Category: Holy Spirit

How To Discern A Person of Truth and Honor?

How To Discern A Person of Truth and Honor?

Discerning a Person of Truth, Virtue and Honor for The Lord – “Discernment Alert”…….  (see my prayer for discernment here)
As a Christian and follower of Jesus Christ, In these days of multi-media, so many different voices of influence coming at us, how can we properly discern someone who is a voice of influence and leadership in the Body of Christ that proclaims to be a Christian is the real deal?  How can we use discernment and understanding if that person really is led by the word of God and the Holy Spirit and is speaking truth?


1.) Does the person pray to Father God in the name of Jesus Christ? Do they have a testimony for Christ or are in the process of giving their lives to Jesus?  

2.) Does the person focus more on asking questions than accusing?  Do they forgive those who hurt them, but stand up bravely to bullies/evil ones and call them out with facts in an effort to warn others?  Do they want to see even the evil ones come to repentance and turn to God?

3.) Is the person’s hope in God and Jesus Christ and not man? Do they pray for others? Do they believe that God is all powerful?  Do they put God before country and man? 

4.) Is the person focused on what they can do to encourage others and give hope that God is good?

5.) Is the person focused on their assignment for the Lord and for the love of the people/children more than their own personal gain?

6.) Is there a level of sacrifice for their obedience?  Do they see God as good and merciful?

7.) Do they get attacked regularly by the mainstream media?  Have they had their social media removed for speaking truth?

8.) Do they stay away from rabbit holes and distractions and instead stay grounded in God’s word and truth?

9.) Has what they stood for and spoke up for in the past produced good fruit?  Have they produced tangible good results from what they have said they will do?

10.) Are they quick to correct a mistake and are OK with correction from the Holy Spirit?  Do they have a history that you can easily research and they are open to sharing their past? 

These are the steps I follow – given to me by the Holy Spirit and He never steers us wrong!
I am also a person who holds people accountable to what they say they will do and I also give grace if they come up against adversity when they are trying to do those things – we know we must extend grace – but also pray for them that they can complete what they intend and are called to do for the Lord and the Kingdom of God and ask for their protection and favor from the Lord.
Many times that person will have to step away from being the “influencer or leader” for a season to allow the Lord to grow them or do a specific assignment – the key here is are they focused on obedience to God in their lives?  I have to be understanding if that person needs time away and not look at it as abandonment but instead look at them as an example that even someone who is a leader is taking time to grow more in the Lord.  They should always be growing too. I see that as humility to God.  I feel if they are a person of truth they will always be transparent with those they are leading and influencing with their own walk with the Lord.
It is so imperative that we pray daily for discernment on what people we should follow and listen to – God’s chosen leaders and influencers.  However seek first the Kingdom, Father, Son, Holy Spirit to be your first and most important voice in your life.  I will tell you one of my favorite ways to pray for truth and understanding is to call unto the Lord to show me the hidden things – according to Jeremiah 33:3.  I call that God’s phone number!  When I pray that scripture and ask the Father to show me the hidden truths, the secret things around a person, I even say show me what the enemy does not want me to see in  Jesus name!  I have always had amazing and quick revelation from the Holy Spirit on these hidden things and He will immediately prompt me to either move on from that influence if He shows me bad or if He shows me good I can know that person is someone I want to continue to follow, connect, support and learn from.
Much Love, Coach Annamarie

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Transcription of the word that the Holy Spirit gave to Annamarie Strawhand, which she delivered during her broadcast of Life in the Faith Lane on 10/15/21.

Watch the video, and then read the transcript below.


ANNAMARIE: Now listen to me. We have to pray right now. The Lord put it on my heart to pray for two, two people right now that the Lord has chosen for this time. He told us to pray for the girl that goes by Nancy Drew that walks around Washington, D.C. Her name is Kelly Marie Brady. She walks around Washington, D.C., and takes video. 

The Lord told me he’s anointed her. He’s going to show her things that are going on in Washington, D.C., that he’s not showing anyone else. The Lord told me that he’s put big angels around her of protection. He said to me we have to suit her up every day in the armor of God because the enemy is going to try to come against her mind. She has the favor of God everywhere she goes. She’s got the protection of God everywhere she goes. 

He’s given her an anointing through her, her, her spirit, right, to, to see things that are really going on and speak the truth, but the Lord said the enemy’s going to try to come against her mind. He’s going to try to get, make her doubt herself. He’s going to try to make her, her worry about if she’s doing things right.

