Category: Prayers

Prayer To Heal Marriages

Prayer To Heal Marriages

On one of our recent Friday prayer broadcasts, a viewer requested prayer for a “Lazarus resurrection miracle” for her marriage. 

It’s important to learn how to pray over your marriage. First of all, understand that your marriage is a covenant with God and that covenant is not dead. That covenant is still established with God.

The enemy wants to come in and cause distractions. He may have a legal right to have curses come against your marriage. What would give the enemy a legal right to bring curses or distractions into your marriage? Sin. If you or your husband have sinned or there’s sin on your family bloodline it can bring a curse against the marriage. 

The biggest sin that comes against marriages is sexual sin and adultery, either with you or somebody on the family bloodline. If there’s somebody on your or your husband’s family bloodline, and I mean going all the way back to Adam and Eve, that did sins against the marriage – adultery, pornography, anything like that – it can bring a curse against the marriage, so your marriage is not dead. The covenant is still there with God. 

What you need to do is get that covenant completely healed and cleansed in the blood of Jesus. Any sin has to be repented for so that there’s no legal right of the demonic to attack your marriage. First of all, you need to change the way you’re looking at it. You need to look at it the way God looks at your marriage – that it’s a covenant with God and is still alive.

Pray Out Loud

Heavenly Father, Father God, I come before You in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and I place my covenant marriage to my spouse, _______, in the blood of Jesus Christ. I ask you, Lord Jesus, to release the power of Your blood into my marriage, into our covenant, and cleanse it, sanctify it, and make it holy back to God.

Father God, I stand before You today and repent for myself and anybody in my family bloodline going all the way back to Adam and Eve that sinned against the covenant of marriage and sinned against You, God. I repent for any sexual sin. I repent for any adultery in myself or anybody in my bloodline. I repent for any pornography in myself and in my family bloodline. I repent for any sins of causing anyone harm in their marriage, either myself or anybody in my family line. 

I also come before you and stand in the gap for my husband/wife because we are one flesh, and I repent for any sins he/she has done or anyone in his/her family bloodline, going all the way back to Adam and Eve – any sins of adultery, any sexual sins, any pornography, any sins against marriage, and any sins against anybody else’s marriage. I repent for all of it for myself, my husband/wife and our family lines.

King Jesus, if there’s any sin that I don’t know of, either on me or my husband/wife or on our marriage or on our bloodlines, I ask You right now to reveal it to the Father, and I repent for all of it. I stand before you right now, Father God, in the name of Jesus, with a humble heart, and I repent of and confess all of these sins. I ask You, Lord Jesus Christ, to cover all these sins with Your blood. I ask that these sins be erased as far as the east is from the west and remembered no more for my sake, the sake of my marriage, for the sake of my husband/wife and our bloodlines, and for Your sake, Father God, and I ask You to release us from any consequences of these sins. 

I ask You, Father God, to release our marriage and our marriage covenant from any consequences of these sins, by the blood of Jesus Christ, so that our marriage covenant will now be in good standing with You, Father God, cleansed, sanctified, and made holy by the blood of Jesus Christ, and that our marriage will now be alive, healed, whole, shalem shalom – nothing missing, nothing lacking, nothing broken and redeemed by the blood of Jesus so that your purpose for our marriage, Father God, comes forth activated, and nothing can come against it.

Father God, if there are any curses or demonic assignments that the enemy, Satan – the accuser – has been using against my marriage, the blood of Jesus Christ is now on those sins. There’s no longer a cause for a curse, so those curses are canceled and those demons fired because it is written, “A curse causeless cannot alight.” 

Father God, now that all the curses are removed by the blood of Jesus, any demons or demonic assignments coming against my marriage or my marriage covenant, I stand right now before You, Father God, in humble faith on behalf of myself, my husband/wife, and our family line, and I renounce, cancel, and annul any unholy, ungodly covenants that me or my husband/wife  or our family line ever were in, any unholy, ungodly covenants that are coming against our true covenant of marriage. Those unholy, ungodly covenants are now annulled, renounced, removed, and washed by the blood of Jesus.

