Transcription of the word that the Holy Spirit gave to Annamarie Strawhand, which she delivered during her broadcast of Life in the Faith Lane on September 10, 2021.

Watch the video, and then read the transcript below.


ANNAMARIE: [Singing] Glory, glory, hallelujah. Glory, glory, hallelujah. Glory, glory, hallelujah, His truth is marching on! [Speaking] Go outside, and sing that at the top of your lungs.

The Lord said that song is a prophetic word over America. That’s what He told me. If you don’t know that word of Glory, Glory, Hallelujah, go, go to my website, annamarie strawhand dot com, and look up prophetic words for the last few weeks. I wrote it. The Lord had me write it out. The Lord said He gave Julia Ward Howe that song in the Fourth Watch – time of deliverance. He downloaded the words to her. That, that song, “The Battle Hymn of the Republic,” is a, was a prophetic word for America.

And He said a few other things in there of what He was going to do. It’s pretty, a pretty fierce word. He gave it to us about three weeks ago or so. And, uh, the “Battle Hymn of the Republic” is President Trump’s favorite song. And it was a unifying song. Uh, in the, in the Civil War, the North army sang it and the Southern Army sang it. They both sang it. 

And, um, I learned a lot, my friends, about General Lee, General Robert E. Lee and General Ulysses S. Grant. They were both mighty men of God. They were good men, and, um, I went to Appomattox, Virginia. The Lord sent me to Appomattox, Virginia, uh, about four years ago, and He had me stand on the ground there in my bare feet. I had flip flops on, but He had me stand on the ground there right where the surrender happened between the North and the South, between General Grant and General Lee and had me prophecy unity in this nation again. 

And I told you it was really prophetic because the only souvenir that my daughter wanted to buy while we were there was a harmonica – harmony – harmonica. And the Angel of Timing visited me three months ago in the night, and he said to me, “It is time for harmony!” Now he didn’t say the word “harmony.” He blew a, a, one note on a harmonica, and then I said, “What is that, Lord?” And He said, “harmony!” 

And you can go back and listen to all those words that the Lord gave me and what the angel said to me. And I’m going to tell you right now, it is a time for harmony. It is a time for unity. Watch what God does. 

And I learned a lot about Robert E. Lee and, and Ulysses S. Grant. They were good men. And I went and I read everything I could get my hands on about what happened that day, that surrender between those two generals. And they respected each other. They honored each other, and they wanted the best for their, for their men. Their, you know, their, their, the moral of the men was suffering. They were hungry. They were starving. They were, they wanted to go home. They were tired of fighting, and when, uh, General Lee – he was a man of excellence. He was a man of excellence, and, you know, he always wanted his uniform to be clean, and, you know, he was a man of excellence. And when they met at the Appomattox Courthouse to do the surrender, General Lee, he was all cleaned up. His uniform, all the dust of his uniform was brushed up. 

And let me tell you, his men, the men, the, the, the Southern Army, they were in bad shape. They were in really rough shape. They were hungry. It, it was bad. And General Lee, he polished his boots, and he said, “I respect Ulysses S. Grant, and I’m going to come to this meeting.” He cleaned all the mud off his boots. This is, this is all in his letters, and, you know, he had, he had scribes with him that wrote down his words and everything. You can go read all of it. 

And when Grant came, you know, he was from the Northern Army, and they had been marching, you know, to, to get there that night. And, um, he was all muddy and dusty and dirty, and he didn’t clean up. He didn’t clean up before he met with Robert E. Lee, and he, he, he apologized. He said, “General Lee, I apologize to you.” He said, “I should have shown up with my boots shined and my uniform cleaned. And he said, “You are …” He said, “You are such an man of honor,” you know, “to meet with me like this,” you know, “that you would, you respect me enough to come and clean up to …” 

I, I was so moved. I was so moved. He said, “As we sign this truce, as we sign this,” he says, “I already have my men,” right, “set up to give your men food and provisions and horses and clothing. I’ve got the orders ready for them to go.”

