Tag: america prophecy



Transcription of the word that the Holy Spirit gave to Annamarie Strawhand, which was delivered during her broadcast of Life in the Faith Lane on June 18, 2021,

Watch the video, and then read the transcript below.


ANNAMARIE: “The first thing, I’m seeing a prophetic, a prophetic picture of …. He’s showing me a compass on the ground, and the compass is being crushed. I see, I see, it’s like the foot of the Lord, like a sandaled foot, a, a sandaled foot that is crushing these compasses, and next to the compa, compass, it looks like these silver goblets, but these silver goblets have got the, it looks, look like these goblets are demonic, and they’re empty. And now I see, I’m seeing like a hammer coming down, and these compasses are being smashed, and these goblets are being smashed. 

What is this, Lord? Holy Spirit, reveal to me what I’m seeing. There, there, this giant sandaled foot crushing this compass and hammering these goblets with the demonic …. It, they’re silver, but they look demonic. They don’t, they don’t look …. They’re like a pewter silver but look like they got demonic carving on them. It’s, it, and there, the goblet, i, it’s empty. There, there’s nothing in that goblet. 

What is this, Lord? Lord, reveal to me what this is. Reveal to me what this is, Lord. His giant angels are on the earth right now. Their feet are on the earth, and they’re crushing and hammering the direction of the enemy. Their, he’s, the, the, his angels, his giant angels that have been appointed for this time in the earth are on the earth right now crushing the plans of the enemy. 

He says, “They have no more direction, no more direction! Their compasses have been crushed! I’m sending them into a state of confusion. I’m putting confusion in the enemy’s camp! They’re confused! They’re confu, the enemy is confused! Their compasses have been crushed by my angels. Their goblets are empty. Their demonic goblets have run dry.” 

He says—thank you, Lord—that confusion has been put into the enemy’s camp. Their compasses have been crushed. Their goblets have run dry. Their, they’ve been put into a state of confusion. His giant angels have feet on the ground right now in the earth—the angels of the Most High God. The giant angels of the Lord, of the Most High God are in the earth right now crushing the compasses of the enemy, crushing the direction of the enemy, sending their compasses spinning, sending them spinning, sending confusion into the enemy’s camp. The, the demonic isn’t gonna know what direction to go, and he says they’re coming at each other. He says, “Watch as they come at each other and throw each other down!” He says, “You’re gonna see news reports of they’re ratting each other out. They’re, they’re, they’re throwing each other under the bus. They don’t know where they’re going.”

The, the enemy doesn’t know where he’s going. He’s scur, they’re scurrying and scattering. They have no compass. They have no direction. The evil goblets that they were drinking out of have run dry. Their compasses have been smashed. There’s confusion in the enemy’s camp. It’s because we prayed it. It’s because we prayed it. It’s because we prayed it. It’s because we prayed it. We said, “Send confusion in the enemy’s camp.” 

Oh, my goodness, it’s because we prayed it. When we pray that, the enemy, the enemy, the Lord is coming against the enemy based on what we are speaking—the word of God. When we speak the word of God, and we say, “Send confusion in the enemy’s camp,” it’s happening. When we speak that, and we say, “Lord, according to your word, send confusion in the enemy’s camp,” the angels are being dispatched immediately by what we’re speaking right now, and it’s happening. 

He’s showing me compasses being crushed, being hammered, giant angels smashing, the tables are being overturned. Their goblets and all their demonic, uh, stuff is being thrown on the ground. The camp is being, the enemy’s camp is being trashed, and they’re scurrying, and they’re, they’re, they’re, they’re coming against each other, ratting each other out, throwing each other under the bus trying to save their own hive, hide, but no; they got no direction. They ca, they got no, they got nowhere to go. 

He says, ‘Watch what I do.” My goodness. He says the enemy is trying to wear us down so we can’t get to the finish line. He says, “But, no.” He says, “My people will come to this finish line in unity. It will be like photo finishes.” He says, “My people, they will carry their brother to the finish line.” He says, “You will see my people because they will be carrying their brother through. They will be going shoulder-to-shoulder with their brother, with their sister to the finish line, carrying their brother through. Even if they’re weary, if their brother or their sister are weary from all the time of praying, from everything that you’ve gone through at this time,” he says, “you will know my people because they will be carrying each other through to the finish line.” Those will be his people standing shoulder-to-shoulder coming to the finish together with great celebration. 

He says, “My people are battle weary but you will come shoulder-to-shoulder helping each other to the finish line in unity.” He says, “While the enemy, their, the, they’re gonna be taking each other out. They got no compass. They don’t even know where the finish line is. They’re, they’re, they’re in a state of confusion. Their compasses have been smashed.” 

God’s mighty angels, his giant angels …. He’s showing me this in the Bible where he says, where his angel comes on the earth one foot on the land and one foot in the waters. He’s showing me that in scripture. These angels are huge, huge, huge. They have giant hammers, and they’re, they’re smashing the enemy’s compasses, their goblets. They’re turning over their tables, confusion in the enemy’s camp. The enemy’s gonna be, they’re gonna be throwing each other under the bus. 

He said but his people, God’s people will be standing shoulder-to-shoulder, brother-to-brother, sister-to-sister helping each other to the finish line. “He’s not heavy; he’s my brother.” That’s so [Inaudible].

The Lord’s gonna give us strength in this time to help carry our loved ones through to the finish line, and even those who are very weary ….

Absalom will hang by his hair. What was that? What do you mean by that, Lord? Absalom will hang by his hair. I, I don’t, I, I …. Absalom was a traitor to King David. He was one of David’s sons. Anybody who came up against God’s anointed—President Trump, who is his David. Oh, this is …. 

Traitors, God’s dealing with the traitors. Traitors—Absalom will hang by his hair. He’s literally showing me Absalom coming off his high horse and hanging from the tree by his hair, and everybody can see it. 

What are you saying, Lord? Holy Spirit, reveal more. Lord, reveal more. I don’t know if this is what he’s meaning. He just said Absalom will hang by his hair. That there was an Absalom spirit operating in the brotherhood that was trying to come against his David—President Trump. But, instead, those who try to come against President Trump, those who were trying to be traitors against this nation, even though they acted like they were in the same family and everything, but, no, they were, they were against God’s will. They were trying, they were coming against God’s will. He’s saying, “Absalom ….” 

I’ve studied a little bit on the Absalom spirit and how it operates, and the Absalom spirit is an evil spirit. It’s like a coup spirit. It’s like a, a spirit that tries to come against the truly appointed king. It, it tries to come against God’s true, it tries to steal the throne. It tries to steal … [Gasp!] Oh, my gosh, we know who that is.

