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Prophetic Word: The Renaissance Timing For Our Children

Prophetic Word: The Renaissance Timing For Our Children

Transcription of the word that the Holy Spirit gave to Annamarie Strawhand, which she delivered during her broadcast of Life in the Faith Lane on February 14, 2025.

 Watch the video, and then read the transcript below.


ANNAMARIE: All right, so, uh, today is Friday, February 14 of 2025, and the Spirit of the Lord has come upon me very strongly, very intensely, very powerfully through the heart of Father God, uh, and He’s given me a prophetic word to speak, and I am going to just, right now, just submit myself to the Holy Spirit and let this word flow to me and through me to all of you. 

Hear the word of the Lord. It is a time for a renaissance among the children. They shall say. “It is like Divincis and Beethovens and Michelangelos have arisen in the children. How can this be? No one has taught them this. How can they pick up the paintbrush and the carving tools and sit at the musical instruments and create such masterpieces if they have not learned it in the schools and in the education systems?”

The Lord says, “HA! Your education systems have failed, but I, the Lord, do not. I am raising up the anointings in the children. I am raising them up as musical geniuses, artistic geniuses, craftsmen, and it shall be that the children shall walk away from the screens of their computers and their games, and they shall pick up their musical instruments and their paint brushes and their carving tools, and they shall say, “Mother, Father, I do not want the toys and games. I want to create. Give me the wood. Give me the musical instruments. Give me the dancing floors, for I want to create what is inside of me.” 

The children will not be able to hold back this creativity. It shall flow, and the adults shall be astounded, and they will say, “Where did this come from? How can it be?” But I, the Lord, have done it. I am raising up the children, the geniuses that shall flow, and these children shall come from every walk of life, from every home. For I, the Lord, have taught them through My Holy Spirit. They have been born with these gifts – double mantles, double anointings.

“The musical teachers and the teachers of art in the schools shall rejoice. They shall say, ‘Finally, finally, finally, I am able to teach the children because they’re coming to me already hungry for the music, already hungry for the dance, already hungry for the arts, already hungry for the poetry.’ And it shall flow from these children like wells of living water. For I have given the children the upper spring and the lower spring. I have given them the hot springs, the hot springs to soothe them and bathe them and purify them like I did in the years gone by, but I shall also give them the upper springs and the lower springs, and they shall have the cool, refreshing springs. My children shall drink of the living water. They shall be refreshed in the spirit – the Divincis, the Michaelangelos, the architects, the artists, the musicians. People will be astounded. It will be the children that will teach the teachers. It will be like My Son when He sat at the temple and spoke to the elders, and they were astounded at His wisdom, so it shall be in the children. 

“These children have gone from paupers to princes. They shall carry the children and raise them up, for I have covered them with the blood of My Son and the anointing of My Holy Spirit. They are clothed in dignity and wisdom. My prophets, teachers, and evangelists shall arise through the children. The children shall stand upon the stages and in the spotlights and teach of My Word and prophesy and lay hands of healing like the world has never seen before. And they will say, “Where did these children come from? How can it be? How can they know these things?

“But it is the work of My Holy Spirit, and the children shall say to their parents, ‘Arise, Mother. Arise, Father. Do you not know that you had a gift within you from a, a young age?’ And you shall use it again. And the children shall help stir the gifts back up in their parents, and their parents will be like little children again, and they shall say, ‘Ah, I picked up the paintbrush again. I have picked up the gardening tools.’

“And the children shall build and create beside their parents, and I shall finance these things,” says the Lord. “And I shall finance the art centers, and I shall finance these programs across the Nation of America and into the world, and there will be patent leather shoes of the children that shall run to the patent offices, and the children shall have patents for inventions, and they shall have such witty ideas. It’ll be like, ‘This is a renaissance. How can this be? Only since the time of Davinci has this been,’ but the Lord has said, ‘It is ME! For the wicked one have done everything in their power to hold back the gifts of the children, but NO MORE! I, the Lord, have spoken, and those wicked ones who have prostituted our children and done everything they could to make a slavery system out of the education system, they shall be slaves themselves. THEY SHALL BE MADE FOOLS OF! THEY SHALL GROVEL IN THE STONES AND KISS THE FEET OF THE CHILDREN WHO HAVE ALL THE WISDOM! 

“And the children shall be raised up on the shoulders of the parents. For I, the Lord, have contended with those who have contended with you – mothers and fathers and grandparents, aunts and uncles, and the teachers who have cried out into the midnight hour. I have contended with those who have contended with you, and I’ve saved the children. And I have put a leader at the helm and those who will come beside him who will advocate for the children. It is done. It is already written, and I, the Lord, shall be glorified in all of this for I have been there in the night. 

“I have seen and wrestled with the prayers of the weeping mothers and the weeping fathers and the weeping teachers. Yes, the teachers. I know the teachers have wanted this – the good teachers – because the mothers and the fathers and the teachers and the grandparents have wrestled with me deep into the night, says the Lord, and they have said to Me, ‘I am not letting go of you until You bless me,’ and like Jacob, I have blessed you. I am blessing the mothers and the fathers. I am blessing the grandparents and the aunts and the uncles and the teachers who have wrestled with me deep into the night. And I have said, ‘Yes, I will bless you.’ And your daughters shall be like the graceful pillars in a palace, and your sons shall be like a well-watered vine. 

“And this renaissance shall come, and there will be tabernacle choirs of children singing in every place. And the music shall rise, and it shall be like perfume to My nostrils as the musical performances shall come from the voices of the children. And, even in the schools, they shall sing the songs of great symphonies.”

And I hear in the spirit now, the children singing Isaiah. [Singing] He shall feed his flock like a shepherd. [End singing] 

“And I, the Good Shepherd, have led the children and their parents back to Me, back to My green pastures, back to My still waters, and I shall give them rest on all sides because the attacks on the children HAVE STOPPED TODAY! And now the children and the mothers and the fathers and the schools and the homeschooling, everywhere shall be schooled by My Holy Spirit and by My Son, Jesus Christ, and the children shall no lo, longer listen to the voice of the stranger. They shall listen to the voice of their Good Shepherd, MY SON, YESHUA! 

“And there shall be rejoicing and dancing in the street and great performances, and people shall be astounded at the ballerinas and the opera singers. They shall be astounded at the symphonies and the choirs of the children. They shall be astounded at the musical prodigies that have come forth. They shall be astounded at the masterpieces that these children are creating in paints and oils and watercolors, even in pencil drawings. They shall be astounded at the building that these children shall build.

“And how can this knowledge come upon the children? IT IS FROM ME,’ says the Lord. ‘For it is the children’s hour, and I shall bring the second trumpet next to the trumpet that I have raised up for this time. He is young, and he is a genius. He has wisdom beyond his years, not of this world but of mine, of my kingdom. And I’m raising up the leaders with an anointing from birth, and it is a double victory, and the parents shall be rejoicing because this is the generation that has sought My face. 

