Prophetic Word: Kansas – Great Hub For The Lord – Crossroads – Time Of Choosing Of The Heart!

Prophetic Word: Kansas – Great Hub For The Lord – Crossroads – Time Of Choosing Of The Heart!

Transcription of the word that the Holy Spirit gave to Annamarie Strawhand, which she delivered during her broadcast of Life in the Faith Lane on December 7, 2022.

Watch the video, and then read the transcript below.


ANNAMARIE: David, I was out running errands yesterday. I had to go get me and Mike some lunch and go to the post office and pick up stuff, and, you know, the Lord always speaks to me while I’m out. 

The Holy Spirit is speaking to you all the time, all the time, and, um, it was really interesting because, you know, I know that you’re in Kansas, David, you know, and I know that God is using the state of Kansas mightily and has been using the state of Kansas mightily. 

We know that Kansas City, uh, is where they have the IHOP, right, International House of Prayer that was started, I believe, well over almost 20 years ago it was started. Um, and it was to be 24-hour prayer, praise, and worship. And a lot of, uh, prophetic ministries came out of there. A lot of great prophetic words came out of there. Specifically, the prophetic words of Bob Jones, and a lot of them are coming to pass today. 

There was one word, uh, that Bob Jones gave that when the Kansas City Chiefs win the Super Bowl that, that’s a marker, right? Prophets will give … Prophets of God, right, true prophets of God, when they give a word, a lot of times they’ll give, and I know I’ve given this word many times where it’s a marker of something. Where God is, is, is saying, “Look, when you see this happen, it’s a marker in time when something is going to start, when something is going to begin.” And that Kansas City Chiefs, uh, Super Bowl win, which wasn’t this last Super Bowl. I believe it was, uh, was it the 2020 Super Bowl? Um, that was a marker that was prophesied.

Will God use sports? Absolutely, He will use sports, and we’re going to talk about that in a little bit, uh, today with, with the state of Georgia, but, uh, I, God was highlighting Kansas to me all day yesterday. 

I was out, I kept seeing KC, KC, KC everywhere — the letters K and C. The letters K and C. I was seeing it on the back of license plates. I was seeing, I was like, “What is this?” And then I would see KS, right, you know, for Kansas, and I was like, “Okay,” you know? And then to see a Kansas license plate in Virginia Beach, that’s kind of not [inaudible] like, you’re a long way from Kansas, okay? You know? 

So I, I was like, “Lord, you’re speaking about Kansas.” And the Holy Spirit will show you things. You know, pay attention to license plates, right? Pay attention to cars that pull up beside you, you know, while you’re at … Of course, you know, pay attention to the road. You know, don’t drive off the road, you know, just let the Holy Spirit lead you and show. 

ou know, before I leave the house, of course, I’m suited up in my armor of God. I’ve taken my seat of authority in Jesus Christ. I’m covered in the blood of Jesus. My vehicle’s covered in the blood of Jesus, and I say, “Okay, Holy Spirit, take me on an adventure today. Show me what You want to show me. Reveal to me what You want to reveal to me.” Right? “Show those things, and, and, and give me, uh, uh, uh, give me like a little jolt in my spirit,” right? You know, He’ll give me a little jolt in my spirit. Don’t be afraid of that, my friends. Don’t be afraid of that. That’s how He speaks to us. That’s how He reveals things to us. 

And the Lord’s highlighting Kansas. He’s highlighting Kansas. You know, I’ve been, uh, boots on the ground in Kansas a couple of times, um, and I think I know what this is. Uh, when the Kansas City Chiefs won the Super Bowl, that was a marker for the Great Revival for Jesus Christ was to begin. It was a marker that the revival for Jesus Christ across this nation of America and out to all the nations — it was a marker that it was beginning. 

And, you know, we really see it happening. We know that Sean Feucht, uh, really started going into these cities and doing this Let Us Worship Tour, and, uh, you know, thousands coming to Jesus, really getting out there. Tent revivals starting up with Mario Murillo, um, you know, and then we see, uh, Phillip, uh, Renner, Phillip Renner going into cities, and he’s just like, I mean, Phillip Renner, uh, uh, I mean, just like Sean Feucht, he’s going into these cities, right, Times Square and, you know, uh, Denver, Colorado, where there is, there’s been a lot of spiritual warfare and going in there boldly and proclaiming the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. 

