Category: Prayer Strategies

Prayer To Cancel Cursing, Negative, Complaining Words Over Yourself And Children

Prayer To Cancel Cursing, Negative, Complaining Words Over Yourself And Children

During a recent broadcast of Life in the Faith Lane, a viewer commented that she, all of her aunts, cousins, sisters, and her mother all suffered with severe hip pain, and some of them had even had to have double hip replacements.

This is definitely generational. What do the hips represent? Childbearing. So there are sins against children and even sins against childbearing in your family line. The hips represent the bearing or carrying of the children. 

I would go into the Court of Heaven and ask for grace, mercy, and forgiveness of any sins against children, any sins against child abandonment, and any other sins having to do with children, sins against the womb, or any sins against childbearing in your family line – anyone who spoke curses against the womb or anyone who spoke curses against the fruit of the womb. Repent for all of that in your family line. 

Get it all under the blood of Jesus Christ, and say, “This curse of the hips will not go another generation. It stops here and now by repentance and the blood of Jesus Christ. Any demons that are assigned to the hips, that are assigned to the childbearing in the women of my family bloodline, your assignments are canceled now by the blood of Jesus Christ. My family bloodline is now strong in childbearing, blessed in childbearing, and  blessed in the fruit of the womb.”

After you do that, go to the prayer on my site to bless the fruit of the womb, for yourself and all the women in your family. For the men in your family, you bless the fruit of their loins. The link is posted below for that prayer. 

So the two things you need to do are to pray the prayer in the Court of Heaven for any sins on the family line, especially any sins against children or childbearing going all the way back to Adam and Eve and get the blood of Jesus Christ on that. Any curses or demonic assignments that were attached to that that are attacking the hip area are now canceled under the blood of Jesus. Now, we bless the fruit of the womb. We bless the hip area in Jesus’ name, and every woman in your family line – past, present, and future – has been redeemed. Their womb, their hips, their whole childbearing area has been redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ, and now He’s manifest in it, so there’s no cause for a curse, only blessings. 

Now the womb area, the hip area of every woman, every female in your family line is now blessed – blessed womb, blessed childbearing, blessed hips – to carry a multitude of children. They will be strong well into old age, and the grandmothers and great grandmothers will be able to carry the children and grandchildren on their hips. Just really decree and declare it: “Blessed is the fruit of the womb of my family bloodline, past, present, and future. Blessed are the ones – all the women in my family – past, present, and future who carry their children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren on their hips – strong in the hips, strong in the childbearing area, blessed, in Jesus’ name.”

Whoa, hold on. Hold on. I’m getting something from the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is showing me something here. There has been somebody in your family line over the years, particularly through the women, who have seen children as a burden and have even said negative words about raising children.

So while you’re in the Court of Heaven, repent for any negative, cursing words or complaining that any woman or any person in your family line did about raising children. 

You see, our words can actually break down the body, even generationally, so if anybody in your family line – men or women – complained or spoke negative words that children were a burden, what did it do? It weakened the childbearing hips, and we cancel that now, by the power of the Holy Spirit and the authority of Jesus Christ and the blood of Jesus Christ, and we replace it with a blessing, that children are a heritage of the Lord, a blessing from the Lord. They are easy to carry. They are not a burden. I speak baby booms over your family and over your family line and blessings of the children.

If you ever complained as a mom that your children were a burden or you allowed anybody to say it, repent for it right now.

Pray Out Loud

  • Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, I repent right now for anywhere in my lifetime, even during conceiving my child(ren) and my pregnancy(ies), where I said negative words or complaining words about conceiving a child, bearing a child, pregnancy of a child, birthing a child, or raising up that child. 

  • I repent for any negative, cursing words, and I ask you to put them all under the blood of Jesus, erased forever as far as the east is from the west, and they are replaced with blessings. Any curses that are attached to that and any demons that are attached to that are now causeless. There is no cause for this curse, and it can’t ever come against me or my children or my family bloodline again. 

  • I call my children blessed. I call the conception of my children blessed, my pregnancy of my children blessed, the birthing of my children blessed, raising my children blessed, and even now with my adult children, I call it blessed. And I call my children and my children’s children – conceiving, birthing, and raising their children – blessed of the Lord, in Jesus’ name. 

  • Let this be confirmed in the heavens and the earth, and any negative, cursing words are now canceled, null and void, erased, and under the blood of Jesus, and any demons or anything attached to that are canceled and now replaced with a blessing, in Jesus’ name.

Our words can linger for years, and we have to remember that they can continue to be held against us for generations. So we cancel all of those negative, cursing words about conceiving, birthing, and carrying a child. Any negative, cursing words are now canceled and under the blood of Jesus Christ and replaced with a blessing.

The Holy Spirit revealed that this issue with the hips in this family was connected to negative words – complaining. That’s what He said. The Bible says do not complain. When we complain a demon gets assigned to your complaint, and it becomes a curse. Then they go out and manifest that curse just like your positive words and your decrees are assigned to a blessing. God says He hates complaining. That’s a sin that He says He hates because it causes a demon to be assigned to it and holds back the blessing that He wants to give to you and your children. The Lord is saying this is what happened with this family.