“And I’m releasing the generational bloodline promises and blessings upon this generation and the baby booms that shall come. Oh, it is glorious, and these children are being birthed in the earth FILLED WITH MY SPIRIT, and they will not be quiet. They will speak of such wisdom, and they will say, ‘How can these toddlers be speaking of such wisdom and such knowledge?’ And they will say, ‘Surely, this is God.’ [Inaudible] 

“And I, the Lord, shall be glorified in such a way like the world has never seen before, and I’m raising up five-fold ministries in these children – prophets, teachers, evangelists, healers. And they shall say, ‘Mother, Father, I must go and I must preach.’ 

“DO NO HOLD YOUR CHILDREN BACK! Nurture them in this. You nurture your children in this, there will be a crown waiting for you for I, the Lord, have already written it. It is done, and watch and see what I do to those who have held back the children. Watch and see what I will do to those who have held back the gifts of the children! They will grovel at your feet. The mothers and fathers that stayed up in the night and cried out to me, I have counted their tears. The mothers and the fathers who have said, ‘Why has my child had to go through such pain and bullying and abuse?’ For the evil ones have tried to raise up their evil villages, and they have tried to say, ‘It takes a village to raise a child.’ NO! That is a lie from the pit of hell! It takes two good parents – a mother and a father, a female and a male raising up the children according to My Word, according to My promises, in the name of My Son, Yeshua, through My Holy Spirit. 

“And children who have been raised up, and even those who have gone prodigal, and those parents who have prayed in the night who have done everything they could to keep their children focused on Me, and even if their children went prodigal, even if the demonic systems have tried to turn their children away from Me, IT HAS BEEN FUTILE! IT HAS BEEN FUTILE! I’M TALKING ABOUT THE DEMONIC SYSTEMS HAVE BEEN FUTILE, SAYS THE LORD, IT HAS BEEN A WASTE OF THEIR TIME!

“But I remember the time that the parents put in doing everything they could to instill My righteousness in the children. It has not been futile! It has not gone to waste! I, the Lord, remember all of it! And now those good seeds that you have sowed into your children and your children’s children, and even those good seeds from generations before that have been sowed into the generations in the name of My Son, Yeshua, in My name, through My Holy Spirit, those seeds are coming to harvest now in your children for my church, for my ecclesia, for my kingdom. They have not gone to waste. They have not been futile, for they have been incubated for a time, and now they are blossoming and blooming and perking up through the soil. Watch and see. For, My children, I have heard.

“Prodigals are no longer prodigal. Every lie that they have tried to instill in the children’s minds are being reversed right now. The parents who have cried out to Me in the night and the grandparents, I’ve heard your prayers and all the good seeds that you have sowed into your children of righteousness are blooming and blossoming and growing and coming to harvest. It has not been in vain; it has not. I, the Lord, have remembered you.

“Rachel no longer weeps for her children. The crying in the night has been heard. For I, the Lord, have raised up your children for this time, and I call your children blessed, for your prayers have blessed Me, says the Lord. I have not forgotten you. Mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, aunt, uncle, teacher, intercessor who has prayed for the children, contending for all these years crying out to Me, coming before My throne of grace, your prayers and your offerings and your seeds have accumulated before me, says the Lord, and I remember them today. And I’m dispatching My angels now to carry these out, and prepare to see My glory in the children and in your families and in your communities. And I’m raising up leaders to nurture your children that are filled with the Holy Spirit in such a way because these desires of the teachers that have My heart are finally to be fulfilled.”

Oh, the music teachers are rejoicing. The art teachers are rejoi, joicing. The dancing teachers are rejoicing. He says there will be shop classes again. The children will be building. They will say, “We do not want these screens of our phones and our iPads and our computers. No, we want to work with wood and tools and machines and wires and create and draw.” And the plans have rolled out, and the draftsman tables have been rolled back in, and the hunger these children have for this is incredible. And the daughters picking up the needles and the embroideries and the sewing machines, and they shall say, “I will work with wool and silks and linens and cottons. What are these plastics and these fake fabrics? Your daughters will want nothing to do with those.

And the sons and the daughters come beside the parents and say, “Mother, Father, let us create a garden. Let us grow the foods. Let us raise the livestock.” And I will give them land and the children and the livestock and the gardens and the families will grow. And I will walk with them in the land in the cool of the day, and they will say, “Look, Mama. Look, Papa. I see Jesus. He is walking with us in the garden. He is with us.”

“The Spirit of the Lord is upon the families and the children, and I have anointed them, and I proclaim this is a time of great favor, a renaissance of brilliance and beauty, of growth, of harvest, of singing and rejoicing like the world has never seen before. And My hand is upon it and My glory, and it is written and nothing can come against it. So be it,” says the Lord.

Thank You, Father. Thank You, Jesus. You’ve heard us. You’ve heard our prayers. You’ve heard us weeping in the night and contending and wrestling for our children. Our prayers have not been in vain. Thank You. We praise You today, and we worship you, Almighty God. You are faithful. We are in expectation of Your glory in the children. 

Father God, equip us to help these children, that Your Holy Spirit will lead us. Give us understanding of what You’re doing so that we can be obedient, Father God.

And He’s given me two scriptures – Isaiah 49 and Isaiah 61 – and Isaiah 61 is being fulfilled for our children, and Isaiah 49 is being fulfilled for our children. Because I know I’m one of those moms …

You know, it’s interesting, He kept showing me one of my mentoring students that I’ve had for some time. Her name is Anji Morgan-Thornton, and, uh, she’s a professor of music. She’s also a race car driver, and I coached and mentored her for years. But she has a child-like faith, incredible child-like faith, and her and I have been praying together for years. I mean, her and I have been together for years praying. And she has prayed and prayed and prayed and suffered, suffered as a music professor, suffered as a music teacher because the schools and the universities did everything they could to make her job difficult, did everything they could to strip her from budgets.

And many times, her and I would spend hours on the phone and on the Zoom calls praying for the children, praying for the schools and the universities, praying for these arts and music to come back for the children and to remove these evil, wicked agendas and bring back the, the, uh, the artistic, creative because that is the Father’s heart. And Anji has the Father’s heart, and I’m so excited to give her this word because this is something she’s been praying for for years. And Anji’s done everything she could to keep the, these, uh, these teachings and these gifts, uh, alive for the children. She has fought, and she will be so excited to hear this word from the Lord. Because did you hear him? He said He’s going to bring the budgets back for this. He’s going to finance it, and He’s going to help the teachers that have prayed for this for years and the children that are going to come forth into these programs. It’s going to be incredible, and it’s going to be music, the arts, all types of creative, and craftsmanship. It’s going to be beautiful, and God is doing this.

And He showed me, He showed me mothers and fathers in the spirit, like Jacob, wrestling with Him into the night, crying out, and I, I was one of those moms for years because my daughter is an artist. My daughter is a singer and a musician. My daughter is a horsewoman. 

