Category: Decrees

Declaration To Renounce Fear and Wrong Thinking!

Declaration To Renounce Fear and Wrong Thinking!

This declaration is an excerpt from my book (page 436), Faith At Full Speed.

Declare Out Loud

“In the name of Jesus Christ, I renounce all fear and wrong thinking and command it to leave me now! For it is written in 2 Timothy 1:7, ‘For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.’ I come out of agreement with all wrong thinking, and I renounce all fearful beliefs and put them under the blood of Jesus Christ!

 “I declare I have a sound mind! I have a heart and mind for victory! Rivers of living water flow powerfully to me and through me! I receive the hidden manna! Prophetic dreams, divine strategies, and instruction come to me straight from the Throne Room of God! My cloud of witnesses in Heaven witness for me to the intercession of Jesus Christ for my life! I come into agreement with Jesus Christ’s intercession for me right now!

“Jesus is revealing what is in my books of destiny in Heaven to me! I shall fulfill all that is written in my divine books of destiny on earth as it is written for me in Heaven! I renounce all wrong thoughts, and I declare I have the mind of Christ! I command all my thoughts to come under the obedience of Jesus Christ! I see what Jesus sees for my life, and I agree with what Jesus has written for my life!

“I shall take faithful, bold action on these revelations from Jesus Christ as they come to me through the anointing of the Holy Spirit! My mind has been fully renewed in Christ Jesus! I fully walk in the light of the Lord! His word lights my path, and I walk boldly ahead with absolutely no fear!

 “Today, I embark on my divine assignment, calling, and purpose for the Kingdom, and I receive the people and breakthroughs you have waiting for me, Lord. Even if this is in a public setting, I am ready! I know that you are with me, Lord Jesus, and the Holy Spirit all the way and in every step to fulfill Your plans and purposes for my life, O Lord! I am excited and ready, and I say YES to all You have for me, Lord, in this life. Even if it stretches me, I will not hinder or shrink back. I trust YOU, Lord!

“You write the BEST stories, Lord Jesus, and you have written my story! So it shall be and so it is, in your beautiful name, Jesus, the author and finisher of my faith! I want to hear, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant, when I meet you in Heaven, Lord!’ Help me fulfill this, Holy Spirit. I will be obedient and brave. I know I have Your supernatural protection, Father God, and I am not afraid! What can a mere man do to me? For the Lord God Himself is my defender and goes before me, beside me, and is my rear guard forever! MY destiny is NOW, in Jesus’ name!! Amen!”

Purchase Your Copy Now

If this excerpt blessed you, you might want your own copy of the whole book. Click HERE to purchase your copy and be on your way learning the keys to winning with your divine purpose!

Biblical Instruction: Commanding The Gates!

Biblical Instruction: Commanding The Gates!

Transcription of the biblical teaching and prayer strategy from Psalm 24 that the Holy Spirit gave to Annamarie Strawhand, which she delivered during her broadcast of Life in the Faith Lane on March 29, 2023.

Watch the video, and then read the transcript below.


Scripture Reference – Psalm 24

A psalm of David
1 The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it.
    The world and all its people belong to him.
2 For he laid the earth’s foundation on the seas
    and built it on the ocean depths.

3 Who may climb the mountain of the Lord?
    Who may stand in his holy place?
4 Only those whose hands and hearts are pure,
    who do not worship idols
    and never tell lies.
5 They will receive the Lord’s blessing
    and have a right relationship with God their savior.
6 Such people may seek you
    and worship in your presence, O God of Jacob. [Interlude]

7 Open up, ancient gates!
    Open up, ancient doors,
    and let the King of glory enter.
8 Who is the King of glory?
    The Lord, strong and mighty;
    the Lord, invincible in battle.
9 Open up, ancient gates!
    Open up, ancient doors,
    and let the King of glory enter.
10 Who is the King of glory?
    The Lord of Heaven’s Armies —
    he is the King of glory. 

ANNAMARIE: It’s still a little chilly here in Virginia Beach, Virginia. I opened up the door this morning to say my prayers — my front door — and I always, a lot of times I declare Psalm 24 after I say my morning prayers and after I suit up and put on my armor of God and place myself and my household in the blood of Jesus. A lot of times I’ll … 

I was running a litte behind with my prayers and things this morning. That’s why I’m a few minutes late, but, um, I, uh, open my front door, uh, to my office here, and I say, “Come in, King of Glory. Come in, Lord of hosts. Right? Open up the doors and the gates to your household and to your heart, and receive the King of Glory, according to Psalm 24, King Jesus, into your house. He says, “I stand at the door and knock, and whoever lets me in, I will come in and sup with him. I will come in and sit with him. I will come in and converse with him. I will come in and eat and, and, and, and dine, and, and, and, and be a part of the, the life here, here in that house.” 

I even say, “Lord, I don’t just want you to be a part of my household, I want you to come in and be head of my  household. Come in, King of Glory, and be head of my household.”

