Asking God To Render Judgement Prayer

Asking God To Render Judgement Prayer

It’s the ungodly-unholy influences that are the “bad trees” bearing “bad fruit” that want to attack of the “good influences” and “good fruit” of the  Holy Spirit in your life, in your children, in your family and marriage, in your schools, communities and in your city and state. 

After you’ve been in the Courts of Heaven for your family and done land assignments in your city/state/region repenting for the sins and pouring the blood of Jesus in the land, there is no cause for a curse. It cannot operate anymore, because the sins have been repented and the Blood of  Jesus is now covering it all- but you have to stay vigilant. You have to be a watchman on the wall for everything in your life and over your community. You have to watch for those bad influences around your family and your community that are not bearing good fruit, and then ask God to render judgment according to His Word in Matthew Chapter 3 verse 10 to remove those bad influences quickly and replace them with good, Holy Spirit filled influences so that your city, your state, and your family and children can bear good fruit abundantly in their lives and in your community.  This can be also prayed over your local governments and school boards!

Scripture References

Matthew 3:10 (KJV)
“And now also the axe is laid unto the root of the trees: therefore every tree which bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.”

Pray Out Loud

  • “Father God, I’m asking you, in the Name of Your Son Jesus Christ and according to Your Word in Matthew 3:10  to go and judge the bad fruit in this situation _______.   Father God, Please take Your ax of judgment now and quickly and fully and chop at the root every evil influence at  _______. Chop out, root out, pull up at the roots, leaving neither root nor branch nor any of the bad seeds nor any of the bad fruit, not even a leaf! Root out their unholy, ungodly influence, and cast it into the fire. They will never have any influence over _______ ever again! Judge it, Lord, according to Your Word, in Jesus’ name!
  • “Father God, in its place, I ask you to plant and establish Holy Spirit-filled influences in those areas in _______. Let revival for Jesus Christ arise and be established. Raise up Your prophets, teachers, and evangelists in _______, in the name of Jesus Christ, I am in expectation of witnessing your Glory Father God in these situations, Amen!”   

More Prayer Resources

The Ax Of God’s Judgement Prayer- Prayer To Remove Ungodly Relationships

Prayer To Remove Un-Godly Relationships and Influences – Ax Of God’s Judgement Prayer

Removing Spiritual Foxes – Prayer For God To Release Hunter And Trapper Angels To “Hunt And Trap The Foxes.” 

How To Appear In The Courts Of Heaven – Remove Generational Curses

Prayers For Schools & Education System – Courts Of Heaven – Repentance And Land Assignment

US Judicial System Prayer Assignment – Repentance In The Courts Of Heaven

Prayers For Post Office

Land Prayer Assignments Guide And Index

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