And the Lord said to me, “Suit her up.” And we can do that in the spirit over her in the name of Jesus. We can, we can say, “Father, in the name of Jesus, we put on the shoes of the gospel of peace for Kelly Marie Brady. We put on the belt of truth for Kelly Marie Brady. We, we put on the, the breastplate of righteousness on Kelly Marie Brady, and, most of all, we put the helmet of salvation on Kelly Marie Brady—that she has the mind of Christ; that all her thoughts are under the blood of Christ and protected, and the enemy cannot come against her thoughts, cannot come against her doubting herself.”

So the Lord said to me to keep her prayed up; to, to pray the armor of God over her; to continue to cover her in the blood of Jesus Christ. Thank the Father for sending the angels to keep her. She’s a type of, of Joan of Arc. She’s a type of going into the, these, these places where he’s going to give her favor, and no arrows are going to hit her, you know. She’s, she’s going to be able to have that covering, but he said that the enemy will try to come against her mind and try to, to cause her to doubt herself. 

But, but I don’t know, I know a lot of people that follow, uh, Kelly Marie Brady, also known as Nancy Drew on Telegram. She is a woman that, that the Lord, uh, has walking around Washington, D.C. She doesn’t realize that the Lord sent her, but he did. And she’s taking video and capturing things that nobody else is capturing. She, she, she’s a the truth seeker and, uh, the Lord, uh, has anointed her for this time. And she has like a childlike, childlike faith about her, and, um, so the enemy is trying to come against her mind causing her to doubt herself, but the Lord is saying to you today, Kelly Marie Brady, that he has chosen you. He’s protecting you to do what he’s called you to do. Do it boldly. Do not fear. Do not doubt yourself. That he, he is with you. Do not let anything shake you off your, uh, assignment. Keep going boldly into those places. You are protected, and you’re covered in prayer. Okay? All right, Kelly Marie Brady, Nancy Drew, darling? And we’re going to, we’re going to, this, this ministry’s going to pray over you. And just know that the Lord is with you, and do not allow the enemy to come at your mind or cause you to doubt or fear or worry.

Now, apparently yesterday, she got a text from someone that had insider information, and she accidentally shared it on her social media, and she asked everybody to, to take it down. And I saw her really beating herself up for it. Kelly, don’t do that, okay? All right, you have, you have, today is the fifteenth; it’s triple grace—555. You have the grace of God. The grace of God is upon you. Do not worry. Do not fear.

And, listen, I caught a glimpse of that text before it got taken down, and everything that was in that text, the Lord has already spoken months ago through this ministry. So everything that was in that text that you accidentally put up that I, the Lord allowed me to read, it was all confirmation of everything that the Holy Spirit has spoke through this ministry for months. So, listen, the Lord has already spoke everything that was in that text about what he’s going to do in Washington, D.C.; that a full military assault is coming; that the military’s been in there for months and months and months preparing to, to do a full military assault. The good guys, the Lord said it’s the good guys; that they’ve been working with Trump all this time. Those prophetic words have already been spoken in this ministry. The Lord already released this and revealed it. All right? 

So, what you accidentally put out there, the Lord already has released it and spoken it through this ministry. All right, darling? So don’t, don’t feel guilty or don’t worry that you put out something that you weren’t supposed to. I believe it was a divine accident. I believe the Holy Spirit prompted you to just put it out there for a minute, and … So don’t beat yourself up, okay, because if you go back through all my videos and my prophetic words, everything that was in that text that you accidentally, that came from a, a military insider, the Lord has already spoken through this prophet, so it was just confirmation. 

And the, the, the number 11/11, God’s been, been saying 11/11 since the day after the, the election, uh, he’s been telling us to watch 11/11 since last November. So you didn’t give away anything wrong. You didn’t … Kelly Marie Brady, Nancy Drew, you didn’t do anything wrong. I believe it was a divine mistake—the Holy Spirit—you know, and the Lord allowed my eyes to see it, and I was like, “Oh, my goodness, this is all confirmation of everything God has been telling us already.” This is what God has been telling us he’s going to do for months. 

