Author: Annamarie Strawhand

Annamarie Strawhand is a Christian life coach, prophetic mentor and minister to thousands of her followers and students as well as a speaker and author. Annamarie speaks and teaches from a position of bold faith in God, passion for His people, Holy Spirit inspired wisdom, and purpose. She is host of Faith Lane TV on YouTube, Facebook and Rumble. Tune in to her live broadcasts Monday Wednesday and Friday mornings! After 30 plus years as a coach for professional race car drivers, Annamarie was called by God to begin a ministry and coaching practice in 2017 that would focus on guiding and equipping God's people - to help them fully and victoriously activate their divine purpose. Now known as a "faith and victory" coach - Annamarie has a full coaching practice, mentoring programs, courses, books and digital media that is bringing in clients and students of all ages ready to launch into what God has called them to do. More programs are being developed, along with a full publishing company.
Prophecy Update: 2/10/25 Supernatural Gates and Borders, Bethel, Gaza, The Destiny Stone, Trump

Prophecy Update: 2/10/25 Supernatural Gates and Borders, Bethel, Gaza, The Destiny Stone, Trump

Following are the notes and posts of the prophetic updates, confirmations, and revelations that I posted on my Telegram channel this past week and talked about on my LIVE broadcast of Life in the Faith Lane this morning, February 10, 2025.

My team and I are continually finding these confirmations and updates, and I post them daily to my Telegram channel, so be sure you are following me there to keep up with what God is doing in these times!


  • AMERICA IS A TRIBE OF ISRAEL – ‘EPHRAIM’  The return of the tribes and Ephraim to Israel soil is prophesied in all the minor prophets!

Bethel “house of God” 12  (12 is the perfect government of God) 12 miles from Jerusalem “open heaven”  GATE”  “STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN” 

Bethel is on the west bank of Israel – occupied by Palestinians (the UN) soon to be back to Israel through President Trump!  The west bank area was given by GOD to the tribe of Ephraim. Grandsons of Jacob  Modern Day (America) and Manasseh (Scotland)

Land allotment

According to Joshua 13–19, the Land of Israel was divided by lots into twelve sections corresponding to the twelve tribes of Israel. (Ephraim and Manessah sons of Joseph included “13th tribe”)  There is a contractual/covenantal aspect of the division of the land according to the tribes.

Tribal Allotments of Israel


Abraham made a altar to God there when he pitched his tent in Bethel

[biblical reference]

Genesis 12:8 “And he removed from thence unto a mountain on the east of Bethel, and pitched his tent, having Bethel on the west, and Hai on the east: and there he builded an altar unto the Lord, and called upon the name of the Lord.” [Genesis 12 full Chapter]

Jacob returned there to rest and sleep on the stone for a pillow (now the “Destiny Stone”)

(There would have been cut stones there from what Abraham made as an altar and was already named the city of Luz – builders stones that were scattered outside of the city would be common)

Jacob had a DREAM of stairway to heaven while camped on a hill in Bethel (same place as Abraham his grandfather made an altar 

Gifts and blessings being brought by angels of the Lord for coming generations!

Jacob became “Israel” – anointed the stone/pillow “DESTINY STONE”

Jacob went on to Laban’s and married Leah and then Rachel, having 12 sons that were given the inheritance and two grandsons (Ephraim and Manasseh)

Jacob then returned to Bethel and to that same stone/pillow and made it a ‘memorial pillar’ and anointed it. This would have been a stone from the altar that Abraham made there – a cut piece of stone because it has a crack in it and not able to be a builders stone (the stone the builder’s rejected) 

Psalm 118:22 Give Thanks to the LORD, for He is Good

21I will give You thanks, for You have answered me, and You have become my salvation. 22The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone. 23This is from the LORD, and it is marvelous in our eyes…
Berean Standard Bible · Download

Cross References

Matthew 21:42
Jesus said to them, “Have you never read in the Scriptures: ‘The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone. This is from the Lord, and it is marvelous in our eyes’?

Fast forward to the time of Joshua taking the Promised land back…


Years later Joshua is sent to Bethel, stood on a hill with a ‘tip of a  spear’ facing AI – 

[biblical reference]

Bethel overlooks the city of AI – AI is visible to the eye just west of Bethel

Ai, ancient Canaanite town destroyed by the Israelites under their leader Joshua (Joshua 7–8). Biblical references agree in locating Ai (Hebrew: ha-ʿAy, “The Ruin”) just east of Bethel, Near and East of an Ambush Site

Prior to the battle, Joshua positioned his troops at an ambush site “not…very far from the fortress” (Jos 8:4).


