Category: Biblical Dream and Number Meanings

Dream Interpretation From A Biblical Perspective – How To Cancel A Bad or Demonic Dream

Dream Interpretation From A Biblical Perspective – How To Cancel A Bad or Demonic Dream

Here are some things to understand with dreams:

When you sleep, your soul and your spirit are always awake. You have three types of dreams.

1.) Soulish Dreams – These come from stuff in your soul that is either from wounds or trauma from your past that gets stirred up, along with cell memories in your body that bring these things to the surface that the Holy Spirit wants you to deal with.  The Holy Spirit may be bringing you to repentance and even prompting you to get these wounds healed in your soul because He loves you and wants you healed and whole – you prosper as your soul prospers.  (See my soul cleansing prayer here.)

2.) Demonic Dreams – These come from demons and demonic assignments that are working against you – these demons only have access if you allow it and agree with it.  Demonic dreams must be cancelled in the name of Jesus as soon as you wake up, (unless you destroyed the demon in your dream, then praise God – the more you SUIT UP and take your Authority in Christ every day – the more authority you will have over anything demonic in your dreams!).  If you had a demonic dream years ago you can cancel it right now in Jesus name.


Pray this to cancel a bad or demonic dream: “Father God in the name of Jesus I cancel that dream I had about _______. I renounce everything in that dream in Jesus name and I enforce the Blood of Jesus over that dream and mark that dream and everything that happened in that dream null and void in Jesus name! By the authority of Jesus Christ and by the power of the blood of Jesus, I send all curses and witchcraft sent to harm me in that dream back to the place from where it was sent and close the doors to all curses and witchcraft and seal it with the Blood of Jesus Christ!  Father God, in Jesus name I ask you to release your Holy Fire against any demons or demonic assignments in that dream and burn them to ashes!  Henceforth nothing from that dream will never be able to bother me again!  Father God, I ask you to send me Angelic protection over my dreams and sleep.  I receive your Angels Father God, thank you for sending them to keep me in all my ways, according to your word in Psalm 91.  I declare every night from this day forward I shall have sweet sleep and Holy Spirit filled dreams!  I now invite the Holy Spirit to come into my dreams tonight!  I declare my dreams are covered and protected by the Blood of Jesus Christ!  Thank You Father God for your love, promises and protection over my dreams and sleep!  Father God,  I believe you are doing all things for my good, even speaking to me in my dreams and I want to hear your voice Father God! I now dedicate and consecrate my dreams and sleep to you Father God all the days of my life, for Your Glory in Jesus name!”

Confess this out loud today: “I hear from God. I am led by His Holy Spirit. I know my Father’s voice, and the voice of a stranger I will not follow. I am guided by the Holy Spirit and God will guide me all the days of my life. His HOLY SPIRIT will guide me and give me the answers that I need. I renounce all unholy, ungodly voices!  Therefore, I invite the HOLY SPIRIT right now to come inside me and guide me.  I command my mind, body, soul and spirit to yield to the voice of the Holy Spirit in Jesus name!”

For Children: You can put your hands on your child’s forehead and simply pray: “In Jesus name I cancel the bad dream and I ask You Jesus to send your Angels to protect ________ while she/he sleeps.  We invite You Holy Spirit and Lord Jesus to come into his/her dreams to bring sweet and happy messages and restful sleep in Jesus name, Amen”

Children’s Bedtime Note: it is helpful to anoint your children before bed to soothe them, invite the Holy Spirit and declare scripture over them before they sleep – see my anointing prayers here.

3.) Holy Spirit Dreams – These dreams are messages, instruction and confirmations from God for your life and for others lives. All dreams from the Holy Spirit must be written down and dated, then ask the Holy Spirit to give you guidance on that dream meaning and how to apply it.  This could take days, weeks and even months before you have the full revelation.  Holy Spirit dreams can be special things being handed to you in a dream for you to get a breakthrough, a key, a sword, a scroll,  a lantern, etc.  These items can all lead you to your next steps, and of course take you to the word of God.  Having a baby in a dream means you are about to birth something ordained for your life’s purpose.  If you are actually trying to conceive a child in the natural, you may also dream about your baby or child to come.  If you see a certain prophet or teacher in that dream it means you are to seek the teachings of that person for a next step in your life right now.

