Tag: 21DayHolySpiritClarityFast

How To Please God When You Fast

How To Please God When You Fast


Did you know there are Fasts that are pleasing to God and Fasts that are dis-pleasing to God?
  • Purifying and Giving Fasts are pleasing to God!
  • Selfish and Gloomy Fasts are dis-pleasing to God!

Together we are doing a Purifying and Giving Fast that pleases God, according to His word in Isaiah 58:5-8

In order to please God during your  21 Day Fast according to Isaiah 58:8-8 we must not be visibly miserable, gloomy, grouchy, complaining or acting like ‘poor me, feel sorry for me I am fasting’! Jesus even blasted the Pharisees for acting that way when they fasted! Instead we are to be doing our best to love others and be giving even more than usual during this time. One very powerful part of this Fast is choose some charitable work you can do for the poor and needy, give in love and give BIG, go and pray for people randomly at the park or even take time to help that neighbor.
Your acts of Love and Giving are actually one of the most important part of your Fasting time to please God and have Him hear your prayers and move powerfully on your behalf for your own needs and breakthroughs. This can actually expedite your deliverance from strongholds!

The word says in Isaiah 58:5-8 “Is such the fast that I choose, a day for a person to humble himself? Is it to bow down his head like a reed, and to spread sackcloth and ashes under him? Will you call this a fast, and a day acceptable to the Lord? “Is not this the fast that I choose: to loose the bonds of wickedness, to undo the straps of the yoke, to let the oppressed go free, and to break every yoke? Is it not to share your bread with the hungry and bring the homeless poor into your house; when you see the naked, to cover him, and not to hide yourself from your own flesh? Then shall your light break forth like the dawn, and your healing shall spring up speedily; your righteousness shall go before you; the glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard.”

Wow! God is speaking through His prophet Isaiah exactly how HE will bless a person who is fasting! This comes with being kind, loving, charitable, cheerful and giving during your fast – and not to walk around all gloomy and obvious that you are “fasting”. Really it’s about you allowing GOD to work through you even more to show who HE is when you Fast – less of “you” and more of HIM.

This means Jesus was teaching the same thing in Matthew 6:16 (NLT) “And when you fast, don’t make it obvious, as the hypocrites do, for they try to look miserable and disheveled so people will admire them for their fasting. I tell you the truth, that is the only reward they will ever get. But when you fast, anoint your head and wash your face,…”

I realize your body might be struggling a bit through this (the flesh) you might even feel yucky the first week and not have the energy to do much, however this is really when you call upon the Holy Spirit to come and take over where you are lacking – and be the hands and feet of Christ like you never have before. The cleansing that happens in you is your pride and fleshly ways being removed – and so much so that people will not even realize you are fasting – instead they will see more of Jesus filling you up and pouring forth from you – and God will reward you BIG for that! The word of God says we are to be transformed more into the image of Christ and we will go to another level of Glory in our lives and spiritual maturity. This pleases the Father greatly when we do this because when He looks upon us He sees more of His Son in us! This is when we see incredible miracles in our lives and in our homes, families and even those we pray for!

  • 2 Corinthians 3:18 But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.
  • Philippians 3:21  Who will transform our lowly body that it may be conformed to His glorious body, according to the working by which He is able even to subdue all things to Himself.
  • 2 Corinthians 5:17  Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.
  • Philippians 2:13  For it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure.

Is it time for you to Fast and grow into that next level of Glory?   This is a beautiful graduation program for YOU straight from the heart of Your FATHER God!
Search this hashtag #21DayHolySpiritClarityFast on our social media for updates and support!
Much Love,
Coach Annamarie
21 Day Holy Spirit Clarity Fast – Hearing God Clearly – Eating Plan and Prayer Strategies

21 Day Holy Spirit Clarity Fast – Hearing God Clearly – Eating Plan and Prayer Strategies

21 Day Holy Spirit Clarity Fast – Hearing God Clearly –

Eating Plan and Prayer Strategies

Hello my friend!  You are here because you are ready to get serious about your relationship with God and you have a desire to hear His voice and the guiding instruction of the Holy Spirit with greater clarity!

Get the spiral bound printed book and downloadable E-book Here! Complete with foods, shopping list, prayers, journaling strategy, recipes and a bonus printable encouraging postables for your fridge and cabinets!!

Scroll down for the info on the Fast:

Luke 12:48 From everyone to whom much has been given, much will be required; and to whom they entrusted much, of him they will ask all the more. 

I start with this word from the Gospel of  Luke for you all and myself, to remind us that if we are to receive greatly from Father God, we must have the understanding that we are to steward these gifts well and responsibly. We must also understand the greater the gifting (spiritual) especially to hear God prophetically and clearly comes with requirements of faith and obedience.  Setting yourself apart for God.  The prophetic act of faith of fasting is one of the most powerful and meaningful showing of love, faith, obedience, trust and stewardship to your loving Father God, the giver of all good gifts. 

I am so excited to share this 21 Day Fast with you and I pray that you receive breakthrough in many areas of your life! I have done this fast with my students and those who follow my ministry with wonderful results!

I have learned that Fasting is a prophetic act of faith.  What you do in obedience to the Lord, you can expect in faith supernatural breakthroughs for your obedience!  What you do in secret, God rewards openly!

Search my hashtag  #21DayHolySpiritClarityFast  to find my updates on social media!

I have recipes, encouragement and a WORD from the Holy Spirit for you for your Fast!


Search this hashtag for more on my socials  #21DayHolySpiritClarityFast



Many of you who have joined me on my 21 Day Holy Spirit Fast may be needing some recipe ideas so I wanted to share what I am eating on this Fast.  These recipes include ingredients that are all allowed on my food list for the fast. I want you to know, that after much prayer about asking God to hear him clearer and getting acceleration with aligning with the Holy Spirit – this is a specific fast that was given to me through the Holy Spirit and I give God all the Glory.

On the first few days of the Fast, you may experience some low energy, brain fog and even a headache – that’s because your body is detoxing.  Keep drinking plenty of water and push through because there is a new energy coming to you, a spiritual energy as you begin to seek God for deeper things.  One thing I keep saying out loud over and over while on the fast is: “God, I love you more than I love food!”  It might be simple but it really helps strengthen me and reminds me WHY I am doing it.

God is moved by our faith and doing a Fast shows great faith!  (read my blog about the kind of faith Jesus marveled at here)

Because we are sacrificing certain foods and entertainment to seek Him deeper – we are telling God: “I want You more God”  He honors your faith and actions by expediting His promises to you – If we hunger and thirst for Him – He will fill us quickly when we act out of obedience, surrender and belief in His power.

Remember this Fast is not just about food and prayer – it’s about growing spiritually and desiring to hear the voice of God clearer – so don’t forget to write down what God is showing You – these are your answers and strategies he has for you!