So, Kelly Marie Brady, Nancy Drew, I bless you. We cover you in prayer. We’re suiting you up. We’re putting on the helmet of salvation on you. You have the mind of Christ—that nothing can come against your thoughts to try and, and make you feel, uh, you know, confused or guilty or anything of that. You’re doing right by the Lord. Keep going. Stay bold and courageous. The Lord is with you. He loves what you’re doing. The Lord is very pleased with you right now, Kelly Marie Brady. He has, he has got your back, protection, and everybody is praying for you, sweetheart. So keep doing what the Lord has called you to do. All right?

And, yesterday, with that text slipping out, that was the divine mistake, and there is no such thing as a divine mistake. It was intentional of the Lord, and so don’t beat yourself up. It, for me, when I saw it, it was prophetic confirmation of EVERYTHING that the Lord has been telling us. He’s been telling us to watch 11/11 all the way back from November 3rd of last year. Go back, go back to my prophetic words. Go, go back and listen to all of them. 

And he said that full military assault, and that right now the military’s been underground saving the children. It’s been a top-secret operation that’s been working with President Trump all this time cleaning out Washington, D.C., cleaning out these cities, including New york City, including Washington, D.C., and beyond. And he’s been telling us to, full military assault, and it’s the good guys. He’s already told us that it’s going to happen suddenly, and then there’s, it’s, there’s going to be these, these mass arrests, and, you know, he’s already been telling us all that prophetically. And, let me tell you, even if that information gets into the eyes of the evil ones, they are so arrogant, they’re so arrogant that, you know, they may try to do a little, you know, backlash against 11/11, or try to do a little backlash against that date, but they are no match for what the Lord is going to do with the good guys, no match. 

You saw what happened in the park that day. You saw what happened in the National Mall. Nancy Pelosi and them, they don’t have control of the army or of the military anymore. You, you, you saw what they, they, what, what showed up—a wimpy little, it looked like, it looked like the goofy Keystone Cops showed up—their Capitol Police. What a joke. What a joke. That’s all they’ve got. It’s nothing compared to what God has prepared to come against them. Nothing! Nothing! You saw their little FBI agents in their nerdy shorts, their nerdy shorts and their, their Wayfair glasses and their … What?! What a joke! They got NOTHING against what God is bringing through President Trump and our military—the good guys. Full, full military assault, that was prophesied through this prophet right here back in January. 

They had to get the underground all taken care of. Now, they’re going to go up, up here. Washington, D.C., is broke. It’s empty. They’re s, they’re, they’re, they’re streams of income have dried up. They got nothing. The Capitol Police, they’re, they’re like a bunch of goofballs, really. I don’t know any other way to say it. The FBI, the biggest thing they got is guys in matching shorts. I mean, God is showing us what he’s doing. We have God. President Trump has God. He’s already said through this prophet that President Trump has been working with the military in a top-secret operation. Stay faithful. 

If the enemy tries to do something on 11/11 or whatever date th, this is—God’s been saying 11/11. I’m not giving you a date. I’m just telling you what God has told me. He said, “Watch 11/11,” and he’s been telling us that since last November. And he said, “Punkin chunking,” which connected to the season where’s going to be doing some major hits, and the enemy’s going to be taken down. So, look it, it’s like the stealth bomber, okay? When the stealth bomber comes in, and it releases its bombs, it does it in such a way that even if the enemy is notified, it’s too late. Too late! It’s already done! 

Jesus is my Savior. Trump is my president. [Sound effects] So, you may not be going around taking video of Washington, D.C., and be anointed for all that, but you’re anointed for a certain purpose at this time for what God wants you to do at this time. Right? You know, sharing truth, praying, being an intercessor, encouraging others not to be afraid, being part of the Great Harvest of Souls, starting up your ministry, building for the Lord, you know, whatever it is, God is calling you up to do in this time.

Prayer To Send The Holy Spirit To Help With Loved Ones

Prayer To Send The Holy Spirit To Help With Loved Ones

Did you know you can “send” the Holy Spirit to someone or to help with something? Yes! He is your helper and He knows exactly how to reveal the truth to them! So you may have a loved one who is away from God, or not talking to you, dealing with an issue, maybe they are in deception or even a dangerous lifestyle.  Jesus promised us the Helper!

John 14:16 – (Amplified Bible) The Role of the Spirit: And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper (Comforter, Advocate, Intercessor-Counselor, Strengthener, Standby), to be with you forever.