Israel had the victory at BETHEL! Overtook the city of AI and got all the plunder (west bank)

Did Joshua and the Israelites also take the DESTINY STONE of Jacob with them from Bethel? I believe so! It was carried along with the plunder from AI, and the true destiny stone today in Scotland has metal handles fashioned on it!

JOSHUA AND THE BATTLE OF AI (prophetic word) Trump has been given the same strategy!

Prophetic Word – Full Metal Jacket – Full Military Assault – Trump and The Good Guys 12/4/2020
By Annamarie Strawhand | December 4, 2020

TRANSCRIPT FROM DEC 4th 2020 PROPHETIC WORD Powerful Words from the Holy Spirit to expect in America: “Full Metal Jacket – Full Military” “Joshua and the Battle of AI” Watch for the “Good Guys”  TRANSCRIPT: READ

Tip of the spear!  Taking the gates! 

Trump is the tip of the spear just like the Joshua of Moses!

WORD: I discern strongly that President Trump will stand in Bethel and Gaza and stand on the west bank – Taking the territory back for God and Israel 

Bethel is known for PROPHETS! 

Deborah judged and prophesied under an open heaven under a tree near Bethel 

Judges 4:5
“And she dwelt under the palm tree of Deborah between Ramah and Bethel in mount Ephraim: and the children of Israel came up to her for judgment.”

Samuel went to judge all of Israel from Bethel!

Samuel 7:15-17
“Samuel continued as Israel’s judge for the rest of his life. Each year he traveled around, setting up his court first at Bethel, then at Gilgal, and then at Mizpah. He judged the people of Israel at each of these places. Then he would return to his home at Ramah, and he would hear cases there, too.” 



There will be revival there for millions in the Gaza-Bethel that is being taken back by TRUMP (a descendant of Jacob/Judah) for the plans and purposes of God!

Gaza has an open heaven!  Bethel (west bank) has an open heaven!

Philip and the Angel – Time Travel – Gaza (Open Heaven)  Jesus set the boundary in Gaza! It is supernaturally set for EVANGELISM and Angelic Activity, Time Travel Gates!

Acts 8:26-40 MSG
Later God’s angel spoke to Philip: “At noon today I want you to walk over to that desolate road that goes from Jerusalem down to Gaza.” He got up and went. He met an Ethiopian eunuch coming down the road. The eunuch had been on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem and was returning to Ethiopia, where he was minister in charge of all the finances of Candace, queen of the Ethiopians. He was riding in a chariot and reading the prophet Isaiah. The Spirit told Philip, “Climb into the chariot.” Running up alongside, Philip heard the eunuch reading Isaiah and asked, “Do you understand what you’re reading?” He answered, “How can I without some help?” and invited Philip into the chariot with him. The passage he was reading was this: As a sheep led to slaughter, and quiet as a lamb being sheared, He was silent, saying nothing. He was mocked and put down, never got a fair trial. But who now can count his kin since he’s been taken from the earth? The eunuch said, “Tell me, who is the prophet talking about: himself or some other?” Philip grabbed his chance. Using this passage as his text, he preached Jesus to him. As they continued down the road, they came to a stream of water. The eunuch said, “Here’s water. Why can’t I be baptized?” He ordered the chariot to stop. They both went down to the water, and Philip baptized him on the spot. When they came up out of the water, the Spirit of God suddenly took Philip off, and that was the last the eunuch saw of him. But he didn’t mind. He had what he’d come for and went on down the road as happy as he could be. Philip showed up in Azotus and continued north, preaching the Message in all the villages along that route until he arrived at Caesarea.



Watch — BETHEL: Where Jacob Met God

Encyclopedia of The Bible – Bethel

Patterns of Evidence › Blog

Feb 9, 2019 — The most suitable locale for Beth-Aven is Beitin,4 a site often identified as Bethel. Khirbet el-Maqatir sits 1 mi (1.5 km) southeast of Beitin.

Bethel in the Bible (verses)  A PLACE OF THE PILLAR OF GOVERNMENT “GATE”

Gaza: A Supernatural Gate for Judgement and Evangelism and Encounters (Teleportation)

The Return of Ephraim (America to Israel)

Jacob’s Stone/Pillow becomes the Destiny Stone

Trump is of the Judah Bloodline – Biblical Right to Rule as a king

Trump Judah Bloodline Research:

The Red Hand of Zarah

Trump is More Jewish Than Netanyahu

More Research Links:

Trump and The Stone of Destiny – Stone of Scone – Jacob’s Pillar

Ephraim returns to Israel from a Hebrew Rabbi’s perspective:

Messianic Rabbi Curt Landry – Tribes of Israel Covenant – Land (tracing by lineage)

COVENANT of the Land (tracing by nation)

America Is Ephraim – a Tribe of Israel

Where is America in Bible Prophecy? The Number 13 and The Tribe of Ephraim
By Annamarie Strawhand

~ The Number “13” and the United States! We are lost Israel!