During this fast the Holy Spirit gave me a powerful prophetic word in my spirit – this is for all of you too!


FAITH MOVES GOD!  Receive this word my friends! This brings ACCELERATION of your goals and what you are believing for in faith!

For those of  you doing this fast with me – send me a message on how you are doing and what God is showing you!


All of Heaven is Cheering You On and I Am Too!!  Let’s finish this race strong! Our Victory is in Jesus Christ!! whooo hooo!!




You can also visit my website for many prayers and decrees written for you for almost any need. www.annamariestrawhand.com


Try to refrain from any non-Christian entertainment or media at this time (movies, music, videos, news etc)  This is considered something you consume in your spirit so make sure what you are “taking in” is good.  I have a list of Biblical movies and videos below.  Also tips and strategies for your fasting time. 


Did you know there are Fasts that are pleasing to God and Fasts that are dis-pleasing to God?

Purifying and Giving Fasts are pleasing to God!

Selfish and Gloomy Fasts are dis-pleasing to God!

Together we are doing a Purifying and Giving Fast that pleases God, according to His word in Isaiah 58:5-8



NOTE: If you have never fasted before and you are on meds or have a specific dietary need, please consult your physician before starting any fast (we recommend Functional Medicine).  There is no sugar, gluten, or dairy allowed on this fast. According to Dr. Daniel Pompa, the root cause of dietary medical conditions, such as diabetes, is toxins in the body. Healing at a cellular level by fasting and detoxing can naturally reverse diabetes. 

With THIS FAST you can eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner with the allowed foods listed below. If you want to take a day with no food, just water, that is per your own guidance by the Holy Spirit.

You can stay on vitamins and supplements during this fast. I have supplement suggestions on my Detoxing Page.

Also, be aware that when you start your fast, your body will naturally detox. You may also want to review the tips on my Detoxing Page that will help you deal with any detoxing that may happen in the first few days.

If you feel woozy with low blood sugar you can have a drop of pure maple syrup, organic agave syrup or pure honey to help.  You are detoxing sugar so do your best to power through without it.


Foods To Eat  (approved food list) 

Check out my shopping list on VitaCost.com for my Detox Supplements and Organic Foods for this Fast:

Annamarie’s Detox Supplements and Fasting Foods List on VitaCost.com

Eggs – Scrambled, Poached, Hard boiled

Green Leafy Vegetables and Herbs

Olives – Green or Black

Mushrooms, Avocados

Zucchini, Sweet Potatoes, Yams, Pumpkin, Squash, Cauliflower, Broccoli, Asparagus

Beets, Carrots, Celery, Cabbage, Cucumbers, Artichokes, Turnips

Spinach, Lettuce, Collards,

Fresh Garlic/Onions, Fresh Ginger

Spring Onions, Chives (I love to sprinkle these in my warm bone broth)

Turkey, Chicken or Fish with Fins, Salmon, Flounder (no breading, no beef, no pork, no lamb)

Turkey or Chicken Hot Dogs  / Turkey or Chicken Sausage

Green or Herbal Teas, Moringa Tea, Tumeric Tea (unsweet tea if you are out and all you have – easy on these have some caffeine)

Warm Bone Broth for sipping (chicken/turkey) 

Cauliflower “Rice” (not grain rice, rice made from cauliflower)

Water – Lemon, Lime or Fresh Mint – Mineral Water or Water with Electrolytes such as Smart Water 

Chicken, Vegetable or Turkey Broth 

Kosher Salt/ Sea Salt / Fresh Ground Pepper

Kosher Pickles (dill or garlic)

White Vinegar/Lemon Juice

Olive Oil and Vinegar

Avocado Oil

Coconut Oil

Coconut Cream / Coconut Water / Coconut Milk (organic – unsweetened)

Palm Oil (NOT palm kernel oil –   Spectrum Organic All Vegetable Shortening is made with palm oil and is a good one)

Mayonnaise (olive oil or avocado based is best)

Plain yellow mustard

Avocado Dip (see recipe)

Baked Sweet Potato (see recipe)

Spinach and Eggs (see recipe)

Dried Carrot Chips (or beet chips / sweet potato chips / cassava chips)

Cauliflower Pretzels

Cassava Noodles


See recipes using the approved foods here

You can also choose to do a fast with no meat or eggs, just veggies. 

If you are out and have to eat at a restaurant, do your best to order foods as closely as you can to this list.  Lift everything up to God, dedicate it to HIM, apply the Blood of Jesus and ask for GRACE.

Refrain from eating/drinking the following: (DO NOT EAT) 

No Fruit/Nuts/Seeds – Fresh or Dried (the fruit produced should be the FRUIT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT) 

No Vegetable Oil (Canola oil (aka rapeseed oil, corn oil, cottonseed, grapeseed oil, soybean oil, sunflower oil, safflower oil, rice bran oil, palm kernel oil, peanut oil)

No Soy Products

No Dairy Products

No Pork

No Beef

No Grains, Wheat, Rice, Corn, Barley or Oats

No breads, cookies or baked goods

No Cereal or Oatmeal

No Shellfish – (NO shrimp, no clams, no oysters or mussels, no crabmeat)

No Beans (no hummus or tofu these are made from beans)

No Nightshade Vegetables (NO tomatoes, peppers, white/red potatoes or eggplant NO spices made with peppers – no paprika, no hot sauce, etc)

No Sweetened Condiments (ketchup/bbq sauce – has a lot of sugar)

No Sugar, honey or syrup

NO sweeteners 

No Coffee

No soda

No alcohol or wine

NOTE: If you purchase prepared foods in a box, package, jar, or frozen, READ THE LABEL to avoid ALL seed oils! Most processed and prepackaged foods contain them.

(grape juice and cracker allowed for communion time – we take communion together on Friday’s broadcast)

Try to refrain from any non-Christian entertainment or media at this time (movies, music, videos, news, etc.)  This is considered something you consume in your spirit so make sure what you are “taking in” is good.  I have a list of Biblical movies and videos below.


Here are some recipe ideas for your Fast:


Easy Spinach and Eggs:

2 Tablespoons Extra Virgin Olive OIl

Small Chopped Onion

2 chopped garlic cloves

2-3 Handfuls of Fresh Spinach Leaves 

(fresh sliced mushrooms are yummy too or asparagus)

1 Large Egg

On stovetop, coat a skillet with 1 tbsp of Olive Oil, bring to med heat, add chopped onion and garlic, saute’ until transparent.  Add handful of fresh spinach and stir in, cover until fully wilted. Crack one egg over top and mix in until cooked. Serve hot plate with a sprinkle of sea salt and cracked pepper – then add the other Tbsp of olive oil to drizzle on top!