Phillip Renner was, I think it was a month ago, he was in Denver, Colorado, during this Halloween thing, and he was proclaiming the gospel and worshipping Jesus in downtown Colorado. It was called Halloween Riot or something. It was like really, like a really demonic event, and he, and they were throwing beer on him and everything, and I’ll tell you what; within an hour, people were bringing theirselves to the altar. They were throwing themselves on the altar asking Jesus Christ to be their Lord and Savior.

So I believe that Kansas City marker of the football team winning, uh, that Bob Jones prophecy coming to pass, uh, was, was a moment in time that God was saying, “Okay, when you see this happening, you’ll, you’ll, know that revival has begun.” Okay? 

Now, the Lord will give us markers, and He gives us markers, and He uses His prophetic voices to speak, what? To give us hope, to, uh, show us how to pray, to, uh, keep our eyes on what God is doing, okay? 

And, um, you know, out of the darkness comes, uh, come this great light, right? The light goes into the darkness, and the darkness cannot stop it. It can’t comprehend it, and, uh, this is what we are. We are the light, and we’re all called up for this, you know?

And we can’t just look at the political atmosphere, that God is only speaking through the political atmosphere. I mean, God is speaking through everything, okay? People, you can’t get yourself piegeonholed into what God is doing into the political atmosphere by saying, “Oh, this. Oh, that. It must not,” you know, “Why is just everything terrible” because of, you know, what’s happening in the political atmosphere.

I want you to understand something. God is spelling across everything, all aspects of life, all aspects of, of culture, all aspects … He, you know, He can speak through anything, and can He speak through a sporting event? Absolutely!

The Apostle Paul, many times, uses sporting events as examples of what God was doing. Right? We must run the race as to get the victor’s crown. Right? We must throw off all encumberments and run that race. And so, um, even Jesus, in the Book of Revelation, used an example of what? Was using a sporting event, uh, in Greece, that, you know, “I will give you a white stone.” Jesus says that in the Book of Revelation. “I will give you a white stone.” Well, white stones were given to winners in Olympic events back in Greece years ago, you know?

So we, we, we need to understand that we can’t, you know, pigeonhole this, and we can’t, you know, we’ve got to really expand our thinking, you know, renew our mind, expand our thinking. As we put on our helmet of Salvation every morning, we proclaim we have the mind of Christ. “Open up our eyes, Lord. What are You saying? What are you speaking? Can You speak through a football team? Can You speak through a license plate? Can You speak through these things?”

And I think I know what this is. Uh, revival is definitely started, and the kingdom is here, right? Our Father, who art in Heaven, Hallowed be thou name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in the earth as it is in Heaven. So the kingdom is coming to earth, my friends, and who does the kingdom reside in? In us — those who are in Christ Jesus. And we’re the ones bringing the kingdom to earth. And not just in America; all over the world.

Uh, we know that America had a prophetic word spoken over her in 1605 by Reverand James Hunt right here at the First Landing Cross in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Right? They came over on the ship with the King James Bible, and, uh, Reverend James Hunt said, “I want everyone to fast on this ship for three days. We’re going to thank God for this voyage.” And when they got off the ship right here, right here in Virginia Beach, Virginia, they planted a cross in the sand, and Reverend Hunt gave a prophetic word over this nation of America. “From these very shores and to all this land shall go the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, and out to all the land. And we bless this land and all the inhabitants thereof.” 

So America had a prophetic word over her. She had a prophetic word, and Reverend James Hunt came and spoke that prophetic word. It was several years before the pilgrims came here, you see, and they were the ones that went up — Reverend Hunt and his, his troops went up and, and settled Jamestown.

So, um, the prophecy over this nation that this nation of America was founded for the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, and so why would God be showing me Kansas and Kansas City all day yesterday? All right? Because it’s a central point of this nation. It’s like the heart of this nation — the heartland, right? God begins in the heart. And there has been that 24-hour praise and worship coming from there. God put a marker there that said, “When the Kansas City Chiefs win the Super Bowl revival is starting.”

