Transcription of a prophetic word that the Holy Spirit gave to Annamarie Strawhand as she interpreted a dream from one of her viewers on the broadcast of Life in the Faith Lane on October 23, 2024.
Watch the video, and then read the transcript below.
ANNAMARIE: She dreamed this morning about two different brands of mustard – a store brand and name brand. The color yellow stood out to her, and before she woke up she heard the words, “black swan event.”
Well, two is key. Two means key. All right? Yellow is the glory of God. Mustard has to do with faith. Tammy, I’m going to say this again. Two means key. Yellow is the glory of God. Mustard has to do with faith. Before you woke up, you heard the words, “black swan event.”
Well, here’s the thing. Black is the color of sin and swan, in the Bible, represents, right, a trumpeting bird, a trumpeting bird. It can be an unclean bird. You’re not supposed to eat swans, okay, but also, biblically, swans represent trumpeting angels of the Lord. Swans are a trumpeting bird.
Okay, so let me unpack this dream for you. This is a prophetic dream about what is going on right now, Tammy Dillon. Okay? All right? That our faith has been the key in this time. Okay? And our faith is being multiplied in double portion by God himself in His glory. We had faith like a mustard seed and God has multiplied it.
So you got two is key, and then you’ve got two mustard – double portion. Yellow is the glory of God, and it’s the glory of God that is going to overcome the sin at this time, and any demonic events, right, any demonic events that are caused by sinful people, the glory of God, faith of our saints of the Lord is going to overcome it. And the angels of the Lord are here blowing their trumpets. We are literally in a Revelation 14, 15, 16, 17 time.
Tammy, listen to me. Everybody listen to me. This is a great dream. She had a prophetic dream. The enemy will try to do their black swan events, right? They might try to bring what? False flags. Black swan events are like false flags. They’re going to bring these false flags to bring wickedness. They’re going to try to bring, uh, events to try to come against, you know, the election, other things.
We know that the wicked ones have been involved in these storms. Right? We’re going through a lot of spiritual warfare, and even we know that, uh, there has been these, these signs. I believe that storm that was, Helene, was spiritual warfare, number one. And of number two, there are wicked people that are accentuating, and I don’t mean, I mean more than, you know, more than accentuating these storms. Right? They’re adding, uh, not just cloud seeding, but they’re adding demonic frequencies into these storms to steer them and make them worse than they are. Why? Because they want to make, um, they want to cause discord. It’s all the devil. Right? It’s spiritual warfare. They’re trying to do land grabs and all kinds of things. Is that connected to a black swan event?
Well, black represents sin, okay, false flags. It’s, the black swan event can be connected to the demonic creating – the demonic really can’t create anything, right? All he can try to do is sow discord into existing things. So, when you day black swan event, it’s, it’s evil-led people, people led by wickedness and evil that are taking what is already existing and manipulating it for it to cause evil and cause an evil event that will cause dis, discord, right? The devil comes to steal, kill, kill and destroy.
What happened with Helene, hurricane Helene, I believe was like a black swan event, right, and a, a false flag event or whatever you want to call it, uh, that was demonically manipulated, okay? And what do they want to do? Well, they want to try to grab the land, but the reason she had this dream is meaning they will not succeed. The evil, this is, this is a good-news-dream, Tammy!
Their black, the evil ones, the wicked ones, their black swan events will not succeed. Their false flag and demonically-led events will not succeed. Their, these, these are led by sinful people. Black represents sin.
But guess what happened in your dream? The Holy Spirit was showing you two different kinds of mustard. Mustard represents our faith. Two means key. Double portion. Yellow is the glory of God that is overcoming all of this. Swans also represent the time of the trumpeting.
What happened, what was being revealed after this storm? It’s, the, the video has gone completely viral, and maybe my team can find it. One of the houses that was caught up in the flood, a church team went to help the people in that house. They found a Bible stuck on a pole. It was open to the Book of Revelation 14, 15, 16, 17. And what does that speak of? It speaks of the angels that have the trumpets, that are blowing the trumpets of the Revelation time. And what was happening in the Book of Revelation Chapter 14, 15, 16, 17? I’ll tell you what happened. And the angel blew the trumpet and says, “Babylon has fallen!” Babylon has fallen! Babylon has fallen!
So I’m telling you what, this is their last black swan event. The devil has overplayed his hand. The faith of those, even just had faith of a mustard seed, has been doubled in double portion by God Himself. The glory of God is overcoming this! The trumpeting angels of the Lord are blowing the trumpets. We’re in Revelation 14, 15, 16, 17 right now. Babylon has fallen! And they’re being what? Caught and dealt with. They go up there and try to grab that land, those evil ones, they’re walking into a trap. It isn’t going to be good for them. They try to mock God. It’s not going to end well for them. The faith of the people has risen up, and the glory of God here, and your dream is confirmation.
