Decree of Generational Blessings

Decree of Generational Blessings

  • “Father God, I dedicate my family line to You. I thank You that You promised righteousness for my children and my children’s children. I stand upon Your promises, and I bless You, O Lord, O God, King of the Universe from whom ALL blessings now flow to my entire bloodline. 

  • “I thank You, Father God, for blessing my family, my marriage, my children, and their children’s children. I claim a righteous heritage over my family line from this point on. I ask You, Father God, for Your prosperous plans for my family and household. I ask for Your wisdom and understanding of Your Holy Spirit for every one of my family members. Holy Spirit, lead, guide, protect, and bless us into obedience to Your will and Your desires for my family. 

  • “I receive my generational bloodline blessings, Father God, that You have for me! My house and family are filled with blessings and daily praise reports! We have abundance, love, peace, joy, and rest! I love You, Jesus Christ, and I acknowledge You first and foremost. You are Lord of my family forever, in Jesus Christ’s name. So Be it. Amen.”
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