And I remember He told me to sow a three-dollar seed. He told me to take $3.00 – 3 one dollar bills – and sow that seed to Him and name each dollar my daughter’s gift for art, my daughter’s gift for music, and my daughter’s gift for horsemanship. And He said to sow those one dollar seeds into His kingdom – and, I mean, this was back in 2014, 2015 – and put it in an envelope and write down what the seed was and sow it. 

He told me to bring it to church and put it in, in, in the offering plate and name that seed and that those gifts that He put in her would be used for His glory. And He reminded me of that seed again today.

Now, if you have sown a seed for your children, and you have named that seed for their God-given gifts to be used for the glory of God, call forth that seed to harvest right now because this is the timing we’re in. And the Lord is saying we’ve wrestled Him into the night and said, “I’m not letting go until you bless me, until You bless my children and my grandchildren,” and he said, “I’m blessing you.”

And, you know, I can remember asking my daughter to go to church and all those things, and she would, it was a struggle. It was a struggle. And the Lord is saying He’s going to reward the parents who did everything they could to instill the Word of God and righteousness into their children. Even though it was a struggle, He has not forgotten that, and those parents that have struggled with that, He said He will reward them and their children. And their children will be scholars of the Bible, of His Word, and will have five-fold ministries. He has not forgotten. 

Everything that you have tried to do with your children, it was not, it did not go to waste. It was not futile. He said, did you hear what He said? He said what was futile is the demonic brainwashing that they tried to instill in our children. That’s coming to nothing. But our efforts as parents to instill righteousness and good values in our children is what was rooted and shall blossom and grow and be fruitful. Thank You, God. 

And I saw behind the parents and the grandmothers and the grandparents when they were coming before the throne of grace for King Jesus, huge mighty angels. I saw it in the spirit that the Lord, ah, when you pray as a grandmother or a mother or as a father or a grandfather or as an intercessor and you went boldly to the throne of grace, even when you were being ridiculed, even when times were very hard, but you still went before that throne of grace, before the Father, He gave me a vision this morning. 

And He said when you did that, He immediately signed, assigned mighty angels to you and your children to protect you and your children through this time. I saw three angels per person for their children and their grandchildren – huge, massive, muscular, armored up.

So when you went before the Lord and contended and said, “I’m here for the children. I’m here for the grandchildren. Immediately, three mighty angels of the Lord were assigned to you to carry out your prayers for the children. I saw it in the spirit. That’s happening. 

Now, when He showed me the trumpet and He said, “This trumpet is President Trump, who is contending for the children, and there’s going to be a smaller, a younger trumpet that comes beside him.” Now, I don’t know if that is Barron or other younger men and women coming beside him. Now, I noticed that President Trump has assigned a lot of other younger leaders with children and a lot of young people into these places, and he’s giving them a voice. 

So I saw these double trumpets, and it’s like two horns on a freight train. You know how like the freight train is coming and it’s got the double horns on it, and nothing is going to stop this. This is the glory train. And Trump is the big trumpet, and there’s another smaller trumpet, younger one that is coming beside President Trump that is younger but it’s, it’s a, it’s a second powerful voice, and it’s for the children, and it’s a younger person.

And this younger person is going to be helping to raise up these child prodigies and these geniuses and giving them opportunities. I don’t know if this is Barron. I don’t know if this is Elon Musk. I don’t know, I’m not sure who it is. I just saw the main trumpet, President Trump, and then the second smaller trumpet. And He’s giving that person that voice. This is the Lord, and it’s going to be a, a younger person that is going to be speaking up for the children and raising up the children into places of authority because these children will be absolutely brilliant, and the demons are screaming. Too bad, they’re getting run over by the freight train, the glory train because the Lord says it’s written, it’s done. 

Now, when we get a prophetic word like this, we pray on it. And the Lord is giving us two scriptures, and I’m going to read from, we’re going to read, uh, right now Isaiah 41 [sic – meant 61]. And the Lord reminded me that He had me take Isaiah 41[sic – meant 61] and turn it into a prayer, into a decree over the children. And I’m going to read from that, and then we’re going to go … Okay, wait a minute. He’s saying He wants Isaiah 49 first and then Isaiah 61. Okay, Lord, I will do this. [Sigh] I mean, the anointing of the Holy Spirit is very heavy on me right now. I’m doing everything I can to be obedient with this word. Okay, Is, Isaiah, Isaiah, uh, 49. He wants us to pray on that scripture. I’m going to go to the King James version. 

Heavenly Father, Father God, we thank You for Your Word in Isaiah 49. We thank You, Lord, for this prophetic word this morning. We thank You, oh, Father, You are so faithful, and we believe Your word in Isaiah 49 when You say this is what You are doing for us right now and this is what You’re doing for the children. 

1 Listen, O isles, unto me, and hearken, ye people, from far; the Lord hath called me from the womb from the bowels of my mother hath he made mention of my name. 2 And He hath made my mouth like a sharp sword; in the shadow of His hand hath He his me and made me a polished shaft; in His quiver hath He hid me; 3 And said unto me, Thou art My servant, O Israel, in whom I will be glorified. 

And when He says, “O Israel,” He’s talking about His people – Jews and Christians.

4 Then I said, I have labored in vain, I have spent my strength for nought, and in vain; yet surely my judgment is with the Lord, and my work with my God. 

And those of you who have labored and come before the Lord deep into the night in prayer, but hear the Word of the Lord. This is what He’s saying.

5 And now, saith the Lord that formed me from the womb to be his servant, to bring Jacob again to him (right, his people), though Israel be not gathered, yet shall I be glorious in the eyes of the Lord, and my God shall be my strength. 

He’s talking about His people – Jews and Christians. 

6 And he said, It is a light thing that thou shouldest be my servant to raise up the tribes of Jacob, and to restore the preserved of Israel. I will also give thee for a light unto the Gentiles, that thou mayest be my salvation unto the ends of the earth. 7 Thus saith the Lord, the Redeemer of Israel, and his Holy One, to him whom man despiseth, to him whom the nation abhorreth, to a servant of rulers, kings shall see and arise, princess shall also worship, because of the Lord that is faithful, and the Holy One of Israel, and he shall choose thee. 8 Thus saith the Lord, in an acceptable time have I heard thee, and in a day of salvation I have helped thee, and I will preserve thee for a covenant of the people, to establish the earth, to cause to inherit the desolate heritages; 9 that thou mayest say to the prisoners, Go forth, to them that are in darkness, Shew yourselves. They shall feed in the ways, and their pastures shall be in all high places. 10 They shall not hunger or thirst; neither shall the heat nor sun smite them; for he that hath mercy on them shall lead them, even by the springs of water shall he guide them. 11 And I will make all my mountains a way, and my highways shall be exalted. 12 Behold, these shall come from far; and, lo, these from the north and the west; and these from the land of Sinam. 13 Sing, O heavens, and be joyful, O earth; and break forth into singing, O mountains; for the Lord has comforted his people, and will have mercy upon his afflicted. 14 But Zion said, the Lord hath forsaken me, and my God hath forgotten me. 

