Prayer For A Key For The Angel To Unlock The Spiritual Potential For Revival In Our Cities

Prayer For A Key For The Angel To Unlock The Spiritual Potential For Revival In Our Cities

By: Jeanette Strauss

Watch this video replay of Annamarie Strawhand with special guest, Jeanette Strauss, teaching on how to “Smash Idols and Take Back Your City and Family for God.” This is what the Holy Spirit recently revealed to Jeanette Strauss to do as the next step after a land assignment.

Follow up by praying the prayer below for your own family and city if you’ve already done a land assignment.

Learn how to do a land prayer assignment HERE.

Get your land, water, and gate kits HERE.


Note: If you want to go do a land, gate, or water assignment using Jeanette Strauss’ kits, she is going to add a key to the gate and land kits. There is already one in the water kit. The key is for the angel to go and unlock the spiritual potential for revival in our cities that’s been locked up, and then to go through and lock the doors that need to be locked, and lock out the enemy. 

After doing your land assignment while you’re still in the Court of Heaven before Father God, hold up the key as a prophetic act of faith and pray the following prayer. 

Pray Out Loud

  • “Father, we thank You that we can hold up a key, even the ancient key to the doors. Father, You say You have opened an effective door for us today, and, Lord, we give a key to the angelic keepers of the cities. They’re in charge of the cities, even the churches and the people. Father, we just ask them to take this key, and, Lord, You will decree to them to take the key and go unlock the spiritual potential in every life in our city for revival. Unlock every door that needs to be unlocked that’s been shut up by the enemy, by these foreign gods. Unlock what’s been locked that needs to be loosed. Father, then lock up what needs to be locked up in the cities and the lives of the people. Lock up the evil, and cast them out into outer darkness, Lord, the evil entities. Send them out. Lock them out of our cities. Father, we thank You for that, Lord, and I ask for divine revelation to come to each person about these keys – keys for their own lives, keys for the family’s lives, keys out of your word. Lord, we ask for more keys. Father, we ask You to do with these keys what needs to be done with them in our cities, regions, and territories to lock and to unlock, in Jesus’ name. Amen.”


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