NOW please understand – your dream meanings can include, colors or numbers being shown to you, even other signs. YOU MUST FOCUS ON BIBLICAL MEANINGS of these things only. The Holy Spirit’s job is to guide you to the Word of God and deeper revelation of the Kingdom.  Stick with BIBLICAL sources. For color meanings, look up the meanings of the colors of WORSHIP FLAGS. These colors have been deeply studied from the bible before these flags are made.  This is my source the Holy Spirit led me to and He has confirmed it over and over again.  For number meanings, I suggest the teachings of Troy Brewer “Numbers That Preach/” for a good Biblical resource.  Driving a vehicle in your dream means your Divine Purpose or Ministry.  Being in houses that need cleaning, restoration means your “soul needs a cleanup” (see my Soul Cleansing Prayer Here.)   Being in houses of your family means your family bloodline may need repentance – and to pray for your family’s salvation – it can also mean to focus on praying for your family to receive their blessings and inheritance and to go into the Courts of Heaven to remove any curses.  Being in a bathroom or going to the bathroom means you must repent of your sins and focus on soul cleansing and cleaning up your life. These are common things.  I do my best to help you.  Seeing certain animals in dreams should only be studied from biblical meanings or the nature of how God made that animal.  If the animal attacks you that is demonic and must be canceled.  DO NOT LOOK UP these things randomly online because it could lead you to new age and occult meanings that is NOT of God, understand ‘spirit animals’ is NOT of God!  We only have the HOLY SPIRIT, period – and HE is creator of all living things, and His Spirit – The Spirit of the Living God is alive on the earth speaking through all creation right now to us.  For example if you see a dragonfly or a butterfly repeatedly in the natural or in your dreams – the Holy Spirit is giving you a message, look up the nature of these – how do they grow, transform, what is their nature? God put a message for us in the nature of His creation, that could apply to your life at that moment.

Now if you are not sure if a dream is from God or not, Pray this prayer when you wake up:  “Holy Spirit, if that dream was not of you, I do not receive it in Jesus name. But, Holy Spirit, if that dream was of you, I receive it and ask for the interpretation, understanding, application and how to pray and proceed in Jesus name.”

Before you go to sleep, cover your dreams and sleep with the blood of Jesus. Cancel any demonic assignments and any demons that were assigned to you that night and tell them to leave and forbid them from touching your dreams and sleep in Jesus name the blood of Jesus is against them! Decree you have sweet sleep as written in the bible and your dreams and sleep belong to God. Invite Jesus and the Holy Spirit to visit you in your dreams and give you divine strategies for your life from the throne room of God in your sleep! Ask Father God in Jesus Name to post His Sentry Angels to surround your bed and stand guard over you with their fiery swords and shields as you sleep and protect you from all evil day and night. Anoint your bed on all four corners and your head and feet with anointing oil. Decree your bed holy and belongs to God! (See anointing prayers here.)

Be blessed! The Holy Spirit will guide you through your dreams and He always points to the word of God to confirm things – so stay in the word and He will reveal so much to you on your next steps in your life and purpose!

Sweet and restful dreams and sleep is God’s promise to you!

Proverbs 3:24 “When thou liest down, thou shalt not be afraid: yea, thou shalt lie down, and thy sleep shall be sweet.”

Much love to you and enjoy your sleep – it’s the best time to get revelation from the Holy Spirit!  He WANTS to speak to you in your dreams!  He loves to meet you there and help you with your life and purpose!

Annamarie Strawhand – Faith and Coach

Additional Resources

Prophetic Insight: Is God Showing You A Dragonfly? What Does It Mean?

Annamarie Strawhand: Does God Give Us Nightmares?


The Meaning Of Seeing the Number 555 Repeatedly – Prayer For Grace

The Meaning Of Seeing the Number 555 Repeatedly – Prayer For Grace

Teaching on the number 5 and 555 – The Biblical Number for “Grace”

I love the number 5 because biblically number 5 means Grace. Many students ask me about seeing certain numbers over and over and I love it when they say they are seeing lots of 5’s, 55’s and 555! That is the HOLY SPIRIT reminding you how much grace you have from Father God! The Triumph of Faith in Jesus Christ is Grace! God pours out His love and grace upon grace to you through His Holy Spirit and He wants to remind you to come to Him and you can even ask for more when you mess up! God will give you so much grace that He even redeems the time back to you that you lost when you were making those mistakes. WOW.