Moms and dads, grandmas and grandpas, intercessors, I know you have felt that way, but the Lord is saying He hasn’t forgotten us. He hasn’t forgotten our prayers and our prayers for the children.

15 Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? Yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget thee. 16 Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands; thy walls are continually before me.

You know, another vision He gave me this morning, He said it’s our songs and the songs of worship that have destroyed and brought down the walls of bureaucracy and the walls of the demonic fortresses. And it’s His families and His children that are building up His fortresses, His buildings.

17 They children shall make haste; thy destroyers and they that made the waste shall go forth of thee. 

So those that have come against the children, those that have come against us that have tried to destroy us and destroy our children. They are going to flee from us and flee from our children.

18 Lift up thine eyes round about, and behold: all these gather themselves together, and come to thee. As I live, saith the Lord, thou shalt surely clothe thee with them all, as with an ornament, and bind them on thee, as a bride doeth. 

Now the Lord showed me the lifting up of the children, carrying the children, and He showed me the children shall be carried as if on gold pillows, gold pillows. He’s made like these gold pillows for the children, and it’s like these children are being lifted up on gold pillows, and, uh, He’s saying the fathers and the mothers are carrying the children, and the children are like, uh, when the children on our shoulders, they’ll be like a crown. When the children are in our arms, they’ll be like an ornament, and the children are once again bound back to their families and to their mothers and their fathers and to their grandparents, and no one can snatch them away from us ever again. It’s like Jesus says that He has put us in the hand of the Father, like a pearl, and nothing can snatch us out of the hand of the Father, and Jesus is doing it again. And He’s turning the hearts of the sons back to the fathers and the hearts of the fathers back to the sons. And we’re seeing it happen with the children everywhere. Children are being carried by the parents, and the Lord is saying this is His doing. This is the Isaiah 49 happening.

19 For thy waste and thy desolate places, and the land of thy destruction, shall even now be too narrow by reason of the inhabitants, and they that swallowed thee up shall be far away. 

So what He’s going to do is those evil wicked ones that have been trying to snatch our children, the ones that have gone and snatched children, the ones that are brainwashing our children, their paths have been made so narrow they can never find their way back to our children. It’s over. It’s done. They will be put in the, those evil wicked ones that have come against us and our children, they will be put in the desolate places, and they will not be able to find a path back to the children. It’s over. They will never be able to find a pa, path back to our schools. They will never be able to find a path back to our churches. They will never be able to find a path back to us in our homes.

20 The children which thou shalt have, after thou hast lost the other, shall say again in thine ears, the place is too straight for me, give place to me that I may dwell. 

So, in other words, if you’ve lost children, if the children, if children that have been lost, the Lord is saying, “I’m making your path straight again. I’m giving you beautiful places to dwell in. “ And you will have more children, and you will have more grandchildren. And if you’re an intercessor or an aunt or an uncle, you are going to be blessed with  your nieces and your nephews. You’re going to be blessed with the children that you’ve prayed for. You will receive blessing.

21 Then shalt thou say in thine heart, Who hath begotten me these, seeing I have lost my children, and am desolate, a captive, an removing to and fro? And who hath brought up these? Behold, I was left alone; these, where had they been?

I know what it was like praying for a prodigal, and you may have felt like things were lost. You don’t understand why you have prayed for your children for so many years. Your children were raised up in a godly home, and you’re blaming yourself like, “What did I do wrong? Why did my children go astray or go prodigal?” But the Lord is saying, “Do not lament anymore. Do not weep over your children, and do not weep over your adult children, for I, the Lord, am bringing your children back to you,” um hum, “and your grandchildren.” Come on.

22 Thus saith the Lord, behold, I will lift up mine hand to the Gentiles, and set up my standard to the people.

So the words, the Lord is going to go into those areas, those places where your children and your grandchildren were influenced by the enemy, by worldly ways, and He’s bringing your children out of the eme, enemy influence. He’s bringing your children out of those worldly influences, and He’s putting up a standard, a wall against those worldly influences. He’s putting up a wall against those demonic influences. He’s taking up your children, pulling them up out of those demonic worldly influences, and He’s bringing them back to you, and we will have our children and our grandchildren in our arms. They will be carried upon our shoulders, and they will be blessed. 

And they will be speaking the wisdom of the Lord. They will have the wisdom of the Lord and the blessing of the Lord upon them, and all that demonic influence, all that worldly influence will be completely, it’ll be like God took a wall and removed it away from your children. And they will not be able to go back to those worldly, demonic influences, ever. God will block it from your children and from your children’s children now and forevermore. And we are being rich in experiences with our children and with the Lord and with our grandchildren. Carrying them on our shoulders. Lifting them up. Lifting them up in hugs. It’s going to be so blessed with your children and grandchildren and the Lord and even the little ones and the adult children. Come on. 

22 And kings shall be thy nursing fathers, and their queens thy nursing mothers, and they shall bow down to thee with their face towards the earth, and lick up the dust of thy feet, and thou shall know that I am the Lord, for they shall not be ashamed that wait for me.

In other words, those, those leaders, right, those leaders that are called up to government, God will make it their first priority to make sure that they do what the parents say, and they will have to nurture your children and bless your children the way you want it to be done from the Lord. 

In other words, we go to school board meetings, they’ll have to do what the parents say. They’ll literally be our, they’ll, they’ll have to nurture what we do. We will say, “You’re going to do this, this, and this for the children. Bible will be back in school. Prayer will be back in school. Art and music programs back in school,” and they will have to do it. They’ll have to do it. 

22b …and lick the dust of your feet, and they will know that I am the Lord, for they shall not be ashamed that wait for me.

In other words, we will no longer have shame. We will no longer be shamed by these woke people. They will have to do what we say, led by the righteousness of God. They will have no choice, and if they don’t like it, they got to leave, and they won’t be able to find their way back. We pray for the fear of the Lord to come upon them and to turn from their wicked ways and fall to their knees in repentance because that’s also happening with all of this. 

24 Shall the prey be taken from the captive or the lawful captive delivered?

What does that mean? There has been demonic strongholds that have been coming against our children, the mighty, demonic strongholds, right? In the spirit realm, Jesus called them the strongman, and the strongman has all these demons. And a lot of times when kids go prodigal, there’s that stronghold that’s on them, right? Guess what? The strongman is defeated. God is saying it’s over for our children that have been in captivity, whether they’ve been prodigal or even those children that are actually being brought out of actual captivity, coming out of trafficking, and the children that are being held captive by a woke agenda, you know, I call it a demonic agenda, the Lord is saying right here….shall the prey be taken from the mighty or the lawful captive delivered? God is saying, “I’m getting your children out, and it, it might look like those evil wicked people have had power and those demons have had power, it’s nothing for God, nothing, easy. He’s bringing our children up out of captivity, whether they be prodigal – and even our adult children – and even children that are coming out of actual captivity, children that are actually coming out of trafficking. They’re all being brought out, and the demons are going to scream about their laws, but it’s over!! God’s law rules and reigns, and He’s saving our children. But sa …

25 But thus saith the Lord, even the captives of the mighty shall be taken away, and the prey of the terrible shall be delivered, for I, the Lord, will contend with him that contendeth with thee, and I will save thy children.