So get your eyes on other things. Have the Holy Spirit spread your horizons, um, you know, one thing about Kansas, okay, Kansas is known for pioneering, okay? Now, when I visited Kansas it was because one of my race car drivers lived there, uh, Mandy Chick. Uh, she’s a very talented female race car driver. She lived in Desoto, Kansas, uh, very near where Piccirillo lives. He, he lives, um, Piccirillo, don’t you live in, um, Olathe, Olathe? Yeah. We went to Olathe for lunch when I was there. 

So I stayed there several days. Had the best steak I’ve ever had in my life. They just treated me to the best delicious steak there in Kansas City. Of course, we went to the Kansas Motor Speedway and, um, I was helping Mandy with her racing career and doing some things. They took me all around Kansas. 

And as we were driving up their road to go to their house there was these old trees and these old posts along the yar, the, the road, and there were these, you know, uh, markers, historical markers. And I’m always very interested in historical markers. I love, I’m like, “Stop! I want to read that historical marker.” My husband, when we’re traveling, “Wait! Stop! I want to read that historical marker and take a picture of it.” I love that.

So, uh, Mandy’s dad says to me this road that they lived on was part of, I think it was the Oregon Trail that went across this nation, and those markers are, in the trees where the markers are, are actual historical landmarks that mark the Oregon Trail. 

So Kansas is very significant right now. What’s big about Kansas? It’s a crossroads in this nation. It’s a crossroads, um, yeah, and it’s big for the trucking industry. All right. It’s big for the trains. It’s big for, uh, it’s a crossroads in our nation. It’s central point where trucking goes through and everything like that. That’s why the cattle industry was really big and still is in Kansas, right, because picking up cattle. It, it really is a heart and a, a central point. It’s a hub. It’s a hub to this nation. 

Now, lots of wagon wheels going through Kansas. Lots of wagon wheels going through Kansas City. It’s a hub, all right? And will God use, uh, uh, different areas for what they’re anointed for, for what their lo, location, right? God is very intentional. We know God is very intentional. 

All this praise and worship that’s been coming up through Kansas City, um, you know, this central point of this nation, this crossroads. 

So the Lord is showing me we are at a point. We have come to a point of choosing, a point of crossroads in this nation. Kansas is really points to the crossroads. Are we going to go the way of Jesus Christ’s revival kingdom, right, or are we going to stay in the way of secular, right, uh, the, you know, earthly, worldly, fleshly? All right? 

So everybody in their personal life comes to a crossroads, and I believe a nation can come to those crossroads. So it’s giving me a strategy on how to pray right now, right? America chooses kingdom. America chooses the kingdom of God. America chooses the kingdom of God. We are a kingdom nation. We are a kingdom nation. We are a nation of Jesus Christ. America chooses the kingdom of God. America chooses the kingdom of God. Right? 

And we’ve talked about gates a lot, right? If, if Kansas City [inaudible] point is a gateway. We’ve been talking about gates. We’ve been praying about the gates. We’ve been praying about the cities. We’ve been praying about the states. We’ve been pouring the Communion. 

And last night, um, a lot of people were praying over the state of Georgia, uh, you know, and what was going on with Georgia. Yes, we know cheating is going on. Yes, we know the state is corrupt. Yes, we know that every single one of their politicians in Georgia has been selected. We know that they are still using those fake machines, right? We, we, we, we get that, so we can’t be all like, “[Gasping] [Inaudible],” right? 

We can’t be in a panic mode because God is not just using politics to shift this nation. He’s looking at what? Hearts. He’s looking at heart, and he’s looking to his intercessors to continue to speak kingdom over this nation, to continue to speak that prophetic word that was given over America in 1605 by Reverand James Hunt. America was founded for the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and nothing shall come against that. 

America chooses Jesus. America chooses the kingdom of God. Great revival has started. No matter what happens in the political atmosphere, my friends, it doesn’t matter.