Avocado Dip/Spread

2 ripe avocados (mashed)

1/2 cup finely chopped onion

1 clove finely chopped garlic or (pressed through presser is ideal)

sea salt and fresh ground black pepper to taste

Tbsp extra virgin olive oil

Tbsp white vinegar or lime juice


Put all into a bowl mix with mashed avocados and stir until smooth, dip with carrots/celery or carrot chips.  Spread on thin slice of turkey and roll up or make a lettuce wrap with the turkey and spread.


Baked Sweet Potato

1 large sweet potato, washed, skin on

Make a slit in the top for steam

Bake on a baking pan or pie plate @350 degrees in center of oven until juices bubbling out and potato is soft, remove from oven and place on plate

Slice potato open and pinch back skin and mash up center with fork

Add one tablespoon of extra virgin coconut oil to melt on mashed up potato

Sprinkle a dash of pumpkin pie spice, serve and eat warm 

Click here for more recipes.


1.) CHICKEN BONE BROTH – This was huge for me during the first time I did this Fast.  I was able to change it up with adding some sauteed veggies to the broth (those allowed on my fast such as celery, carrots and onions, spinach and garlic) Its warm, comforting and filling.  I drink the plain warm bone broth (chicken or turkey) in the mornings instead of coffee.

2.) BAKED SWEET POTATO – These give a bit of sweet to your lunch or before bedtime – that really helped me get through the “no sugar” on this fast – Recipe on my Fasting Page

3.) SOAKING – If I started to feel irritable or tempted to go off the Fast, I would put on the “soaking” recordings of Graham Cooke or Katie Souza – they would get me in the spirit and fill me with the Love of God and get me through my emotions and past those feelings. Lay down and close your eyes and listen.  (I have these links on the Fasting Page)

4.) WEANING OFF THE COFFEE/SUGAR – A few days BEFORE starting the Fast I drank less coffee and used less sugar to start the weaning process so my body did not go into shock when I had to completely refrain from it when the Fast started.

5.) REWARD FOCUS – Looking forward to the “Spiritual” rewards coming from finishing the FAST and not the “Food” rewards. For example don’t say: “oh I can’t wait for that first cup of coffee again” etc.   INSTEAD say: “I am so excited for my breakthroughs coming with the Holy Spirit”



Prayer Strategies IN ORDER:

DAILY:  Get Suited Up each Morning with my Suit UP Prayers – This is very important to keep you strong in the spirit to FULLY LAST IN THIS FAST this 21 days!


FOCUSED REPENTANCE/SOUL CLEANSING –  Face Down On Floor Surrender Yourself and Those you are interceding for to completely to GOD (2 Samuel 12:16)  (if you cannot lay on the floor, then kneel) 

FORGIVENESS AND LOOSE ALL BITTERNESS – Forgive Everyone including yourself. Repent for any Sin, Bitterness or Unforgiveness that you have been holding. Release and Loose all Bitterness and Unforgiveness from your Soul – Purge it all out and on to the Cross – If you can’t remember who to forgive, then just ask Jesus to take it off you and on to the cross and cover all your sins in His blood.  (unforgiveness and bitterness being held in your soul is one of the biggest blocks to breakthrough and keeps you from hearing God) DO MY SOUL CLEANSING PRAYER/DECREE HERE: SOUL CLEANSING PRAYER 

Other Prayers to Focus on:

Decrees For A New Clean Heart – Healed Heart To Know God
Healing Prayer For Yourself and Loved Ones
Prayers For Mouth Issues and Other Gates of Your Body
Prayer To Be Delivered And Healed From Rejection
Soul Cleansing And Soul Healing Prayer


Book Suggestion:  Soul Decrees By Katie Souza



Stand Before the Court of Heaven – Go Before the THRONE of The Father – Petition Your Needs/Requests – Ask Jesus/Holy Spirit for help, get your bloodlines cleansed, remove the legal rights of the enemy!  –  I have a printable guide on how to go before the courts of heaven. DOWNLOAD AND PRINT MY FREE GUIDE: HOW TO APPEAR IN THE COURT OF HEAVEN BY FAITH AND VICTORY COACH ANNAMARIE STRAWHAND

Book Suggestion:

From The Courtroom of Heaven To the Throne Of Grace and Mercy By Jeanette Strauss

From The Courtroom Of Heaven – To The Throne of Grace and Mercy- Prayers & Petitions Companion Book. Spiral-bound (written for you courtroom prayers)


3.) Third Week: (Days 13-21)  DECREE – ENGAGE – WATCH – LISTEN –  RECEIVE 

This is the time to really have conversations with the Holy Spirit and also confirming what you are believing God for by faith. Open your day decreeing the promises of God over your life. If it’s healing, decree healing scriptures, if it’s financial, decree financial scriptures, if you are praying a prodigal home, use my Prodigal Prayers here.  Then ask the Holy Spirit to start showing you signs.  He may show you numbers, scripture, pictures, ask Him questions and ask for heavenly downloads. Engage in conversation and be awake and open and aware to what He shows you. Write it down, take pictures on your phone if you see something He points out to you.  Receive this as a sign of God’s faithfulness that your breakthrough is happening!  


Search this website here for a list of  Prayers and Decrees based on your need. 

God watches over his word to perform it! You speak it… He accelerates it! (Job 22:28) (Jer 1:11-12)


“Today I decree over my divine purpose as written for me in heaven by God.   I agree with what you say Father over my life! I believe Jesus Christ is the author and finisher of my faith.  I believe Jesus Christ designed my life as His plan and blueprint for my kingdom assignment and gifts to be a blessing to the world and I ask that my divine blueprint is activated right now and fulfilled by the authority of Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit.  I ask the Lord to set up divine connections, interactions, events, appointments and God-encounters. I will be ready and able to interact with people of influence to help set me up for success. I declare open doors of blessings and new opportunities into the next levels God has for me. I speak financial increase and unexpected provision over my life.  I declare promotions and awards for a job well done. I ask for Divine favor from God the Father when I come in and when I go out. I request to receive downloads of fresh ideas from the Holy Spirit that create acceleration and advancement. I say that I will not be ignored, declined, delayed, passed over or left out in Jesus’ Name! Because I am the head and not the tail, above only and not below. Today I declare I am gainfully and steadily achieving my goals and that success, favor and blessing shall be my portion!  I decree and declare this all in Jesus (Yeshua’s) Name! AMEN!! Whooo hooo!







Journaling (notebook needed to write down dreams / visions) getting clear with God – write down each date through the 21 days – write about what you ate, prayed, dreamed, what words in the Bible God is showing you, etc.  Journaling is crucial to this time for your communication with the Holy Spirit AND GETTING CLEAR INSTRUCTION AND ANSWERS. 