It’s happening.

26 And I will feed them that oppress thee with their own flesh, and they shall be drunken with their own blood as with sweet wine. And all the flesh shall know that I, the Lord, am thy Savior and thy Redeemer, the mighty One of Jacob. 

Watch and see what happens to these demonic people, led by the demonic. They’re going to be screeching and screaming, but, guess what? It’s only going to be against themselves. They will begin to devour each other. The wicked will begin to devour the wicked until there is none. They will fall down like they are drunk. They will not even be able to speak. It’ll be nothing but gibberish coming out of their mouths. 

It’s over for these wicked people who have come against our children and have tried to make slaves of God’s people. You’re going to see these wicked politicians and these wicked leaders, and, yes, it’ll even be people in the Church, they’ll be falling down. They’ll be like gibberish, like they won’t even be able to speak, um hmm. They’ll begin to devour each other, um hmm, because it’s over for them. 

And they’re going to know who God is because the fear of the Lord is not just coming on America. It’s coming across the world right now, and I pray that everyone comes to their knees in repentance, no matter who it is, and turns from their wicked ways and says, “Lord, I will obey you. I’m sorry for my sins.” And they will come forth and they will reveal the evil wickedness that they have done, and they will reveal where these children are. And they will expose their devices. 

And God is bringing justice. He’s bringing justice for the mothers and the fathers and the grandfathers and the grandmothers. He’s bringing justice for the generations of those who have prayed for the children. He’s bringing justice for the intercessors, and He’s bringing justice for us because the Spirit of the Lord God is coming upon the earth right now. Jesus is saying it’s done, and He is anointing us and anointing the children to proclaim the Good News of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. And this will be children right out of the womb proclaiming the time of the Lord’s favor. They will say it is like a renaissance, but what it really is is revival. 

And I’m going to read Isaiah 61. And this is the timing we’re in, my friends. And I’m going to be obedient to release this word, no matter how long it takes. And, everybody, just pray this along with me:

1 And the spirit of the Lord God is upon me because the Lord hath appointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek. He hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and the opening of the prison to them that are bound; 2 To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all that mourn; 3 To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness, that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that he might be glorified. 4 And they shall build the old wastes, they shall raise up the former desolations, and they shall repair the waste cities, and the desolations of many generations. 5 And strangers shall stand and feed your flocks, and the sons of the alien shall be your plowmen and your vinedressers. 6 But ye shall be named priests of the Lord; men shall call you the ministers of our God; ye shall eat the riches of the gentiles, and in their glory shall ye boast yourselves.

7 For your shame, you shall have THE DOUBLE, and for confusion they shall rejoice in their portion. Therefore, in their land, they shall possess THE DOUBLE! Everlasting joy shall be unto them. 8 For I, the Lord, love judgment. I hate robbery for burnt offering, and I will direct their work in truth, and I will make an everlasting covenant with them. 9 And their seed shall be known among the Gentiles and their offspring among the people. All that see them shall acknowledge them, that they are the seed which the Lord hath blessed. 10 I will greatly rejoice in the Lord. My soul shall be joyful in my God, for he hath clothed me with the garments of salvation. He hath covered me with the robe of righteousness. As a bridegroom decketh himself with ornaments, and as a bride adorneth herself with jewels, 11 For as the earth bringeth forth her bud and as the garden causeth the things that are sown in it to spring forth, so the Lord God will cause righteousness and praise to spring forth before all the nations. 

My friends, I had to bring that word in obedience this morning. Um, wow. So pray on this word. Keep believing on this word. Keep speaking on this word. Decree Isaiah 49 and Is, Isaiah 61 over the children, over your household, over your children and your children’s children. And today, being the 14th, that’s very, very prophetic. Fourteen means generational promises of God fulfilled. There is 14 generations between King David and King Jesus, and the more I think about it, think about 14 generations in your family. Who prayed? Who sowed seeds into the generations to come? Your grandparents, your great grandparents and those before them. 

The Lord is saying those seeds are coming to a goodly harvest for you and your family – generational promises and blessings coming upon you and your children like you’ve never seen before. This is the timing. The enemy did everything he could to hold it back, but he can’t. It’s going to come bursting forth like rivers of living water, like, like Niagra Falls. Nothing will be able to hold it back. This is God! Don’t look to man at all. This is God doing this, and God is saying, “I remember. It has come as a remembrance before me.” All the prayers and the offerings of your ancestors and you, that is going to pour out now upon you and your children.

I am just in awe of God right now. I am in awe of God. Thank You, Father. You have not forgotten us. You are so faithful. We are in expectation of Your glory in our lives and the lives of our children and our children’s children. 

So I want to thank my team and all of you for praying along with me. My team is going to put that word together in its own video along with the scriptures, and I’m going to ask my, uh, my scribe, Gynti Goose Gynpin, to transcribe the word and get it on my site. This is a treasure from Father right from His heart. What incredible times we are living in, my friends, incredible times. 

And, you know, I’m one of those people, and I know many of you, one of those moms, and I know there’s dads and there’s grandparents and intercessors that have gotten up in the night watch on their knees, on their faces, praying, contending at the feet of God for your children, your grandchildren, your adult children, for your families, for the children in the schools, for the children that have been put into trafficking – so many of you. And God is saying today He’s fulfilling out prayers, and it’s going to be greater than we ever asked or thought of. Oh, wow! My heart. 

And we finished that word at 12:12:16. Twelve is the perfect government of God manifested in the earth. The twelve tribes of Israel government with the twelve disciples of Jesus Christ government coming together as one with Jesus Christ at the head. And, um, number 16 means the reckless love of God for us. John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that He sent His only Son ….” Come on. And I’m just in awe of God right now. I mean, the anointing is still on my very, very strong. I’m catching my breath here, and, um, I obediently released the word, and I pray you all received it and touch and agree and pray, um, on this and have great hope.

My friends, I had to bring that word in obedience this morning, um, wow, so pray on this word. Keep believing on this word. Keep speaking on this word. 

Prophetic Word: 2024 Election Suspended – Preparing For Full Restitution!

Prophetic Word: 2024 Election Suspended – Preparing For Full Restitution!

Transcription of the word that the Holy Spirit gave to Annamarie Strawhand, which she delivered during her broadcast of Life in the Faith Lane on October 23, 2024.

Watch the video, and then read the transcript below.