Come on, everybody, let’s just speak that today right now. Let’s just make a proclamation: “Come in, King of Glory, King Jesus; I invite You in. Be head of my household.” Come on. “Come in, King of Glory, King Jesus, I invite You in. Come and be head of my household.”

Type that in the chat. Speak it. He wants to be invited. He wants to be invited in, you know, and maybe you, you’ve been struggling with anxiety or fear or, you know, something within you. Right? This is like a house too — your, your body, your soul, your spirit — and you can say, “Lift up the gates of my heart. Open up the gates of my heart. I invite You into my heart, King of Glory. Come in and be Lord and king of my heart.”

I’m telling you, you do that and the anxiety, the fears just [whooshing sound effect] wash away. They wash away because we do have gateways, not just to our house, right, our physical house, we have gateways to our mind, body, soul, spirit, our heart, our soul, and according to Psalm 24, we can command those gates of our heart to open and receive the King of Glory. We can command the gates of our soul to open and receive the King of Glory. We can command the gates of our mind to open and receive the King of Glory. We can command the gates of our household to open and receive the King of Glory. 

You can even speak this over your children. “I command the gates of my child’s heart to open and receive the King of Glory.” No matter how old that child is, you can still pray that way. You see, according to the word of God, Psalm 24. You see? The word of God is the will of God. You want to pray the perfect will of God over yourself, over your house, over your children, over your family, over your husband? You say, “Father, according to Your word in Psalm 24, ‘The earth is the Lord’s and fullness thereof.’ It all belongs to You, God. It all belongs to You, God, but You’ve given us free will to receive it or not. You’ve given us free will to receive Your son or not, and we don’t want closed off hearts anymore, and we don’t want closed off hearts in our children anymore or our husband anymore. So as a representative of my household …” Come on. Come on, everybody. “As a representative of my household …” 

And remember the Bible says you and your household shall be saved, which means you can say, “Father God, this is my household — me and my husband and my children, even our pets, this house. Yes, your pets and animals are part of your household. God made it very, very clear to Abraham and Noah that their, their pets and their livestock were part of their household and got, what? Saved. 

So just, just speak Psalm 24, it’s such a powerful, powerful word, and when you’re speaking the word of God over your household, over your children, over your, uh, husband, over yourself, and you’re saying, “Father God, Your word in Psalm 24 says I can command the gates to open — any gate — to receive the King of Glory, King Jesus.” 

You know somebody with a really closed heart? You want to intercede for them? You have authority to do so in the name of Jesus Christ. You say, “Father God, my husband needs to receive you in a deeper way. My husband needs to receive the King of Glory, King Jesus, in a deeper way. Therefore, by Your authority, King Jesus, I command the gates of my husband’s heart to open, according to Your word, and Your word is Your will, and I command the gates of his mind, heart, soul, and spirit, according to Psalm 24, to open up and receive the King of Glory.” Come on! 

I just love, that is like, when I proclaim Psalm 24, and I open up my door in the morning, of my house, and I speak that, and I proclaim it, and I speak it over my loved ones, it’s just so powerful because when you pray the word of God over them, you’re praying the will of God. 

And you know when you pray the word of God out loud and declare it in your authority in Jesus Christ, the angels of the Lord hearken to the word of the Lord, and everything goes into action for you! Whew, hallelujah! Psalm 24, right there, my friends. 

So we, we just command the gates of this broadcast and all the gateways that this broadcast is going through, we command those gates to open in the digital realm, in the spiritual realm and receive the King of Glory! Come in, King of Glory. Come in, Lord of hosts. Hallelujah! 

Updated: Decrees For A New Clean Heart – Healed Heart To Know God

Updated: Decrees For A New Clean Heart – Healed Heart To Know God

Declare These Heart Scriptures Out Loud Over Your Yourself Or Loved One

Note: Insert the name of your loved one(s) in the blanks provided.

  • “In Jesus Christ’s name, I proclaim that _______ and I have a heart after Father God’s own heart!”

  • “I declare Ezekiel 36:26-27 over myself and  _______. The Lord will give me and _______ a new heart and put a new spirit within me and  _______. The Lord will take the heart of stone out of _______’s and my flesh and give me and  _______ a heart of flesh. And the Lord will put HIS spirit within me and _______ and cause me and _______ to walk in HIS statutes, and _______ and I shall keep all the Lord’s judgments, and do them, IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST!”


  • “In Jesus Christ’s name, I declare Jeremiah 32:39 over myself and _______. The Lord will give me and _______ one heart and one way so that _______ and I will fear THE LORD always for _______’s and my own good and for the good of _______’s and my children after them!”

  • “I declare Jeremiah 24:7 over myself and _______. The Lord will also give me and  _______ a heart to know FATHER GOD for HE IS the Lord; and _______’s and my  household and descendants will be HIS people, and HE IS OUR God, for _______ and I  will return to FATHER GOD wholeheartedly, IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST!”