The incredible relationship between the 13th Tribe and the 13 Colonies that became America!

The Number “13” and the Identity of “Ephraim”! 

Is the United States of America mentioned directly in Bible Prophecy? Are we the descendants of the ancient tribe of Ephraim? The majority of investigators who have studied this question believe that the British people are Ephraim and that the United States is Manasseh, his brother. But what does the Biblical and historical evidence really tell us? Here is point-blank the most direct and indisputable evidence and salient PROOF that it is the United States who is really end-time Ephraim.
William F. Dankenbring

It is well known that the number “13” is the number of the United States of  America.  The United States began with 13 colonies.  The original U.S. flag had 13 stars,  representing the initial 13 states.  It also contained 13 stripes, 7 red and 6 white. The American seal also bears witness to the number 13 in its composition.

Over the breast of the eagle on the United States seal is a shield; the shield of  FAITH. It has thirteen stripes or bars, red and white, signifying the number 13; the  number of the original American colonies.

The number 13, of course, was the number of the tribes of ancient Israel, since  the tribe of Joseph became two tribes: Ephraim and Manasseh.  There were twelve tribes  of Israel, but Joseph had two sons and each of them became a tribe; hence, there were  thirteen tribes in all, with Ephraim, the youngest son, being number 13.

The U.S. shield contains 13 paleways or stripes which represent the 13 original colonies. The shield is not fastened to the eagle, but spread across in front of it, as if held there by the unseen Hand of God.

In the eagle’s beak there is a scroll, representing the proclamation of liberty and  freedom, and justice for all: the Constitution of the United States, based on the laws of God and the Torah which God gave to ancient Israel.

The motto “E Pluribus Unum” means “One from Many,” or “Out of many, One.” It represents UNITY; the FIFTY united States of America! This One nation combines the peoples and ethnic groups of many different nations and peoples from around the world: out of many, ONE. And if we remained faithful to the laws of God, this national UNITY would be preserved forever. But if we BREAK God’s laws, then the very unity we possess will become disunity and division – the “unity” will become a memory, a distant dream, forgotten in onrushing calamity and cataclysm.

America is a COMMONWEALTH of fifty states. At our national political conventions, members from each state rise to address the chair, saying, “Mr. Chairman, we the Commonwealth of Maine, or, The commonwealth of Massachusetts, etc., etc.  Notice further! In the eagle’s right claw is clutched an olive branch. This olive  branch has 13 leaves, and 13 olives.  There’s that number 13 again! In the Bible, the tribe of Joseph is compared in prophecy to a fruitful bough of an olive tree (Gen.49:22). In a parable in the book of Judges, we are told that the olive tree is supreme among trees. The first tree the other trees asked to reign over them was the olive tree (Judges 9:8). But the fruit of the olive honors God and man (v.9). It seeks not to reign but to bear fruit. It is a sacred tree, and a symbol of the Holy Spirit of God,
and of the Torah: the life-giving Law and Revelation of God. The olive branch is the greatest symbol also of Peace (Shalom). Since the olive tree is supreme among the trees (and the olive oil is symbolical of the powerful Holy Spirit of God), then the identification of the olive branch in the U.S. seal brands the United States as being the tribe of the Olive Branch; the leading tribe of Joseph!   Which tribe would that be?  Ephraim?  Or Manasseh?

The Bundle of Arrows

“Joseph is a fruitful bough, a fruitful bough by a spring; his branches run over the wall.  The archers fiercely attacked; they shot at him, and pressed him hard.  Yet his bow remained taut, and his arms were made agile by the hands of the mighty one of Jacob, by the name of the Shepherd, the Rock of Israel” (Gen.49:22-24).

Joseph: Ephraim and Manasseh; America and Britain, are famous therefore for their military prowess. Their bow is strong, they are powerful archers. The bow, today, is a symbol of AIR POWER. It was largely the U.S. and British air power that defeated the Axis during World War II; that devastated Saddam Hussein in the Gulf War; that wreaked havoc in Iraq during the Iraq War of “Shock and Awe.” The arrow is a symbol of war-making power and today’s guided missiles and attack from the air. The ancient Anglo-Saxons were excellent archers. Who hasn’t heard of Robin Hood and his merry men of Sherwood forest?