Journal startup idea:  Write a letter to God in your journal reflecting on all the times He was there in your life when you REALLY knew it was HIM that stepped in, saved your life, got you out of a mess, moved you somewhere new, changed your direction when you were on the wrong path, sent a blessing out of nowhere etc. Go all the way back to your childhood. 


Nightly Praise Worship  — Communion – Invite Jesus and Holy Spirit to your table:

>> grape juice and cracker for daily communion<< (I use Kedem Grape Juice from Israel and Yehuda Matzo Crackers) We will be taking group communion on my Friday broadcasts.  HERE IS MY TEACHING ON HOW TO TAKE COMMUNION AT HOME

Anointing oils before bed, bless the oil in the name of Jesus decree it is the Holy Anointing of the Holy Spirit and consecrate to God, and anoint forehead, back of neck (anointing breaks all yokes of bondage) and also your feet. Decree: “I am anointed by The Holy Spirit from the top of my head to the soles of my feet – spirit soul and body I surrender to your power and glory Holy Spirit in Jesus name!”  Have journal next to bed and pray for the Holy Spirit to come in your dreams and download messages and strategies for your life – prepare to write down your dreams. This is my step by step teaching on how to pray and apply anointing oil. 

You can get some basics on interpreting your dreams here for guidance on what the Holy Spirit may be revealing in your dreams and how to pray and ask for a dream from the Holy Spirit as well.

(NOTE: Fasting causes your body and cells to detox from impurities as well as detox by releasing painful or traumatic memories or emotions that have been stored for years. You may have strange dreams and old memories coming to the surface.  This is a GOOD thing.  If the dream is strange or upsetting do not fear, be happy you have brought these out so they can be canceled off you by saying my DREAM CANCELING PRAYER here.)

TAKE SHABBAT – Friday Sundown to Saturday Sundown — No Work (Rest in the Lord – Focus on Relationship, Thanksgiving and Praise and talking openly with Him. Ask the questions – why, show me Lord. – Let Him lead you to the answers in His word.) I love to turn on praise and worship music from Joshua Aaron and just sing and praise God during Shabbat.

Bible Reading Throughout The 21 Days: ( Or Your choice – where God Leads You)

  • Samuel (Obedience)
  • Joshua (Journey To Promise) (See my full video teaching on the Book of Joshua on my YouTube Channel)
  • Psalms Songs of David (Relationship)
  • Proverbs  31  (God’s Good Plan For You and Your Household)
  • Book of Esther (Faith-Purpose)
  • Book of Daniel (Faith-Prayer Life)
  • Hebrews (Faith – Victory Mindset)
  • Romans (Who You Are In Christ)


Biblical Videos/Movies and Channels to View/Listen during Fast:

Zola Levitt Presents:


Treasured Inheritance Ministry – Teachings of Heroes of Faith

Heroine Hallway-Playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLW7i3FIFcWgeM6-wAgrg0I2MEL34eJSMG

Proverbs 31 Teaching: 



Becoming a Superhero Like David | Johnny Enlow


Music/Soaking: (Christian Source)


Proverbs 4:25-27 “Let your eyes look straight ahead; fix your gaze directly before you. Give careful thought to the paths for your feet and be steadfast in all your ways.  Do not turn to the right or the left; keep your foot from evil.”

Philippians 3:13-14 “Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.”

Luke 9:62 Jesus said to him, “No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God.”

Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.”

Luke 17:32  “Remember Lot’s wife.”




All of Heaven is Cheering You On and I Am Too!!  Let’s finish this race strong! WHOO HOOOO!

Annamarie Strawhand – Your Faith and Victory Coach



Contact Annamarie Here: https://annamariestrawhand.com/contact/

Please stay registered for our email updates for more tips through the Fast!

(See Our Detox Plan Here)

(See Our Shopping List Here)

Recipes For 21 Day Fast and Detox Plan and Foods List

Recipes For 21 Day Fast and Detox Plan and Foods List

NOTE: there are NO sugar or sweeteners allowed on the 21 Day Fast and Detox protocol here and that includes no honey not even raw honey. The idea is to get your body, cells and gut detoxed of candida, a fungus that thrives off sugars. Please understand the sweetness you get from all this is turning to Christ for your sweetness for your spirit.

Recipes For The 21 Day Holy Spirit Clarity Fast and Detox Plan 

#21DayHolySpiritClarityFast  #21DayDetoxForChristians

>> Click here for instructions and prayers for 21 Day Fast

>> Click here for instructions for our 21 Day Detox Plan

>> Click here for 21-Day-Fast-and-Detox-Shopping-List

>> Click here for my VitaCost List

Foods To Eat  (approved food list)

Eggs – Scrambled, Poached, Hard boiled

Green Leafy Vegetables and Herbs

Olives – Green or Black

Mushrooms, Avocados

Zucchini, Sweet Potatoes, Squash, Cauliflower, Broccoli, Asparagus

Beets, Carrots, Celery, Cabbage, Cucumbers

Fresh Garlic/Onions, Fresh Ginger

Spring Onions, Chives (I love to sprinkle these in my warm bone broth)

Turkey, Chicken or Fish (no breading, no beef, no pork, only fish with fins)

Turkey or Chicken Hot Dogs, Turkey or Chicken Sausage

Green or Herbal Teas (unsweet tea if you are out and all you have – easy on these have some caffeine)

Warm Bone Broth for sipping (chicken/turkey) 

Cauliflower “Rice” (not grain rice, rice made from cauliflower)

Water – Lemon, Lime or Fresh Mint – Mineral Water or Water with Electrolytes such as Smart Water 

Chicken, Vegetable or Turkey Broth 

Kosher Salt/ Sea Salt /Fresh Ground Pepper

Kosher Pickles (dill)

White Vinegar/Lemon Juice

Extra Virgin Olive Oil 

Coconut Oil

Avocado Oil

Palm Oil (not to be confused with palm kernal oil, which is not approved)

Unsweetened Coconut Water

Unsweetened Coconut Cream

Unsweetened Coconut

Mayonnaise (olive oil or avocado oil based is best)

Plain yellow mustard

Avocado Dip (see recipe)

Baked Sweet Potato (see recipe)

Spinach and Eggs (see recipe)

Dried Carrot Chips (or beet chips/sweet potato chips)

Tapioca or Cassava Flour

Tapioca Pearls

Cassava ‘pasta’

You can also choose to do a fast with no meat or eggs, just veggies. 

If you are out and have to eat at a restaurant, do your best to order foods as closely as you can to this list.  Lift everything up to God, dedicate it to HIM, apply the Blood of Jesus and ask for GRACE.