So, so, Grant, even though he wasn’t all cleaned up and his boots were shined, he did a thing of honor too. He had his men ready to feed and clothe and, and, and encourage and strengthen, and, um, give the, the soldiers of the South provisions and, and everything they needed so they could get back home, so they could get back home. 

Isn’t that something? And they want to tear those men’s statues down? They just tore down General, they just took down General Robert E. Lee’s statue in, in downtown Richmond. We got to pray for Richmond. I enforce the blood of Jesus Christ right now over Richmond, Virginia. There’s a lot of bitterness in that city, but you see, General Lee was not bitter. He was not bitter. He was a man of honor, a man of respect.

So General Lee was the, the general of the South. He was a man of honor a man of excellence. When he showed up to that truce, he, he respected Grant. Grant was from the North. Grant showed up a little muddy, a little dirty, and he apologized to Lee for showing up muddy and dirty, but he said, “I, I, I want to honor you. I respect you.” General Grant respected Robert E. Lee and his army, and it was a true unifying moment.

So the Northern Army, led by General Grant, even though he, he showed up muddy and dirty and dusty, and he apologized to General Lee for showing up like that, he said, “I’m a man of honor, and I want to feed and clothe and give provision and fresh horses to your men so they can get home.” 

And, and they signed the, um, surrender. The two men shook hands and embraced and had, you know, moments of speaking how they respected each other, and the order went out immediately for General Grant’s men, the Northern Army to immediately go, they had, they, they, they stacked up all their guns and stacked them all up and, you know, had a truce, and then they came together at that spot right where I was standing in Appomattox speaking unity again over this nation. And the Northern Army fed the Southern Army who were starving and tattered. The horses were weary. They hardly had any horses left. 

And there was a fellowship that happened, a fellowship! The Northern Army and the Southern Army fellowshipping together, giving, giving these men food and clothing, uh, praying over them saying, “I hope you get home safe. Here, here’s an extra horse.”

And Robert E. Lee and Ulysses S. Grant, two men who highly respected each other wanted to see a, a truce, wanted to see harmony, wanted to see unification. You see, this is why we have to know the true history. Robert E. Lee was not a racist. He was a man of honor and respect. And they want to tear down his statue?! People need to go read true history! Jesus said, “People perish for lack of knowledge.” 

This is why the Lord told me every history book that, that has falsely represented the history of the United States of America will be destroyed, and He is, he’s called up His writers, God said He’s called up His writers to, to write the truth. True history shall be written. All the text, all the false textbooks are going to be thrown away.

Go on the Appomattox website, there’s a movie you can watch, and there’s pictures and letters. It’ll show you the honor that Robert E. Lee had and the honor that, um, Ulysses S. Grant had and the, the respect the two men had for each other and, um, what a man of excellence and honor Robert E. Lee was and what a, a, a man of a, of good heart Ulysses S. Grant was and how they brought food and provision and horses to the Southern Army so they could get home and have enough strength to get home. And a fellowship happened, true unification. 

And I spoke that again over our nation – no more division – that men of honor and women of honor will come together and help each other and assist each other and feed and clothe each other and strengthen each other, that harmony again [sic] in this nation. And I spoke that on that land that day with my bare feet on the ground in Appomattox. So be it, in Jesus’ name. And I got confirmation from the visitation of the angel that came to me that night a month ago and said it’s a time for harmony in this nation. 

And when I went to Appomattox and I saw the true history, the actual places they sat and talked and the pictures and, and the interaction between Grant and Lee and what they did for each other there, I was like, the whole time I was there I was under the power of the Holy Ghost. When I was standing at that Appomattox Courthouse and on that land, I felt the Holy Spirit so strong. It was incredible. 

So we speak unity over this nation. We speak harmony over this nation. And you know when you read Psalm 92, you know how Psalm 92 opens up? It opens up with King David singing a harmony to God on his harp, harmony. 

