Prayer To Burn Up The Foxes For The Prodigals

Prayer To Burn Up The Foxes For The Prodigals

I was reading a letter during our Wednesday mail call segment of a recent broadcast from someone who sent in an offering from her home church along with a list of names of prodigals they were praying for. The amount of the check was for $289.00. As I was seeking the Lord on this, Holy Spirit led me to look up the meaning of 300. As He began unfolding it, He gave me a new prayer to add to our prayers for prodigals. Below are the notes as He was leading me, followed by the prayer.

The number 300 is recorded 62 times in 61 King James Bible verses.

Ooooh, now I know why He led me to this number! Samson, by himself, killed 300 foxes and set their tails on fire. Those foxes then ran into the Philistine farmland and destroyed the Philistines. 

What is causing your children to go prodigal? The foxes – the spiritual foxes. A spiritual fox is an evil spirit or an evil influence around a prodigal that is coming against and trying to devour the fruit of the Holy Spirit in their life.

Foxes in the Bible are bad. Foxes spoil the early fruit. It’s the little foxes that spoil the vine, that eat the tender grapes. (Song of Solomon 2:15)

So foxes represent an evil spirit around your children, through evil influences, that are trying to devour the fruit of the Holy Spirit in them. 

Jesus called Herod a fox because Herod was coming against the fruit of the Holy Spirit and  what He was trying to teach. 

How do you get rid of the foxes? I have two prayers to do that on my prodigal prayers. You ask Father for the hunter and trapper angels to come in all around your children and all around the prodigals to go on a search-and-destroy mission and trap the spiritual foxes and remove them.

But the Lord is showing me to put another prayer together. He’s revealing something here. He’s saying to set those foxes on fire and destroy their wicked fruit. God will bring His holy fire and catch the spiritual, demonic foxes in the lives of the prodigals on fire, and those foxes will flee and destroy the wicked fruit.

Samson, angry at the father of the Philistine woman he married who gave her to someone else (Judges 15:1-2), decides to get revenge. He catches 300 foxes, and then in pairs, ties their tails, along with a small torch, together with a cord. Then he lets them loose among the Philistine farmland. This causes, not only the recently harvested crops, but also that which was yet to be harvested to be consumed by fire (Judges 15:5). 

So we can ask Father God to take revenge on the enemy and the enemy’s agenda against our children that has caused them to go prodigal – to destroy the enemy’s fields and their foxes with fire. 

Enoch, representing the seventh generation of patriarch on the earth, was 65 years old when he gave birth to his firstborn son Methuselah (Genesis 5:21). Scripture states he walked with God another 300 years after this event until he was taken to another location on the earth (verses 22-24). 

I was listening to Tracy Byrd’s song “Walking to Jerusalem” this morning. In the song he says, “Walking with Methuselah.” Confirmation! This is all about praying that we walk with God in our lives and that our children walk with like Enoch and have long blessed lives. 

Number 300 plays a role in the reconciliation of Joseph with his brothers … 

Wow, reconciling us back to Jesus – because Joseph with his brothers is about us being reconciled back to Christ. How beautiful.

Gideon’s army was 300 – knowing that God will destroy the enemies, so just shine your light, blow the trumpet, and be faithful – Gideon’s victory.

Solomon – the number 300 is related to Solomon’s incredible wealth. 

Pray Out Loud

  • Father God, in Jesus’ name, I ask You now to send Your holy fire to burn up the foxes that are coming against the fruit of the Holy Spirit in my loved one, _______, and to destroy the fields of the enemy. My loved one, _______, will never be in the fields of the enemy again! I ask you to reconcile _______ back to Jesus so he/she will walk with God for the rest of his/her life. Thank You, Father God, for hearing and answering my prayer!


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