I just, I just got a notice that my girl is here to help me, uh, and I have to go. She’s in my driveway. Oh, my goodness. Let me just tell her I’ll be right there. Where’s my glasses? Oh, my goodness, I’m overwhelmed by the Holy Ghost right now. I can’t [Inaudible]. Oh, my goodness.

The Absalom spirit are those who try to, to do a coup against King David—the true ruler, the true leader. Those who have tried to take over the presidency, but they’re not the true one. Those who have tried to put a coup together. Those who come against God’s anointed—the true leader. 

Absalom. [Inaudible], Absalom will hang from his hair. That just came out, uh, just like came out. That was the Holy Spirit totally wanted to say that. Those who have been operating in the Absalom spirit …. The Absalom spirit is, is those who are, uh, wanting the throne, uh, and, are, are, they, and planning a coup against the true king and trying to come against the true king and trying to usurp …. How do you say that? Ursurp? Upsurp?—trying to take, take it from ….

Who has tried to steal the presidency from the true president? Who has tried to steal the throne of England from the true king and queen of England? God is dealing with the Absalom spirit. [Inaudible], you heard him. You heard what he said, “Absalom will hang from his hair.” That’s what he said. 

And what is the Absalom spirit? The Absalom spirit is those that you think were loyal, those that you think, right, those that you, right, like that are in that, the, the same circles as you plan a coup against you and try to take the, take the throne from you, take the leadership from you. They’re traitors.

Anybody that planned a coup, anybody who tried to come against the true rulership and true leadership of President Trump because it’s been prophesied that President Trump is a David. Kim Clement said he’s a David, that God called Ki, President Trump his David. We know that it’s, that we had a word that President Trump is of the bloodline of Judah—the right to rule—that he knew where the destiny stone was, uh, in Scotland. That’s his lineage—that the true kings must be of the, of the bloodline of Judah. That Queen Elizabeth, she usurped that destiny stone—Jacob’s stone, right, from England, and she got herself crowned on that destiny stone. But her family, her bloodline is not of Judah. She didn’t have the right to rule. Trump knew this, and Trump has the right to rule. And we also know that, the, the Lord also said Benjamin Netanyahu does. 

So those who are trying to, uh, come against President Trump or Benjamin Netanyahu—God’s rightful kings, God’s rightful leaders—were, are operating under the Absalom spirit, which Absalom was the one who tried to come against King David, and, and, and planned a coup against him, raised up a army against him, but God said, “No, you can’t come against my anointed king.” And Absalom, uh, was running away, and he had long hair, and his hair got caught up on the branch, and he got yanked off his horse and hung from his hair because he was a traitor.

My friends, I just know what the Holy Spirit just said. You heard the word of the Lord. Whoever is coming against the rightful anointed king in a coup is a traitor. Th, the Holy Spirit just said Absalom will hang from his hair, and you saw the angels of the Lord smashing the compasses and the evil goblets of the demonic. Wow, we heard the word of the Lord, my friends. 

Father, we thank you. We thank you, Lord Jesus. We thank you, Holy Spirit. We thank you for your angel armies that have been dispatched to the earth. We thank you, Father, that you, Father God, that you are taking down evil and destroying evil. We thank you, Father God, that you are sending confusion in the enemy’s camp. We thank you, Father God, that you are destroying their evil goblets. We thank you, Father God, that, that you are dealing with the wicked. We thank you, Father God, that you are dealing with the traitors and those who have come against your truly anointed leaders for this time. Father God, we trust you that you are bringing justice and that you are bringing righteousness. We put our faith in you, Father God, and we enter your rest. We agree with your word today, Father God. Help us to be strong and faithful and give us understanding what you are speaking through this prophetic work, word through the power of your Holy Spirit by the authority of Jesus Christ. We cover all these words that have been spoken today by the blood of Jesus Christ. Let them only be used for the plans and purposes of God and for the glory of God, for your kingdom and for your glory forever and ever, in Jesus’ name, in Jesus’ name, Amen.

My friends, I love you all so much. I bless you in the name of Jesus. Remember, all of heaven is cheering us on to the victory. God is taking care of the evil ones right now, and his brilliant plan will go forth and nothing will stop it. Nothing will stop the plans and purposes of God. Put your faith in God. Enter his rest. Know that he is gonna ask you to have strength to carry your brothers and sisters to the finish line. We go to the, to this finish line in unity. We’re coming through. This finish line is a photo finish together, and God has put the enemy into confusion. They can’t see us. They can’t discern us. They’re in confusion. Their compasses have been smashed. Their evil goblets have run empty. They have nothing. But the people of God, the Lord is with us, and God is dealing with the traitors and those who have come against his anointed. You heard what he said. 

I ask you all to pray for covering for me and my household for the court covering of God and for protection. This is a very powerful word that came forth today. I ask you all to protect, I ask you to pray for my protection and the protection of my household and my family, and I’m gonna have Goose, uh, take this word and transcribe it for all of you. 

And, Father, I ask for your continued protection over me and my household and over everyone here and over our children and over our families by the blood of Jesus Christ and by your angel armies because all of heaven is cheering you on, wa, cheering us on. 

We are the remnant. We have the victory in Christ Jesus. I love you all so much. I bless you in the name of Jesus. All of heaven is cheering us on, and I’m cheering you on. 

Take this word and pray on it. Continue to speak that scripture, God send, send, uh, uh, confusion into the enemy’s camp. He told us our prayers are making that happen. We have the victory. Christ Jesus is our victory. 

I love you all so much. I bless you. I need to take my communion and go and put it over my garage, and I ask you to continue to keep me and my family and my household and this ministry in your prayers. I love you all so much. I’ll see you Monday. I bless you in the name of Jesus. [Blowing kiss]”



Transcription of the word that the Holy Spirit gave to Annamarie Strawhand, which was delivered during her broadcast of Life in the Faith Lane on June 11, 2021.

Watch the video, and then read the transcript below.


ANNAMARIE: “I’m seeing a vision of children, children and young people who are gonna come forward with horrible stories of what happened to them during these times of sex trafficking. And the, these children that were saved out of these tunnels and these children that were saved out of captivity, he’s showing me them. And he’s showing me them doing interviews, and they’re gonna say that they’re forgiving those people. Oh, my gosh. Yes, Lord. He says we must forgive. He says he will take care and avenge the evil and the wickedness, but we must be like little children and forgive.

There’s a spirit of forgiveness that will come, and it’s gonna be through the children who had the most horrible situations, but their sweet little hearts are gonna be so forgiving that we must take a lesson from them. 