Herod was king of Judea when Jesus Christ came the first time, and he was a wicked, wicked king and a corrupt king. You see, is it important that our, our leaders are godly? Yes, because we must pray for them. We must continue to pray for them. I’m not saying don’t pray for them, right? 

The Bible says, first of all, pray for leaders and all those who are in authority, and that’s definitely something we have to pray. Absolutely, right? But when America’s heart changes, everything else will change. Do you understand what I’m saying? When the heart of this nation shifts back to God in the people, in the land, everything else has to change, and so God is looking at our praise and worship, our prayers, our heart, our proclamations.

We are in the Hebrew decade of the mouth right now, right, and we got to continue to speak out of our mouths what we want to see. You see, all this praise and worship, all these, these things that we’re speaking prophetically over the nation, all the things that we’re speaking prophetically on the land, over the land, revivals starting. What does it do? It breaks the strongholds down. It breaks down those demonic strongholds. It breaks them down. 

So don’t give up. Don’t stop praying. Continue to proclaim that America belongs to Jesus Christ. America’s heart belongs to Jesus Christ. These, this nation was founded for the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Revival is here. Thousands and millions giving their life to Jesus Christ. Come on, we got to continue to, to speak that. We got to continue to speak that. 

And with this hub in Kansas City, right, there’s more hubs that are opening up. We see many of you have been called to start a home church. Many of you have been called to start a tent revival. Many of  you have been called to, to start a farm or a ranch where you’re going to be having prophets, teachers, evangelists coming. You know, this is the Book of Acts revival time. We are in the greatest of times. This is the kingdom revival time, my friend, and it’s going to be greater than we’ve ever seen it before. 

So have hope. Be encouraged. I kept seeing Kansas City yesterday, and I knew that God remembered His word. He’s remembered all the worship that has gone up. This nation, yes, she is in a crossroad, but we choose Jesus. We choose Jesus. And we got to continue to speak that. Do you realize the more you speak that, all of our voices raising up and speaking, “America chooses Jesus Christ,” that’s a prophetic word that goes forth, and Heaven is activated. Right, the angels of the Lord are activated. The Holy Spirit is activated. 

We go back to Habakkuk 2:2 in the Bible, right. Habakkuk was an intercessor, watchman on the wall for Israel, and he was looking around at certain things, and it didn’t seem like things were going that great, right? To, to the natural eye, he didn’t see like, are, what’s going on, right? So he literally went on his wall — Habakkuk — he went on his wall, and he was like, “How long, Lord? When are you going to do this, God? How long?” He was getting frustrated, right? He had been standing on the wall being a watchman. It didn’t look like things in the political atmosphere were changing. He didn’t see, he, he wasn’t seeing like, “Oh, you know, is it really changing? Is it really,” right? 

And what did God say to him? “And God answered Habakkuk and said, ‘Write the vision down. (What do you want to see, Habakkuk? What do you want to see happen for your nation?) Write the vision down. Make it plain on tablets. (Put it up where everybody can see it. Proclaim it. Speak it,) and he that readeth will run with it.” What does that mean? The angels of the Lord, the Holy Spirit. 

So we’ve got to keep our vision intact. We’ve got to be Habakkuks, right? We’ve got to keep our vision intact. We’ve got to continue to man our posts as watchmen on the wall, and we got to continue to speak what we want to see in this nation. And do not waver, right? Post it up on the wall. Speak it. Continue to call it forth, in the name of Jesus. Come on, intercessors. Come on. Come on. 

You see, we are the kingdom. We, right, the kingdom of God is within us, and when we pray, “Your kingdom come. Your will be done, Lord,” we are speaking the kingdom of God into the earth every time we say that, you see? So amp up your prayers. Amp ‘em up! Continue to speak revival. Continue to say, “America chooses Jesus Christ.” Put up your vision for this nation. Put up your vision for your state. 