I, uh, uh, the Spirit is moving in me very strong today, and I’m sharing with y’all these things as the Spirit is speaking to me. You see, bitterness wants to stay established. Bitterness is a root. The Lord showed me what Bitterness looks like in the spirit. It’s a root. Bitterness is a stubborn root that doesn’t want to, to come up. Bitterness wants to stay rooted. Okay? But the only way, the only way for the root of bitterness to be, to be dug up is it’s got to be shaken up out of the ground.

Well, what shakes the ground? Praise, worship, fellowship, things of the Holy Spirit. What shakes that root of bitterness out that wants to cause division, that wants to stay bitter, that wants to, to blame, that wants to curse? It’s a root. That’s what the Lord showed me, that the spirit of bitterness is like a evil roo, root that, that doesn’t want to come up out of the ground, and you’re pulling on it. You’re pulling on it, and pulling on it, and it, it, the root of bitterness cannot come out unless there is a shaking. 

Now God will bring a shaking to your household if there’s a lot of bitterness in your household. God will bring shaking into your marriage. God will bring shaking into your relationships if there’s a lot of bitterness there because he’s got to shake that root out. Just like in the nation, right, we had to be shaken, right? We had to be shaken awake, right, so that rooooot of bitterness can be rooted out.

So we proclaim right now that the shaking of the Lord is upon this nation right now, and every root of bitterness is being rooted out all the way, once and for all, and cast into the fire of God and burned to ashes. Not one root of bitterness is left, in the name of Jesus. 

We command every root of bitterness in this nation of the United States of America, be thou loosed out of the ground, out of this nation, and be thou root of bitterness cast into the fire of God to be burned to ashes, never to be seen or heard from again, in Jesus’ name, and in the place where that root of bitterness was that is now empty, let the seeds of the fruit of the Holy Ghost be planted there, and let the, the trees of righteousness that are going to bear great fruit of the Holy Spirit be planted in those places, that we are rooted in the courts of our God, that the new roots in this nation of the United States of America are roots of righteousness, trees of righteousness that shall bear great fruit of the Holy Spirit from this day forward – love, joy, peace – right? 

The trees that are rooted in the United States of America now are trees of love. Let’s see if I can get this to show here [adjusting t-shirt]. Here we go. Trees of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control – harmony. That the fruit of the Holy Spirit is now growing in this nation. 

I’m glad I wore this shirt today. [Note: It’s a t-shirt that lists the fruits of the Holy Spirit.]

May the seeds of the Holy Ghost be planted in those rooted out places, trees of righteousness that shall bear great fruit of the Holy Spirit in America and every nation beyond, in Jesus’ name. 

See, He’s got me prophesying today. He’s got me prophesying today. Jesus. Thank You, Holy Spirit. Thank You for reminding me of Appomattox. Thank You for reminding me of Your men of honor, General Rober E. Lee and General Ulysses S. Grant.Thank You, God, for reminding me of that moment of surrender, that moment of unification, that moment of fellowship and harmony back in our nation. So be it again even greater than before, all for Your glory, God. Harmony over America. Harmony over America. Harmony in the peoples. Harmony in the land, in Jesus’ name. 

Lori McNeil – Galatians 5:22, 23 “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance. Against such there is no law.” Hallelujah.

Gynpin writes, my scribe, “Roots of righteousness are replacing all roots of bitterness. The fruits of the Holy Spirit are now growing in our nation.” Hallelujah.

You see, I have to teach y’all these things. The, the Lord shows me these things, and, and you all have to have understanding of this. It’s important, not just for the nation, but for your own life. 

And I speak over Richmond, Virginia, right now, and I command every root of bitterness in Richmond, Virginia, to be rooted up by the shaking of the Lord. That every root of bitterness in Richmond, Virginia, will be shook by the Lord, rooted out leaving root nor branch nor seed nor stump nor leaf of any tree of bitterness left at all in Richmond, Virginia. It’ll be completely rooted out. None of its bad fruit will be left. It’ll all be cast into the fire and burned up to ashes by the fire of God. 

