Victory For the Awakening Church

Transcription of the word that the Holy Spirit gave to Annamarie Strawhand, which she delivered during her broadcast of Life in the Faith Lane on December 2, 2020.

Watch the video, and then read the transcript below.


ANNAMARIE: Okay, so I’m just going to get right to it, my friends. I’m going to get right to it. I have an encouraging message for you all today, very encouraging message. And so you know, uh, I have been seeking the Lord the last, the last three weeks deeply bout His brilliant plan for the victory of President Donald J. Trump and the victory of God’s people. 

And so I have a word for you all today, and I’m going to go ahead and just release it right away, and I’ve got a great message for all of you today, great message for all of you today. Okay? And so, uh, I would have to say that this is a message of hope, a message of glory, a message of victory, and a message connected to God’s brilliant plan for America, God’s brilliant plan for President Donald J. Trump, God’s brilliant plan for His people, okay. And, uh, like I said, I’ve been seeking the Lord deeply on God’s brilliant plan. 

So many of you know that the Lord gave me a word, uh, a few weeks ago right after the presidential election 2020, right around November 5, the Lord gave me a word. Now, here we are the, the first week of December, about a month later, 30 days later. The Lord told us, the Holy Spirit told us back right after the election, right around November 5, he said for us to be faithful, to watch, that His brilliant plan — God’s brilliant plan is happening, that President Trump has the victory. President Trump shall serve two terms, and God’s brilliant plan is going forth and we’re going, it’s going to be very, very surprising, very shocking to some people, but He’s asking us as His faithful ones to stay faithful, to keep our eyes on God, and to know that God is bringing the victory. Okay?

So we’ve had these words of victory. We’ve had these words that the victory has been won, and so I’ve been seeking the Lord on this very, very deeply. And yesterday, the Lord so, showed me something very amazing regarding President Donald J. Trump, regarding the victory of President Donald J. Trump, regarding the victory of Jesus Christ, and regarding, um, our victory as the ecclesia, as, as the Church of Jesus Christ. 

And so my, my word for you today, and this is what the Holy Spirit really wants you to receive, the victory is already won. Did you hear what I said? This is what the Holy Spirit really wants me to just impress upon all of you today. The victory is already won! It’s already won. What you see playing out right now in the natural is just this chaos from the enemy scattering and scurrying. Th, this is a ti, the victory’s already been won. All that’s happening right now is exposure of what the enemy has been doing for years. 

Listen to me. The plan is already being carried out. The victory’s already been won. It’s already been decided in Heaven — on earth as it is in Heaven. God has already decided. It’s already done. What you see happening now in the earth right now with all this stuff of the election and fraud and everything is the exposure of what the enemy has been doing and the Great Awakening of the people. Okay, the Holy Spirit told me all this stuff that you see going on right now, right, with all this exposure of the elections and all of this stuff is to wake up the people, is to wake up the people. What we are witnessing right now is the Great Awakening, but the victory has already been won. 

And you know how Jesus showed me this? He showed me when He went to wake up Jairus’ daughter. Jesus was preaching on the boat. He had a huge crowd, and Jairus, a, a well-to-do man, he was, he was a publican. He was a publican, which would have been like a politician of that day. He came to Jesus and said, “My, my little daughter is dying. My 12-year-old daughter is dying. Can you come for her and help me?” 

Now, why would scripture specifically say 12? Because the number 12 represents God’s government. It represents God’s perfect government, the government of His Church, His apostolic government. So the little girl that was dying represents the Church, right, the Church. So Jesus said, “I will come right away.” And on His way through the crowd, the woman with the issue of blood crawled across the stone and the dirt and the gravel to get to Him, right, pressing in faith. She knew if she just grabbed ahold of His garment, she would be healed, and the power of the Holy Spirit went through Jesus and healed that woman. 

And Jesus felt the power of the Holy Spirit go through Him, and He said, “Who touched me?” And the apostles, the disciples, they had their eyes on the crowd instead of what was going on with Jesus. And they said, “Well, this is a huge crowd, Lord, you know, anybody could have touched you.” But, you see, Jesus was always walking in the Spirit, and He was trying to teach His apostles to walk in the Spirit. 