Pray this: “Father God, thank You for Your Grace! Because of Jesus I have Grace and I come to You today Father to ask for more Grace for these mistakes I have made that cost me some time, pain and relationships. I ask today Father for more Grace, I ask for Grace upon Grace through your Son Jesus Christ. I ask King Jesus if you would redeem the time and things I have lost because of  my sins and mistakes!  I now have this Grace that is available to me because of King Jesus!  I do not have to be disappointed or ashamed of my mistakes and shortcomings! I ask for Grace to be poured out to me through Your Holy Spirit according to your word Romans 5:5 ” And hope does not make us ashamed, because the love of God has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, the One having been given to us.” Thank You Jesus! Thank You Holy Spirit!! I have an ABUNDANCE of Grace!! I receive the outpouring of Your Grace right now Father God, and I give myself Grace too! I love You Father and Thank You for this precious gift in Jesus name, AMEN”

Now you can thank the Holy Spirit for showing you these numbers and for this Grace and remember He is prompting you and reminding and guiding you of what is promised in the word of God when you see these numbers. – Coach Annamarie #graceupongrace #555 #grace #meaningof555 #number555meaning



Eleven eleven, 1111 many of us see this number repeatedly. The Holy Spirit communicates to us through numbers that align with scripture. I have learned to walk and talk with the Lord by the way He shows me repeated numbers. When you see 11:11 repeatedly it’s a message to pay attention. That God wants to get your attention and it means its a time to awaken to His plans and purposes for you. It’s a sign of awakening, transition into the new and also a number for your heroic purpose for the kingdom. Many times in the Bible the number 11 will be marking people of great faith in whom God did great miracles in their lives because they believed. He is going to be Birthing a New thing in you! Such as the chapter of Hebrews 11. It’s also a sign that multiplication is coming to you – God is taking you right where you are and multiplying you for the greater good of what He has called you to do.
I see 11:11 when God is getting ready to take me to another level, transition me into a promise and multiply something in my life miraculously. This has happened to me many times. This is not “numerology” that is not of God. However we serve a God who is all about being mathematic and strategic and speaking through numbers to His people – especially in His word. I believe at this time (11/11/18 as the date I am writing this )we can expect a great awakening and deliverance for the Body of Christ – since the number 18 can also means ‘bondage’  I believe that many are going to be “awakened” and loosed from the bondage that has been holding them back from achieving God’s plans and purposes for their lives – and many in your family who you have been praying for salvation shall come to Christ. I feel the shift today especially for ‘freedom’ and I feel many who have not been able to see clearly what God’s plan is for their lives will begin to see and be activated powerfully! whoo hooo!!

11:11 Means Awakening:

John 11:11 New International Version (NIV)
11 After he had said this, he went on to tell them, “Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep; but I am going there to wake him up.”

11:11 Means Transitioning into a New Promise:

Deuteronomy 11:11 New International Version (NIV)
11 But the land you are crossing the Jordan to take possession of is a land of mountains and valleys that drinks rain from heaven.

11:11 Means You Are Birthing a New Thing For God’s Purposes (heroes of faith) Believe the impossible!

Hebrews 11:11 King James Version (KJV)
11 Through faith also Sara herself received strength to conceive seed, and was delivered of a child when she was past age, because she judged him faithful who had promised.

11:11 Means It’s Timing For Your Family Members To Be Saved: 

Acts 11:11-18 King James Version (KJV)
11 And, behold, immediately there were three men already come unto the house where I was, sent from Caesarea unto me.

12 And the Spirit bade me go with them, nothing doubting. Moreover these six brethren accompanied me, and we entered into the man’s house:

13 And he shewed us how he had seen an angel in his house, which stood and said unto him, Send men to Joppa, and call for Simon, whose surname is Peter;

14 Who shall tell thee words, whereby thou and all thy house shall be saved.

15 And as I began to speak, the Holy Ghost fell on them, as on us at the beginning.

16 Then remembered I the word of the Lord, how that he said, John indeed baptized with water; but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost.

17 Forasmuch then as God gave them the like gift as he did unto us, who believed on the Lord Jesus Christ; what was I, that I could withstand God?

18 When they heard these things, they held their peace, and glorified God, saying, Then hath God also to the Gentiles granted repentance unto life.

Praise GOD!!!!! I am so excited to see what He is about to do!!  I LOVE how God Speaks to us through numbers! Pay attention to what numbers God is showing you and RECEIVE IT!! 

Love, Annamarie