He’s showing me these children. They’re gonna be like doing interviews and sharing testimonies, and they’re gonna say forgive. And, you, you’re gonna say how can these children forgive these horrible things that happened to them, that their horrible captors did to them, satanic practices on them? But the Lord is gonna be teaching us something from what is to come. He says, “Watch the children.” They will be so forgiving, and that’s what we must be. We must take our lesson from them. This is coming from the heart of the Father. Watch the children and see their forgiving hearts. That is how we must be.

He’s showing me Corrie ten Boom. He’s showing me Corrie ten Boom. He’s showing me when she was in the Nazi camp, and she was all by herself in that cell. Oh, my goodness. Corrie ten Boom. He’s saying, “Was I not with Corrie ten Boom in that Nazi camp the whole time? Thus, I’ve been with these children and these people who have been in captivity the whole time.” He says there will be Corrie ten Booms that will come out of this captivity, these places, and tell their stories about how God was with them there, even in the deepest darkest pits of hell God was with them. And they’re gonna come out of those places and be forgiving and be forgiving of their captors. It’s like all these Corrie ten Booms, and we’re gonna see them, and they’re gonna be interviewing, and they’re gonna, they’re gonna say about forgiveness.

I told you about the angelic visitation I had the other night. It was Thursday night, so it would have been June 5th? Five is the number of grace, and I had a angel come to my bedside. I’m gonna take that video and, and, and, you know, condense it so there’s just that part. And the angel was standing next to me. He was huge. And, I tested the spirit; I said, “Can you, can you confirm that Jesus Christ is Lord and came in the flesh and died on the cross, the third day rose again, is seated at the right hand of the Father?” And I got the confirmation from the angel, and he said yes. And he was very, very big, and he … All of a sudden, I saw him take his hand, and he had a long sword, but the sword looked like the hand of a clock. And he had it diagonally over my bed like it was pointing to the number 11. And I looked at him and I said, “Who are you?” He said, “I’m the angel of timing. My name is Timing.” I said, “Timing.” And I looked at his chest and he had a big clock. And then the clock opened up, and in the clock was, it looked like infinity. It looked like the whole universe was in there. And I was like, “Okay, I’m listening. I’m listening. I’m listening.” And I was, I didn’t know what he was trying to tell me. And then he said, “It is time.” And then he stopped, and I heard a supernatural sound, and it was the sound of one note being played on a harmonica. It was just [Sound effect] like that, and it reverberated through my whole body, and I heard it with my whole entire being, and then he was gone. 

I was like, “Whoa!” I, I, I, I had to just try to wrap my head around it. I was like, “What was that? What was that? What was that?” I said, “A sound is being released. Is that a sound of a train?” I, you know? And then I realized it was a harmonica. I was like, then I heard, I heard in my spirit, “Harmonica. It was the sound of a harmonica.” And I said, “Harmonica, harmonica. Harmony, harmony?” And then I got the confirmation of the Holy Spirit, “It is time for harmony. Harmony.” And I said, “Holy Spirit, show me a confirmation of a harmonica if this is what you’re saying.” 

So it’s three, over three days, and I got my confirmation of a harmonica. He showed me a harmonica, and then he showed me a harmonica again. One of my listeners, named Leslie, she sent me a message that the other day she was gonna send me a picture of this harmonica she has from Johnny Cash because she knows I love Johnny Cash. And she has this harmonica from Johnny Cash, and she said the Holy Spirit had told her days ago to send me this picture of this harmonica she has of Johnny Cash. And she was gonna play like a little tune on it and send me a recording of it, and she didn’t do it. She said, “Forgive me for my disobedience.” She said, “I was like ….” 

I said, “Well, there’s my second confirmation on that word.” Right? He’ll always send two witnesses. And so she said that to me yesterday. She said, “I was supposed to be one of the confirmations on your harmonica, but I, I was disobedient, and I didn’t,” she said, “I didn’t send it to you.” The conf, the actual confirmation that I got on the harmonica was a guitar store sent me a picture to buy a harmonica. A guitar store? And that was my confirmation.

But this is the word of the Lord for you at this time. He’s taking the revenge. He’s taking care of the spirit of wickedness. He’s taking care of all of this, the Lord God is. Our job is to pray; believe God; pray for the souls of others that none shall perish; pray that everyone that is in unholy, ungodly covenant get, gets a, uh, uh, a gift of grace and repentance and comes out of those unholy, ungodly covenants, and that we use sharp discernment at this time and we have hearts like little children and be forgiving. 

And he’s saying, “Watch the children, even the children that are coming out of captivity.” They will have hearts of forgiveness, and we are to take a lesson from this. And we are coming into a time of harmony and of the goodness of God and just trust God to take care of the wickedness and even stand in the gap for those who have done wicked, wicked things. And pray for them to have a second chance. 

And watch the children; we’re gonna have all the Corrie ten Booms coming up—these little boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. Maybe that’s what he meant by boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. That it’s not just physical booms that are gonna happen. There’s gonna be spiritual booms that happen. And all these little Corrie ten Booms are gonna come—those who have been in the worst prisons; those who have been in the worst situations in captivity like Corrie ten Boom was with the Nazi concentration camp. But God was with her the whole time in the deepest, darkest place that you could ever imagine. And she came out with a heart of forgiveness preaching the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ; teaching people about forgiveness, a heart like a little child. And a little child shall lead them. The lion and the lamb shall sit together—a time of harmony. You see how he’s bringing it all together? Oh, my goodness. He is truly our Father of shalom, of shalem, of peace, of harmony. 

I’m so overwhelmed with the Holy Spirit right now. And a little child shall lead them. These children that are coming out of captivity are gonna have precious hearts of forgiveness that’s gonna be teaching the grownups something—little Corrie ten Booms everywhere. We cannot, we can, we have, we, we have to be forgiving. We cannot have hard hearts. We cannot be resentful at this time. Oh, my goodness. We have to trust God that he’s taking care of the wickedness, and our job is to be loving, forgiving, and, and pray for those who come out of deception and come to the Lord Jesus Christ, and he said watch the children. Watch how forgiving they are, even coming out of the deepest most horrible things—Corrie te, little Corrie ten Booms everywhere. 

We have gotta have the mind of Christ. We’ve gotta have the heart of Christ right now, my friends, now more than ever. And trust God that he’s taking care of the evil and eradicating it and the wickedness; he’s eradicating it. And our job is to be the hands and feet of Christ and be forgiving and loving and go and pray. 

Spiritual warfare is repentance. Did you hear what I said? Spiritual warfare is repentance. We just ask for repentance for those who are the most wicked. Jesus did the biggest spiritual warfare, the biggest kick in the teeth to the devil his last moments on the cross—”Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.” 