But this woman pressed through, and she got her healing, and He turned to her, and He called her daughter. “Daughter, your faith has healed you.” This, this walk from Jesus coming out of the boat and preaching, right, and walking through the crowd, His disciples too worried about what the crowd is doing instead of focusing on what Jesus is doing, but was the pressing in faith of one woman crawling through the dirt, crawling through the stones to grab ahold of Him and release the power of the Holy Spirit on Jesus’ way to wake up His Church.

Listen to me. Listen to me. This is what’s happening right now! This is what Jesus showed us. It’s happening right now. There are people that have their eyes on the crowd and what the crowd is doing and all the chaos and everything instead of watching Jesus and what the power of the Holy Ghost is doing. And Jesus is paying attention to the daughters and the sons that are pressing, that pressed into Him right now on His way to wake up the Church. It’s those of us, those deep intercessors that crawled over rocks and stones and dirt, who are tired of the Church bleeding, who are tired of the Church suffering. We’ve had enough. We’ve had enough! And we were willing to crawl over the dirt and the stones to grab ahold of Jesus and grab ahold of the power of His Holy Spirit. And Jesus turns and says, “Daughter, your faith has healed you!” It’s the faith of His sons and daughters who have interceded at this time, who have crawled through the dirt, who have pressed in, that are bringing this Great Awakening.

It was on the way to Jesus waking up the Church that the woman with the issue of blood crawled through everything to get to Him. That’s us. That’s those who are tired of the Church bleeding, those ones who are tired of what’s going on, those of us who are tired of this and we pressed in. And Jesus calls us son, he calls us daughter because we grabbed ahold of that power of the Holy Spirit and our focus was on Jesus and not the chaos of the crowd. 

Is somebody hearing me? This is where we are right now. And then Jesus kept walking and he got to the house of the re, of the, of the politician, Jairus, and the people were screaming and crying, “Oh, she’s dead. It’s terrible.” They had no hope. They had no faith. They had no belief, but Jesus was there. He’s like, “I’m here. Your victory’s here. Y’all are still crying that it’s over?” Jesus was flabbergasted with them. 

This is where we are right now. Our victory is here. Stop crying. It’s not over. It’s just begun. We have a savior, and His name is Jesus. The victory’s already been won, and Jesus is with the Father. He is with Him, and then He’s with the earthly father, Jairus, who represents President Trump who was brought in to awaken the Church. Jairus represents President Trump right now, the father of the sleeping daughter. Trump is putting his faith in Jesus, in God. Trump was brought in to be, to usher in this Great Awakening. 

The Church was bleeding, dying, and, uh, and Jesus looked at those people who were crying and saying, “It’s over! It’s just terrible.” [Crying effect] They, they were in mourning. You know what Jesus said? “Those of you who don’t believe in Me and in My power, you stay out here. You stay out here. Those of you who believe I’m here to do a miracle, you come in the house with me. I say the parents can come in — the father and the mother — and a few of my apostles. And you can witness the Great Awakening of this daughter.” 

And He went into the house with just a few of His strong believers who believed in His victory, and He grabbed ahold of that little girl because He said, “Look, she’s just sleeping. She’s not dead. She’s just sleeping.” The Church has just been sleeping, my friends. And He grabbed ahold of that little girl, and to her hand, and He said, “Talitha cumi,” which means arise, daughter.

And the other day, we went into a vision, I went into a vision after Communion, and the Lord said, Jesus was saying, He was talking all about His Church. This is, this is not, this is so much bigger than Trump winning an election. This is about the Church awakening, my friends. This is about the Church of Jesus Christ. We are living in a glorious time, and we can’t be those mourners outside the house crying and saying, “It’s over! It’s just terrible!” We got to know our victory is here, and Jesus is here awakening His Church, and He’s using Donald Trump to do it. The father, right, the, the little girl’s dad.