We had a prophetic word over Atlanta, Georgia, two years ago. That’s how I met Jennifer, almost three years ago now. That’s how I met my assistant, Jennifer Klinger. I gave a word about Atlanta. She lives in Atlanta. The Holy Spirit came on me very strong one day right here on the broadcast. And He said, “Annamarie, your feet have been in Atlanta Motor Speedway.” And I was like, “Yes, Lord, I’ve been there many times at the races working in NASCAR.” And He said, “Prophesy that Atlanta Motor Speedway shall have a great revival filled to the brim and overflowing with thousands coming to the Lord Jesus Christ, baptisms.” And He gave me a vision and showed it tto me of Atlanta Motor Speedway. And then He said, “Now, prophesy it over every stadium in this nation, every race track, every speedway, every football stadium that it’s being used for revival.”

You see, when we speak that word in the name of Jesus, according to Isaiah 55:11, and we speak it in faith, we see it in faith, it will not return void. It’ll prosper for what it is sent. So what’s coming out of your mouth? Is it words of faith? Is it words of revival? If it’s, is it words that say, “Uh-uh, you know what? America belongs to Jesus Christ. America chooses Jesus. Georgia chooses Jesus. Kansas chooses Jesus. Virginia chooses Jesus.” 

Come on, people. We’re the ones that are the government. Is somebody hearing me today? We’re the ones that are the government. Whatever happens with President Trump, whatever happens with Herschel Walker, whoever, we’re the kingdom. We’re of God’s government, and we’re bringing in what? God’s government into the earth by proclaiming it. The kingdom of God is at hand. You know, we’ve got to continue to proclaim that, you know? And who’s going to be brave and do this? It says the eyes of the Lord look to and fro throughout the whole earth looking to who He can use, looking to who will agree with Him. He’s not looking for perfect, but He’s looking for faithful. Did you hear what I said? He’s not looking for perfect, but He’s looking for faithful. Speak it! Proclaim it! Come on.

And when the heart of the nation changes, everything else changes, you see? And we are at this crossroads. He was showing me Kansas. He was showing me Kansas City. And I love the fact that, you know, Piccirillo’s in that, in Kansas, in Kansas City. And something amazing is coming from Kansas City that the Lord showed me recently. 

You know how we’re coming to the one new government, the perfect government of God, the 12 tribes of Israel government, right, and the 12, the 12 apostolic, the 12 apostles of Jesus Christ, the 12 disciples of Jesus Christ coming together as one government, one new man, right, that’s coming together as one, Jew and Gentile coming together as one? More and more of us are studying about, uh, Jesus as a Jew and understanding these things. 

There is an amazing ministry that has come out of Kansas City, Kansas, called Grafted — G R A F … How do you spell grafted? G R A F T E D, grafted, right, the Jew and the Gentile grafted together as one olive tree, right, and pouring out of the Holy Spirit. We’re in that timing, my friend. It’s, it’s with the government of God is coming to rule and reign. How? Through us, His people — Christians and Jews together as one. 

And, um, there’s amazing ministry, and I’m going to take this class, and I’m going to encourage you all to take this class through Grafted. I’m going to sign up for it. It’s, um, it’s, it’s a class that, uh, it’s actually a course, and, um, they’re going to be teaching it. What they are, is they are Messianic, uh, uh, uh, congregation. It’s a Messianic, uh, I guess you would just call him a teacher. He, he’s, he’s a teacher. He’s a pastor. He’s a leader, and, uh, we call him Dr. Tom. And he’s with Grafted. 

I love Grafted. I found Grafted, um, they were doing, um, you know the show The Chosen. They were doing, uh, what do you call those? Reviews. They were going through The Chosen videos, and they were reviewing it on how close it is to the truth of the Hebrew, the Hebrew origins, and the, and the Hebrew traditions. And it was amazing how Dr. Tom was teaching through all that they were doing in The Chosen. 

And I have learned so much from him. I’ve learned so much from him, and I’m very excited to take his class, to take his course on the Grafted. And what it is, he’s going to teach about all the Messianic prophecies and all the things that are happening with this one new man government that’s coming, right, all these promises of God — the promises of God for Abraham, the promises of God to Isaac, the promises of God to Jacob, the promises of God to King David. 