This is why he’s told us to go and stand on the land and repent and repent, repent, repent, repent, repent.  That’s our spiritual warfare, and get the communion in the land so the land can be healed. 

I’m telling you, I’m so overcome with the Holy Spirit right now. He’s bringing this all together. He’s showing us his pattern just like he said in that word in 20, uh, 1 Corinthians 28:19. He, he will give us understanding of what he’s doing, of his pattern.

I’m gonna go in, in, in, uh, edit out that angelic visitation of the angel of timing and his word for harmony, and I’m gonna put that, and then I’m gonna put that as one word and then I’m gonna put this, what I just said here, what he said through me.

My gosh, I feel the heart of the Lord. It is intense right now. It’s so intense it’s almost painful. Oh my goodness, how he loves us. Thank you, Holy Spirit. 

[Singing] Show us your glory, oh Lord. Show us your glory. Let’s worship him. [Singing] Show us your glory, oh Lord. Show us your glory. 

Oh Holy Spirit, teach us how to be like little children. Give us hearts of forgiveness, mercy. Give us grace. Help us to be the hands and feet of Jesus Christ at this time. Give us sharp discernment, Holy Spirit. Give us words of wid, wisdom and not judgment. Give us words of love. Give us words that build up these people who are coming out of deception. Help us build them up and bring them closer to Jesus. Thank you, God, for eradicating wickedness so that we can come into harmony and peace and your billion soul harvest in Jesus Christ can begin. 

The lion, the lamb shall lay together, and a little child shall lead them. This is what you mean by this. Watch the children and how forgiving they will be coming out of this horrible thing. 

Let’s worship him and praise him. See, this is how his glory shines through all of us. Be the light. Walk in the glory of God. Walk in the light of the Lord. God is destroying the wickedness. He’s appointed his people to do that, and he’s appointing us—his ecclesia, his church, his congregation—to pray and be like little children. And know that our loving Father is for us, and he has brought us to himself.

[Singing] Holy Spirit, you are welcome here. Come flood this place and fill the atmosphere. Your glory, God, is what our hearts long for, to be overcome by your presence, Lord. We love you, Holy Spirit. We want you, Holy Spirit. We treasure you, Holy Spirit. We don’t want to move forward without you, Holy Spirit. You are precious to us, Holy Spirit. Oh, presence of the living God, come and dwell with us in an even greater way. We rent our hearts open and receive you, Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit, come. Fill us up, every part of us. Fill our homes. Fill our land. Fill our cities. Fill our states. Fill our nation. Fill every place, Holy Spirit. Come in like a flood, Holy Ghost. Pour out, Holy Spirit. We receive you, Holy Spirit … presence. Let them feel you. Give me eyes to see you, Holy Spirit. If there’s anybody I haven’t forgiven, I forgive them now. I repent for any unforgiveness. Create in me a clean heart, Holy Spirit. 

Those of you who want to do this with me, worship God. Invite the presence of the Lord. The main thing is the main thing—getting into his presence, receiving his presence, giving his Holy Spirit. 

Thank you for sending your angel of timing, Lord. I receive his message that now is the time for harmony. Help us to be a part of all of that. Teach us; show us; train us up. Teach us how to be like little children of faith. Restore our innocence. Restore our innocence, Lord, because you are the righteous judge taking all of our tears like it says in your word that we just read. We just read it. We just read it. We just read it. We just read it, that he’s gonna take our tears. Oh, my God; oh, my gosh; oh, my goodness, bask in his presence.

I’m ready re, to receive all these little Corrie ten Booms, all these children, all these women, all these children, all these sons and these daughters, Father, that you have gotten free. They’ve been released from captivity. I’m ready, Lord, [Inaudible] they’re all being healed by your Holy Spirit. You’re gonna use them like little Corrie ten Booms everywhere. They’re your little booms, your booms, your booms, your little booms teaching forgiveness. Even they came out of the darkest of darkest depths, they’ve forgiven. They have forgiven their [Inaudible], and you’re gonna teach us something from that. Thank you, Lord, for showing us this.

I just feel the fire of the Holy Ghost. Let him light his fire in you. [Singing] All consuming fire, you’re our heart’s desire. Living flame of love, come baptize us. Come baptize us. Let us fall so in love with you. Let us fall so in love with you. Oh, Holy Spirit, come baptize us with your fire. Burn all the chaff off of us—any cynicism, any judgment, anything that keeps us from having a clean heart. Burn that all away from us, Holy Spirit. We want to ascend to the holy place, according to Psalm 24.

[Praying in tongues]

A looking glass, a looking glass, there’s a looking glass coming towards me. A looking glass. What will we see, Lord? Is that what was, was on the angel, a looking glass? It looked like a clock but then it was like turning to, going into infinity, stars, a looking glass. 

He’s saying, “Ask to see. Ask to see.” He’s saying, “Things are closer than you think.” Things are close. He’s showing me the looking glass, and then he’s showing me the little writing that you see, like on your rear, your, your rear view mirror that says, “Things are closer than they appear.” Things are closer; it’s coming, coming closer. Things are coming closer. This timing that we’re in, it’s accelerating. It’s accelerating. We’re coming into this time of harmony, and it’s accelerating. 

He’s saying, “A looking glass.” He’s saying, “Look. Look. Ask for eyes to see. Look.” Hm. It’s like this looking glass is coming towards us, and things look like they’re coming very swiftly, very quickly, very closely. And he’s saying, “Ask me to direct your steps.” Because we need God to direct our steps right now to keep us sure footed. It’s like when, you know, like when you got a looking glass and things are like really close and you’re trying to figure out where to put the next step, and it looks like it’s closer than it is and your foot’s going like this. Your foot’s going like this. You think the step is there, but you’re like this. He’s showing me that things are gonna come very swiftly, but we have to ask the Lord to direct our steps right now because these are spiritual steps. We’re gonna see it. We’re gonna see, but we have to say, “Lord, direct our steps right now. Direct our steps. Direct our steps in this time of acceleration.” Things are closer than they appear. Wow. 

Yes, Lord, time is being accelerated, this time of harmony. All, he’s bringing it all together, all together. He’s saying, “Do not fear. Have a heart like a little child.” He’s lifting us up. He’s got us. He’s saying, “Don’t be focused on revenge, revenge.” He’s got the, he’s got that part. He’s got that part. You focus on looking ahead and what God has called you to do at this time. It’s very important to say, “Father, help me see. Help me see. Help me see and guide my steps.” He’s saying, “This is for each of you.” That’s for each of you. 

This has been like, wow. We didn’t get to pray over you each as individuals today, but the Lord had something important he wanted to say today, which is the most important thing. And the main thing is the main thing.

