Category: Prayers

Prayer For Athletes

Prayer For Athletes

When we pray for athletes, we need to look at them the way Paul spoke about it in God’s word. We are to run this race strong. Remember that Paul spent a lot of time in Greece where the Olympics were. There were a lot of sports and competitions there. It was a big thing in Greece, so Paul used that in his teaching a lot as metaphors and to help us understand how the kingdom of God works.

I believe very strongly that the reason God raises someone up on sports is because He wants to use their spotlight. In other words, if God gives someone a talent for sports, it’s for His glory. This goes back to what Paul said that we are to run our race strong, and throw off all encumberments – anything that weighs us down – so that we can be victorious in our purpose for the Lord. 

If you have a child or other loved one who is especially talented in sports, pray the following prayer over them so that they will use their gifts and talents for the kingdom of God and be victorious in their purpose for the Lord, all for the glory of God.

Scripture Reference

Hebrews 12:1 (Amplified Bible, Classic Edition)

“Therefore then, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses [who have borne testimony to the Truth], let us strip off and throw aside every encumbrance (unnecessary weight) and that sin which so readily (deftly and cleverly) clings to and entangles us, and let us run with patient endurance and steady and active persistence the appointed course of the race that is set before us …”

Pray Out Loud

  • “Father God, I ask You to anoint _______, that they would play (name of sport) in such a way that the world has never seen before, all for Your glory. Help them to use the talent for (name of sport) that You have put in them, Lord, and raise them up to be the best at what they do in (name of sport) like the world has never seen before, all for Your glory and Your kingdom. 

  • Father God, I ask for you to remove anything right now that’s weighing them down, holding them back, or encumbering them from being the best at this for Your glory, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and I ask You to pour a fresh anointing of Your Holy Spirit on them to play (name of sport) and use it for Your glory and to shine Jesus when they do this. 

  • I ask for You to continue to bless them and raise them up, not just in talent and victories, Father God, but in the anointing of the Holy Spirit that flows to them. I ask you to raise them up like you have so many other athletes to be quarterbacks, pitchers, runners in the Olympics, and jockeys on racehorses, and You have given them the victory and the spotlight so that they can give You glory and point to Jesus Christ. 

  • I ask you to do the same thing for, _______, all through the power of Your Holy Spirit working through _______ and every athlete that You have called because it gives You pleasure, Father God. It gives You pleasure to see them using their gifts for Your glory just like in the movie, Chariots of Fire – the Olympic runner in the 1920s who wanted to serve You, Father God. He thought in order to serve You, He had to be a missionary to China, but You made him fast, and He said these words, “God made me fast because it gives Him pleasure!” He pointed to Jesus Christ and to You, Father God, all through the Olympics, and he won the gold medal. Why? Because He pointed to You, God. 

  • I ask You to do the same thing for _______, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Father God, You say that the competition is irrelevant. It’s not about the competition; it’s about the anointing that is upon _______, and _______ doesn’t even think about the competition. He/she is (running, playing ball, etc.) because it pleases You, Father God. He/she is being a team leader because it pleases God and because of the anointing of the Holy Spirit, so the competition is irrelevant. 


  • I invite You, Holy Spirit, to go to _______ and reveal this to him/her and train him/her up in this. Put a right spirit within him/her so he/she doesn’t look at the competition. It’ll be irrelevant to him/her now. His/Her focus will just be on what he/she is doing to please the Lord by using his/her gifts, and I ask You to give him/her a fresh anointing and remove any distractions and anything in his/her life that would try to come against this. Give his/her parents, grandparents, teammates, and coaches wisdom, all for the kingdom and glory of God. God of our Lord Jesus Christ, Father of glory, please give me, my loved one, _______, and those around _______ the spirit of wisdom and understanding in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ, the hope of His calling and His glory, in Jesus Christ’s name we pray. Amen.”
Prayer For Grief and Loss – Healing and Joy Restored

Prayer For Grief and Loss – Healing and Joy Restored

Are you or a loved one struggling with grief and loss? Watch the video below and pray this powerful prayer filling in the blanks with the correct names and pronouns, as the case may be, for the one(s) in need of deliverance from a stronghold of grief!


Pray Out Loud

  • “Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, I lift (myself/ _______) up to You, and I place (myself/him/her) in the blood of Jesus Christ. Lord Jesus, release the power of Your blood over (my/_______’s) mind, body, soul, and spirit. Father God, I ask, in the name of Jesus Christ, that You would send Your ministering angels to (me/_______) right now, – the same angels that ministered to our Lord in the garden – to minister to (me/him/her), to strengthen (me/him/her), and to pull off any arrows, daggers, knives, spikes – anything of the enemy. Remove all heaviness from (me/him/her). Remove every yoke of grief off of (me/him/her). 


  • Holy Spirit, I invite You and give You permission for a fresh anointing right now, for it is written, “The anointing breaks the yoke.” I command every yoke of grief to come off of (me/_______) now. (I/He/She) is only yoked to Jesus Christ, and His burden is easy, light, and joyful. (I/He/She) will know that (my/his/her) loved one is now in (my/his/her) cloud of witnesses in Heaven witnessing to the prayers of Jesus Christ for (me/him/her). (I/_______) will be strong and courageous and faithful and go forward and fulfill (my/his/her) purpose for the Lord and (my/his/her) faith will not fail (me/him/her), in Jesus Christ’s name.” 