Now, all these things have to come to pass, right, even the promises that are in Zechariah and the promises that are in the minor prophets like Micah and, and, and Obadiah. What he’s going to teach is he’s going to dig us deep into the Hebrew Bible, and he’s going to teach us of all these Messianic prophecies that actually, some of them, yes, pointed to the first coming of Jesus Christ, but many of them point to things that have to happen before the second coming of Christ. 

You see, the people of Israel are still God’s people. That will never change. They’ll still be His chosen people, and there are things that have to happen with the Jew before Jesus Christ returns, and that just hit me. I was like, “Whoa! Okay, I’m going to, I want to, I want to dig deep.” Right? We’re told, keep seeking, keep asking, keep knocking, and Jesus said people perish for lack of knowledge, and we have to understand Jesus as a Jew. Jesus was always confirming Old Testament prophecy. The first thing He did when He started His ministry, He proclaimed Isaiah 61 over himself. And our job in this time as Christians is to bring the Jew to Yeshua Messiah, Jesus.

So Dr. Tom is going to be doing this course, and I’m going to take this course. And he’s out of Kansas City, and I’m like, “Lord, You’ve got a Messianic Hebrew teacher coming out of Kansas City that’s going to help usher in this government of the kingdom of one new man and give us understanding of all these Messianic prophecies of the Old Testament and how they have to come to pass and, and, and giving us understanding of the times we’re in and what we must do and pin pointing all these things that must happen before Jesus Christ returns? 

And I’m excited to take this class, and I’m thinking, okay, all day yesterday, I was out driving, running errands. I’m seeing Kansas, Kansas City, KC. Everything pointed to that, and I’m like, “Okay, Lord, what’s going on?” And He started speaking to me. He started prophesying to me. He started saying to me, first I was thinking, “Oh, it must be about David, my, my, my David here, David Piccirillo.” Right? And God is using him mightily, but there were several things that the Lord was revealing to me about what He’s doing in this nation right now. We’ve come to a crossroads. He’s looking at the heart of our nation. He’s looking at us stepping into this time of revival. What’s our part in it? Right? We usher in the kingdom, the people of God, and we’ve got to understand this Messianic, uh, understanding of Old Testament prophets and the promises of God that have to happen for Israel to prepare the way of the second coming of Christ and the bridegroom for His what? His bride. His ecclesia, which includes Jew and Gentile. 

And we’re coming into this time, so we got to educate ourselves. We’ve got to have understanding of this. We, as Christians, we don’t replace the Jew. No, we come together with the Jo, Jew and Yeshua Messiah, Jesus as one, one nation, kingdom, and God will always fulfill His promises to King David.

Do you realize that the tabernacle of David has to be rebuilt before Yeshua. What’s the tabernacle of David? A tent — worshipping God in the presence of God! That’s revival! The Great Harvest has to be brought in for Jesus before He returns. Right? 

So why do you think the devil has been freaking out? Why do you think the devil’s been trying to do everything he can to turn nations away from Christ? Because of the revival that’s coming, the Jew and Gentile coming together as one. The kingdom is coming. The veils are being lifted. The Great Awakening is here, and the devil can’t stop it! He can try to hinder it. He can try to put out a false narrative. He can try to keep us in fear, try to keep us frozen, you know, “Oooh oooh hooo.” But no, nothing can stop the kingdom from coming, and nothing can stop the people of God for revival and preparing the way of the Lord. These are truly the days of Elijah. 

And I want to go deeper. I’m hungry to go deeper. I want to know these promises God gave to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and David. I want to understand these Old Testament prophecies. I don’t want to get religious about it, but I want to know how to pray. I want to have understanding. I want to have a heart like God’s heart. How about you? So I’m going to take that course at Grafted with Dr. Tom. There it is. Thank you, Goose. And I want to encourage y’all to look into it. 

Um, He’s out of Kansas City. I was being shown Kansas, Kansas, Kansas, Kansas City yesterday. We’re at a crossroads, right? It’s time for us to make a choice. It’s time for us to, as America, America belongs to Yeshua Messiah, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and, uh, there’s something about the crossroad area of this nation, Kansas City, right? All those years of worship coming up, and, uh, there’s something very, very fertile there, something very fertile.