Reminder, there are NO sugar or sweeteners allowed on the 21 Day Fast and Detox protocol that we are doing right now, that includes no honey. The idea is to get your body, cells and gut detoxed of candida, a fungus that thrives on sugars.  Please understand the sweetness you get from all this is turning to Christ for your sweetness into your spirit.

Refrain from eating/drinking the following: (DO NOT EAT) 

No Fruit/Nuts/Seeds – Fresh or Dried (the fruit produced should be the FRUIT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT) 

No Vegetable Seed Oil – (Canola oil -aka rapeseed oil, corn oil, cottonseed, grapeseed oil, soybean oil, sunflower oil, safflower oil, rice bran oil, peanut oil)

No Soy Products 

No Dairy Products

No Pork

No Beef

No Lamb or wild game

No Grains, Wheat, Rice, Corn, Barley or Oats

No breads, cookies or baked goods

No Cereal or Oatmeal

No Shellfish – (NO shrimp, no clams, no oysters or mussels, no crabmeat)

No Beans (no hummus or tofu these are made from beans)

No Nightshade Vegetables (NO tomatoes, peppers, white/red potatoes or eggplant NO spices made with peppers – no paprika, no hot sauce, etc)

No Sweetened Condiments (ketchup/bbq sauce – has a lot of sugar)

No Sugar, honey or syrup

NO sweeteners 

No Coffee

No soda

No alcohol or wine

No Cannabis or CBD Oil (in any form) *See note below


Note About Vegetable Seed Oils And Reading Labels

It is very important to read the labels of everything you eat! Almost all foods that come pre-made in a box, bag, jar, or even frozen contain vegetable seed oils, even if all of the other ingredients are natural and organic. Seed oils contain high levels of omega-6, which can lead to inflammation. We only need a small amount of omega-6. They are highly processed with chemical solvents and then refined — bleached and deodorized — which removes the antioxidants, causing them to be more inflammatory. As if that wasn’t enough, they are then added into ultra-processed foods, which are also highly inflammatory. This inflammation destroys your gut bacteria and leads to leaky gut syndrome, which, in turn, leads to chronic diseases and autoimmune issues. Vegetable seed oils and most processed foods are poison to us! They are found in crackers, chips, sauces, dressings, frozen meals, and more.

(grape juice or kosher wine and cracker (matzo) allowed for communion time – we take communion together on Friday’s broadcast)

Try to refrain from any non-Christian entertainment or media at this time (movies, music, videos, news, etc). These are considered as things that you consume in your spirit, so make sure that what you are “taking in” is good. I have a list of biblical movies and videos in the next chapter.

Note About Cannabis And CBD Oil

I have found out that cannabis, CBD oil, or anything that is “mind altering” is not pleasing to God. Our minds must always ONLY be filled by the Holy Spirit to bring peace, calm, and supernatural revelation, and we are to be in our “right minds” — the mind of Christ! Even if it does not have the THC in it, it’s clear that the smell is not pleasing to God.

When the Israelites burned incense, they only burned what was pleasing to God — what HE told them to burn, such as frankincense. When one city burned cannabis, it was NOT pleasing to God. The people were sinning because they were not of sound mind — they were high! Biblically, the cannabis was actually an offering to other gods, (idolatry). It opened them up to attack from their enemies, and ultimately, the city was destroyed because of their disobedience to God.

Watch this video on YouTube from the Sergio & Rhoda In Israel channel: “Shocking Discovery at Ancient Temple in Israel” – Description: Residue of Cannabis was found at the altar of an ancient temple in the territory of Judah. The Temple was first dated to the time of King David and Solomon, however, upon further examination, the archaeologists came to a different conclusion.  It did not end well for that city.

John Bevere wrote an amazing book called, Good Or God. “Have you ever believed that something was from God simply because others said it was good? When the serpent told Eve that her eyes would be opened when she ate from the tree, it caused her to disobey God. The world substitutes relationship with the Father for what feels right in a moment. But the Word tells us that we are called to more, because good without God isn’t enough. Will you trust Him with your life, or will you overlook Him as you search for satisfaction that only He provides?” – John Bevere 

In my biblical research, I have found that the fragrance of frankincense and myrrh is pleasing to God and we suggest those with our anointing oils teaching in this book. I want to smell like Jesus when He was resurrected out of the tomb, how about you?    

We had a testimony of a woman who was dependent on medical marijuana that had been prescribed by her doctors. She wanted to be free from that. When she did this Fast for 21 Days with the prayers, she was fully delivered from using marijuana for depression! Now she went to the Lord to heal her depression and received it! She is closer in her relationship with the Holy Spirit to help her through any issues. I call that good fruit!

Breakfast/Brunch Recipe Ideas: 

Reminder, there are NO sugar or sweeteners allowed on the 21 Day Fast and Detox protocol that we are doing right now, that includes no honey. The idea is to get your body, cells and gut detoxed of candida, a fungus that thrives on sugars. Please understand the sweetness you get from all this is turning to Christ for your sweetness into your spirit.

Easy Spinach and Eggs:

2 Tablespoons Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Small Chopped Onion
2 chopped garlic cloves
2-3 Handfuls of Fresh Spinach Leaves
1 Large Egg
Optional: fresh sliced mushrooms or asparagus

On stovetop, coat a skillet with 1 Tbsp of olive oil. Bring to med heat; add chopped onion and garlic; sauté until transparent.  Add a handful of fresh spinach and stir in, and cover until fully wilted. Crack one egg over top and mix in until cooked. Serve hot on a plate with a sprinkle of sea salt and cracked pepper. Then add the other Tbsp of olive oil to drizzle on top!  


Power Breakfast: Eggs mixed with garlic, parsley, and chives; turkey bacon and avocado mash:

On stovetop, coat a skillet with 1 Tbsp of olive oil at med heat.

In a separate bowl, scramble three eggs/ pour into heated skillet to cook, while cooking and stirring, toss in a large handful of fresh chopped chives (or use these freeze dried chives from The Spice House) Then toss in a handful of fresh chopped or dried parsley flakes. Add a sprinkle of garlic powder, sea salt and cracked pepper.  Scramble all together and set aside and cover to keep warm.

On a sheet pan, add slices of turkey bacon (I use the butterball brand) heat oven to 325.  Keep an eye on the bacon as it begins to cook flip over with tongs till its crisp but not burned.  Remove from oven and cover with foil to keep warm.

For the avocado mash, take 1 ripe avocado or two halves of a frozen avocado that you can defrost in their package in warm water (get frozen avocado’s here – just as good as fresh and a huge time saver – plus they never go bad!) Take the two halves of the avocado and mix with 1/2 teaspoon of lime juice or white vinegar, tablespoon olive oil, sea salt, pepper, garlic salt.  Mash up with a fork and keep it a bit chunky.   Have with a hot cup of chicken bone broth, hot green tea or fresh lemon water.