 And so Jesus went in, and He grabbed ahold of that little girl, and He said, “She’s not dead; she’s just sleeping.” She’s 12 years old. That represents the Church. That represents Jesus Christ’s perfect apostolic government. It also represents the government of the, the tribes of Judah, which Jairus was. Jairus was one of the leaders of, of, of government in Judea — the little girl’s father. 

You see how this is all connected? We got to go back to the Gospel. We got to go back to the scripture. Jesus showed us what would happen. He showed us what was going on. He showed us exactly what’s happening in this time. Every move that Jesus made was prophetic for this time we are in right now. He was telling us a story of His Church, and He grabbed ahold of that little girl’s hand, and He said, “Talitha cumi, arise, daughter.” And that’s what Jesus said while we were in Communion the other day. He gave me that scripture, “Arise, daughter of Zion, for your light has come, and your time has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you.” 

This is the Church’s greatest hour. This is the Great Awakening. All this crap that you see going on out there is the shaking to wake up the Church, to wake up the people. God is on, only allowing this chaos to wake people up, so people will see His glory. The victory’s already been won. This is all for the Church of Jesus Christ, for the ecclesia.

And what did Jesus say to the parents of that little girl when she awakened? “Give her something to eat. Give her the Gospel. Give her the food. Give her the ….” Right? She’s, when, when the Church wakes up, and this is what’s happening, the ecclesia of Jesus Christ is going to be so hungry for the Holy Ghost, so hungry for the word of God, the Church is going to expand and grow like we’ve never seen before because the people are going to be starving for Jesus. And He’s using Trump to awaken this daughter, and we have to stay and know; we got to stop crying. We got to stop mourning and thinking it’s over, and we got to keep our eyes on Jesus and know that this is the Great Awakening, that His daughter, His beautiful daughter, His Church, His, His, His bride, His beauty is awakening, and when she wakes up, she’s going to be hungry! 

And God has prepared us all for this time to feed His sheep, to feed His people, and President Trump has won the victory because of Jesus — His whole purpose for His Church. It’s done, so we got to quit crying, quit worrying, quit wringing our hands, and say, “Lord, I want to go into the house with You and be a part of this great miracle. I know You carry the victory, Jesus, and You are with us, and you are with our President Donald J. Trump because he’s been called for this Great Awakening to awaken Your Church, Your ecclesia. You’ve been preparing us for this very day. We see Your glory, Jesus. Come in, King of Glory, welcome.” 

This is the kingdom that is come, my friends. We are in the Kingdom Age, the billion-soul harvest, God’s brilliant plan is coming forth because of those of us who have believed, who have pressed in, who said, “We’re tired of the Church bleeding. Arise, daughter, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you.” 

Jesus said the Church shall prevail. The Church shall live, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it. And he’s, of course, President Tru, Trump, of course, God can use a politician, a president, or a leader for his plans and purposes. It’s Jairus’, it’s, it’s, it’s the father of the daughter. He’s ushering in the Great Awakening. The victory has already been won. Jesus is telling you, “I’m here!” It’s just that people have been asleep. All this is happening to wake people up, and when they wake up, they’re going to be so hungry. And I’ve prepared people to, to receive these people and feed them the Gospel. My friends, we are in the greatest time of the world ever. Watch the glory of God. God’s brilliant plan is going forth, forth because of His Church, to awaken us. Ahh.

Now, God has been showing me some clues of Trump’s victory. Okay? And remember, let me tell you something. The woman with the issue of blood, Jesus turned to her. Those of you who have been intercessors in this time and have sacrificed everything to pray for this nation and have sacrificed everything to pray for the Church and have sacrificed everything for the people to awaken and to come to Jesus Christ and have sacrificed everything for the bleeding to stop in the Church, those of you who were the women with the issue of blood who crawled through stones, who crawled through the dirt, who did whatever they had to do to get ahold of Jesus and get, draw His Holy Spirit into this nation, you shall be rewarded and rewarded greatly because Jesus turned to that woman and said, “Woman, your faith has healed you. You are Shalem. You are shalom.” What does that mean? You are now whole. You are now complete, nothing missing, nothing lacking, nothing broken. You are fully restored, even your finances.