And in those places where those roo, trees of bitterness have been rooted up in Richmond, Virginia, right now, we sow seeds of the fruit of the Holy Spirit, seeds of trees of righteousness, seeds of trees of, trees of the glory of God, seeds of the trees of harmony, seeds of the fruit of the Holy Spirit. We sow those into Richmond, Virginia, right now, in the name of Jesus, and also Washington, D.C., right now, in Jesus’ name. Hallelujah.

And we shall have beauty for those ashes. That’s right, Linda Etherton. We shall have beauty for those ashes, right now, in the name of Jesus. 

Michelle Dubois says, “This is a history le, lesson the whole nation needs to hear. It is an example of what is needed now. To take down those monuments is unpatriotic.”

You know why they’re taking them down? ‘Cause they, they don’t, they’re not reading true history. They put propaganda in our schools, and we have, when we went in the Courts of Heaven for the schools, we repented for the lies and the propaganda that was put into our schools, and we asked the Lord to remove it, to burn up all that propaganda and any remnant of it, in the name of Jesus. It is being done right now, in the name of Jesus, and to replace our schools with true history, true history, with truth.

I’m giving you truth right now. I went, and my feet have been on the ground in Appomattox. I saw the letters that were written right at that moment. I saw what the scribes and the reporters that, you know, because each one of those generals had a scribe. Did you know that one of General Ulysses S. Grant’s scribes and personal assistant was Abraham Lincoln’s son? Did y’all know that? I did not know that. 

You see, this is why we got to go to these places. We got to get boots on the ground in these places. This is why President Trump did an executive order that he is going to build that, that, that park with America’s heroes and have the true history of what they’ve done so we can actually read their letters and their writings. 

You see, there were people writing down, they had scribes with them, exactly what Ulysses S. Grant said at that meeting, exactly what Robert E. Lee said at that meeting, and it showed the heart and the honor of both those men. 

So as, as we are coming into this time of harmony, we’ve got to reach out our hands to those who have suffered in this battle, who have suffered from the division – feed them, clothe them, give, give them things that will refresh them just the way the Northern Army did for the Southern Army. 

A lot of you probably didn’t know what I’m telling you today about what happened at Appomattox. This is why we got to go to these places. We got to take our children there. We got to study the truth. We got to go to the actual letters that these men and women wrote. Right? Even the Bible says, “It is the glory of kings to search out a matter.” We are kings and priests. We are to seek out the truth. We are supposed to be truth seekers. Don’t just take whoever’s word for it. Take your kids to these historical places. 

So many of you are homeschooling now – road trip, field trip! Pack a lunch, right, pack a lunch, get in the family grocery getter, and take a ride to these historical places, and read the actual writings and see these things that, that actually happened. And get your kids’ feet on the ground in those places so it can soak into their spirit.

Now I know why God put me in Virginia. I know why, I know! He wanted my feet on the ground in those places because I’ve always been a researcher. I’ve always been, I got to get to the root of it. I got to get … I’ve always been that way. 

You know, I cried. I was in Appomattox; I was so moved when I realized the conversation between Robert E. Lee and, um, Ulysses S. Grant and how they treated each other with such honor and how Robert E. Lee was such a man of honor that he did not want to show up dirty and sweaty and muddy when he met with Ulysses S. Grant because he respected him and Grant apologized because he was muddy and dirty and dusty. And, but he did what, he did something out of honor that he could do by preparing his men from the North to have food and provision and clothing and fresh horses to give to the men of the South and fellowship with them and encourage them and pray with them and strengthen them so they could make it home.

When I read that, when I saw that and saw the pictures and the actual writings, I cried. It just touched my spirit.

Now, if you want to know true history, you want to, you want to have a good resource for your children for true American History, David Barton, follow David Barton on YouTube and Facebook. Okay? Very, very important. David Barton, um, he does have a, he does have a regular show, uh, that they do. It’s called David Barton Wall Builders, uh, David Barton Wall Builders. And I encourage you and your kids to follow David Barton Wall Builders, and he is also creating a curriculum of true American History, um, and they’re actually training up teachers and history teachers as well. They’ve got a lot of great teachings on YouTube and Facebook, uh, David Barton Wall Builders. Okay? 