And so Dr. Tom, with Grafted, uh, Introduction to Biblical Messia, Messianic Worldview, and I think it would be a great gift, uh, for yourself for your growth. Um, you know, I have courses that I’m going to be doing and things like that, but I, I recognize a person’s anointing. I mean, there’s certain things that I’m anointed to teach that the Lord has given me to be anointed to teach, but Dr. Tom, he’s been anointed to teach this. And it would be irresponsible of me to take the course and then me try to teach you all. No, you know, I need to just send you right to the source. 

And it’s just so beautiful that this is starting to come available in our nation, you know, uh, Introduction to a Biblical Messianic Worldview, because when we go and we witness to the Jew about, you know, Jesus Christ is your Messiah, Yeshua is your Messiah, we’re going to be so equipped. We’re going to be so equipped, and, you know, people in, in the church in America, a lot of them are in fear. They’re literally in the pews, uh, trembling, “[Gasp] Oh, waiting on the rapture! Oh!” You know? And, and, and fear is not of God, my friends. Fear is not of God. 

This is a time of great awakening, an unveiling. This is the time of the apocalypse. Apocalypse is simple a Greek word that means the unveiling. So knowledge that we never had before is being shown to us. You see? Revival is here. We want to be able to witness to the Jew, the Muslim. The Muslims know all about Abraham. They call Abraham their father. We need to have understanding of this stuff. We need to go deep, deeper, right? Keep seeking. Keep asking. Keep knocking.

So I’m going to take this, this course with Dr. Tom at Grafted, Introduction to a Biblical Messianic Worldview, and I’m going to recommend it to all of you. I’m getting ready to sign up for it. It’s like a Hanukkah, Christmas present to myself. 

And, um, and I believe that’s why I kept seeing KC, KS all day yesterday, and the Lord was saying, “We’re at a crossroads. We have to make a choice, and it’s time for my people to, to, uh, get on the watchmen posts. Continue to, uh, …” 

And you see, the watchmen, I took an oath to be a watchman over this nation, and I take it very, very seriously. But when I took the oath as a watchman for this nation, the oath wasn’t just for America. It was for Israel too. It was for both, so I have to be responsible and obedient to that for the Lord. I need to know, not just how to pray for America and how to pray for the, the church of Jesus Christ, right, and the congregation, but I have to also know how to pray for Israel. 

So if you’re going to take an oath to be a watchman, to be an intercessor, to be a Habakkuk, this watchman on the wall, write the vision; make it plain; he that readeth will run with it, and you’re going to stand in faith and you’re going to stand for this nation, and you’re going to continue to pray, and you’re going to continue to speak words of faith, you need to do it for Israel too. Yes, it’s both. 

And don’t be afraid, okay? Don’t be scared. Know that you have the favor of God upon you when you do this. Right? He who bless, blesses Israel shall be blessed. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. And the Lord says, “In these last days, I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh. Your sons and daughters shall prophesy. Your old men shall dream dreams.” This is the time, right, where the heavens are opening up and pouring out the Spirit of God upon all of us so we have understanding of the Jew; we have understanding of Israel; we have understanding of all these promises of God; we have understanding of God’s heart. We’re going to be bringing Muslims and Jews and people of all races, all nations to Yeshua Messiah like never before, and we have to be equipped. We have to know what to say, know what to speak. We have to have understanding of this.

So I encourage you to take that course with Grafted and Dr. Tom, Introduction to Biblical Messianic Worldview, and I think it’s going to be incredible because I’ve already been listening to a lot of his teachings. I’m like, uh, I mean, he’s so anointed for this. And it’s almost like I knew this in my spirit when I’m listening to him speak. I, like I knew this in my spirit, and literally when I’m hearing his teaching my spirit is leaping for joy like, “finally,” you know.

And I think a lot of us are seeking. A lot of us are seeking that, and, uh, this is kingdom, my friends. Keep asking. Keep seeking. Keep knocking, and all these things will be added unto you. What? Knowledge. Understanding. Understanding of the minor prophets. There’s a, a very powerful connection with Yeshua Messiah and the second coming and things that have to happen before Jesus returns in the minor prophets. God has to fulfill certain promises to Israel, and He will because He never forgets His word.