So, I encourage you to follow me on Telegram @faithlanetv so we can continue this conversation. I’m gonna go back and edit my videos and, and try to condense them down into some smaller things. But I want to thank you all for being here today and being a part of this and partaking in communion with us. Take everything that you heard today to the Lord yourself, and ask for discernment, and I just …

He’s still speaking. He’s bringing me back to Corrie ten Boom again. Ten booms. Ten booms. Ten boom. So, he gave me the word Helsinki. He just does this sometimes. He just does this. He gave me the word Helsinki where things are gonna be sunk that are not of God, that are of the demonic. Then, he’s saying 10 booms. He said be like a little child. Have faith. You’re going to see great forgiveness, and he’s saying, “When I said Corrie ten Boom”—the woman that came out of the concentration camps and went and spread the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and how to forgive her captors and taught us forgiveness .. but he’s saying, again, “10 booms.” And I, I just asked him a few minutes ago, “Are these booms gonna be spiritual?” Ten booms. We know 10 biblically is the number of, of, of God bringing everything into his alignment, right. Ten, 10, 10 commandments, everything into his alignment according to his law, according to his word. So, things are coming into alignment with the 10, the 10 in the 10. Right? Things are coming into his alignment. Ten booms—he said booms back after the election. He said booms, booms, shock and awe, booms, big booms. Remember, he showed me that piece of machinery the day of the election when I went to vote, and I left the voting, on November 3rd. And he showed me that piece of machinery that stopped in front of me that wouldn’t move, and it said, it said, “Big boom.” Now, he’s saying 10 booms? These booms are all connected. Yes, Lord.

Lord, I ask you for understanding on why you’re saying 10 booms. Is this connected to what you’re doing, bringing everything into alignment, bringing everything into your alignment, bringing everything, uh, into alignment with your word and your will, that we are just to come into agreement with it?

Lord, we come into agreement with your 10 booms. We come into agreement with your word in your, and your ways of bringing everything into alignment. We may not understand it, but we come into agreement with your word, your ways, your booms. 

Okay, I ask the Holy Spirit to continue to unpack these words for us; continue to show us what’s going on. Give us eyes to see. Give us understanding. Be in sharp discernment right now. Ask for more discernment. 

We’ll continue this conversation on Telegram. Meet me over there @faithlanetv. I’m gonna go get, uh, my husband. We, we’ve got some things we need to do this afternoon, um, but I will try to, to, to, uh, continue to post on Telegram for updates, and I’ll try to continue to post on updates here and on my Facebook page. And, uh, I’ll, I’ll go in and edit these videos sometime tonight.

I want to thank you all for being here today listening to this word of the Lord, listening to the revelation of the Lord. Thank you for praying with us. Thank you for, uh, taking, uh, the, the time. And I bless you all in the name of Jesus, and remember all of heaven is cheering us on. We are the heroes of the faith now. Stand strong in the Lord in the power of his might. Be that oak of righteousness. So many people are gonna need that stability and that love and that forgiveness. They’re gonna need people that are, they, they know that are Christians that are gonna receive them with open arms the way Jesus does. We’ve gotta be that with, with love and with discernment. Okay? All right?

And I just, I’m just so grateful for God, our Father God and his goodness. I’m grateful to the Lord Jesus Christ. I’m grateful to the Holy Spirit. I’m grateful to all the angels he has on assignment and his angel armies. I just thank Father for his glorious kingdom that covers us with his protection and his glory and his divine plan because it’s brilliant, and we have to trust him, have faith. All of heaven is cheering us on, my friends, and I’m cheering you on. 

And I love you all so much, and I’ll see you Monday morning for Motivation Monday. Like I said, these prophetic things are happening at a rapid rate, accelerated rate, so please continue to join me on Telegram @faithlanetv as these things are happening, as they are all, all happening. That we can come together and discuss this and, and come into these prophetic confirmations and help each other have understanding and continue to support and love and pray over each other. Amen? I love you all so much. [Kiss] God bless you.”




Transcription of the word the Holy Spirit gave to Annamarie Strawhand, which was delivered during her broadcast of Life in the Faith Lane on May 17, 2021.

Watch video – then read transcript below….

Annamarie Strawhand: “Okay, so got something really cool to share with you all. This is so amazing. Now, y’all know I’ve been talking about this little horse—this little thoroughbred racehorse named Medina Spirit. I put out a word a couple of weeks ago right after the Kentucky Derby that the Lord was speaking to me through this horse, Medina Spirit. And right after the Kentucky Derby … 

I love horses. We have a horse, Pongo. I’ve always been, always been a girl about horses. I love the Kentucky Derby. I actually had some thoroughbred horses. I used to ride hunter jumpers back when I was a teenager. Uh, I used to help a horse rescue up here. They rescued, uh, racehorses, uh, that were retired and things like that. So, I’m really into this. And the Lord speaks to me through these racehorses. 

Now, several months ago, we had a word of the Lord. Now, if you want to go back and listen to all of my prophetic words, I have a playlist on my YouTube channel and a playlist on my Facebook page that says “Prophetic Words of Annamarie Strawhand.” It’s all in order by date.

 Well, a few months ago, we had a word from the Lord that says, “The Joy is coming.” That we shall have joy. Well, I kind of tucked that word away. I, I didn’t think anything of it. 

Well, um, Medina Spirit—the little racehorse—we know we had a word about him right after the Kentucky Derby. (See Annamarie’s 2021 Kentucky Derby Prophetic word first given about Medina Spirit here.) He was a little unknown racehorse. Just, they bought him for a thousand dollars. He got an opportunity to go to the best stable, the best trainer. He was trained, and he, uh, and he went out and be, and became a winner at the Kentucky Derby—the greatest race, the greatest horse race—and he dominated the race. And not only did he dominate the race, but it was, it was just a total upset. You know, he, he came from behind and dominated the race. 

Well, the Lord gave me a word about Medina Spirit. As soon as that horse won. The Lord said to me, “Esther, Esther.” And you know we’ve been talking about Esther. We know that it’s been prophesied that, that we will be in a time of Esther, uh, between President Trump’s two terms, and that we are to say yes to Esther, yes to Esther, yes to Esther during this time. We also had a Esther word that there will be a divine reversal with the election, okay, you know, a divine reversal with the, the election fraud, in other words. We know that President Trump won, but there’s going to be a divine reversal of exposure, right, exposure of the cheating, and the election fraud will be reversed back on those who did it. Okay? In other words, Haman will hang on his own gallows. 

