Biblical Dream Meaning: Number 117 – You And Your Household

Biblical Dream Meaning: Number 117 – You And Your Household

A viewer asked for interpretation of the following dream on one of our Wednesday Q&A Live broadcasts:

Dream: I woke up to the number 117 being spoken loud.

Watch the short video below and read the biblical interpretation that follows to have a better understanding of what these numbers mean if you are seeing them or dreaming about them as well.


Biblical Interpretation: As soon as you wake up from a sleep, especially in the morning, and if you hear something in the spirit as soon as you wake up, write it down because that is a very, very prophetic time. When you awaken in the morning, it’s a time of deliverance, a time of breakthrough – breaking through to the dawn. 

117: Number one means the one true God, and 17 is the victory of the overcomer in Christ. So you’ve had incredible breakthroughs, especially this past year, and the Lord is saying, “I, the Lord, have done this. Look to Me, the Lord, the one true God, the Great I am.” The number 17 means victory of the overcomer. God is pleased with you. You have overcome in Christ. And it’s true; you’ve done that. So just thank God now for that prophetic confirmation, that He was always there and never forsook you, and you were able to overcome through Christ Jesus. 

I can also look up a deeper meaning of the number 17 for you in scriptures. For some reason, the Lord is speaking to my spirit, and He’s saying Hebrews 11:7. Let’s see what this is. Hebrews 11:7 is all about you and your household being saved because of your faith. Noah was one of the heroes of the faith. 

Today is the 19th of February. The number 19 means exploits of faith because in the Book of Hebrews, there are 19 heroes of the faith. Noah is one of those 19 heroes of the faith. 

The number 117, the Lord is leading me to scripture on that. He spoke in my spirit and said to send you to Hebrews 11:7 – “By faith Noah, being warned by God concerning events as yet unseen, in reverent fear constructed an ark for the saving of his household. By this he condemned the world and became an heir of the righteousness that comes by faith. (ESV) 

Because Noah was considered right with God because of his faith, therefore, because of Noah’s faith, he and his household were saved. Hebrews 11 emphasizes the importance of faith and encourages Christians to grow in their faith. 

This is a word of knowledge to you from the Lord. Because of your faith, you, your children, and your children’s children are all saved by your faith. Now, you might all say, “Well, what about the prodigals?” What about the ones you’ve been praying for in your family to come to the Lord? What does the scripture say? Because of YOUR faith in Jesus Christ, your entire household will be saved whether they have faith or not. So the Lord is saying to you, you’ve got to specify when you pray who is in your household – your children, your grandchildren, etc. 

Say, “Father God, according to Your Word in Hebrews 11:7, I thank You for that word that because of Noah’s faith, he and his household were saved. Because of my faith, me and my household are saved, according to your word, and this is my household – me; my spouse, _______; my children, _______; their children and their children’s children, _______. Even name your pets and your animals – my dog, _______; my cat, _______; my horse, _______; etc. 

We are in the ark of the covenant in Christ Jesus now. We are lifted up above the judgment. Yes, the world is going through judgment right now. Who’s getting judged? The wicked! It’s the wicked that are wiped off the face of the earth and the righteous that inherit the earth, according to Psalm 37. And those of us who are in the ark of the covenant with Jesus Christ are lifted up above the judgment – you and your household. 

So if you’ve been lamenting and crying out in the night and praying for your unsaved loved ones, I want you to grab a hold of this scripture right now and say, “Because of my faith in Jesus Christ, according to Hebrews 11:7, me and my household are saved. We are lifted up above the judgment, and this is my household (name them before God), _______.” God has to perform His word.

Do you know Noah’s sons weren’t as righteous as Noah, but they got saved because of Noah’s faith. They got added to the ark of the covenant because of Noah’s faith. They got lifted up above the judgment because of Noah’s faith. 

The fact that it was spoken to you out loud in the morning hours, this is an answer directly from the Holy Spirit on how you are to pray. He led me to Hebrews 11:7. I go by the leading of the Holy Spirit. So should you.  

Scripture Reference

Hebrews 11:7 NLT
“It was by faith that Noah built a large boat to save his family from the flood. He obeyed God, who warned him about things that had never happened before. By his faith Noah condemned the rest of the world, and he received the righteousness that comes by faith.” 

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