Jennifer, can you find that Bible that they found that was opened up and maybe get a screenshot of it, and put it up on the screen, opened to Revelation 14, 15, 16, 17?
The Book of Revelation is a wonderful book. I love it! The fall of Babylon! I want y’all to understand something. We’ve already gone through the seven-year tribulation. We’re coming out of it. Babylon is falling. It’s over for them, and if you read Revelation 14, 15, 16, 17, Babylon is falling; the devil has overplayed his hand; the wickedness is over; the faithful has risen up, and the angel of the Lord, the trumpeting angels of the Lord, are speaking this over the earth and the faithful ones who have faith even that of a mustard seed in the glory of God because in the Book of Revelation 14, 15, 16, 17, not only is Babylon falling, but it’s the time of the great harvest for Jesus Christ.
What do you see happening in the exact same time? Revival! Revival! Revival, umhm, umhm. You know most of the people that live in those mountains of western North Carolina and Appalachia, most of them are rooted in Scottish roots, Scottish Irish roots.
What are the Scottish Irish roots? Judah! The tribe of Judah. And when the Book of Revelation says, chapter 14, 15, 16, 17, that the angel will stand on the mountain, Mount Zion, the trumpeting angel, and say, “Babylon is falling,” the remnant of Judah is in those mountains of Appalachia. It’s all connected. America is a tribe of Israel. Why do you think the devil wanted to attack that region? It’s the most faithful, Bible-believing region, and these people are a remnant of the Scottish Irish, the tribe of Judah.
We know that even with President Trump’s, uh, Scottish roots that he is of the tribe of Judah. Where is Mount Zion? In Judah! It’s all connected. So the devil, he’s overplayed his hand. It’s over for him. Babylon has fallen, and the faith of the saints has overpowered. We have gone through the tribulation.
My friends, we don’t get beamed out of here. We don’t leave the planet. We win the planet. Now it’s time for the great harvest of souls for Jesus Christ. The angels of the Lord are on the [Inaudible]. I’ve already told you that.
Jennifer, can you put up that picture, please?

Okay, so this is the Book of Revelation 14, 15, 16, 17 that was found, uh, on a pole.
Jennifer, you got that other picture? There you go.

So maybe you’ve all seen this viral video of the Bible that was found on the pole at that house, uh, in Appalachia. Uh, it was open to Revelation 14, 15, 16, 17. The page was fluttering between those two, and, uh, what is happening is exactly that. The angels of the Lord are blowing their trumpets. We are in a Revelation 14, 15, 16, 17 time, and it means that Babylon has fallen, that the, the saints, the faithful ones have overcome. Jesus Christ and the angel of the Lord, it’s harvest time, and remember all of Appalachia, it says, you know, blow the trumpet in Mount Zion. Well, these are from Judah. They’re rooted in Judah. The Scotch Irish are rooted in the tribe of Judah. They’re a remnant of Judah. Where is Mount Zion? In Judah!
Thank you, Jennifer or Goose, whoever put that up there.
So hear the word of the Lord. I want to thank, uh, [Inaudible] for that dream. I want to thank the Holy Spirit for that dream that she had. Okay? She had a prophetic dream, and I want to thank the Lord for it, and, uh, Tammy Dillon. And Tammy, do you know what your name is rooted in? Tamara. Who was Tamara? Wife of Judah. This is God.
Tammy, your, your name is rooted in Tamara who was the wife of Judah who gave birth to the twins, and that bloodline, that bloodline went on in Judah into Scotland and Ireland. The red hand of Zara, one of the twins, and also Tea Tephi, who was the daughter of Hezekiah, along with her sister, Scota, that made it out of Judah with the prophet Jeremiah and made it out to Ireland and Scotland. It kept the bloodline going of Judah. The Scotch Irish immigrated to the Americas and settled in Appalachia. They’re a remnant of Judah. Umhm.
God knows where all those bloodlines are. You don’t think the enemy does? You don’t think he’s trying to wipe out a remnant? It’s too bad for him. These people that are on this mountain are the most faithful resilient people – the red hand of Zara, Judah! And the Book of Revelation is playing out in the Appalachian mountains like Zion, and I’m talking about 14, 15, 16, 17.
It’s happening at a time of harvest. There were baptisms going on the following week there. Revival is happening everywhere. Babylon has fallen! The angels are trumpeting. Swans what? [Inaudible] trumpet. Black means sin. Yellow means the glory of God. Double portion and key. Mustard represents the faith of the people. We have overcome these seven years of tribulation. We get to have the victor’s crown. Jesus returns to see his bride bold and beautiful and faithful.
The enemy was trying to throw everything at the kitchen sink at the last minute. It’s not going to work for him. God is speaking very clearly here. You will see His glory in Appalachia and across all the world. Revival will break out. Harvest for Jesus Christ like never before. It will sweep the southern United States and beyond, and these Babylonian antichrist systems that have been trying to bring these black swan events, false flags, and manipulate the weather for land grabs, it’s over for them. They have fallen into a trap. The brilliant plan of God and the good military and President Donald J. Trump, the remnant of Judah, and the lion is roaring.