According to the scriptures in John 14:12-13, Jesus said that those who believe in Him, the works He did we shall do also and greater works than those we shall do, and whatever we shall ask in His name that will He do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If we ask anything in His name He will do it.  Since, Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to his disciples, we also can send the Holy Spirit. In John 15:26 and John 16:7, Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit to his disciples. In these verses, the Holy Spirit is referred to as the Comforter, Advocate, Helper, or Counselor depending on the Bible translation you are reading. Understand we do not command the Holy Spirit, we ask Him to help us in Jesus name as our “Helper”.  However we can command the angelic from our seat of authority as a king through Christ Jesus, our King.

“When the Advocate comes, whom I will send to you from the Father—the Spirit of truth who goes out from the Father—he will testify about me.” John 15:26 NIV

“Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you.”  John 16:7 KJV

You can pray this:

“Holy Spirit, my Helper, in the name of Jesus I send you to hover over ___________ to do creative miracles in ____________, open _________ eyes, mind, heart, soul, spirit to understanding and receiving  truth and God’s word and will for their life.  Holy Spirit I ask you to give ___________ an encounter with Jesus Christ and reveal to _______their true identity in Christ Jesus!   Holy Spirit show _______ what You have shown me right now in Jesus name. Amen”

You can ask Him to go and ‘convict’ (meaning give them a truth check in their spirit) that person if they are doing wrong, you can ask Him to bring a loving family memory to mind of that person if they are hurting or prodigal.  The Holy Spirit can help you point that person to Christ and bring that person out of darkness, or even find and reveal something that has been hidden to them. That’s His job and He loves it when you ask Him to help! Holy Spirit does the heavy lifting with your loved ones!  The Holy Spirit can do in one day what would take you weeks and months to do! A person’s heart, mind and spirit can only be changed by the work of the Holy Spirit! Understand that the more you try sometimes to tell people something – even though you know it to be true and the will of God – they may just ignore you or pull further away from you.  But they cannot ignore or run from the Holy Spirit!  Keep sending the Holy Spirit every day to that person until you see breakthrough!

I have learned this from experience, I have sent the Holy Spirit many times to help me with my loved ones with huge breakthroughs (especially with my Husband)!   Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God on the earth, He can go anywhere and immediately and He is your best friend, eager to help us!  He can help you in all things and remember Jesus asked the Father special for us to have Him!  Thank You Jesus! Thank You Father God and Thank You Holy Spirit!

NOTE: So what do you do in the mean time while you are waiting for the Holy Spirit to work on that person?  Just love them and be an example in your own life’s walk for Jesus Christ. 

I LOVE THIS Quote from Evangelist Todd White:

How do you share Jesus with someone who is argumentative and confrontational?

Love them the best you can.

Pray for them if they will let you.

Share your personal testimony.

Pray that the eyes of their understanding be opened.

Pray for more laborers to cross their path.

Just remember that any seeds that were planted, will not return void. – Todd White

What if your loved one is in sin and is unsaved? See my prayer for Unsaved Loved Ones Below.

Decree Out Loud:                                                                    

I put my faith in God and enter His rest!

Pray This Prayer To See A Loved One Saved Or To Return To Jesus Christ:

“Father, I come to You, in Jesus’ name, praying for _______. I ask You, Father, to bring the perfect divine laborer of Your choosing into _______’s path. Let this laborer speak just the right word to _______ at the right moment, divinely orchestrated by Your Holy Spirit. As I cover _______ with prayer and the blood of Jesus Christ, I thank You, Father, that sin is going to become exceedingly sinful and repungent to them, and _______ will no longer find pleasure in the sinful things that they have enjoyed in the past! _______ will see that they can only enjoy life when they are in a relationship with you, Father God, and in the Lord Jesus Christ!! I thank You, Father God, that Your Holy Spirit is dealing with _______ right now! Your Holy Spirit is dealing with _______ and dealing with _______ and dealing with ________ until _______ gives in and lets You, Father God, in their life and they are brought to repentance, a free gift from the Lord Jesus Christ! I thank You, Father, for the salvation of _______. I ask You now to fill them with Your Holy Spirit and let the veils be lifted off of them suddenly so that they shall see the truth, accept the truth, know the truth, speak the truth, and walk in the truth and light of Jesus Christ all the days of their life, fulfilling their divine destiny for Your kingdom and glory, in Jesus’ name. Amen.


“I am in faithful expectation to see the new positive changes in _______ as they give more of their life to Jesus Christ! _______’s heart  belongs to You, Father God, their Abba Father!”

Be in faithful expectation to see the Glory of God at work in the life of your loved ones!


Coach Annamarie