So, I’m watching this horse, Medina Spirit. The Lord says to me, “Esther.” You can go back and watch the word that, that I got. And the Lord said to me, “Take the name Medina and look it up in the Hebrew Bible.” So, I took the word Medina. I looked it up in the Hebrew Bible, and it’s only in one place in the Hebrew Bible, one place in the entire Bible, even in the English translations. Esther Chapter Eight verse 17—the word Medina only shows up one time in the whole word of God. Esther, the book of Esther Chapter 8:17. 

Now, if you read Esther Chapter Eight verse 17, it’s a verse about joy. Joy. We’re talking about joy today. So, let’s just, let’s, let’s just recap real quick Esther 8:17. So the Lord said he was speaking through that little horse, Medina, and he was saying, “I’m giving you a word about Esther. That you are in a season of Esther right now, and this is what I’m speaking through this horse.” And he showed me Esther 8:17. That’s the only place that the word Medina … Medina is an ancient Hebrew word. It, it’s a word before the Arabs had it. It’s a word before the Muslims had it. It’s a word that God had first. It’s a ancient Hebrew word, so we have to go the root. 

We have to go to God’s word to confirm what he’s saying. Esther 8:17 “And in every province, and in every city whithersoever the king’s commandment and his decree came, and the Jews had joy”—there’s that word joy—”and gladness, a feast, and a good day.” Today is a great feast day. This is a double feast day, right? This is Shavuot when, when, when, uh, God gave Moses the word, the, the first books of the Bible, and this is Pentecost when the disciples of Jesus Christ received the Holy Ghost in the upper room. Oh, my goodness, what a great day this is, and today is a good day because we are speaking joy. 

This is the word of God for you. Today is a day of joy. Esther 8:17 “And in every province, and in every city whithersoever the king’s commandment and his decree came, the Jews had joy and gladness, a feast, and a good day, and many of the people of the land became Jews for the fear of the Jews fell upon them.” 

Esther 8:17 is all about the joy of the Lord coming upon his people, because why? Because God did a victory for them. God did a divine reversal that what all that the enemy meant for evil against his people were turned to good for his people, and it says in every province and in every city. 

Now, that’s where the word Medina comes in. If you look that up in the Hebrew, the word province and city, the word Medina is used. It’s a Hebrew word which means sovereign city, sovereign state, sovereign, right? It’s the people that are in charge—the people, right, under God. It’s just, it means sovereign city or sovereign state.  

My friends, what are we seeing happening? We are seeing the states in America take their sovereignty. I just saw a quote by the Florida Governor he said, “It’s time for the states to take their sovereignty back.” Israel taking her sovereignty back. The states of the United States of America and America taking her sovereignty back—of the people, by the people, one nation under God, getting out from under these, these, uh, oligarchs and these elites and the, these cabal and all of these evil, demonic, controlling, antichrist systems. We’re getting out from under it, and we’re gonna have joy and feasting and, and this is what God is talking about. 

Somebody said to me, “Well, isn’t Medina a name of a city in Arabia?” Listen, my friends, I go to God’s word when he gives me a word. I don’t go and look at Arabia. I go to his word to confirm his word, and the word Medina is a Hebrew word. Hebrew is God’s language. God had the word Medina before the Arabs, and did you know, did you know that the Hebrew Aramaic language is the base of the, the Arab language, you see? God’s language first. God’s people first. Medina was first in Esther before it was in Arabia. And do you know what the word Medina … Medina just has a meaning. It just, it means sovereign city. That’s what it means. And God’s saying it’s his sovereign people, his sovereign city, and there is joy coming. It’s a good word. It’s a happy word. It’s a word of hope and expectation from our Father God. We are in a Esther season. 

Okay, so that was the first part of the word, Medina. Then, this poor little horse, Medina, the enemy comes at him. Enemy comes at him and starts accusing him. So what happens when the joy of the Lord is, is starting to go forth, right? The, the, the, the, the people are, are starting to, to get joy, right. The people are starting to get in the flow of the joy, right. Here comes the accuser, the accuser. Who did Jesus say the accuser was in the book of Revelation? The devil, the devil. Jesus says the accuser stands in the courts of heaven night and day, day and night trying to accuse the brethren, the people of God. 

Esther had to go boldly to the courts, to the court of the king with her petition, right. What are we doing right now? We’re going boldly to the throne of grace with our petition to God, right, for our nation praying for Israel, right. And who’s always … Haman, Haman, the devil, evil, right, he’s always trying to accuse. [sound effect], right. 

So, what happens? The accuser jumps in there, and tries to accuse this horse, Medina Spirit, that’s trying to bring a good message from the Lord, that’s trying to bring a Esther word to the people of joy is coming, uh, happiness is coming. All right. The only time the word Medina shows up in the Bible is Esther when there was joy and, and, and celebration, and here comes the accuser trying to accuse that little horse of being on steroids. 

And I, what did I say to you? Some of you … I had people telling me to retract my word. “You need to retract your word. You need…” I’m like, “NO! God told me that that horse, Medina Spirit, is a Esther 8:17 word, and it’s a good word, and it’s a happy word, and it’s a word of hope. And God is speaking hope to us, and I will not retract that word. I stand on what God says. Now, keep watching this horse. God is speaking. There’s more. God is speaking from this horse.”

 So, I stood my ground. I stood my ground, and I did not retract that word. I said, “God you said Esther 8:17, and I am not budging.” So, they find out that the horse really didn’t have steroids; that it was some antifungal cream that they put on the horse that mimicked the steroids. 

Now, we have horses. I know all about horses, and if they spend any time out in the pasture or they get any rain on them or they get sweaty, uh, and they’re not rinsed off really good and cleaned up really good, sometimes this little fungal stuff will get on their hind, like on their, over their rump, you know, and it gets real itchy. So, sometimes you have to put this cream on there. Now, our horse, Pongo, he’s never gotten it. He’s never gotten it, so that’s good. Uh, they call it sweet itch. They call it sweet itch on horses, and, so you have to put a little bit of a antifungal cream on it to heal it up. So, they were doing that. I mean, the horse was gonna run in the Kentucky Derby. He had to look his best. You don’t want him to have a rash on his butt; you know he’s running the Kentucky Derby. So, they found out that the horse really didn’t have any illegal drugs in him—Medina Spirit. See? It was just from this cream they put on his butt, so they allowed him to run the Preakness. 

And I’ll tell you what; y’all watch the Preakness. This Medina Spirit, he ran his little heart out. He ran his little heart out. He led that whole race. He led that whole race, and he was going. Boy, I’ll tell you what, and I [inaudible]. I was cheering for Medina Spirit. 