ANNAMARIE: I had the most beautiful, prophetic dream the other night. I had the most beautiful … because I had been really focused on prayer, you know, in the, the, my day of rest on Monday, and, um, the, that morning. So like really early in the morning I was sleeping, you know, between like 3:00 am and 6:00 am, and I had the most beautiful dream about President Trump. And I, I did share it on all of my platforms, but it was, it was so vivid, and I knew it was prophetic. And I knew it was actually happening in the spirit realm. and I was seeing what was coming. 

And as, as a prophet, um, I thank the Lord for these prophetic dreams because I pray every morning according to Jeremiah 33:3. Do you want to have prophetic dreams and prophetic visions? Pray my prayer of discernment, and pray it every day, according to Jeremiah 33:3. I call it God’s phone number. Maybe some of you are seeing the number 333, 333, 333 over and over again. Well, that is the Holy Spirit telling you to go to the Lord – I call it God’s phone number – according to Jeremiah 33:3.

God says to the Prophet Jeremiah, “Call unto Me,” says the Lord, “and ask of me, and I will answer you, and I will show you the things you do not know, the hidden things, the secret things, the things you do not know.”

And so we wrote up a prayer on my site. We got all kinds of prayers written up for you. It’s called the Prayer For Discernment based on Jeremiah 33:3. If you want to have these secret things, these hidden things revealed to you, and even, not just for what’s going on with the nation and President Trump, but the secret hidden things that are going on with your family. I, I even have in that prayer, “Father God, show me the hidden thing, the secret thing, the thing I do not know. Even show me what the devil doesn’t want me to know.” Come on! I’m telling you, that’s a, that’s a, that’s a strong prayer. 

So I like to pray that every day, and a lot of times the Lord will reveal things to me in my dreams, most of the time. And so the other night, I had this beautiful dream. It was so vivid, and I knew it was prophetic. I knew it was happening in the spirit. 

And I was walking beside President Donald J.Trump, and we were literally shoulder-to-shoulder, shoulder-to-shoulder. He’s taller than me, but I knew I was right next to his arm. And we were going up, uh, a hill, but the hill was not steep. It was not a steep hill. It was a fairly easy hill. And the path was clear, and it was a nice, good path. And we could see up towards the top of the hill, but we were, we were walking side-by-side, and he had his arm around my shoulder, and he was holding me snuggly, snuggly, tightly. And he said, “Let’s pray.” I said, “Let’s pray,” you know, we were both like, “Let’s pray,” in agreement. We were in agreement in prayer, and I was praying over him, and I was prophesying, speaking, and I was commanding powerful prayers all the way up that hill. And we were just [Inaudible] was increasing. Got to the top of the hill, and there was a big rally waiting for him, this huge rally, and he was getting ready to go on stage, so he went up to go on stage. I was off to the side, you know, just waiting, and the atmosphere was just electric. 

It was, uh, it was so much excitement in the air, and I looked around at the crowd, and it was all United States Marines, and they were not dressed in like a war uniform like they were getting ready to go to battle. They were dressed for a parade. They were dressed for a parade. They, they had the, the, you know the Marines when they put on the white pants and the blue coat and the white cap. It’s a beautiful, elegant Marine Corp, uh, I, I guess you would call it the dress uniform, the dress uniform. They were all wearing their dress uniform. They were not winning, wearing a battle uniform. They were wearing what they would wear in a parade, like in an inaugural parade. 

And I heard them talking in the crowd. I could hear them, you know, because a lot of times you can hear in the spirit in your dreams. That’s why I knew it was prophetic. And President Trump was not weary. I was not weary. We were, we had powered up in prayer, and it was like a triumph, a triumphant thing. And I could hear the Marines talking excitedly, and they were saying, “Just waiting on the orders to march. Just waiting on the orders to march from President Trump. Just waiting on the orders march from President Trump.” And I knew, and the, the environment was so exciting, so exciting.

And I wrote the dream down, and I encourage you all to write down your dreams and date them and time them. Okay? And that was on the morning of October 22, okay, 10, 22. Ten means God is bringing everything into his divine order, and 22 means key to the government. Isaiah 22:22, the key to the house of David is held by King Jesus, the government key. Whatever doors He shuts, no man can open. Whatever doors He opens, no man can shut. And who stands at the door, right, to the Oval Office? These Marines with these full dress, with their, their glu, their gloves on and everything, and it looked like what they wear when they are guarding the doors to the Oval Office to the White House.

And I thought to myself, “Okay, what’s going on here, Lord? What are you revealing to me? What are you showing me?” I was so encouraged when I woke up from that dream. I just, just my spirit was just leaping with hope and joy and excitement, and I knew that this was to come. I knew that this was to come. I knew be in expectation of celebrations, parades, uh, you know? It’s going to be glorious. It’s going to be wonderful. 

But we’re praying. We’re still praying. We’re still, uh, coming shoulder-to-shoulder with President Trump in prayer. We just have a little bit more way to go, and so I felt like this dream was to encourage all of you, not just those of us in America, but those of us who are in other countries because a lot of what happens in America does connect to what’s happening in other countries right now. And, um, I just want you to know it was a victorious, triumphant dream and I know it was from the Lord. There is no doubt in my mind because, the way I was praying over President Trump, I was in the spirit. I was in the Holy Spirit. I, I mean, in that dream, the Holy Spirit was in that dream with us. There was no doubt in my mind. 

So the Lord is saying keep praying, keep speaking victory over President Trump and over this nation and over the good military. And as we continue to pray and speak and prophesy the words of victory, we are what? Accelerating up this hill. We are accelerating. It’s accelerating us. It’s accelerating us. So stay away from the gloom and doom. Stay away from the negative words, okay? Stay away from the fear-based stuff. Stay focused on the victory. Stay focused on moving forward. Stay focused on speaking victory words over our nation, over President Donald J. Trump, okay? 

And I felt like it was connected to an assignment because, as I was speaking and prophesying over President Trump and we were going up that hill, and he was in agreement with me, and we were speaking words of victory. We were speaking words of encouragement. We were, we were ex, the, the more we were speaking and prophesying and proclaiming, we were accelerating up that hill. And I knew, I was like okay, I felt the Holy Spirit so powerfully.

And the Lord has given me so many prophetic dreams over the last five to seven years that He’s told me to share with you and has given a prayer strategy with those dreams. 

You see, our dreams come from the Holy Spirit, and we must what? Act on them. They’re assignments from the Lord. Yes. Is that biblical? Yes. Joseph and Mary. Joseph got a dream with an assignment in it, two dreams. He was told to do something, and he had to act on them. 

So we have to remember that our dreams are to encourage us, advise us, assign us, and they’re prophetic of what is to come. And this is why I love to interpret your dreams, and discernment right now is to stay away from the negative and focus on the positive and continue to speak victory, victory, victory because we’re almost there, my friends. We’re almost there. We’re almost there. 