If you ever looked at your children as a burden, you cancel that right now and put it all under the blood of Jesus Christ no matter what happened. Children are a heritage and a blessing from the Lord. 

Another thing that the Lord is reminding me of here is any words that were spoken over you. If your parents looked at you as a burden and you actually thought you were, it can be affecting you now in your body. Cancel it now in the name of Jesus and say, “I was a blessing to my mother. I was a blessing to my father. I still am.” Cancel any negative, cursing, opinionated words anybody ever said over you when you were a kid going all the way back to your conception in the womb.

Scripture Reference

 Psalm  127:3
“Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, The fruit of the womb is a reward.”  


How To Appear In The Courts Of Heaven To Remove Generational Curses 

Prayer For The Fruit Of The Womb And The Fruit Of The Loins (Our Children) 

Prayer and Declaration: Renouncing Ungodly Councils

Prayer and Declaration: Renouncing Ungodly Councils

During a recent broadcast, a viewer commented that they were praying that family members would renounce a Greek sorority that they were involved in. I advised them to stand in the gap for them and for the bloodline and renounce it by using the prayer on my site to renounce unholy, ungodly covenants using the word sorority in the place of Freemasonry or other similar groups.

Another viewer posted a follow-up comment stating that we should heed this because we are God’s children, so we will not be in the councils of men.

That’s right! We are in the council of God. We are in the council of the Lord Jesus Christ with the cloud of witnesses and the blood of Jesus Christ speaking on the mercy seat. 

Watch the video below, and then close your eyes and pray the following prayer with me:


Pray Out Loud

  • “Heavenly Father, Father God, in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, by the authority of Jesus Christ, by the power of the Holy Spirit, by the blood of Jesus Christ speaking in Your heavenly courts for me and my household in the earth as it is in Heaven, by the intercession of King Jesus at Your right hand, Father God, in the Court of Heaven for me and for my household and my family, and for the cloud of witnesses witnessing in the Court of Heaven to the prayers and the council of King Jesus in the Court of Heaven on my behalf, I decree and declare that I am not in the councils of man. 

  • “I renounce the councils of man. I cancel anywhere where my name is and the names of my children in the councils of man and put it under the blood of Jesus Christ. I cancel, rebuke, and renounce any councils of man and any spiritual demonic councils. I renounce any councils of the demonic, and I decree and declare that my name, my life, my family bloodline, my children and my children’s children, my marriage, my business, my ministry, my finances, and my good name are redeemed out of the councils of man, out of the councils of the demonic, and into the hand of Jesus Christ, into the council of Almighty God. 


  • “By the blood of Jesus Christ, everything having to do with me – my life, my household, my children, my children’s children, my husband, my marriage, my ministry, my business, my land, my household, my finances, my family bloodline going all the way back to Adam and Eve – is now out of the council of man, out of the councils of the demonic and fully and completely in the council of Almighty God in the Court of Heaven. So be it! Let the blood of Jesus Christ confirm it, in Jesus’ mighty name!” 

I believe the Lord is bringing a word here that we need to renounce the councils of man and only receive the council of Almighty God, and that we are removed from every demonic council, in the spiritual or the natural. We are removed from every council of man, and we are only in the council of Almighty God. 

Close your eyes and think about this and visualize yourself standing before the council of Almighty God. Ask the Holy Spirit to open your spiritual eyes. 

  • “Thank you, Father. I am now standing in Your council, in Your heavenly court, before Your throne, before Your throne of grace. I see King Jesus advocating for me at Your right hand. I see the angels of the Lord with my books and the books of my family bloodline confirming that I am now in the council of Almighty God. I see the blood of Jesus Christ on the mercy seat speaking for me. It is my council advocating for me in this heavenly court. I see the blood of Jesus Christ erasing every council of man, erasing every council of the demonic. I’ve been redeemed out of the council of man. I’ve been redeemed out of the council of the demonic – me and my household, me and my family bloodline – and we are now only in the council of Almighty God. I see it done! 

  • “I see the books reconciled in the Court of Heaven. Thank You, Father God. Thank You, Holy Spirit. I see the cloud of witnesses witnessing on my behalf before the council of Almighty God, by the blood of Jesus that speaks for me. I see it done. 

  • “Father God, I ask for Your council to speak on my behalf, by the power of the blood of Jesus, by the power of the Holy Spirit, by Your faithfulness, Father God, to perform Your word because Psalm 92 says I am rooted in Your courts. I am rooted in Your council, Father God, forever, and no man and no demonic entity can take that from me or my family or my household. 

  • “Today is the day of great and mighty victory, for I’ve been set free from the councils of man. I’ve been set free from the councils of the demonic. Everything having to do with me has been set free from the councils of man. Everything having to do with me has been set free from the councils of the demonic, for I am only in the council of Almighty God. The glory of God is my covering, and the favor of God surrounds me as a shield. The blood of Jesus Christ witnesses for me, the cloud of witnesses witness for me, Jesus Christ advocates for me, and I have victory. 