Well, come to find out, these two other horses came up beside him, right, and they were running, and they just nudged ahead for the first, second, and third finish. So, it, it, it, it came like this—first place, um, uh, so, okay, so let me go back. Uh, let me get the exact finish, okay? So, y’all ready? Okay. All right, so here we go. Okay, so they finished like this: Rombauer (R O M B A U E R) won the race, so Rombauer was first. And second was, uh, Mid, his name was, uh, Midnight Bourbon, and third was Medina Spirit. Okay? 

So, I said, “Okay, Lord, I’m, I’m putting this before you, and I ask you to show me what you’re still speaking through this little horse, Medina Spirit, and through this Preakness, uh, race.” Because I knew the Lord was still speaking, so I waited. I, I just gave it to the Lord. I asked him to speak to me. 

Well, someone who follows me on YouTube messages me. And I did a screenshot, and I shared it with you. Uh, Cory Keplinger messages me and says, “Annamarie, this is no joke. I just got done watching the, the Preakness Stakes. Medina Spirit finished third, but the official order of the finish was six, six, five, three. I felt led by the Holy Spirit to look in my Bible on page 653, and I kid you not, the very la, last verse on that page is Esther 8:17.”

Come on, God!! You see, when the Holy Spirit starts to flow in a ministry, when the Holy Spirit starts to flow, when the word of the Lord has gone out in faith, right, watch what the Holy Spirit does. He starts to bring people in alignment with the word. He starts to speak, right, to, to all of you to bring his confirmation. 

He is giving us hope, my friends. He is showing us joy is coming. So, when Cory Keplinger said that to me, looked in the BIBLE and on page 653, that [inaudible], so, again, the word of God is confirmed. 

See, this is how you know it’s a true prophetic word. Is there a witness to it? Two or more witnesses to it, right, come forth, and it confirms in the word of God. It confirms in the word of God. So, again, God confirmed it in his word again—Esther 8:17. We are in a Esther season. Get ready. The joy of the Lord is coming. Celebration is coming. God is making good on his promises to us. He has heard our bold prayers. The accuser will not prevail. Come on!! And God confirmed his word in Esther 8:17. Come on! 

So, the Lord says to me, Holy Spirit says to me again, “I want you to take those numbers—six, five, three—and add them together in Hebrew gematria. 

Now, listen. Hebrew gematria is not numerology. Numerology is of the enemy. Hebrew gematria is of the Lord. Our God is a mathematical God. The Hebrew alphabet is a alpha-numeric alphabet. The letters mean numbers. And this is not anything that is evil. It is how God speaks to us. The Holy Spirit speaks to us through numbers very powerfully. 

So, the Lord says to me, “Add up the numbers 6+5+3.” So, I add up the numbers six, five, three. They come up to the number 14. Listen to me; this is amazing. Biblically, the number 14 represents generational promises of God and the genealogy of Jesus Christ. It always has to point to Jesus. That’s when you know a prophetic word is true. Ultimately, it points to Jesus Christ because everything in the Bible points to Jesus Christ. The spirit of prophecy is Jesus Christ, my friends. Love you, Lord. 

So, Hebrew gematria—6+5+3=14. That’s how the finish was. Biblically, the number 14 represents the generational promises of God and the genealogy of Jesus Christ. Let’s go to Matthew 1:17 … and Jacob, father of Joe, of Joseph, the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus who was called Christ. Okay, here we go, Matthew 1:17 “In all then were 14 generations from Abraham to David. Fourteen generations from David to the exile of Babylon and 14 from the exile to Christ.” 

This is how the word of Jesus Christ came about. I love the book of Matthew because he’s so meticulous with the genealogy and the numbers, and 14 … I told you God said to me, “Watch this horse, Medina Spirit. I’m gonna be speaking through everything he does.” Keep watching him. He told me not to retract my word, to keep watching. 

So first God is speaking to us about Esther. Esther going to the throne of grace and the king’s favor coming upon Esther is a picture of us with Jesus Christ. Again, Medina Spirit finishes third. On the third day, redemption. Medina Spirit got to race again in the Pre, Preakness, and guess what? All the accusations were taken away from Medina Spirit just like they’re taken away from us. Come on. This is a word of joy and promise, and what is God’s greatest promise? Jesus Christ, again, and 14 is generational promises. 

What did I tell you about President Trump’s lineage? President Trump is of the tribe of Judah. I, we, I, I’ve showed you all the proof for that. I’ve showed you the research. And God said the scepter shall never depart from Judah, from the bloodline of Judah. 

This is the time we are in, my friends, great and glorious times. All of God’s generational promises are coming forth for his people. He has not forgotten us. We are having a time of great, great celebration. Get ready. 

Okay, so, guess what? I decide, “Lord, is there more to this word?” I said, “Talk to me more, Holy Spirit. Speak to me more. Speak to me more, Holy Spirit.” Okay, you see, you, you, you know not because you ask not. It is the glory of kings … the Bible says it is the glory of kings to search out a matter, and we are all kings and priests. And I, I am to speak these things out to give you the message from the Lord, and the message is all about joy, celebration. Blessings are coming. God’s generational promises are coming forth for us. This is a message of hope from our Father God. Will he speak through a horse, a racehorse? Absolutely. Absolutely. God can speak through anything. We just have to be awake. 

All right, so listen to this. This is so good. This is so good. There’s more. Wait, there’s more! Wait, there’s more! This is so good. Y’all are gonna be like jumping up and down with joy. Okay, so we know we’ve got Medina, means sovereign city and state—Israel taking back her sovereignty, not allowing the evil Hamas, Haman, Hamas, Haman, come on. Israel shall prevail. There shall be joy and celebration. America, the people, those in the cities in the states that are taking back our freedom, our constitutional rights, we shall prevail and have joy. God is making good on all his generational promises to us—the number 14. 

Okay, so I got all that from the Lord. Wait, there’s more! So, I said, “Lord, what about the two horses that finished in front of Medina Spirit in the Preakness?” And the Lord said to me, “Look up the meaning, look up the meaning of the name Rombauer, and study about the horse, Rombauer.” So, I look up the meaning of the name, Rombauer. The name Rombauer—the horse that won the Preakness—the name means gratitude in great joy. You can’t make this stuff up. The name Rombauer, the word Rombauer means gratitude in great joy. It means joyful gratitude. The horse that won the Preakness, that’s what his name means—joyful gratitude. 

Then I study about the horse. The horse that won the Preakness is from California. The family that owns this horse, Rombauer, whose name means joyful gratitude, own a winery, okay, Rombauer Wineries in California. It was one of the only wineries in California that survived the Glass Fire. Remember the fire that was in California? It was called the Glass Fire, and it burned up about everything. But Rombauer, Rombauer Wineries survived that fire. The vine, the winery, right, the wine … hang on; it gets better. It gets better. 

