Pongo The Rescue Horse Free Book Program

Pongo The Rescue Horse Free Book Program

Request Free Pongo The Rescue Horse Book with Gifts Form Here

Note: Our Ministry offers this free book to children, teens and adults who have suffered from bullying, abuse, grief, trauma, and those who struggle with confidence. This is in an effort to encourage them and set them on the path of healing and victory over these issues.  This is a Christian Faith Based Book with Biblical teachings, based on a true story. 


Learn About The Book:

Pongo The Rescue Horse, A Story of Faith, Friendship and Miracles! By Annamarie Strawhand, Illustrated by Nick Lewis 
New Cover Design! Pongo The Rescue Horse, A Story of Faith, Friendship and Miracles! By Annamarie Strawhand, Illustrated by Nick Lewis

“Pongo The Rescue Horse” Book is now available in paperback and digital pdf version (E-book)!  This is the first book written by Christian Author Annamarie Strawhand, based on the true story of Annamarie’s daughter Landry Leigh and their rescue horse, Pongo. 


Written By: Annamarie Strawhand

Illustrated By: Nick Lewis

Introduction:  A bullied girl named Leigh in need of a true friend, and an abandoned young paint horse in need of rescue.  The amazing story of faith that brings them together. A journey of overcoming past fears, healing hearts and realizing how valuable you are to others and to God. 


“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Hebrews 11


Book includes teachings and activation strategies to overcome trauma, abuse and build Confidence and Faith for all ages!


A young abandoned 3 year old paint horse rescued from the kill pen, adopted by a girl who needed to heal and rebuild confidence from being bullied in school. A story of faith, friendship and miracles!

If you are a child, teen or adult who has suffered from bullying or abuse, and you are struggling with your self-confidence or depression – it is time for you to realize you are truly valued and that God hears and answers your prayers! This will be a book that will speak to your heart, and give encouragement and build your faith in God and His beautiful and amazing plan for your life!  This special story will also inspire families to work together in faith for a goal and instill hope and confidence for your dreams!  A story of miracles for all ages!

“You are not rejected, you are rescued.”

Dreams do come true. Believe, with your whole heart and trust in God. Pongo’s amazing story began with a simple faithful prayer and vision.  Leigh had a vision she had drawn of a horse posted on a bedroom wall.  Lonely, sad and dealing with the effects of bullying, twelve year old Leigh dreamed of having her own ‘paint horse’.  Miraculously just months later, three year old Pongo, a horse rejected and in need of saving from the last chance pens of the auction, comes to the attention of this young girl. Her family and a local horse rescue, save him just hours from potential slaughter. Pongo and Leigh connect at the heart instantly and begin a journey of healing and acceptance – and build a friendship that will last a lifetime. Now this true story is a beautifully illustrated book is inspiring many to believe in their dreams and the promises of God for their life.  This book is inspiring all ages! 


Excerpt from Chapter 2 of the Book: Pongo The Rescue Horse:

Leigh was a shy and quiet girl. She loved school, but there were some kids who would tease her. She tried to make friends, but was afraid to do group things in school because the mean kids would try to embarrass her.
They made fun of her clothes and her glasses, pushed her out of her seat on the bus and stole her cookies at lunch. She was trying to be kind to them, but they would not stop doing mean things. She was very lonely, sad and tired of being bullied.
Leigh just wanted a friend to accept her for who she was. She asked her mom to homeschool her for a while. Her mom said OK we will give it a try.
One thing Leigh knew for sure was she loved horses. Leigh was learning all she could about horses, because she wanted her very own horse to raise and care for. She just was not sure how it could ever be possible. Her parents told her they did not have the money to buy her a horse of her own.
So many times in her young life, she felt like God was passing her by, that maybe He did not really hear prayers. She had been rejected by kids that she was just trying to be friends with. Sometimes she prayed to God to bring her a best friend and it just never seemed to happen.
How could she really have faith and believe God could bring her a horse that loved her and accepted her? Was this even worth asking God for?


If you would like to purchase Pongo’s Book All Proceeds go directly to Pongo’s care, growing his ministry for special “healing time” meet and greets with children and teens. We offer book donations to rescue horse therapy organizations as well as children and teen programs for those overcoming abuse, trauma and bullying. 

If you have a youth ministry, school, horse rescue farm or charity group we will be happy to send you more than one book Contact us  for more information on our free book program and our meet and greets with Pongo in Southern Virginia Beach, VA.