In the eagle’s left claw are 13 arrows. They symbolize national readiness and preparedness to fight and to safeguard the truth, the liberty, the freedoms which God has given us to enjoy. Thomas Jefferson, one of the founding fathers of America, said: “Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.” The arrows of the Almighty will protect His people so long as we obey Him; but woe unto us, if God Himself sends His arrows to punish us for our disobedience (Deut.32:23; Ezek.5:16).  The number 13 again is
connected with the United States of America!

On the Seal of the United States of America, there are also 13 letters in “E Pluribus Unum”.  Above the eagle’s head there are 13 stars.

Over the eagle’s head is a cloud or crest, a glorious scene of the Glory of God shining through and breaking up a cloud, shining upon 13 stars. The statute of endorsement stated, “A glory breaking through a cloud.” It was a pillar of fire and a cloud of the Presence of God that led ancient Israel out of Egypt (Exo.13:21-22; 14:24). The Divine Glory breaking through the cloud shows that it is the power and glory of God, shining upon Israel, that keeps her safe and makes her great, and gives her deliverance. So long as we acknowledge our God, and His Presence, and obey His Laws, our nations will be great. But if and when we forget God, then our punishment and doom is assured (Isaiah 1:1-21; Prov.1:22-32; Hosea 4:6-8).

The 13 stars in the cloud above the eagle represent two truths: 1) the number 13 reveals the 13 tribes of Israel, in total; and 2) the scene depicts 12 stars below (bowing down before) the highest star, the star of Joseph. This was in fulfillment of Joseph’s amazing dream, where he said, “Look I have had another dream:  the sun, the moon, and eleven stars were bowing down to me” (Gen.37:9; see also verses 10-11).

Observe more carefully the cloud which is above the head of the Eagle, with rays of the sun.  This cloud is reminiscent of the “pillar of cloud” that stayed over the Tabernacle, as the ancient Israelite’s journeyed through the wilderness for 40 years (Exo.13:21-22).  Says W. H. Bennett, in  “In the dry air of the Sinai wilderness and Western Arabia this cloud would be visible for many miles, and to a distant observer would indicate the presence of the Israel people. As such, the use of this cloud as an emblem today is an IMPORTANT MARK OF IDENTITY indicating that the nation which uses it is one of the Israel family of nations.  With this in mind let us note that this symbol holds an important place in the official heraldry of the United States, for there above the Eagle we see a circular cloud enclosing 13 Stars” (p.139, Symbols of Our Celto-Saxon Heritage, emphasis mine).

Bennett concludes, “Thus, by its official national emblem and by each item in it, the United States declares itself to be an Israel nation” (p.141).   Now look at the opposite side of the U.S. Seal.  Here again, on the obverse side of the U.S. Seal, there are 13 tiers of stone in the Great Pyramid! Why all this emphasis on the number 13?

Which Tribe Is “13th”?

Much ado has been made of the question, which tribe in ancient Israel really was the 13th tribe.  Bennett and British Israelites claim that “Manasseh” was the thirteenth tribe, and so they attempt to identify the United States with the tribe of Manasseh.  Bennett claims that since Joseph was the 11th tribe, followed by Benjamin, the 12th tribe, when Manasseh and Ephraim were born, Ephraim took the place of Joseph, becoming the 11th, and this left Manasseh with being the 13th tribe.

However, this is nothing but circular reasoning.  Rabbis point out that when Jacob thought that Joseph was dead, Benjamin became the eleventh tribe.  Then, later, when Jacob found that Joseph was still alive, and had two sons, he placed his name on them.  Manasseh therefore became the twelfth tribe, and Ephraim, the youngest son, became the thirteenth.  This seems very logical.  Since there were 12 tribes, but Joseph’s two sons took his place among the sons of Israel, this would move Benjamin up to the 11th tribe’s spot, and then Manasseh would be moved up to the 12th, and thus Ephraim, the youngest
of all the “sons of Israel”, would have logically and automatically become the 13th tribe!

“13” represents “fullness.”  What must be seen is that indeed the number 13, the number of the FULLNESS of Israel, is clearly associated with the United States.  That is beyond question!  The United States therefore represents the 13th tribe. Looking at it from a logical point of view, the 13th tribe would naturally be the YOUNGEST – THE LATEST to appear on the world scene.   In order of birth, Ephraim was the youngest son.

