Prophetic Word: For Trump’s VP J.D. Vance

Prophetic Word: For Trump’s VP J.D. Vance

Transcription of the word that the Holy Spirit gave to Annamarie Strawhand, which she delivered during her broadcast of Life in the Faith Lane on July 17, 2024.

Watch the video, and then read the transcript below.


ANNAMARIE: I have a prophetic word for you this morning, and it is absolutely so precious. It’s so beautiful. So I went to the Lord in prayer the last two days and asking for confirmation about President Trump’s vice president pick, his vice president choice, J.D. Vance. And I prayed and prayed and prayed, and I was careful not to look at too much online because their were people already bashing this man, okay?

And, um, my husband and I were discussing it, and we were watching an interview with J.D. Vance, uh, that Monday night before President Trump came out onto the RNC, uh, stage, and they interviewed, uh, J.D. Vance about his life. And, um, in the very, very beginning when President Trump was running for president, uh, back in 2016, J.D. Vance did not like Trump, and he had said some negative things about Trump, so they questioned him on that. And he, he was very honest. He said, “I didn’t really like him in the beginning.” He said, “But then once I started seeing what he was really like and, you know, what he was doing, I realized, you know, this is a good man, and I want to get behind him.”

And my husband said, you know, that’s how he felt, and I remembered my husband did not like President Trump at all. He didn’t like Trump at all. In 2016, uh, I mean, he liked him, but he didn’t like the way he acted. He, he just didn’t, um, like Trump’s personality, and it took awhile for that, for my husband to warm up to Trump, it did. It took awhile for my husband to warm up to Trump. 

And as I started looking at J.D. Vance, and I started looking at my husband, and I started praying into it, they both had abusive fathers. My husband had an alcoholic abusive father who was very horrible. Uh, J.D. Vance had an abusive father who was very horrible. 

J.D. Vance actually wrote a best-selling book about his abusive upbringing and his abusive father. Um, it was made into a movie, and, uh, I started thinking, “Lord, for those people that have abusive fathers in their lives, they struggle with strong father figures. 

See, I teach you all about how getting your, your soul healed, okay, and if you had an abusive earthly father that was cruel to you or angry to you, sometimes you struggle with a relationship with people in leadership. In other words, you struggle with male figures that are, are very strong male figures. You struggle with that male figure leadership. You, you know, you may even, like, you know, um, you may even say they, they’re mean or they’re hateful, and they’re not really because you’re operating out of those wounds from your past with your earthly father, okay? And it even can even affect your relationship with your Heavenly Father, all right? 

And I said, “Lord, could that be why J.D. Vance struggled with President Trump, with Trump in the beginning in 2016 because he was operating out of his soul wounds with his earthly father in the same way my husband did,” and, um, so I was like, “Lord, how should I pray for J.D. Vance.” You know, If this is President Trump’s VP pick right now, how should I pray for him? 

Now, I went to the Lord on a couple of things. I asked the Lord, “Lord,” because we know that, uh, JFK Jr. is alive, and we did get some confirmations, uh, a couple of years ago that JFK Jr. is helping trump. Uh, there was a connection with the vice presidency of JFK Jr. with this undercover military operation that’s going on.

So I went to the Lord, and I asked Him about two things. I said, “Lord, what are You doing with J.D. Vance? What are You doing with J.D. Vance? What are You doing with JFK Jr., and what are You doing with the 2024 election?” I said to the Lord, “Is there going to be a 2024 election? Is J.D. Vance going to be the vice president? What’s going to happen with the 2020 election?” 

So I was going to the Lord with a lot of things, and I’m still waiting for confirmation on if we’re going to have a 2024 election or not. Now, listen, I don’t need all your opinions right now. I’m waiting for the Lord Himself to confirm it to me or not. Okay? So just hold on. 

But the Lord gave me confirmation this morning about J.D. Vance, and I’m waiting for confirmation for the rest of it.

So I was in prayer this morning. I had the anointing come on me very strong, and I felt the Father’s heart, and He had just shown me a video the night before, a behind-the-scenes video of President Trump with his sons, hugging them, calling his sons sweetheart, my son, and J.D. Vance was just standing there taking it all in.

I’m going to show you this video in just a minute, and it touched my heart. It showed President Trump as a loving father and J.D. Vance was just back there taking it all in. And then the Lord says to me this morning as I’m in prayer and the anointing comes onto me, and He says, “J.D. Vance was chosen because President Trump is to be a father figure to J.D. Vance and help heal his heart and be the father that he never had.”