This is America. America’s no longer bleeding. The Church is no longer bleeding. The intercessors no longer have to travail. We are healed. We are whole. We are complete, and now we receive our reward for this time, including getting all the money that we spent back, getting all the time that we put into that restored to us. God will even restore the time to you because you sacrificed yourself and pressed into God at this time.

America, your bleeding has stopped. Ecclesia, your bleeding has stopped. Those who have stood up and been the ecclesia and the intercessors for this nation, the bleeding has stopped, and you are now healed and whole and restored and Shalem and shalom, and your faith is healed. You, behold, your victory is here. His name is Yeshua HaMashiach, Jesus Christ. He’s grabbing ahold of your hand, O beautiful Church, O beautiful bride, O beautiful daughter, O beautiful America, and He’s saying, “Talitha cumi, daughter, awaken. You have been asleep, but I am here. I am here. Now, go and have something to eat, and nourish yourself in My word and in My promises, and know that your King is with you — Jesus.” 

And because your father, Jairus, believed, your father, Trump, believes, this Great Awakening was able to happen because you believed and you prayed and you pressed in even in your own sacrifice. This Great Awakening is happening. The victory is here. It’s done. And pray for those people who still don’t see it. The ones who Jesus left out of the house. But do you know when Jesus came back out of the house after He awoke that little daughter, many people who were laughing weren’t laughing anymore at Him. Many people who didn’t believe, because it said some of the people laughed when Jesus got to the, Jairus’ house. (Timestamp – 22:46) Some of the people laughed at Him and said, “Ha ha, You’re not going to do it!” This is exactly what’s happening right now. There’s people laughing at our prayers. There’s people laughing, saying, “Oh, right, ha!” No, those who laughed will be astonished at the glory of God at this time. Those who didn’t believe will be astonished at the glory of God at this time! And when Jesus walked back out of that house after He raised that little daughter, the people were, a, says, “They were astonished at Him.” Astonished. And many believed, and He actually picked up some more followers. I think one, one of the, the main disciples was, was, uh, brought in from that miracle.

My friends, this is where we’re at. It’s all about the Church, the ecclesia, the bride of Chirst. It’s all about Jesus. He’s already won the victory. He’s already here. It’s already done. This is why God placed Trump at this time. This is the, the design for America to bring the Gospel to all the world, and America has been built for the Church, for the plans and purposes of God. Trump was put into office for the Church, for the Church to awaken — Talitha cumi. 

We pressed in at this time, and we’re going to be rewarded for pressing in. We stopped the bleeding of the Church, and now, awaken. We stopped the bleeding of America. Now, awaken. The glory is here. The victory’s here. It’s already been won. What you’re seeing out there is people that haven’t woke up yet, people that are still wrapped up in the chaos and don’t have their attention on Jesus, people that have, have given up outside the house, and are going, “Ohhh, it’s just terrible.” Stop it!! Your victory is here! It’s done! Wow! Glory to God! Who can give me an amen and a whoo hoo, people? 

Now, let me show you the clues, let me share with you … I’ve got my notes together. Let me share with you the clues that the Holy Spirit’s been giving me based on the words that He’s already given me.

I said, “Holy Spirit, you gave me a word two months ago in a vision of a sound conversion.” Many of you might want to go back to that word. I went into a very, very deep vision after Communion about two months ago here on this broadcast. And the Lord brought me into the Courts of Heaven, and I had a deep vision about a book and the Lord standing over this book. Okay? And the book was, uh, in the middle of a beautiful, gorgeous hallway, like a palace. Okay? But it was on a very primitive structure. There was a very primitive structure over it, and it was sitting on a primitive structure, you know,  kind of just like made out of wood and straw, and there was a fire all around this book. And the Lord was standing over the book. The book was very ancient. The Lord Jesus was standing over this book, and the book was opened. 

