Transcription of the word that the Holy Spirit gave to Annamarie Strawhand, which she delivered during her broadcast of Life in the Faith Lane on October 15, 2021. 

Watch the video, and then read the transcript below.


ANNAMARIE: Revival is coming to the Southern United States. It’s going to sweep across very swiftly. The Lord loves that. He loves that it’s called Bible Belt. He says, “That is my belt of truth.” Georgia! This is where the sentence … The Lord gave me one word in a sentence the other night, and I just, I was talking to my team, and he just had me type it out prophetically, supernaturally. “The lights are going out in Georgia. The night the lights went out in Georgia. The lights are going out in Georgia.” That’s what he’s saying. The lights are going out in Georgia, but he’s saying, “Do not fear, those of you who are in Georgia. Pray!” He says, “The lights are going out, and they’re coming back on, and it’s going to be different.” He says, “The lights are going out, and they’re coming back on, and it’s going to be different.” 

Wow, I’m seeing in the Spirit right now, “Georgia, they have prostituted her, and she has been bleeding and bleeding and bleeding, but no more. This is how the people of Georgia must pray, they must pray like the woman with the issue of blood. Say, ‘The state of Georgia has grabbed ahold of the fringe of the Lord’s garment, and she has been made whole again.’ It’s going to be SUDDENLY! SUDDENLY! It’ll be a light, the lights went out, and the lights came back on. It’s going to be SUDDENLY for Georgia! SUDDENLY!” Yes, Holy Spirit. Thank you, God. 

Intercessors in Georgia … and I know Jennifer Klinger’s in Atlanta—my own intercessor—her and I have already gone into the courts of Heaven in Georgia. They have tried to bleed Georgia and tried to mark her for death, but no, the Lord says, “She will live! Georgia will live! The intercessors must cry out and grab ahold of the fringe of the Lord’s garment, and it’ll be a sudden, sudden thing for Georgia!” The Spirit of the Lord is speaking here, “And it’ll be a sudden thing, sudden! The lights will go out and come back on.” 

He says there’s a fake, there’s, there’s fake, it’s, it, the, there, the entire government of Georgia is fake. It’s fake! He’s showing me margarine. Margarine. Margarine. It, it, it’s, it’s like, it’s not, it’s, it’s not the real thing. The Lord is saying that this evil government, this, those who have been fake for the people, they try, they’ve, they’ve tried to take over. 

He’s showing me a, a dairy farm, and he’s showing me these fake politicians in the dairy farm, but their milk has dried up. They have nothing that comes from the Lord. Their milk has dried up. Their flow has dried up, so they’re sitting in this empty dairy farm, and they’re trying to make margarine. But, no, the people have rejected it, and the Lord says, “I will give my people the dairy farms. I will give them the cows. I will give my people the flows of income, and it’ll be from ME,” says the Lord. 

The Lord’s saying he’s going to raise up his true leaders out of Georgia. The lights are going to go out, and they’re going to come back on. In that sudden transition, these fake leaders … it’ll be like, it’s done. Something very swift is going to happen there. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Jesus. 

He said, “Georgia, do not fear. Be like the woman with the issue of blood.” He’s looking at Georgia like a daughter. He’s looking at that state of Georgia like a daughter. Like Georgia is like a daughter, and Jesus said to the woman with the if, issue of blood, “Daughter, your faith has healed you.” Georgia, you shall be made whole. Shalem shalom, nothing missing, nothing lacking, nothing broken. Your affliction with the issue of blood has stopped suddenly, and the Lord is touching you, Georgia. And, Georgia, great revival shall come forth. You shall be a testimony of the goodness of the Lord Jesus Christ in Georgia.” 