I renounce any soul ties that I have with any former boyfriends/girlfriends and sever those off. I renounce any soul ties my husband/wife has with any former boyfriends/girlfriends and cancel those off, and, again, I place me and my husband/wife and our soul tie and our covenant in the blood of Jesus, made holy, healed, sanctified, cleansed, redeemed, and  made perfect by the blood of Jesus Christ.

Father God, You say Your marriage is a masterpiece, that Adam needed a helper, and You created Eve out of his rib. Therefore, me and my husband/wife, _______, are one flesh. I/she am/is his/my helper, and my husband/I loves me/my wife as Christ loves the Church. Now, my husband/wife, _______, and I are like Jesus and His Church – spotless, sparkling, gleaming – a bride and groom made whole and renewed. 

I decree and declare right here before You, Father God, and believe by faith that my marriage and my marriage covenant with my husband/wife, _______, has been made new and even better than before and that You will bless it, Father God. I will see Your glory in my marriage now and forever, in Jesus Christ’s name! Amen and so be it now!

Prophetic Act of Faith

You can do a prophetic act of faith to accelerate this prayer. Take Communion and leave a little bit of the grape juice in your cup. Put your wedding rings in the remaining grape juice, and leave them in there for 24 hours. If you can get a hold of your husband’s/wife’s wedding rings, put them in with yours. If not, just just ask the Holy Spirit to saturate your covenant rings and your husband’s/wife’s covenant rings.

This is a prophetic act of faith to sanctify your marriage in the blood of Jesus Christ. You’re asking the blood of Jesus to go and sanctify, cleanse, and soak right into your marriage covenant after you’ve done this prayer. 

I’ve done this for Mike and I, and it’s just been incredible. You can also take a little of the Communion and sprinkle your marriage bed – all four corners – to sanctify and redeem it. 

Another prophetic act of faith is to believe that you and your husband/wife are going to renew your marriage vows. You could even create a little vision board and put pics of the wedding dress and suit that y’all will wear.

It’s also very important to change the way you speak over your marriage. You need to prophesy over it, and no matter what you see happening in the natural, you need to prophesy and say things like, “My husband/wife, _______, and I are rich in experiences together. We are so blessed. We love to do things together. We love to read the Bible together. We love to pray together. We love to cook together. We love to build together. We love to clean together.” 

Start making a list of those prophetic decrees and have them on a piece of paper or have them loaded in your phone and just pull them up every day. Speak them every single day over you and your marriage. You are the prophet of your own marriage. You are the prophet of your own household, so start acting like it, and cancel every negative word that you have ever spoken over your marriage. Renounce it. Come out of agreement with it, and no matter what you see in the natural, it doesn’t matter.

Then pray the prayer to send the Holy Spirit to your husband/wife on my website. The Holy Spirit is your helper. He’s your friend. Just like you would send a friend to go talk to a friend, you can send the Holy Spirit, your helper, to go talk to your husband/wife. He’s waiting for you to ask Him.

Say, “Holy Spirit,my helper, my friend, go to my husband/wife, _______, and show /her what you’ve shown me. Bring him/her into the will and the word of God for his/her life and for our marriage, in Jesus Christ’s name.” Then watch and see. Pray that every day, and watch what the Holy Spirit does. He’ll do it. I’m living proof.

 Do you know when I started this ministry back in 2016,2017, my husband thought I was nuts. He thought I was crazy. He wasn’t speaking to me for a long time, over a year. He was so mad because I had given up an $8,000-a-month business coaching NASCAR drivers. I just gave it away because God told me to do that and start this ministry. My husband thought it was crazy, and he was angry. I only had the Holy Spirit to rely on, that’s it. I was fasting and praying, and the Holy Spirit said, “Get up, Annamarie. You do what I’ve called you to do with this ministry, and ask me to talk to your husband, and watch what I do.”

That’s how the Holy Spirit prayer was birthed, “Holy Spirit, my helper and my friend, I ask you to go to my husband, and show him what You’ve shown me. Give him understanding, and bring him into the will and the word of God for his life. Bring our marriage into the will and the word of God for our marriage. Bring him fully beside me in this ministry like only You can do, Holy Spirit.”