And there was two huge angels on either side of the Lord, standing on either side of the book. And a, a, a, everytime I asked the Lord to show me what was written in the book, He would, He gave me a sound instead. And the sound was, the first sound I heard was bagpipes, and the song was “Scotland the Brave.” [Singing melody] Okay, “Scotland the Brave.” Okay? And that sound was coming from one of the angels.

And then the other angel had another sound coming from him. First I thought it was the drum and fife from the Revolutionary War of America, right, [Singing melody]. Right? But then it, it, it converged into “Glory, Glory Hallelujah” [Singing] Glory, glory hallelujah. His truth is marching on. And then the Lord said to me, the Holy Spirit said to me that a page has been turned in this book. A page has been turned. We’ve come into a new time. This is a time that the Lord ha, Himself, Jesus, has written for this time. 

These two angels that were standing on either side of the book was the angel of Scotland. He said like a United Kingdom angel. The angel of Scotland, and mainly Scotland, and the angel of America. And these two angels were, were, uh, the angels that had authority over Scotland and over America. And they were singing songs of victory, and what they had was, I thought first what they had were great big giant spears. These tall, these angels were huge, and but they, what they didn’t have was spears. What they had in their hands were called, um, uh, they, the drum major baton or the drum major mace. 

And then I found out later what the drum major mace was, what I saw in the vision, what the two angels were holding, is, is that’s what the leader of those bands carry. They’re the ones that set the pace. They’re the ones that lead, right, but I wasn’t hearing that it was a fight anymore. I wasn’t hearing, “Keep battling.” I was hearing, “The victory has been won. The victory songs are happening. Do you not hear it in the spirit?” America, Scotland, right, it’s converging. It’s a sound of victory. 

And so, um, you can watch that vision in real-time. Just go to my channel here and type in “A Page Has Been Turned,” and you can hear exactly, you can follow along with me while the Lord brings me into the courts and gives me this vision — what I’m hearing; what I’m seeing.

NOTE: Since this word was recorded, Annamarie’s YouTube channel has been canceled, so the video mentioned above, “A Page Has Been Turned,”  is available only on her Facebook page. You can watch it HERE

So that night, after that vision, I opened up YouTube, and I played “The Battle Hymn of the Republic” consecutively together. I just put my earphones in and I played those two songs together — “Battle Hymn of the Republic” and, um, “Scotland the Brave” together. My spirit about jumped. I, I, I, I, the, the power of the Holy Ghost was so strong I started shaking. I could hardly contain it, and the Lord spoke to me and said, “This is the victory that I’m giving Donald Trump.” 

Donald Trump, his lineage comes from Scotland, and then I found out that his lineage goes all the way back to King David. Donald Trump’s bloodline goes all the way back to King David. Okay? 

And then the Lord kept giving me more words and more words and more words how, how it all converges. Okay? And so we have that word that the victory’s already been won. The Lord has spoken. The page has been turned. We don’t have to battle anymore. What you’re seeing out here is just the exposure that has to happen, the exposure from the enemy, but, but Jesus already said months ago that the victory’s been won. The sound is converged. This, this bloodline of Judah, this bloodline of King David is here in America, and it, it was brought through Scotland, and these two countries, right, uh, uh, are now in victory. And you see, we’re free, we’re, we’re free from the crown of England. Scotland shall be free of the crown of England. America shall be fully free of the crown of England. It’s been done. We, we’re now under the crown of Judah, of King David now. God’s perfect plan is coming together. 

The tabernacle of David is rising again. What’s the tabernacle of David? Praise and worship to God. That’s what the word “Judah” means. King David was of the tribe of Judah. Jesus was of the tribe of Judah. President Trump is of the tribe of Judah brought in through the bloodline of Scotland. Okay? And now we don’t, we no longer have the authority of the British rule anymore. We are under the rule of God, the apostolic rule of Almighty God of the 12 apostles of Jesus Christ and the tribe of Judah rule, right, of the 12 tribes of Israel, of Judah. And how does this get ushered in? Judah means praise. What did David do in his tabernacle? He praised and worshipped God.