Veggie Pancakes!  Spinach “Fritters” 

I had just a handful of spinach left of my #21DayHolySpiritClarityFast so I decided to get creative and made spinach fritters! All with allowed ingredients on the Fast!

In a bowl, mix three eggs, a dash of sea salt, cracked black pepper, onion powder and garlic powder, then add 3/4 cup of tapioca flour, mix well. Fold in your chopped fresh spinach leaves.  Batter should have the consistency of pancake batter,  if too dry add some water or a bit of unsweetened coconut milk.

In a skillet add olive oil to cover the pan and med heat, drop in spoonful of the spinach batter into the hot skillet. Fry on both sides until golden brown crispy edges, cool on a paper towel. You an substitute asparagus or green onions, or any green veggie allowed on our Fasting food list.





Add all to your plate and power up for the day! Make sure you have done your suit up prayers too!

Lunch and Dinner Ideas and Recipes:


Annamarie’s Quick and Easy Chopped Spinach Salad with Chicken

With green spring onions, black olives, avocados, olive oil and vinegar dressing!  Throw it all in a bowl and use your handy kitchen scissors to chop how you like!

I love chopped salads and the key to a good one is to make your dressing on top of the salad just before you chop it.

In a bowl, layer your ingredients:

Two handfuls fresh spinach (optional spring lettuce mix)

1/2 can pitted large black olives (optional sliced fresh mushrooms)

1 stalk fresh green spring onion slices

1/2 cup cooked chicken breast.

I used the pre-packaged Sue Bee Chicken Breast (you can also use a rotisserie chicken from the store, or any cooked chicken breast – I try to use organic but this is what I had on hand.)

Add one tablespoon white vinegar or lemon juice, two-three tablespoons of olive oil, lightly sprinkle, garlic powder, sea salt and pepper to taste.  Get your kitchen scissors and chop and mix together as you chop. (Get kitchen shears here).

(Top your salad with fresh avocado slices – and you can also add crumbles of cooked TURKEY bacon – oh so good!)


Chopped Green Salad with Turkey Slices – Red Onion and Black Olives

This is my quick go-to for lunch with bagged salad greens and sliced turkey to have on hand in the fridge!

In a bowl, layer your ingredients

Salad greens or spinach

Three or four slices of organic turkey (rolled up)

Handful of black olives

Handful of fresh sliced red onion (or pickled red onions)

I also like to add some marinated artichoke hearts

Grind fresh pepper, fresh sea salt on top and

Lightly drizzle extra virgin olive oil and vinegar to taste

Use your handy kitchen scissors to chop and mix!



Fresh Chicken Salad 

In a glass bowl mix together…..

Three cooked and cooled chicken breast cut into small pieces

(Organic Chicken if possible)

One small diced yellow onion

Three diced celery stalks

Two heaping tablespoons of mayonnaise (avocado or olive oil based mayo – organic if possible)

Sprinkle of sea salt and cracked black pepper

Mix and serve with celery and carrot sticks or dill pickles

Perfect to scoop on to large romaine lettuce leaves!

Make a big batch ahead for take along lunch!



Egg Salad Cucumber Boats

Five hardboiled eggs, cooled/peeled

Mash eggs in bowl and mix together

Two heaping tablespoons of mayonnaise (avocado or olive oil based mayo – organic if possible)

Heaping tablespoon of plain mustard

Sprinkle of sea salt and cracked black pepper

Sprinkle of onion powder

Celery salt or dried celery leaves (you can opt a stalk of fresh diced celery) If you do not have celery you can use a chopped dill pickle or dry dill

Chopped Fresh Chives or Dried Chives

One large cucumber, peeled and scooped out seeds

Add a side of Beet Chips!





Turkey Hot Dog Plate, Plain Yellow Mustard, Dill Pickle, Sweet Potato Chips, Sparkling (unflavored) Mineral Water 

Heat up turkey hot dogs in a skillet with a teaspoon of coconut oil – really gives them more flavor!  Get those BIG dill pickles that are whole in the jar.  I love the garlic deli pickles. Add a side of sweet potato chips. I love the sweet potato chips and beet chips from Terra Brand.  You can find them online and at Walmart.




Lunch Tip: For those of you working a job away from home on this 21 Day Fast, do meal prep a day in advance to carry to work. Get some sliced chicken and roll in lettuce wraps with some shredded carrots and chopped scallion. Add them to a container with a separate side container of some ginger dressing made with garlic, ginger, olive oil or avocado oil and white vinegar. Keep drinking water!! 


Dinner Time!

Hearty Chicken Mushroom Herb Soup:

Comforting and filled with allowed ingredients for the Fast.  I made a large pot and ate for two days!

Onions, celery, mushrooms, chicken, chicken broth, parsley, garlic, salt and pepper. (you can also add sliced carrots and more herbs such as rosemary.)

Heat up large sauce pan on med heat, coat bottom with olive oil, saute’ one chopped onion and 2 cloves of garlic, three stalks of thin chopped celery, one carton of  white sliced mushrooms cook till onions and garlic are transparent and celery and mushrooms are soft.  Add one 32oz carton of organic chicken broth, and two cups of cooked chopped chicken. Add sea salt and cracked pepper to taste.  Add fresh chopped parsley to your liking. Simmer on low for 30 mins.




Steamed Zucchini Noodles Tossed with Olive oil and Garlic:

 I use the pre -spiraled frozen zucchini from Green Giant in the frozen veggie section of the grocery store or spiral your own zucchini and I found this delicious garlic herb mix here on Grocery.com: Organic Fresh Minced Garlic – Raw Naturally Flavored Jarred Garlic Mixes 

Or just saute’ fresh chopped garlic in olive oil until transparent and mix in your zucchini noodles tossing lightly – you can add sea salt and pepper to taste, basil or parsley.

(This was just as good as pasta – totally my favorite on this Fast)






Sliced Smoked Turkey Sausage and Sauerkraut:

I love Sauerkraut!  I love to add it into a skillet and brown it up a bit too, just softens the twang a bit. With this recipe, I got a small glass baking dish, sprayed a coating with olive oil baking spray.  Drained about one cup of Sauerkraut, then added to the baking dish.  Used one package of Butterball Smoked Turkey Sausage.  Sliced the turkey sausage and added on top of the Sauerkraut. Baked in oven at 350 for about 20 mins.  Served with a dollop of plain mustard.







Mushroom garlic “risotto” using Cassava orzo ‘pasta’:

In a baking dish, add jar of mushrooms or a package of fresh sliced mushrooms, two cloves crushed garlic, two tablespoons olive oil, sprinkle of sea salt, half box of Jovial Cassava Orzo.  Cover all with chicken broth, add dried or fresh parsley, stir – cover baking dish and bake at 350 for 30 mins or until all broth is soaked into the cassava. These are the allowed foods for the Fast and Detox in this recipe. I did add some grilled chicken in later and it was delicious!