Now, people ask me, “Annamarie, what has God said about the 2024 election?” Well, this is what He said to me, okay, and this is what I’ve gotten confirmation on. That the 2024 election will be suspended. How that happens, I do not know. I just know the Lord and the, over and over, and I’ve gone to the Holy Spirit over and over and over and over again asking for confirmation, and He keeps confirming to me – 2024 election will be suspended. Yes. 

And I’ve asked for confirmation of the Holy Spirit of that many, many times prophetically, and this is what He told me. President Trump will be fully restored the 2020 election that was taken from him. So President Trump and we the people will be fully restored the 2020 election. 

This is about to get really, really interesting. How God does this, I do not know. I just know what He has spoken to me, what He’s revealed to me, what I’ve asked for confirmation over and over and over from the Holy Spirit, and is, He just keeps confirming President Trump will be fully restored the 2020 election and so will us, we the people, and President Trump will be fully exonerated of everything, and everything will be restored to him and to we the people that was taken. But the 2024 election will be suspended. 

How this all happens, I don’t know. I just know that this is what the Lord has revealed to me. And then with the dream that I had the other night about us continuing to speak victory over President Donald J. Trump, that we got to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with him. We are just getting up the rest of this hill. The path is clear. Keep decreeing victory. Keep declaring victory. Keep speaking strength. Keep, keep speaking words of faith. Umhm. And that’s got to be our focus right now, my friends, and I’m speaking this to you as a prophet of the Lord and as a prophetic intercessor. 

This is how we pray. Because I go to the Lord, and I ask Him for these things, and I say, “How should we pray?” And He’s showing us. Now, you take this to the Lord yourself, all right? Take this to the Lord yourself, and I know many of you are already praying. Many of you are already praying, but I want you to know something. God said back in 2020, going all the way back to 2020, the night of the 2020 election when I went to the Lord, and He said, “Annamarie, watch My brilliant plan unfold. You help keep everyone in faith, in faith.” 

Do not doubt anything. Just know how mighty our God is, and He’s with President Trump all the way, and He’s with us all the way. Okay? So stay in faith. It may be some things coming that are very unusual that we’ve never seen happen before, but we got to stay in faith. Don’t let it shake you because I don’t know how God is going to do this. I just know what He’s told me, and what He has, uh, told me how to pray. And I’m asking you all to pray too this way, so let’s just, let’s just stop and pray right now as I’m sharing this with you all, and, uh, then I’m going to start taking your questions in a few minutes. Okay? 

Heavenly Father, I thank You. I thank You for Your gracious word, your precious word. Your word is a light to our path and a lamp unto our feet. The path is clear because You have lighted it up with Your word and with Your glory and with Your protection for President Donald J. Trump and for Your people, and we go forward powerfully and boldly because we know that You are  with us just like You were with Moses, just like You were with the Joshua of Moses, and You are bringing us to our promises, not just for America, but for all the faithful nations and for Your Church, Your ecclesia. 

And I thank You, Father, for what You’re doing with President Donald J. Trump and we the people. Father God, that You love America as America comes beside Israel in these last days as we prepare the way of King Jesus. And America is meant to take the Gospel to all the world, to the Jew first, then the Gentile, that America can fulfill her mission that You’ve called her to. 

I thank You, Father, that You are giving us victory, and You’re giving President Trump the victory. Not only that, Father God, You are making a way where there seems to be no way. You are the One making the way, and everyone will say, “Surely, this is God Almighty who has done this,” and You get all the glory, Father God. And we speak victory. We speak shalem. We speak shalom. That You are Jehovah Nissi, the Lord, the Lord is our banner. You are going ahead of us. You are leading us up this hill because You are our banner, Father God, and we thank You for Your supernatural protection over President Donald J. Trump and over us, the people, over United States Marines and all of our military. 

And, Father God, I thank You that we get to pray, that You’re giving us an assignment, that You trust us with this assignment. Now, Father God, You have revealed the 2024 election will be suspended. I don’t know how You’re going to do that. I just know You’re doing it. And You have revealed, Father God, that President Trump will be restored the 2020 election because, King Jesus, You are the great redeemer, and You are the, the redeemer of all things. You are the Alpha and the Omega, the end from the beginning. 

And I thank You, King Jesus, that You have stepped into this moment of time with us, and You are redeeming everything back to President Donald J. Trump and to America and to we the people and to Your Church, Your ecclesia, so that we can be a powerful force for You, King Jesus in these days, in the days of the great harvest, preparing Your bride so we can also prepare the Jew to receive You into Jerusalem where You will be seated on the throne of King David, Your rightful place, King Jesus. 

Thank You, Lord, that Your kingdom is coming to earth. Help us to know how to pray in faith. Remove the spirit of fear from us. We know this is the day of the Prophet Zechariah where You are taking the spirit of wickedness and putting it into that ephah and putting a lid on top of it, a heavy lid, and sealing it and removing it, and Babylon has fallen, and Your kingdom has come to the earth forever and ever.

And I thank You, Lord, that You are using us. You’re using President Donald J. Trump and other faithful people to do it. Help us to stay faithful to You, to stay encouraged and to encourage our brothers and sisters in Christ. We are in expectation of Your glory, God, in Jesus Christ’s name we pray, and then everyone touches and agree, in Jesus’ name, it will be done for us. Hallelujah and amen! Whoo hoo hooo!

Tithing Is An Act Of Worship

Tithing Is An Act Of Worship

Tithing Is An Act Of Worship

“The tithe is 10% of our gross income we give to God through our local church. This sanctifies the 90% as “off limits” to satan!”  – Gary Keesee

God honors, blesses and protects those who tithe, but He makes miracles out of the offerings that are over and above the tithe!

Tithing is an act of worship and obedience, your offerings are over and above your obedient tithe.   I love to tithe and I love to give added offerings unto the Lord because I want to lavish my love on Him and I know if I do this, He will do even more for me and my household! Because He loves me even more than I can give – we give and He gives back even more than we ask or think!

He wants to lavish good gifts and blessings upon us!  But we must first reveal our hearts for Him.  That we believe He is Good!

Deuteronomy 28:12 describes: “The Lord will open for you His good storehouse, the heavens, to give rain to your land in its season and to bless all the work of your hand; and you shall lend to many nations, but you shall not borrow. ” 

Abraham was blessed because he tithed and believed God!

Jesus said be like Abraham!

Abraham Knew Jesus!  He was generous to Jesus when Jesus visited his tent with two Angels!

It’s a blessing to choose to be like Abraham!

Jesus knew he could count on Abraham to be generous and hospitable to Him!

James 222 – Key of Abraham Works with Faith together!

Faith and Works Can Be Also Fulfilled Through Tithing!

Tithing is a work of FAITH!

James 2:21Was not our father Abraham justified by what he did when he offered his son Isaac on the altar? 2 2You see that his faith was working with his actions, and his faith was perfected by what he did. 23 And the Scripture was fulfilled that says, “Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness,” and he was called a friend of God.…

Tithing brings blessing, increase and protection of God!