So I want you to listen to me, my friends. Trump has the victory. He has the right to rule through the bloodline. He has been sent for this time. God had this planned all the way back to bring in the Great Awakening of, of the ecclesia, of the Church of Jesus Christ to usher in the Kingdom Age. We don’t have to fight anymore! Stop fighting! Stop battling! 

What we’re supposed to be doing now, God is telling me, is proclaiming victory and worshipping Him. And bringing our offering before the Lord and thanking Him for the victory. God said to me last night, “Tell,” He, He said, the Holy Spirit told me last night, He said, “My people are battle weary. Tell them to stop battling and start proclaiming victory. The victory’s been done. It’s done. It was done months ago.” I said, “Lord, the victory was done months ago?” And He showed me that vision that I had. He said, “Did I not tell you the victory was done — the, the victory song?” 

And I went and I did my research. Do you know that “Scotland the Brave” … when the bagpipes were played for “Scotland the Brave,” it was when the troops were returning home from a victory. They still play “Scotland the Brave” when they win soccer games. That song represents victory. And then I find out “Glory, Glory Hallelujah” is Trump’s fa, President Trump’s favorite hymn. And both sides, listen to me. Both sides, both the Confederate side and the Union side made that their song when returning home.

And I’ve had my feet on the ground here in Virginia. I’ve had my feet on the ground in Appomattox. The Lord sent me to Appomattox. I went to Appomattox, and the Lord said, “Stand right here and proclaim unity back in this nation!” And I did that back in 2016. 

My friends, we are supposed to be praising and worshipping God right now, singing the song of victory. He’s saying, “Stop with the battle. It’s been won.” He says, “My people are getting battle-weary.” He’s saying, “Now, what I need them to be doing is proclaiming victory and worshipping me and praising me for the victory and saying, ‘glory to God, the Church is waking up, that our victory is here, our Jesus us here. Thank you, God, for sending President Trump to wake up your people, to wake up your ecclesia.’” He’s saying praise Him; worship Him; dance before Him; raise up your voices. That’s what He wants to hear right now — singing the songs of victory.

Now, my words might be a lot different than what some of the other prophets are saying out there, but, GOOD, GOOD! I told God, I said, “God, I,” I said, “I don’t want to conform with what all the other prophets are saying.” I said, “You tell me what YOU are saying, God. I want to know what You are saying, God.” I don’t care if I get invited to all these prophet conferences. I don’t care about that. I don’t even consider myself a prophet. 

God, God called me to teach people have to be victorious. He said, “La …” He said, “Annamarie, give up your business coaching race car drivers. Give it away.” He told me to give it away, and I did. And He said, “Now, you teach My people how to be victorious. Teach My Church how to be victorious. Teach them like you taught your race car drivers.” 

That’s my true assignment. My true assignment is not to be a prophet. My true assignment is to teach you guys how to be victorious, to be a coach and a mentor for you. That’s what I was called to do in 2015 and then finally started doing it full-time in 2017. These prophetic words just come. He just talks to me. It would be irresponsible of me not to share with you what He’s telling me. 

This is part of the victory. Get in that victory mindset. Come out of the battle. The battle’s been won. Your victory is here. Don’t cry that it’s over. Stop it! Keep your eyes on Jesus and keep waking up the Church. This is what we’re supposed to be doing, raising up our voices in worship, singing songs of victory. Know that God is bringing His brilliant plan together, which is the, the bloodline of, of, of King David, of Judah that, so that the tabernacle of King David can rise back up, which is praise and worship all over the world for Jesus.

This is how we’re going to usher in Yeshua, Jesus. He’s here. He’s with us, but through our, His Church. He’s operating through us, through His Church, and then we’ve got to bring this in to all the nations. This is the Great Awakening, the billion-soul harvest. Come on, people! I’m so excited!