I started weeping and weeping. I mean, I started weeping at the Father’s heart. I said, “Father God, You arranged this for J.D. Vance to be nominated at the vi, as the vice president in this situation so President Trump could be a father figure to him so his heart could be healed?” He’s like, “Yes.” He says he’s answering a prayer for J.D. Vance. He’s answering a prayer for that man, and President Trump wants to be a mentor to him, that President Trump saw his movie, learned his story, and wants to be a mentor to him. And God is answering a prayer for J.D. Vance and bringing President Trump in to be the father figure that J.D. Vance never had.

This is more than politics, my friends. This is the love of Father God. He is raising up men of righteousness in our government, and He is putting the right people together. He, He has not forgotten J.D. Vance’s prayer to have a father that is a good father, and this is going to heal J.D. Vance.

And this is what the Lord said to me, He said Him putting J.D. Vance and President Trump together, and He put them together through President Trump’s son, Don Jr. Don Jr is the one that said, “Dad, you need to look at J.D. Vance as your vice presidential pick. He’s a good guy. He’s got a good heart. He just needs good mentorship. He needs someone to raise him up.”

And I was like, “Okay, Lord, what are You doing here?” And the Lord said to me, “Now is the time where I’m turning the hearts of the fathers back to the sons and the hearts of the sons back to the fathers, and Trump will be that father figure to many.” And He’s doing this with J.D. Vance because He’s heard his prayers and his cries since he was a little boy, and He raised him up for politics just for this time so that he could come under President Trump’s wing, yes, and be like a mentor to him, and he’ll be like the father figure he never had.

And last night I got confirmation. I got confirmation. You see, my friends, God is healing this nation. This isn’t just about politics. This just isn’t, isn’t about America being great again. This is about the power of the Holy Ghost healing the hearts of men and women and children, God answering the prayers that go back years, years! And if you don’t see God’s heart in all this, you better check yourself before you wreck yourself. 

Did Trump have to overcome a lot of stuff with a lot of evil and a lot of wickedness? Yes, and he still is, and we are too, but God is changing what? The heart of this nation, the heart of this nation. And He’s saying, “No more anger. No more bitterness. No more abuse, none of this. I’m turning the hearts of the fathers back to the sons and the hearts of the sons back to the fathers.” And He’s showing it with an example of President Donald J. Trump and J.D. Vance because this man has prayed for a loving father since he was a little boy, and God is answering his prayer. 

Oh, my goodness. And President Trump is going to be like a father, loving father figure to him to heal his heart, and it’s going to be an anointing that’s going to come on this whole, entire nation, oh, my goodness.

And when the Lord gave me that word this morning, I just sobbed because when I watched that video last night and I saw J.D. Vance taking it all in, I thought he must want that too with someone hugging him and saying, “My son, my son,” because it all comes down to our hearts. 

Do you understand the timing we are in? I want to share a video with you. Now, this is a behind the scenes video taken on TikTok. I’ve got it on my, uh, Truth Social. Very emotional. 

Um, J.D. Vance, Father of God says He’s father to the fatherless, a fatherless man who needs a father. “I just gave him one.” 

And he is observing a behind-the-scenes video that Donald Trump Jr. took, uh, after the Monday night, um, RNC, and President Trump is saying goodnight to his sons. It is so precious and so beautiful and so fatherly, and J.D. Vance is just taking all this in. So watch this.

[Shows video] Click HERE to watch!

I’m going to play this again. It’s Donald Trump as a father saying good night to his sons and his daughters and calling them sweetheart and my son and giving them kisses on the cheek, and J.D. Vance, you know how desperately his heart wants that and Trump’s going to be that to him, a father.

[Shows video] Click HERE to watch!

Hear the word of the Lord. J.D. Vance, the Lord is raising you up to be mentored under Donald J. Trump as a father figure. He will be a father figure to you. Father God has heard your prayer since you were a little boy to have a good father, and God is answering your prayer, and President Trump will be that father figure to you, and your heart will be healed. 

And as you mentor under President Donald J. Trump, he will teach you many things because you will be raised up to be a father figure to others for the Lord has heard your cries since you were a young boy, and He says that He has taken you into His hand and became your father when you had no father and you had no mother when they abandoned you emotionally, that He was always with you all those years getting you prepared for this moment. And this is a time for you to get all those wounds healed and to learn under President Trump and to look at him as that father figure that God as aligned you with because this is the time where Father God is turning the hearts of the fathers back to the sons and hearts of the sons back to the fathers, and many will be inspired by your story. And even President Trump will say that you are like a son to him, and you will say like he is like a father to you, and it will be blessed and many will be blessed from it. And you will learn so much, and so will your wife and your children.