It’s not a law, its a choice – Jesus made the choice to be blessed like Abraham possible for us as Christians, the tithe is a way Abraham honored God and God called him righteous and Abraham became very wealthy.

Jesus gave us a choice because He grafted us into the blessings of Abraham!

Jesus always asked the disciples what they had at hand first, they brought that to him and he multiplied it

When you tithe, you are putting a fence of protection around your finances. Tithing will not put a million dollars in your bank account. You have to grow something for God to protect. God wants to see you prosper, but while we are living on the earth, we must follow the rules of the earth. You have to first plant a seed in order to produce a harvest. – Gary Keesee

The word tithe means a tenth. It represents a minimum, not a maximum of giving.

We, as followers of Jesus, are called to tithe and be generous, especially since Jesus was so generous to us.

What most people think is that “tithing” is an Old Testament principle and it’s not for us anymore. However, tithing can be found in 3 primary areas of scripture:

  • Abram gave a tenth in Genesis 14.
  • Malachi 3:10 talks about how God validates the tithe and says to test Him in giving and that we’ll never “out give” God.
  • Jesus in Matthew 23:23 corrects the Pharisees for how they were tithing and redirects them for what they should do with the tithe instead. By doing this, we can see it’s still clearly a New Testament principle, Jesus validates it, and makes sure the heart of generosity is present when tithing, not selfish motivations.

As Jesus demonstrated grace towards us, He always raised the bar from the law. Grace raises the bar in everything. (Jesus in Matthew 5, 6, and 7 compares hatred to murder, lusting to adultery, etc.) This means when it comes to tithing, our goal shouldn’t just be to “hit the tenth and be done,” but rather use the tenth as a starting point and increase from there.

Keep this in mind, this isn’t giving God His money, this is ALL already God’s money. This is our reminder of whose money it is.

When my husband Michael and I started tithing, we became debt free after 20 years of marriage!  We never argued about money again and our finances began to increase.  This is confirmation of tithing.  We want to do this, its a choice, we enjoy being obedient, we want to worship God this way.

Watch the video below on how God brought my husband and I into obedience to begin tithing faithfully:

Biblical Instruction: How God Made My Husband and I DEBT FREE After 20 Years of Marriage

Jesus fulfilled the laws of Moses, yes – tithing is being obedient to God and  is an act of worship and a connection to the blessings of Abraham and we do this through Jesus.  WE have abundance of the Kingdom through Jesus Christ and these are kingdom acts of faith. Also the Kingdom is financed to spread the Gospel.   This is going about the Father’s Business.  Jesus did receive lavish financial offerings from Joanna, a woman of wealth who was married to an officer in the court of King Herod.  Joanna was honored for her faithful financial giving by being one of the women who was the first to see the empty tomb and the resurrection of her Lord Jesus Christ! What an honor!

With the complete work of Jesus Christ, we as believers are now a Melchizadek Priesthood, Kings and Priests through Christ Jesus.  We are no longer a Levite Priesthood.  Meaning that Jesus is both ministry and marketplace.  We can have both ministry and business at the same time, our ministries do not depend on the tithe.  However as Melchizadek was a King and a Priest,  his Kingdom of Salem (Jerusalem) was both ministry (he made intercession before God for the people) and marketplace (he made sure the land and people were prosperous).   He did receive Abraham’s tithe to store and use towards the work needed to be done in his Kingdom region and even to support his work and staff to do this. The first tithe Abraham brought Melchizadek was a 10th of the plunder of the items taken from the enemy from a battle victory!  They celebrated together with Bread and Wine!  Sound familiar?  This is who we are now!  This is how we grow the Kingdom of God in the earth!  They began a partnership and God was honored and fruitfulness in all areas, the ministry, the land, the people and the marketplace and yes even in their own homes, families and land!

This is the perfect government of God!  Salem means “Peace”.   Melchizadek means “Righteous”.    Your ministry and leadership is to be like Melchizadek and your household and business like Abraham.

The Melchizadek partnership of Abraham and Melchizadek, is Abraham and Jesus Priesthood, and Abraham Tithed to Melchizadek.

Genesis 14:18-20 Abram (whose name was later changed to Abraham) had been blessed by God in recovering Lot and the others who had been taken captive. So Abram gave a tenth of the spoils to Melchizedek. This is the first mention of the practice of tithing—giving a tenth of our increase to God—in the Bible.

Jesus clearly said for us to be like Abraham – a faithful man whom God blessed abundantly and has a covenant blessing with God that will last for all  his generations and increase in blessings that are either born into that covenant (Hebrew) and those who are grafted into that covenant (Jesus Christ).

As Christians, we are to be like Abraham and enjoy the covenant blessings of God and remember God for His faithfulness to increase our blessings when we honor our side of the covenant with God with our tithe and obedience. It’s a win- win!

John 8:39  “They answered and said unto him, Abraham is our father. Jesus saith unto them, If ye were Abraham’s children, ye would do the works of Abraham.”

Once my husband and I became faithful with our own tithe, God then trusted us as a ministry to receive tithes here as a storehouse.  If you feel led to tithe here, we will pray obediently and faithfully over your tithe and do our best to make sure we do the will of God here with all the tithes and offerings that come into this ministry.  However it is important that you tithe where you are being fed and you see that ministry or church doing the will of God and has good fruit of the Holy Spirit.   Tithe where God tells you to tithe.  This is all an act of worship unto Him by the leading of your heart.   It’s not so much the money that God is looking at, but the heart for Him in the way it is presented to Him, it’s like a pleasing incense to Father.  It’s because YOU are remembering HIM and BLESSING HIM.   How much more will He remember you and bless you when you ask?  TITHING is all about RELATIONSHIP.

When we Tithe, it pleases God and He even tells us to TEST Him on this – if we do this in faith and love HE HIMSELF will open up the Windows of Heaven and pour out a blessing so great we can hardly contain it. (Malachi Chapter 3) Not only that, God will then rebuke any and all devouring spirits off your household and finances!  My husband Mike and I can attest to this truth in our own life and finances!

When we tithed faithfully one year later we were debt free, our finances had increased and we never had another argument about money!

This also really grew my husband’s faith, he is a numbers man and wow did God really speak to him in this way.  Mike is now what I call a “Tithe Evangelist”!  He tells everyone he knows our tithing testimony and how God showed Himself Faithful!   God knew exactly how to reach Mike with this and wow he is a firm believer!

I know that many of you may have a spouse that does not want to tithe, but you do – so you can start to be an example to them – show them what God does for you when you give in a loving way, and then ask the Holy Spirit to reveal this to your spouse too!  I promise you the Holy Spirit will help you with your spouse if you ask Him!  Then the two of you can tithe in agreement to bless your household. (Get my prayer here to send the Holy Spirit to a loved one.)

Remember a tithe is different than an offering, a seed or first fruits.  Learn more here with my teaching on financial giving for the Kingdom of God.