Now, how did the Lord give me confirmation last night about this whole thing with Scotland, “Scotland the Brave,” Trump’s victory has been won, it’s already done? Let me tell you what happened last night. I’m on Twitter, and everybody’s all upset about AG Barr, right, Bill Barr, who is the attorney general of the United States of America, who’s been appointed by President Trump. People are all upset because AG Barr was saying, “Oh, you know,” well the AP supposedly reported it. 

I don’t believe the fake news. You know, the fake news is the false prophets, and that’s another thing the Lord told me that the prophets of Baal are being destroyed. The prophets of Baal are the false prophets. Right? They’re going down. They’re being destroyed. Fake news, false prophets, prophets of Baal, they’re being destroyed. God is dealing with them right now. And God’s true voices are rising up. God is raising up His Elij, Elijahs, right, the Elijah voice. God is showing His glory through the true voices. Right? God is showing His glory through the true voices, the voices of Elijah. And so, anyway, that’s all good news.

So I said, “Lord, what’s going on with Bill Barr?” I said, “What’s going on? Why is this being said? You know, you, you, you’re telling me you’re bringing justice, that the victory’s been won, that justice is here, you know. What’s going on?” And the Lord said to me, “Bill Barr played the victory song over a year ago. Bill Barr won the victory for this over a year ago.” I said, “Bill Barr won the victory for this over a year ago?” And He reminded me, Bill Barr is Scottish. President Trump is Scottish. Bill Barr played the bagpipes in June of 2019. 

Listen to me. Bill Barr played the victory song, “Scotland the Brave,” back in 2019. Look it up on YouTube — Bill Barr bagpipes. Bill Barr played, he had a, a, uh, Scottish American band come in. It was a New York, uh, New York City Police Department, they have their own little fife and drum corp. He brought them into, it was like a, a big meeting that he was having with all the attorney generals, eh, of America, of the United States, and he, he, he brought in that band and played “Scotland the Brave,” and he played the bagpipes with them. And they marched in, played “Scotland the Brave,” and they marched out, and the Lord said to me, “That was the victory song of Bill Barr.” He said, “This victory has been won months ago.” 

This is what the Lord told me. Bill Barr and President Trump are so far ahead of this stuff. I’m talking over a year ago is when Bill … So the Lord said to me, “Did I not tell you that “Scotland the Brave” is a song proclaiming victory?” Did I not give you the vision that the page has been turned, that the victory’s already here? It’s already been done.” I said, “Lord,” I said, “They’re just playing this out so that the people will get woke up? That the victory was won months ago when “Scotland the Bra …” And the Lord said, “Is that not the sound I gave you of victory?” The Lord told me, He says, “I’m giving you clues, Annamarie, to show you what’s already happened. I, you, you, you didn’t read what was in the book, Annamarie, because you were supposed to pay attention to the sound!” 

The sound of victory. It’s already been won months ago. Uh, I believe personally that Trump and Bill Barr knew they were going to do this whole voter fraud stuff. They knew they were going to do it. They just let them fall into their own trap. There’s so much evidence, and it, and, and, and Prophet Kim Clement said, “The plan is so brilliant it can only be given by God and that an Esther would come.” This is all in the same word, right. The Holy Spirit told me right now to pay very close attention to the words of Kim Clement because that’s all playing out right now. And eh, the brilliant plan would go forth and that an Esther would come. It’s the Esther, the Esther, right. Wow.

It’s going to go, this will go to the Supreme Court and Amy Coney Barrett, a woman — God said a woman, a woman. Amy Coney Barrett represents the Church, the woman, the Esther. A woman will have the last say, and we’re going to see justice through a woman. 

This is all signs of the Church of Jesus Christ arising, coming into her glory, the perfect spotless bride. God will use a woman to bring the ultimate justice in the Supreme Court — a woman of faith, the Esther. You see how this is all coming together? And we, our, our job is just to continue to praise and worship and proclaim victory, know that God has done it, and just saying it, “Daughter of Zion, for your time has come and the glory of God has risen upon you.” And keep awakening the people. Come on!