And likewise, the United States was the YOUNGEST NATION, of the nations of Israel, having been “born” much later than Great Britain.  English, Scottish, Welsh and Irish history traces far back into the mists of time, but the United States became a nation in 1783, at the Treaty of Paris, just a little over 200 years ago!

Interestingly, the very name Ephraim in Hebrew means “DOUBLE FRUIT” (see Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance).  This is a vital KEY to Ephraimís identity.  God names people what they are, or what they are to become! Ephraim, by the meaning of his very DOUBLY-FRUITFUL people, in every way imaginable!

The number 13 stands identified as the number of the United States of America.

Where is America in Bible Prophecy? The Number 13 and The Tribe of Ephraim
By Annamarie Strawhand

Prayer For Strength And Stamina

Prayer For Strength And Stamina

If you are in need of strength and stamina, hold out your hands and receive from the Lord as you pray this prayer.

Pray Out Loud

  • “Heavenly Father, Almighty God, Great I Am, I come to You boldly, straight to Your holy throne with my request. I ask, in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, for strength and stamina in my mind, body, soul, heart, and spirit. I invite Your Holy Spirit to come upon me and pour a fresh anointing upon me, and I receive, by faith, this fresh anointing. 

  • “For it is written in Your Word the anointing breaks the yoke, and I believe, by faith right now, that I have received a fresh anointing of the Holy Spirit upon my mind, my body, my soul, my heart, and my spirit. I feel the anointing pouring down me, upon my head, down my brow, down my cheeks, and onto my shoulders, and now the anointing breaks every yoke of bondage, overwhelm, heaviness, false responsibility, fear, weariness, sadness, and lies. Every yoke that is not of God has been broken off me now! (Shake it off!) 

  • “I feel the anointing refreshing me, and I receive the yoke of Jesus Christ. (Breathe) His yoke is easy and light and joyful. I have great strength and stamina in Christ Jesus. I am not alone. Jesus is yoked to me, and I am yoked to Him, and I can do all things through Christ and with Christ who strengthens me. Thank You, Jesus. Thank You, Father God. Thank You, Holy Spirit. 

  • “Father God, I have one more request. I ask, in Jesus Christ’s name, for angels of the Most High God to minister to me and strengthen me just like they did for Jesus Christ in the garden. I believe, by faith, they are here. I receive the ministering angels of the Lord. I am strengthened in soul and spirit. I prosper in health and in strength because my soul prospers. 

  • “I declare Isaiah 40 over my life. I will walk and not grow weary. I stay in faith and see all the good things you have for me ahead, Almighty God, and I will continue to ask, seek, and knock, in faith, and know my God is with me, helping me and raising me up to soar as on wings of an eagle. 

  • “Father God, You go ahead of me. You are beside me. You are my rear guard. You clear the path ahead of me. You make my crooked places straight. You accelerate me. I am not alone, and I am not doing this on my own strength but on Yours. I am refreshed. I am redeemed. I am restored. I go forward, and I shall see all that I am doing by faith to completion, easily and abundantly and gloriously. 

  • “I thank You, Father God, for Your faithfulness, Your anointing, and Your Son, Jesus Christ. I feel new. I feel strengthened. I feel refreshed. I feel lighter. I feel stronger, and I’m going forward powerfully, all for the kingdom and the glory of God. Amen and amen! Hallelujah! Woo hoooo!!”
Decree For Living In Answered Prayer

Decree For Living In Answered Prayer

I want you to decree and declare, “I live in the answered prayer!” The Lord gave me a word recently because He answered a major prayer for me and my family, especially with my daughter. I was just praising God for answering that prayer. The Lord spoke to my spirit, and He said, “Annamarie, live in the answered prayer every day.” Because as soon as we start to get anxious, our faith starts to waiver. 

Even if your prayer hasn’t been answered yet, believe it has! You see, faith moves God. “I live in the answered prayer!” That is a word for you today! If you had any anxiety, it’s gone because you live in the answered prayer.

Decree Out Loud

  • “I live in the answered prayer!” 

Keep going!
Take what you are believing God for right now, and add it into this declaration!


Do you want your prodigals home and back to Jesus?

  •  “I am living in the answered prayer. My prodigal is home and back to Jesus.”

Do you want your marriage restored?

  • “I am living in my restored marriage, and it’s even better than before. I am living in the answered prayer.”

Do you need healing in your body?

  • “I am living in the answered prayer. My body is fully healed!”

Do you need a new home, your mortgage paid off, or to be debt free? 

  • “Father God, thank you! I am living in the answered prayer. I am living in my new home. I am completely debt free.”