He says Georgia’s on his mind. He’s showing me Ray Charles. [Singing] Georgia, Georgia, Georgia’s on his mind. He’s heard your prayers, Georgia, but you are like the woman with the issue of blood. “You must reach out and touch the hem of my garment.” This is the Lord. This is Jesus Christ. He loves you, Georgia. He loves you. Intercessors in Georgia, reach out and touch the fringe of the Lord’s garment, and say, “Stop the bleeding in Georgia, Lord! You did it for the woman of the issue of blood. We ask you to do it instantaneous for Georgia. We are releasing our faith to you, Jesus. Georgia, the state of Georgia is your daughter. O Lord, make her whole. Make her shalem. You did it instantaneously for the woman of the issue of blood. Do this for the state of Georgia for she is a pearl for your ecclesia. Georgia is a pearl for your ecclesia, Jesus!”

Yes, Lord, we are releasing our faith for Georgia today, and these, these ticks that have been trying to suck the blood of Georgia are being burned up by the fire of the Holy Ghost, and they are no more. Georgia is a daughter of the Lord! She is a precious pearl. Revival for Jesus Christ; great and mighty things for the Lord Jesus Christ come forth from Georgia right now, in the name of Jesus! Every fake and false leader, YOU are being cast down! Swiftly and quickly, the Lord is dealing with you swiftly. You will not be a parasite on Georgia anymore, you fake and false greedy leaders. Your time is up, in Jesus’ name!

Wow! I didn’t expect a word for Georgia from all that. Whoa. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Jesus. My friends, we must be faithful. We must not fear. We must speak the word of the Lord with our two-edged sword. If God has called up these men and women of truth, we must cover them in prayer because the great harvest of souls for Jesus Christ is, is, is happening, and nothing can stop it. The Armageddon, I’m sorry, the, the a, apocalypse is here. And what is the apocalypse? It’s The Great Awakening. Apocalypse is a Greek word that means the unveiling. Do not fear! This is good! This is good news! What has the Lord called you up for in this time? Let’s just give the Lord thanks and praise this morning, my friends. 

Father, we thank you and we praise you for all that you’re doing in this nation of America, for all that you’re doing through our president, Donald J. Trump, and the military that is working with him. We thank you, Father God, that you have ordained it in the heavens, the deliverance of America and the saving of America and of your people and that nothing can stop it, and the great harvest of souls is coming forth and nothing can stop it. We thank you, Father God, that you are doing this over all the earth. Even in this time of, of, of great chaos, we speak to the chaos in the name of Jesus, and we say, “O God arise and scatter your enemies.” We speak to the chaos, and we say, “Let the people of God arise. Let the sons and daughters of, uh, of God arise in the earth.” Thank you, God. 

Father, we, we, we praise you through all of this. We praise you through all of this. The veil has been rent open. Thank you, Jesus, for giving us access to the Father and access to the kingdom and the authority that we walk in. We serve at the pleasure of our king, King Jesus! We speak righteousness. We speak the salvation of the Lord. Nothing can come against the plans and purposes of God, in Jesus’ name. Let the words that have been spoken through this prophet, right now, today, go forth and prosper, in Jesus’ name. Thank you, Lord. 

When he showed me that dairy farm, I had this vision of all these fake politicians. There was nothing for them, and this was just a empty place. And he was saying Benedict Arnolds, and then they were still trying to survive on their margarine, but it was nothing. And we have the real thing. We have the milk and the honey and the butter, and every time I remember that the Lord, when the Lord shows me a cow or a dairy farm, that means streams of income that come from God, and the fact that their streams of income have been dried up.  

And the lights going out suddenly. They go off, and they’ll come back on, and it’ll be like sudden. So do not fear, my friends. What a glorious time to be alive. The state of Georgia is his daughter. He’s calling Georgia his daughter. Wow, he said that she was like the woman with the issue of blood, and the intercessors in Georgia have to reach out and grab ahold of his garment and say, “Bleeding, stop!” And the Lord will STOP IT! He’ll STOP the bleeding. That’s what’s happening in Georgia. I feel the Holy Spirit so strong right now, my friends.

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