So when you start understanding, and you start understanding His timeline, uh, it’ll all start to make sense to you. Your spirit will leap for joy. Amen? So I’m going to take that course, and I want to encourage you too. It’ll be really fun because we can kind of take it together. 

And, yeah, I’m going to be building courses for my ministry and all that, but I recognize the anointing on a person, and Dr. Tom is the man to teach that. And I think, you know, you need to understand this whole one new man because this one new man, Jew and Gentile coming together, it, it’s got to happen. It has to before Jesus returns, you see, and we’re in that moment. We’re in that time, and how can we witness to the Jew if we don’t understand the promises? You see? We’ve got to go to them equipped with understanding, and this is the way to do it.

“So good. So good.” Jax has studied the one new man, and she loves learning. Absolutely, we got to. We got to keep going deeper. 

“Ha ha,” Molly [Inaudible] she loves self Christmas gifts. Christmas gift to yourself, right? I can’t wait to dig into Dr. Tom’s course. I’m like [Clapping]. I’m so excited!

Eydie Hahn says, “The deeper things of God.” Three sunflowers. [Emojis] Yes, darling.

Ooh, Becky Pierce says in June she attended an “awesome tent revival in Towanda, Kansas, put on by Kansa for the King. It was so amazing!” 

I’m telling you what. Kansas is just on fire with the Holy Ghost. It, there is, yes, there’s a crossroads happening in this nation, but something major and glorious is coming out of Kansas, my friends. It is so exciting. Revival is here.

Yes, Debbie Gilbert, “We must prepare the bride of Christ.” And we can’t forget about the Jew. Right? The church is simply an ecclesia, which is a Greek word for congregation. Right? The gathering of the people in Christ Jesus, and Jesus even said, “I came for the Jew first,” you know, and He, He cried and He wept over Israel. He cried and He wept over Jerusalem that they did not know Him. They did not receive Him. They, and He was fulfilling every prophecy. They should have realized it, but they didn’t. 

And, you know, I believe even with Christians, the enemy has tried to separate us from the Jew. He’s done everything he can to try and erase the Jewishness of Jesus, but no more. It, it can’t be stopped. It can’t be erased. Amen? 

So I hope you, you, you take that course. Revival is here. Yes, Goose Sopin, Goose, you going to take it? I’m going to do it. Grafted – Dr. Tom – Introduction to Biblical Messianic Worldview. Grafted. There it is. And they’re out of Kansas City. Gory to God. 

Oh, look at Sean. Shaun Shoemate says, “This is YAHmazing news.” She’s so excited about this class. Me too, Sean! Who would think, you know, I’m like 57 years old, and I can’t wait to go back to school. You know, but He’s given us this hunger, and I don’t know about you, but I’m like, I’m like, “I want to know this. I want to dig deep. I want to dig deep in the word. I want understanding. I want to go deeper.” Whew! I love it! 

Thank you, Jennifer, for scripture. 2 Chronicles 16:9 “For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth to show himself strong on behalf of them whose heart is perfect towards Him. Thou hast done foolishly. Therefore, henceforth, thou shalt have wars.” 

You see, the only way things are going to change is our, if our hearts change, so our, our goal and our focus and our assignment as intercessors is to what? To continue to speak to people’s hearts, to pray for people’s hearts, to continue, right? If my people will humble themselves and pray, repent, I will hear from Heaven, right? Right, if they turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from Heaven, and I will heal their land, and that’s what we’ve been doing. 

So if you’re a watchman on the wall, you know, this is our focus, is, and revival is here, and we’re going to continue to speak, “America belongs to Jesus. America belongs to Jesus. America chooses Jesus.” Come on. “America’s leaders choose Jesus.” Just continue to speak that. Prophecy it. Write it down. Put it on the wall. Let’s be Habakkuks today. America’s heart has turned back to Jesus. Come on. We’re going to keep speaking that, and as we’re speaking it, as we’re prophesying it, what happens? The angels of the Lord and the Holy Spirit goes into activation for us. You understand that? Hallelujah!

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