So I encourage you all him and he’s got so many great teachings for the kids and so many wonderful resources of true American histor, history. And go to the Appomattox website, and you can look up all those documents and you can read them with your own eyes. Get your own peepers on those things. Say, “I want to read the letters of Jo, General Ro, Robert E. Lee. I want to read the letters of General Ulysses S. Grant. What was really said in those meetings? What really happened? Get your own peepers on it. Don’t just take whoever’s word for it. 

You see, who’s the false prophet? The false prophet is the fake news and those who are evil influencers who want to create propaganda to control people with an anti-Christ message, you see, to bring division and evil. NO! We cancel and renounce them in the name of Jesus. We cancel the fake news and the propaganda and the false prophets in the name of Jesus. We put them under the blood of Jesus Christ, those who incite fear and division, everything that’s against the fruit of the Holy Spirit. No!

You see, this is why, my friends, we must have discernment and say, “God, who do You want me to listen to? Who are Your truth seekers and truth speakers at this time?” Is there fruit of the Holy Spirit from what they’re doing? And if there’s fruit of the Holy Spirit, you’ll know they’re speaking truth. 

Jesus said to His disciples, they didn’t know, “Who’s speaking truth? Who, who do we believe?” Jesus said, “You’ll know them by their fruit.” It’s pretty simple. It’s not rocket science. Is the fruit of the Holy Spirit coming from what they’re doing? 

Linda Etherton says – praise report: God restored her relationship with her daughter and her son is homeschooling. Yes, David Barton. – Yes. Really good. Really good.

Kim Uman says, she says she’s asking the Lord to help her, in the name of Jesus. She repents for having a root of bitterness in her heart. “Lord, remove this bitterness in this country. Open up our eyes so we can see You, Jesus, and Your glory. Amen.” We, we just proclaimed it, Kim. It’s done, in the name of Jesus. We just proclaimed it by faith. It’s done. Every root of bitterness has been rooted out in this country and cast in the fire. It’s done. It’s done. Hallelujah.

We, we, yes, Apouah, Apouah Falogo [sp?]. We speak these same things over New Zealand, over Australia, right, over, over Great Britain, over Germany, over France, over South Africa, over Mexico, over Canada. Every root of bitterness, be thou rooted up out of those lands and those nations. Every root of bitterness be cast into the fire of God and burned to ashes and in those places that shall be planted trees of righteousness that bear the fruit of the Holy Spirit in those natio, nations, in Jesus’ name. 

Michelle Dubois said, “I know why …” she knows why they quit teaching cursive in schools. So there would be, no one could read the writings of the laws, even the constitution.

Yeah, The Declaration of Independence, The Bill of Rights, The Constitution are all written in cursive, and so it’s a demonic plot by the enemy, uh, to stop teaching our children cursive writing in schools so that the kids would not be able to read The Constitution, The Declaration of Independence, and The Bill of Rights. 

So, guess what? You teach your children cursive writing. You teach them cursive writing. You start writing in cursive and get your kids to, to read cursive. Get a copy of The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution, The Bill of Rights, and help your kids read it. And we say, cursive writing, be taught in the schools again, in Jesus’ name.

See, President Trump already signed an Executive Order that true American history will be taught in the schools again. It’s called The Patriotism something. I don’t know, can’t remember what the executive order, order [sic].

Lorie McNeil – John 17:17 – “Sanctify them through Thy truth. Thy word is truth.”

Amen. Seventeen means the overcomer victory, victory of the overcomer. 

Vebeda [sp?] – she says she’s also homeschooling a 14-year-old boy. He loves history. 

Amen. Take him to those historical places. It’s very important, but also what God had to say today, uh, about unity and harmony and rooting out, that, that proclamation that we made about rooting out bitterness, uh, and casting it into the fire and replanting those areas with trees of righteousness, that had to be said today. That had to be said today. 

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