Category: Leadership

Book Excerpt – Building and Equipping Your Team – Taking Authority Over Your Relationships

Book Excerpt – Building and Equipping Your Team – Taking Authority Over Your Relationships

Chapter 4 of my book, “Faith At Full Speed – Your High Horsepower Manual To Success” Here is an excerpt – I felt like somebody needs this today….

Building and Equipping Your Team – Taking Authority Over Your Relationships:

When it comes to building and equipping your team – you have to first look at your environment of the supporters (and non-supporters) you have around you. Is there anyone on your “crew’ right now that would send you out on the track with a loose wheel? Would they not care enough to double check your nuts and bolts to make sure all is safe and tight for you? (hypothetically speaking here) Would they keep your windshield dirty, maybe even throw more debris and mud on it when you come in for a pit stop of support? Who around you would not have enough respect and value in your relationship to make sure you are excelling, helping you keep a clear vision and pumping you up for the win? How are they influencing you – are they cheering you on or holding you back?

This may be one of the hardest strategies of your success plan – but truly one of the most important. We need to finish this race strong – and when your crew is not for your victory, guess what? There is no way you are going to make it to the finish line, let alone be victorious.

Listen my friend – I know it’s hard to separate yourself from certain people and relationships in your life – I have been there!

What we refuse to deal with now will create worse issues later, so lets rip off the band-aid quickly and get ‘er done. It might sting for a minute, but once you do it, you will be relieved. Then you can see things really start to move forward.

It’s time to disconnect yourself from negative, unsupportive and critical people. Pray for them, but stop putting the time and energy into them. Stop allowing them to walk all over you. Stop allowing them to discourage you. Stop sharing your God given dreams, ideas and goals with them when all they do is chew up and hold back what God wants you to do! Focus on Him and His assignment for your life and purpose – Jesus told us exactly what to do about this situation in Matthew 7:6

“Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.”

But, you might be thinking – “Jesus also said to love my neighbor… I am supposed to love all people.” Yes, that is exactly what He said. Never stop loving them. BUT don’t allow them to take advantage of you and treat you like a doormat. This is like tough love as a parent does with a child. You love them, but you show them the authority you have in Christ because you are actually teaching them something that will help them with their own walk with God. You are showing them how to have DISCIPLINE and OBEDIENCE to God. You are representing God’s kingdom on earth when you are following His word and purposes for your life. The word “Disciple” starts with “Discipline” for both you and them.

To be a winner, you must first be a leader. Leaders first become disciples of Christ, and lead like Christ would. Your crew is like your disciples. Jesus would have run an amazing race team!

So, HOW do you tell these people? How do you approach this without offending them? What if these negative people are actually family members?!

Let me share how the Holy Spirit led me to do this successfully in my own life. It’s a bit uncomfortable the first time, but when you see the blessing and immediate breakthroughs that come from doing this – for both you and them,  and WOW – it’s so worth it!


Learn more about this book and get it here.