Tuscan Chicken Sausage with Cassava Orzo, baby spinach, mushrooms and onions.

In a baking dish add 1/2 box of Jovial Cassava Orzo, sea salt, cracked black pepper, onion powder, garlic powder. 1/2 Sliced onion, handful sliced mushrooms, handful baby spinach, pour chicken broth until covered, drizzle olive oil and stir together. Add sliced Tuscan chicken sausage on top. Cover and Bake at 350 for 30 min.






Pumpkin or Butternut Squash Soup 

Warm and comforting Pumpkin Soup with all approved ingredients for our #21DayHolySpiritClarityFast

I use a healthy ceramic coated saucepan to mix together over medium heat:

1 can of organic pumpkin purée or substitute a butternut squash puree, 1 small can of organic coconut cream, add 1/4 cup of unsweetened coconut milk, heat and stir till smooth.

Serve with a sprinkle of sea salt, ginger and cinnamon!

If you want it more savory add some black pepper and onion powder – that works well with the Butternut Squash.


Ginger Garlic Chicken Wraps:

Prepare Marinade/Dressing:
3/4 Cup Coconut Aminos (I use Coconut Secret Soy Free Organic Coconut Aminos Seasoning Sauce & Marinade — 16.9 fl oz)
2 Tbsp Liquid Coconut Oil or Avocado Oil (I use NOW Solutions Liquid Coconut Oil — 16 fl oz)
3 Tbsp Minced Garlic
2 Tbsp Minced Ginger
1/2 Tspn Sea Salt
1/2 Tspn Cracked Black Pepper
1 Tbsp Chopped Spring Onions (or chives)
1 Tbsp Hot Water
Mix Well and let flavors set for a few hours.
Prepare 4 Large Chicken Breasts
In a Ziplock Bag add 1/2 of Marinade
Mix the chicken in the bag with the marinade and let sit in fridge for a few hours
Pour chicken out of bag into a baking dish, cover with foil and bake at 350 degrees for approx 30 minutes or until chicken is fully cooked to center.
Let chicken cool, then shred chicken in a separate bowl.
Get flat washed lettuce leaves put to the side, shred up carrots and cucumber “ribbons” for garnish
Spoon shredded chicken into the center of the wrap, add carrots, cucumber ribbons and the rest of the dressing as desired on top, roll in to wraps and enjoy!

Snack Suggestions:


If you are hungry for a salty chip treat, you can have sweet potato chips, beet chips, and cassava flour chips that are fried, air fried, or baked in coconut oil or avocado oil. 

You can also purchase Jackson’s sweet potato chips in avocado oil or coconut oil and Artisan Tropic cassava chips in coconut oil from Vitacost.com. I have added these to my Vitacost list for you.

 Homemade Veggie Chips


Vegetables (fast approved) of choice
Avocado or coconut oil
Sea salt
Seasonings (fast approved) of choice


Wash and peel your vegetables of choice. Using a mandolin or sharp knife, slice them thinly (approximately 1 mm). If using sweet potatoes, put slices in a bowl and run water over them until the water runs clear to remove some of the starch. This will help them crisp up better. Strain vegetables in a colander and then pat dry between paper towels.

Dry your bowl and put the veggies back in the bowl. Drizzle with oil and and sprinkle with fast-approved seasonings of your choice. Mix with your hands to make sure the oil and seasonings are evenly distributed on all of the vegetable slices. Bake at 350° for 20-25 mins checking frequently to turn and remove any that are done before the rest. (Keep a close eye because when they get close to being ready, the burn quickly.)

You can also fry the dry vegetable slices in approved oil, and then sprinkle with your seasonings. Onions also taste delicious if you slice thinly, drizzle with oil and seasonings, and bake or air fry! 

Note: I used sweet potatoes, beets, and onions in this recipe and seasoned liberally with sea salt, onion powder, garlic powder, dried rosemary, and dried thyme. They were delicious!

Eating Out Suggestions:

We were out running errands during the first days of my 21 Day Fast – and Mike and I stopped in one of our favorite lunch places before heading back home.  I ordered what I could find that was an approved food on my Fast ingredient list.  Grilled chicken with onions and mushrooms, sweet potato fries, unsweet tea with lemon. (I suggest green tea on this Fast, however if all they have is plain tea that is fine, you can also opt for club soda and lemon or lime) Don’t be afraid to ask them to make up something special and substitute items on their menu. Make sure to tip them well and bless them!  Sow your tip to them as a seed for the Kingdom of God for that restaurant and the owners and employees to receive the salvation of Jesus Christ and the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.  (See my “Kingdom Traveler” teaching here.)


Sides and Condiments:

Important note for your #21DayHolySpiritClarityFast and Detox.  Be careful not to buy any salad dressings or snacks made with seed oils or vegetable oils as they are inflammatory to your body and are a root cause of many diseases and auto immune issues. Even dressings that say that they are made with all natural even organic oils have hidden seed oils on their ingredients. Stay away from soybean oil, canola oil, sunflower oil and safflower oil, corn oil and vegetable oils. We only allow extra virgin olive oil, avocado oil and coconut oil on our fast and detox.

Avocado Dip/Spread

2 ripe avocados (mashed)
1/2 cup finely chopped onion
1 clove finely chopped garlic or (pressed through presser is ideal)
Sea salt and fresh ground black pepper to taste
1 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1 Tbsp white vinegar or lime juice

Put all into a bowl mix with mashed avocados and stir until smooth, dip with carrots/celery or carrot chips.  Spread on a thin slice of turkey and roll up or make a lettuce wrap with the turkey and spread.




Annamarie’s Zesty Italian Dressing:

Ingredients: Extra Virgin Olive Oil, White vinegar, Sea Salt, Cracked Black Pepper

Minced Fresh or Dried Red Onion ( I use Litehouse brand)

Minced Fresh or Dried Garlic (I use Litehouse brand)

Dried Basil, Dried Parsley, Dried Oregano (or fresh minced if you have it)

Warm Water

Make in a 16 oz jar with a sealable lid such as a pint canning jar. (Best in a canning jar because measurement lines on the jar)

Add 1/4 cup vinegar to jar (to the first line at jar base). Then add your spices.

1 Tsp Sea Salt
1 Tsp cracked black pepper

1 tablespoon of fresh minced or dried red onion and 1 tablespoon of  minced fresh or dried garlic, big pinch of parsley, big pinch pinch of oregano and big pinch of basil.

Add one tablespoon of warm water, then add one cup of olive oil (should fill to the top line) Put lid on tightly and shake.