The Holy Spirit can do a lot more in one day than you could do in a year. Once I learned how to pray like that, oh, my goodness, He did it! My husband now is 100% beside me in this ministry. He’s even a part of this ministry. He handles all the finances now. He goes and prays for people. He’s even started his own where he hands out my little prayer cards to everybody. He loves it, and our marriage is better than ever. He’s fully 100% beside me. He prays with me. He helped me build a studio. His desk is right beside my desk. God completely renovated our bedroom into the most beautiful bedroom you ever could see and paid for it. We tell each other, “I love you,” every morning. He opens up the door to my studio every morning to make sure it warms up before I get in here.

Before, if I tried to pray or tried to talk to him about anything with the ministry, he would walk away from me. He would get angry with me. You see, I did all my work in my prayer closet. You know why I did it? Because I trusted in God, in the power of the blood of Jesus, the power of repentance, and the power of the work of the Holy Spirit, so do what I’m telling you to do, my friends, and allow God to work in your marriage. Check your mouth. Be careful what you say, and only prophesy blessings and pray the prayer above. God is going to do it!



Asking Jesus For His Perception

Asking Jesus For His Perception

We are supposed to look at people the way Jesus looks at them. They need to be prayed over so they’ll come into the fullness of their salvation of Jesus Christ and into the fullness of the blessing of Almighty God and Jesus Christ.

Pray the prayer below to ask Jesus to help you perceive people like He does.

Pray Out Loud

  • “King Jesus, I invite you to step into this moment of time and redeem my physical eyes and my spiritual eyes. Help me to look at people and perceive them as You perceive them, and show me how to pray for them, in Jesus’ name.”


Asking God To Render Judgement Prayer

Asking God To Render Judgement Prayer

It’s the ungodly-unholy influences that are the “bad trees” bearing “bad fruit” that want to attack of the “good influences” and “good fruit” of the  Holy Spirit in your life, in your children, in your family and marriage, in your schools, communities and in your city and state. 

After you’ve been in the Courts of Heaven for your family and done land assignments in your city/state/region repenting for the sins and pouring the blood of Jesus in the land, there is no cause for a curse. It cannot operate anymore, because the sins have been repented and the Blood of  Jesus is now covering it all- but you have to stay vigilant. You have to be a watchman on the wall for everything in your life and over your community. You have to watch for those bad influences around your family and your community that are not bearing good fruit, and then ask God to render judgment according to His Word in Matthew Chapter 3 verse 10 to remove those bad influences quickly and replace them with good, Holy Spirit filled influences so that your city, your state, and your family and children can bear good fruit abundantly in their lives and in your community.  This can be also prayed over your local governments and school boards!

Scripture References

Matthew 3:10 (KJV)
“And now also the axe is laid unto the root of the trees: therefore every tree which bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.”

Pray Out Loud

  • “Father God, I’m asking you, in the Name of Your Son Jesus Christ and according to Your Word in Matthew 3:10  to go and judge the bad fruit in this situation _______.   Father God, Please take Your ax of judgment now and quickly and fully and chop at the root every evil influence at  _______. Chop out, root out, pull up at the roots, leaving neither root nor branch nor any of the bad seeds nor any of the bad fruit, not even a leaf! Root out their unholy, ungodly influence, and cast it into the fire. They will never have any influence over _______ ever again! Judge it, Lord, according to Your Word, in Jesus’ name!
  • “Father God, in its place, I ask you to plant and establish Holy Spirit-filled influences in those areas in _______. Let revival for Jesus Christ arise and be established. Raise up Your prophets, teachers, and evangelists in _______, in the name of Jesus Christ, I am in expectation of witnessing your Glory Father God in these situations, Amen!”   

More Prayer Resources

The Ax Of God’s Judgement Prayer- Prayer To Remove Ungodly Relationships

Prayer To Remove Un-Godly Relationships and Influences – Ax Of God’s Judgement Prayer

Removing Spiritual Foxes – Prayer For God To Release Hunter And Trapper Angels To “Hunt And Trap The Foxes.” 

How To Appear In The Courts Of Heaven – Remove Generational Curses

Prayers For Schools & Education System – Courts Of Heaven – Repentance And Land Assignment

US Judicial System Prayer Assignment – Repentance In The Courts Of Heaven

Prayers For Post Office

Land Prayer Assignments Guide And Index