Take this time to know that God has placed you in a very, very wonderful opportunity to heal you, to heal your heart, to raise you up with the Father’s heart because God has a, a heart of a father. President Trump has the heart of the father, and God sees you, J.D. Vance, that you have a father’s heart too. And He’s growing you in that, and He’s mentoring you in that, and He’s making sure that He’s going to get you away from the people that are not good. And He’s put you into Trump’s camp because it’s going to be a family atmosphere for you that you have desired all your life because He’s heard your prayers.

And this is the timing we’re in, so I bless you, J.D. Vance. May your heart and soul be healed in this time. May you embrace this opportunity for Donald J. Trump to be this father figure to you. And learn all you can, and be blessed in it because Father God has spoken of this timing, and He’s using you and President Trump and his family. You’ve just gotten a father figure and brothers and sisters for such a time as this, J.D. Vance. And know that this is the hand of the Lord, the heart of Father God for you. 

And I pray that you are healed in this process in this time and so many more are because this is the timing of the Lord of healing hearts, healing the hearts of His children no matter how old they are, remembering the prayers that they cried out when they were young. Father hasn’t forgot. 

And if this is a word for someone else here today, and you are in need of a father figure in your life, Father God hears your prayer. If you want to restore your relationship with your earthly father, now is the time because the hearts of the fathers are turning back to the sons and the hearts of the sons turning back to the fathers. And that’s mothers and daughters, sons back to sons, mothers back to sons, fathers back to sons, daughters, fathers back to daughters. God is restoring the family. He’s healing our hearts, healing our souls and we are prospering and in health as our soul prospereth, and so as our nation prospereth. 

And as we come into revival for Jesus Christ, we remember the prayer of Jesus Christ before He ascended into Heaven. And He said, “Father God, my prayer for them is they will have what You and I have, Father God.” God is doing it. Because we can only have a relationship with our heavenly Father the way Jesus Christ had a relation, or has a relationship with the heavenly Father when our hearts are healed and this damage and these wounds from abuse and ne, and neglect and rejection are healed in us because of the earthly father figures that God is putting in our lives, and He Himself is doing this. And J.D. Vance and President Donald J. Trump and the brothers is an answer to prayer to a little boy named J.D. Vance who wanted a father just to love him, and God has answered your prayers, and what a blessing for all of us. Amen.

And so I had to release that word, and don’t look at the politics of this anymore. The power of the Holy Spirit is on President Donald J. Trump. The power of the Holy Spirit is on this nation. Everything God does from this moment on is to benefit His kingdom, His glory, and His Son, Jesus Christ, and the love that He has for us. He’s heard our prayers. He’s heard our cries, and He’s healing this nation, so we have to look at things with a, a lens of the Holy Spirit and of the Father’s heart in all of this. 

Now, I’m still seeking the Lord if there’s going to be a 2024 election. I’m still seeking the Lord about what’s going to still happen with the 2020 election with this supreme court. I’m waiting on confirmation of the Holy Spirit, but the Lord answered my confirmation about what He’s doing with J. D. Vance, and there’s your word, and it’s beautiful. And it comes straight from the heart of our Father God.

Now, if you want that video, I’ve shared it on my, uh, Telegram and also on my Truth Social. I believe I did share, share it on Facebook. I’ll try to share it on Instagram. It is on TikTok. 

And say, “Father God, give me a heart to know Your heart.” Pray that way every morning. “Father God, what is on Your heart today? What do You say about this situation?” Because this is His brilliant plan for His kingdom and glory, and oh, how He loves us, how He loves us! And He remembers your prayers when you were little itty bitty because you’re still His child. And He remembered J.D. Vance’s prayer, and He’s prepared Trump’s heart to do this. It was a very emotional word. Wow. Whew.

Okay, I did what the Lord told me. I released that word, and I’m going to wait on the Lord for the rest of it. Thank you all for being patient through that, and, um, I hope it blessed you. And continue to pray for the situation. Continue to pray for the work of the Holy Spirit in President Trump and his family and those around him. And you’re going to see the glory of God in so many situations as He heals our nation. This is why the devil is so desperate, but we have the victory, my friends, through Christ Jesus and through the power of the Holy Spirit that is at work within us. It’s all about God. It’s all about Jesus Christ. Hallelujah.

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