The people that own this horse, Rombauer, whose name means joyful gratitude, own a winery that survived the fires, oh wow, and their most famous wine that they’re famous for, the wine is named, Joy. I told you I had a word of joy for y’all! These people that own this winery, that own this horse that won the Preakness in California, Rombauer, okay, they have a wine named Joy. The horse’s name, their last name, means joyful gratitude. We had a Esther word from the Kentucky Derby through Medina. The word Medina only shows up once in the Bible in Esther 8:17. That’s all about joy and celebration. You think God is trying to speak to us about joy? 

Okay, wait, it gets better. It gets better. It gets better. Y’all aren’t gonna believe, no, you’re gonna [inaudible]. This is God. Okay, this is God. So, this horse’s name, his horse, the horse named Rombauer means joyful gratitude. He’s from a vineyard and a family whose name means joy and joyful gra, gratitude. It’s the only vineyard that survived the Glass Fires in California, and guess who this family … and the, their most famous wine is named Joy. Their wine, joy, wine, the wine, Jesus, the fruit of the vine. What is, right, the fruit of the Holy Spirit—love, joy, peace. Come on. Come on. This is so amazing. I told you God told me to keep watching this horse and not retract my word because he had more for us. I, I feel the excitement of the Holy Spirit right now. 

There’s more. This family, Rombauer family, California, you know who their mother was, their mama? Their mom wrote the most famous cookbook in American History. I know all your grandmothers had this cookbook—The Joy of Cooking. Irma Rombauer wrote The Joy of Cooking back, I think, in the 1950s and the 1960s. I’m telling you, this wa, this cookbook was in every single American kitchen. Many of you, your grandmothers may have had The Joy of Cooking. I know my grandmother had this, this cookbook. I know she made a lot of recipes out of this cookbook. So, this little horse, his grandmother was Irma Rombauer, who wrote The Joy of Cooking. And what, what are the main recipes that are in this cookbook? American comfort food. American comfort food. Comfort, joy, comfort, celebration, feasting, food, wine. The wom, the, the grandmother, the mom of the people that own Rombauer—the horse that won the Preakness, whose name means joyful gratitude—is the woman that wrote the most famous and well-loved American cookbook of all time that is pretty much in everybody’s, was in everybody’s kitchen in the 1950s and sixties and seventies. How many of you [inaudible] remember your grandma or your mom having this cookbook—Irma S. Rombauer, The Joy of Cooking?

What does our Esther 8:17 word say? Joy, feasting, and celebration. My friends, get ready for joy, feasting, celebration, good old American comfort food. We’re coming back. America’s coming … God hasn’t forgotten us. God hasn’t forgotten us. He hasn’t forgotten the prayers of our grandmothers and our mothers and our grandfathers. He hasn’t forgotten us. He is speaking hope through this horse, and Jesus Christ is the vine, and we will once again be sitting around the kitchen table celebrating in our freedom. 

My friends, listen to me. Our Father God loves us. He’s heard our prayers. We’ve come boldly to the throne of grace with our petitions, petitions, and he’s reached his sceper, scepter out to us, and the evil ones are hanging on their own gallows. The evil ones, the pit that they have dug for the American people, they are falling into themselves. Medina Spirit, God is talking to us and telling us, “Stay faithful. Esther is here. Joy is here. I am raising up the Medina Spirit in the people again—the sovereign cities, the sovereign states of freedom for the people to take their freedom again and get out from under the, the federal government.” 

And President Trump has been trying to wake us up. He’s been trying to get us to think for ourselves. He’s been putting the attention on things. When President Trump puts out a very loud, you know, b, boisterous tweet, it’s because he wants to get our attention on something. He’s saying, “Think for yourselves. Look! Pay attention.” So is God, he’s trying to tell us, “Look! Pay attention. I’m talking to you.” 

And let me tell you something. I just told you about the man of truth, and God is confirming his word with this wine and the joy and Esther 8:17 and Medina Spirit and Rombauer, that, th, th, that all the things that God loves about America—families, comfort food, gathering around the table, and beautiful California being restored, her vineyards being restored, and what did … Talk about a message of hope. What did General Michael Flynn say in that interview several weeks ago? When the interviewer said to him, “Well, I bought a bottle of wine to celebrate trunks, Trump’s victory. Should I give that wine away?” And General Michael Flynn said, “No, do not give that wine away. Hang onto it. You’re gonna need it for a celebration.” 

How many of you have hung onto that word? I’m telling you, my friends, God is speaking. He’s telling us to have hope. He’s telling us to keep our eyes on his promises. He’s telling us that joy is here. He’s telling us that the people of God shall have victory, and we shall have joy and feasting and all the things that we love about America and the prayers of our mothers and grandmothers and the generational blessings. God hasn’t forgotten it. 

I’m so overcome with the goodness of our Father God and how much he loves us. He saves the best wine for last. All about the wine—Jesus Christ, the fruit of the wine, joyful gratitude, generational promises. This nation of America was found, founded to bring the gospel to all the world, to be of the great awakening and the great harvest of souls for Jesus Christ. We haven’t even received our harvest yet. When President Trump says the best is yet to come, he means it, and now God is confirming that with us with this word of joy and wine and celebration and that the prayers of our mothers and all the work of our mothers and all of the work of our fathers and of the generations before us, it’s all coming to fruition. And we shall have our celebrations again and our comfort food, and we are being, gonna be, and we are out, we are out from under; we are free from the oligarchs and the cabal and all those evil, disgusting, nasty, antichrist systems. This is a word of joy and hope from God. 

That’s why God told me to keep watching that horse, Medina. Now, you say to me, “Annamarie, what about the horse that finished second, Midnight?” Well, there was a time, excuse me, there was a time from, uh, the cross to the resurrection, that was a time in the tomb, in the night, right? There was a time where we had a midnight hour. The second-place horse name was Midnight—Midnight Bourbon. What is bourbon? Bourbon comes from wheat or corn, and it’s fermented in oak barrels, and it’s, it’s, it’s known for its perfect aging. So, we’ve got Midnight, and we’ve got the perfect timing, the perfect aging of this. We’ve been a ti, in a time of some darkness. We’ve been in a time of not knowing. We’ve been in a time of waiting, right, for this perfect coming of age. But, my friends, it’s here, and I believe it’s gonna be, there’s gonna be some suddenlies, some suddenlies that are gonna happen in the midnight hour.”

#annamariestrawhand #propheticwords #americaprophecy #medinaspirit #rombauer #2021preakness