And she had a prophetic dream. I think it’s because of her name, and she may even have Judah roots. You might want to check your family bloodline, darling, and see if your family bloodline goes back to the bloodline of Judah. This is Scotch Irish.
Here’s the prophetic word: Revelation on Trump – Scotland – Tribe of Judah – The Tartan – God’s Brilliant Plan
That’s right, and why do you think the Appalachian people are red hair, fiery, feisty? They’re all about the [Inaudible] and singing and their musical instruments and praising and worshiping God because they are the remnant of the Judah bloodline. Judah means praise. The Israelites sent Judah into the battle first to [Inaudible] praise and worship. Who is the one that’s showing up? The Church!
Donna Weiland Kruse: Agree, what amazing resola, revelation – the tribe of Judah in Appalachia.
Yeah, they, they’re one! The, the Appalacian people are a remnant of the tribe of Judah through Scotland and Ireland, through the Scotch Irish. You think God has kept track of those bloodlines? Absolutely! You know why? Because He prophesied He would!
Amos 9:11 “‘In those last days,’ says the Lord, ‘I will rebuild the house of David. I will raise it up from its ruins.’” That’s the Judah household. Because Jesus has to come back and rule and reign on the throne of King David. It’s coming back stronger than before. The enemy can only try to manipulate it to try to twist it and stop it. He can’t create anything.
And the Appalachian mountains are connected to that Judah bloodline – that Mount Zio connection. Watch and see what happens. The glory of God will come to Appalachia in such a way like you’ve never seen before. It’s going to be incredible. And these evil people that are trying to do land grabs there – ain’t going to happen because the angel has already blown his trumpet and says, “Babylon has fallen.” They’re done.
See, if they try to go in there and dig their tunnels and all that stuff, God already told us in 2020 He was sending His angel armies underground. So be encouraged, my friends, God put the Bible like that on a pole, front and center, open to the word. It’s a pretty major sign, and that’s exactly what’s happening right now. Babylon has fallen. It’s over for the devil and all of his false flags and all his weather manipulation and his land grabs and all that evil stuff. All the antichrist stuff, it’s over. We’ve gone through the tribulation. We’re coming out of it. We don’t leave the planet. We win the planet. God is rebuilding the days and the, the house of Judah and the, the house of King David. And the remnant of Judah is in Appalachia – Scotch Irish – through Tea Tephi, through Zara and that tribe.
She had that prophetic dream because her name is Tammy. That is connected to, to Tamara, the wife of Judah who gave birth to the twins and kept the bloodline of Judah going. And God said that kings … He told Jacob to prophesy over Judah that the scepter shall not depart from Judah until Shiloh comes – the second coming of Christ.
And the devil can’t wipe out that remnant. He can’t do it, and he can’t touch Trump because Trump is the bloodline king that is going to help restore and rebuild the house of King David. This is all for the return of Jesus Christ because when Jesus returns on the Mount of Olives, He’s bringing Heaven with Him, and we’re going to have a big celebration, but right now, He has to get His wedding present – that’s a great harvest of souls for Jesus Christ.
And the angels of the Book of Revelation are blowing their trumpets. We’ve made it. We made it through. We made it through. It hasn’t been easy. But what are you to do in this time for the Lord? How are you to be a part of this great harvest that the Book of Revelation 14, 15, 16, 17 talks about where Jesus is putting His sickle into the harvest?
We’ve got to be a laborer in the harvest. Even if you have faith of a mustard seed, what can you do to help? God will double that faith. He’ll multiply it. His glory is on it. This is the timing we’re in. You see, it’s all connected. We’re the remnant, and the house of King David will be rebuilt, and God’s going to use Trump to do it and us.
And the, we’re bringing in the harvest. Jesus has to get His wedding present, and when He returns, the throne of King David will be reestablished in Jerusalem, ready to hand it to Him.
You see, it’s the army of Jesus Christ that rises up, and we take it back for Jesus. He is at work within us! He told us to occupy until He comes, and it’s a glorious and beautiful time. She was seeing the yellow. That’s the glory. Isn’t it beautiful? Be hopeful, my friends. This is the shining moment for the bride of Christ – glorious, beautiful. And Babylon has fallen. Fallen! Fallen! It’s over for the Illuminati and all their antichrist systems. It’s over! We’ve made it through! We are overcomers in Christ. We’re getting crowns on our heads right now, robes of righteousness. And now we’ve got to work the harvest.
We’re coming into the most glorious, amazing of times. We’re going to see the glory of God. We’re going to see justice. Umhm. And one of the biggest reviv, revivals will be right there in Appalachia. Hallelujah!