Keep at room temp. Ready to serve in approx. three hours to let the flavors soak in.

I like to use red wine vinegar or balsamic vinegar when not on the fast and you can also add other herbs you like. I love the vinegar so sometimes I add more or substitute fresh squeezed lemon juice.


Easy Homemade Mayonnaise


1 Large egg

1 Tsp Dijon mustard

1 Tsp white vinegar or lemon juice

1/2 Tsp sea salt, plus more to taste

1 Cup avocado oil


Add all ingredients in the order listed into a wide-mouth pint Mason jar (or any other jar wide enough to fit an immersion blender). With the immersion blender off, place the blade all the way down in the bottom of the jar. Turn the immersion blender on low, and let sit on the bottom of the jar for about 30 seconds. Don’t move the blender!

When the liquid at the bottom of the jar starts to look white and a little llike mayo, slowly raise the blender through the rest of the oil. The mixture will continue to thicken up as you pull the blender up. Once you have reached the top and all the oil has been blended in, turn off the blender and you’re done! Season to taste, if desired, and store in the fridge in the jar you used to blend it.

Note: If you do not have an immersion blender, you can use a regular blender, but the process is slightly different. Add the egg, mustard, vinegar or lemon juice, and salt to your blender. Purée on low speed until smooth and combined. You may need to scrape down the sides with a rubber spatula to make sure all the ingredients are thoroughly combined.

With the blender running, add the avocado oil in a very slow and steady stream. If it looks like the oil and egg mixture are not blending smoothly, scrape down the sides of the blender carafe again, and then continue drizzling in the oil. Slowly adding the oil is key to keeping the perfect emulsion. The mayonnaise will start to thicken and lighten in color as you go.

Once all of the oil is incorporated, taste and adjust seasonings as needed. If it is too thick, you can drizzle in another 1/4 cup of oil or add room-temperature water 1 teaspoon at a time until you reach desired thickness. This recipe will yield about 1 cup of mayonnaise.


Baked Sweet Potato:

1 large sweet potato, washed, skin on
Make a slit in the top for steam
Bake on a baking pan or pie plate @350 degrees in center of oven until juices bubble out and potato is soft
Remove from oven and place on plate
Slice potato open and pinch back skin and mash up center with fork

Add a spoonful of organic extra virgin coconut oil to melt on the sweet potato and sprinkle cinnamon or pumpkin pie spice – eat warm – enjoy!



TIP: Bake your sweet potatoes ahead of time to just warm up to eat during the week – they stay well refrigerated in skin and then pop in the oven to warm on 350 for 1o mins ready to eat like a fresh baked!






Pumpkin Souffle’:

I made this Pumpkin Soufflé with a can of plain pumpkin (squash on allowed food list) added a heaping tablespoon of coconut oil, sprinkle of sea salt, sprinkle of ground ginger and pumpkin pie spice. Mix well in baking dish. Baked for 45 min in oven at 350.  Spoon out and serve warm on plate with crushed carrot chips on top!  (You can get carrot chip sticks here.)

Note: You can use the Pumpkin Souffle recipe and mix in two eggs and a cup of tapioca flour and make pumpkin cookies!



Roasted Butternut Squash Cubes

One large butternut squash, washed, peeled, seeded and cut into cubes.

In mixing bowl add a drizzle of olive oil, sprinkle of sea salt – mix and coat all the squash cubes.

Lay out on baking sheet and bake at 350 degrees for 20-30 minutes until edges are crisp and centers are soft.







Tapioca Pudding with the approved ingredients:


In a large saucepan add 1 cup of Tapioca pearls to four cups of water – boiled until clear and floating at the top and drained, rinsed and cooled (set aside).

In a glass or ceramic bowl, Wisk together 1 can of unsweetened coconut creme, and 1/4 Cup of unsweetened coconut water.  I use C2O Non-GMO Coconut Water The Original — 33.8 fl oz – get it at Vitacost – here is my shopping list.

Stir in the cooked and cooled tapioca.

Chill in fridge for at least three – four hours.

Sprinkle a dash of cinnamon and serve!



Check out these Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner Ideas Submitted from our Peeps who have successfully done the 21 Day Holy Spirit Clarity Fast (see approved foods and ingredients here) #21DayHolySpiritClarityFast


Dinner!  Salmon with rosemary, garlic, lemon & olive oil with steamed veggies! – Submitted By: Denise Lomax on our Telegram Chat 1/9/22 (fish with fins are allowed on Fast)









Stir fry chicken and veggies (broccoli) with NO peanut oil ONLY with olive oil, ginger, salt and pepper, and garlic with the chicken and veggies and it actually taste better than the other version lol. – Submitted By John E. Kelly 1/13/22 on our Telegram Chat








Eggs (prepared however you like them) sprinkled with sea salt, black pepper, and granulated kelp (good source of iodine); sautéed spinach, mushrooms, and onions sprinkled with sea salt and garlic powder; sweet potato chips sprinkled with sea salt, black pepper, and onion powder (amazing!!); half of avocado sprinkled with sea salt and garlic powder. – Submitted By: Gynti Pinon


Another lettuce wrap idea: Take a couple of green leaf lettuce leaves (or whatever lettuce leaves you prefer that can be used as a wrap), add shredded chicken (can use canned, rotisserie from the store, or cook some chicken breasts in your slow cooker or instant pot), optionally add julienned carrots, cucumbers, and/or yellow or zucchini squash (whatever you like), and top with avocado/cilantro dressing (see recipe below). Roll or fold like a taco and enjoy! Submitted By: Gynti Pinon





Simple lunch/dinner: Turkey burger patty seasoned with sea salt, onion powder, and garlic and topped with sautéed mushrooms and onions; cabbage sautéed in skillet in coconut oil and onion seasoned with a little sea salt and garlic powder–optional caraway seed gives a unique twist to this simple dish. Submitted By: Gynti Pinon









Healthy dinner: Red butter leaf lettuce/spinach salad with julienned zucchini sprinkled with sea salt, oregano, rosemary and drizzled with olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Salmon that is grilled on a griddle in coconut oil and topped with sea salt, lemon pepper, lemon zest, and then drizzled in lemon juice. Served on the side, is baked spaghetti squash drizzled with coconut oil, sea salt, and garlic powder.  Submitted By: Gynti Pinon






Avocado Cilantro Dressing

1/2 of a large avocado
Handful of cilantro leaves (to taste)
Small spoonful of minced garlic (to taste)
A few squeezes of fresh lime juice (to taste)
Sea salt (to taste)
Water (to desired consistency)

Put all ingredients in a blender or small regular mouth canning jar (your blade and blender jar base will fit!), blend on liquify until creamy, adding water and seasonings to your taste and desired consistency. Submitted By: Gynti Pinon