  • “Everything that the councils of man or the councils of the demonic have tried to do to me are canceled. Their assignments are canceled now. Their demons are canceled, in the name of Jesus Christ.” 

  • “Father God, I ask for Your angel armies and your angels on assignment to be dispatched for me and my household and my family line by what is written by Your council, and I receive what is written by Your council, Father God, on my behalf and on behalf of my household and my family, in the name of Jesus Christ.”

And as we close our eyes and thank Father God, we know the council of Almighty God speaks in our favor because of the blood of Jesus Christ speaking for us and Jesus Christ advocating and counseling for us and the Holy Spirit counseling for us in the Court of Heaven and our cloud of witnesses witnessing for us. It is done. So be it, in Jesus Christ’s name. Hallelujah!

Scripture References 

Psalm 33:10-12 “The Lord brings the council of the nations to nothing; He makes the plans of the peoples of no effect. 11 The council of the Lord stands forever, The plans of His heart to all generations. 12 Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, The people He has chosen as His own inheritance.”

Psalm 92:13 “Those who are planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of our God.”



Prayer To Burn Up The Foxes For The Prodigals

Prayer To Burn Up The Foxes For The Prodigals

I was reading a letter during our Wednesday mail call segment of a recent broadcast from someone who sent in an offering from her home church along with a list of names of prodigals they were praying for. The amount of the check was for $289.00. As I was seeking the Lord on this, Holy Spirit led me to look up the meaning of 300. As He began unfolding it, He gave me a new prayer to add to our prayers for prodigals. Below are the notes as He was leading me, followed by the prayer.

The number 300 is recorded 62 times in 61 King James Bible verses.

Ooooh, now I know why He led me to this number! Samson, by himself, killed 300 foxes and set their tails on fire. Those foxes then ran into the Philistine farmland and destroyed the Philistines. 

What is causing your children to go prodigal? The foxes – the spiritual foxes. A spiritual fox is an evil spirit or an evil influence around a prodigal that is coming against and trying to devour the fruit of the Holy Spirit in their life.

Foxes in the Bible are bad. Foxes spoil the early fruit. It’s the little foxes that spoil the vine, that eat the tender grapes. (Song of Solomon 2:15)

So foxes represent an evil spirit around your children, through evil influences, that are trying to devour the fruit of the Holy Spirit in them. 

Jesus called Herod a fox because Herod was coming against the fruit of the Holy Spirit and  what He was trying to teach. 

How do you get rid of the foxes? I have two prayers to do that on my prodigal prayers. You ask Father for the hunter and trapper angels to come in all around your children and all around the prodigals to go on a search-and-destroy mission and trap the spiritual foxes and remove them.

But the Lord is showing me to put another prayer together. He’s revealing something here. He’s saying to set those foxes on fire and destroy their wicked fruit. God will bring His holy fire and catch the spiritual, demonic foxes in the lives of the prodigals on fire, and those foxes will flee and destroy the wicked fruit.

Samson, angry at the father of the Philistine woman he married who gave her to someone else (Judges 15:1-2), decides to get revenge. He catches 300 foxes, and then in pairs, ties their tails, along with a small torch, together with a cord. Then he lets them loose among the Philistine farmland. This causes, not only the recently harvested crops, but also that which was yet to be harvested to be consumed by fire (Judges 15:5). 

So we can ask Father God to take revenge on the enemy and the enemy’s agenda against our children that has caused them to go prodigal – to destroy the enemy’s fields and their foxes with fire. 

Enoch, representing the seventh generation of patriarch on the earth, was 65 years old when he gave birth to his firstborn son Methuselah (Genesis 5:21). Scripture states he walked with God another 300 years after this event until he was taken to another location on the earth (verses 22-24). 

I was listening to Tracy Byrd’s song “Walking to Jerusalem” this morning. In the song he says, “Walking with Methuselah.” Confirmation! This is all about praying that we walk with God in our lives and that our children walk with like Enoch and have long blessed lives. 

Number 300 plays a role in the reconciliation of Joseph with his brothers … 

Wow, reconciling us back to Jesus – because Joseph with his brothers is about us being reconciled back to Christ. How beautiful.

Gideon’s army was 300 – knowing that God will destroy the enemies, so just shine your light, blow the trumpet, and be faithful – Gideon’s victory.

Solomon – the number 300 is related to Solomon’s incredible wealth. 

Pray Out Loud

  • Father God, in Jesus’ name, I ask You now to send Your holy fire to burn up the foxes that are coming against the fruit of the Holy Spirit in my loved one, _______, and to destroy the fields of the enemy. My loved one, _______, will never be in the fields of the enemy again! I ask you to reconcile _______ back to Jesus so he/she will walk with God for the rest of his/her life. Thank You, Father God, for hearing and answering my prayer!