The Bible says that we are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses in Hebrews Chapter 12. Those are our loved ones that have gone before us and that are believers in Jesus Christ, and our children are taken right to Heaven. They’re in our cloud of witnesses. They are witnessing to your life. They’re witnessing to the prayers of Jesus Christ for you so that you will fulfill your purpose for the Lord, and so Jesus doesn’t want the grief to hold you back. He wants you to keep moving forward doing what He’s called you to do and even doing it in a way that you know your loved one is cheering you on now because it says the great cloud of witnesses is cheering you on to the victory, and you’re going to finish this race strong now. You’re going to finish this race strong! Your loved one is cheering you on from Heaven. 

I say this with love because I understand, but if we stay in grief too long, it keeps us from fulfilling our purpose for Jesus, and you don’t want the enemy to keep you in grief too long. How do we get this grief off of us? We’ve got to put it on the cross. 

Put Your Hands On Your Heart And Pray This Out Loud

  • “King Jesus, I invite you to step into this moment of time and redeem (me/_______). Redeem (my/his/her) mind, will, emotions. Redeem (my/his/her) heart. Redeem (my/his/her) soul, and be made manifest in it with Your glory light, Your joy, Your peace, Your shalom, and right now, I grab ahold of this grief that is in (my/_______’s) heart and in (my/his/her) soul, and I grab it off of (me/him/her) and place it on Your Cross, Jesus, and release it to You, Lord, in Jesus Christ’s name.”

Release it to Him. Release it off your soul. Release it off your spirit. Release that grief off your memories, and off of your cells. It’s on the Cross of Jesus now.

Now Hold Out Your Hands And Declare Out Loud 

  • “King Jesus, thank you for taking (my/_______’s) grief upon You, and now (I/_______) receive(s) of the joy of the Lord upon (me/him/her). (I/_______) receive(s) of the healing of the Lord upon (me/him/her). (I/_______) receive(s) a brand new healed heart. (My/His/Her) soul is healed and exalts the Lord. (I/He/She) think(s) on the joyous memories, in Jesus Christ’s name.”

Just receive of the joy of the Lord. Receive of the peace of the Lord. 

Declare Out Loud

  • “Lord, Your Word says that You are the Son of Righteousness that comes with healing in His wings, in His beams, and (I/_______) have/has so much joy. (I’m/He’s/She’s) like a calf released from the stall in a pasture, so I decree and declare that the Son of Righteousness has come upon (me/_______) with healing in His wings and in His beam. I pray this all in Jesus Christ’s name.”

Receive that healing light into your heart and into your soul. Receive of the joy of the Lord. You shall go forth in joy like a calf let out from the stall, jumping and leaping and singing for joy because the Son of Righteousness – King Jesus – has you.

Your loved one’s memory is a blessing. You focus on the good memories. They are cheering you on right now, and Jesus has taken this heaviness off of you. He’s taken this burden off of you because it’s time for you to go forward in your purpose.

Scripture Reference

Hebrews 12:1

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off every encumbrance and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with endurance the race set out for us.”

Remember, all of Heaven is cheering you on, my friends! 

Prayer To Ask God To Reveal Your Assignment

Prayer To Ask God To Reveal Your Assignment

If you want to be used by the Lord, you’ve got to be prepared to be stretched. You’ve got to be prepared to come out of your comfort zone. Your own family may not like it, so you’ve got to be prepared for that, but you will be blessed and rewarded for your obedience.

A lot of people just start by doing the land prayer assignments with me as an act of obedience to the Lord to pray over the land, the gates, and the water. Some of you have made a ministry of that going all over your state and doing them.

If you are not sure how God can use you  for this time, just pray this prayer.

Pray Out Loud

  • “Father God, I submit myself to You and Your plans and purposes. I want to be obedient to what I’ve been called to do for Your kingdom. I ask, Father God, through Your Holy Spirit, that You would reveal to me what my assignment is and that Your Holy Spirit would train me up to do it. I ask You to give me favor and boldness and the finances to do it. I want You with me all the way, Lord, like You were with Moses, like You were with Joshua and Moses, like You were with King David, and most of all, Father, like You are with Your Son, King Jesus. Be with me in this way with Your Holy Spirit. King Jesus, I believe You are within me, working within me, and I can do all things through You. I’m not afraid. I know that it pleases You if I am obedient, Father, and I know that You will work on my family members with Your Holy Spirit. Show me where to start, Lord, and I will take the first step in faith, and I know that You will take two, and You will direct my path, all for Your kingdom and glory, in Jesus Christ’s name. Amen.”

If you prayed this prayer with me in faith, you have been activated. Begin to allow the Lord to show you. Some of it might not make any sense, but trust in Him. You may not feel worthy or perfect, but take imperfect action. Jesus will perfect it. Use these tools that we have for you. Learn how to take your seat of authority in Christ Jesus and suit up in your armor of God. You’ll be fine. We’re here to support you, love you, and encourage you through all of it.