Monthly Partner
Become a Monthly Partner and Support Faith Lane TV with Annamarie and Our Ministry Mission:
Note: Annamarie Strawhand/Faith Lane TV/Faith Lane Ministries IS NOT A 501c3 /Non-Profit Organization.
We would like to personally welcome you as a partner with Faith Lane TV and Annamarie Strawhand – Faith Lane Ministries! Our ministry is focused on mentoring, equipping, building, and restoring the “called” for the plans and purposes of God as we do our part in spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ going forth to all the world and advancing the Kingdom of God for these times of Great Awakening, The Kingdom Age, and Revival.
As you come alongside our Kingdom Assignment by joining your faith and mission with ours and contributing your monthly donation – you are an integral part of the teaching of the word of God, the revelation of the Holy Spirit and Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ via the weekly broadcasts of our online “tv” ministry and more ad God grows and builds with us here.
What to expect by faith from your monthly partnership:
Life In The Faith Lane TV is a prophetic ministry, so in addition to the blessings of a ministry partnership, you also receive the prophet’s reward. According to Matthew 10:41, “He that receiveth a prophet in the name of a prophet shall receive a prophet’s reward; and he that receiveth a righteous man in the name of a righteous man shall receive a righteous man’s reward.” (KJV)
Thank you for your faith in God and His work here – we greatly appreciate your support and we bless you and your household!
We are in faithful expectation for financial growth, breakthroughs, abundance, good harvest on your financial seeds with increase to come forth for YOU swiftly in the Name of Jesus Christ, Amen!
Annamarie and Michael Strawhand and Faith Lane Ministry Team
Donate By Mail:
I love to get your cards and letters they bless and encourage me!
I pray over each one personally!
Checks made payable to:Annamarie StrawhandP.O. Box 7068Virginia Beach, VA 23457Reminder! Please include your return address on your envelope! In case it gets lost in the mail – we have prayed over the entire US postal System!
Prayer over your monthly 10% obedient Tithe: “I acknowledge YOU Father God as my everything and that YOU alone prosper me and my household! I acknowledge Almighty God as my prosperity and my source of all my needs according to His riches and glory!” “Father, in the name of Jesus, I’m a believer! I believe what YOU say and YOU prosper the work of my hands and my faith! My job, my family, my bank accounts, they are not my source! You Father God are my source! You Father God are my prosperity! YOU Father God are my Treasure! I am grateful and I choose to worship You today Father God! In humble faith and obedience according to your word in Malachi Chapter 3 verse 10-12, I ask You Father God to receive my tithe, In Jesus name! My desire Father God is that you look upon me and my household as obedient and faithful to your word and I ask Father God that You would rebuke the devourer off my life, off my household and finances according to Your word in Malachi 3:11 for Your sake Father and mine in Jesus name! I am in faithful expectation to continue tithing in faith and I believe my tithe will increase as You Lord will pour out your blessing from Heaven upon me even today in Jesus Name, Amen.”
See our printable financial decrees here.